I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 431 Breaking The Situation

Chapter 431 Breaking the situation

The sword energy is flying.

An insect on a blade of grass was cut into several segments as soon as it took off.

Silver Moon True Monarch and Baili Xianling rushed down the mountain like fierce tigers, and then they were greeted by several sharp sword energy.

Silver Moon True Monarch trembled at the corner of his mouth, quickly retreated and at the same time formed a defensive shield.

Just like that, the sword energy still passed by.

She almost got scratched.

He hurriedly said loudly:

"Chen Ping, stop fighting. It's me, Yin Yue. When I first met you in Zhuimochang, I...you were almost attacked by a bird disguised as a sparrow. Do you remember?"

Chen Ping:? ? ?

How can you say the opposite?

"Senior Yinyue? Xianling? It's really you."

Chen Ping quickly put away the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword. Just now, while the Skeleton Demon Cavalry had exhausted its demonic energy and was careless, he launched the last three moves of Breeze Nine Swords, which he had not seen for a long time, and successfully defeated the Skeleton Demon Cavalry. Suddenly Seeing someone pretending to be Silver Moon and running towards him, how could Breeze Nine Swords be able to hold it back?

I didn’t expect it to be Silver Moon.

At this time, Bai Linye and Xuanyuan Xuance had also arrived.

"Where have these years of Fellow Daoist gone? Why do you suddenly appear here?" Yinyue asked.

Chen Ping put away the long sword:

"I accidentally entered a space crack and was trapped inside. I just came out. By the way, has Senior Yin Yue seen my master?"

Speaking of space cracks, Chen Ping thought of his warm-hearted master Xiyue.

"Master You?"


Yinyue looked confused: "Could it be that your master also entered the ink chasing field? I have never seen it before."

Chen Ping:? ? ?

"Fellow Daoist Chen has seen Fairy Xiyue?"

"No, I was just asking casually." Chen Ping was a little disappointed.

At the same time, I am also a little confused. Has Xiyue already walked out of Zhumo Field? But why is it so quiet?

No one knows?

Could it be that he came out of the Moyang boundary wall? And it is not convenient for Moyang Boundary Wall to be revealed to everyone, so it has to be like this?

I think this is the reason.

"By the way, why are Senior Yinyue and the others here?" Chen Ping couldn't talk more about Xiyue, so he could only change the topic.

"Brother Chen, don't, don't move around, be careful to step on the silver feather spearhead. Xuance, let's quickly collect these spearhead bones, they are very precious." Bailiye on the side quickly stopped Chen Ping from moving. That small step.

Is the silver feather gun tip useful?

Isn't this just a pile of bones?

Chen Ping looked at a few people in confusion.

"It's a long story. I'll talk about it while walking after collecting these gun heads." Yinyue said calmly.

She said she was talking while walking, but she was too lazy to speak and left the job of introduction to Bai Liye.

turn out to be.

After the evil spirit of the White Mist Forest declined and the illusion disappeared, they quickly chose to cross the White Mist Forest and then headed north.

Unexpectedly, before reaching their destination, another natural chasm lay in front of them.

This natural chasm is as despairing as a forest of white mist.

After several years of exploration, they discovered that the spear heads of these skeleton demon knights were the key to crossing this natural chasm.

They have killed many skeleton demon knights over the years.

However, as the killing continued, the resources in their hands became less and less, and it became more and more difficult to kill the Skeleton Demon Rider. At the same time, the probability of the Skeleton Demon Rider appearing became lower and lower.

These skeleton demon knights appeared out of thin air.

There are no rules.

A few days ago, one of their disciples discovered that a skeleton demon knight appeared in this valley. After getting the news, they hurried over and happened to see Chen Ping.

"I just saw Brother Chen fighting against the Skeleton Demon Cavalry just now, but Brother Chen was in disguise. Now people are unpredictable, and we didn't dare to go forward easily, so I was delayed. I'm really sorry." Bai Linye apologized.

"It doesn't matter. If it were me, I wouldn't dare to step forward and help a stranger." Chen Ping didn't really care. He could understand this choice.

Bai Linye smiled and said:

"I just saw that Brother Chen has been using talismans. Where did you get so many Rank One talismans?"

Chen Ping felt confused.

Looking at Baili Ye with puzzled eyes:

"I'm a talisman master. Isn't it normal to have some talismans?"

As soon as these words came out, several people's footsteps subconsciously stopped.

Is that called a little bit?

Is it normal?

You are a Gold Core Talisman Master, is it normal to keep so many Rank One Talismans?

"Don't you all have talismans?" Chen Ping was surprised to see several people with stiff faces.

When no one spoke, Chen Ping was stunned:

"I know that high-level monks may not necessarily wear low-level talismans, but no one draws talismans?"

It’s been more than ten years.

Is there no talisman master among so many people?

Don’t know how to draw something yourself?

Baili Ye smiled bitterly and said:

"Most of the monks who come here have Gold Core cultivation. How many Gold Core Perfected Beings are there who can draw talismans by themselves? By the time I really need to do it myself, I don't have any tools. And I want to make tools , how can it be so easy."

Chen Ping can understand this.

Gold Core Perfected Being was more or less a character in the original sect.

This kind of character is more inclined to cultivate his own money-making forces, just like the spiritual plant team and talisman team cultivated by Chen Ping.

Very few people actually take the time to draw symbols themselves.

Too time consuming.

This time is not worth using for cultivation.

As for the production tools, it is even more complicated.

Talisman skin is the simplest, but even this simplest link still involves cutting the skin and soaking in potion, and the required potion involves simple alchemy and medicine refining skills, and requires finding a variety of medicinal materials.

Not to mention the need to make a decent Talisman Pen, at least the lowest Rank One Low Grade Law Weapon, which also involves weapon refining.

Once the talisman skins and talisman pens are available, the talisman ink is also a troublesome matter. Not to mention that the preparation requires skills, the raw materials that need to be added to the talisman ink are not so easy to collect.

The whole process is one step after another.

Therefore, Chen Ping always carries the entire set of tools with him.

Chen Ping nodded:

"I still have some talismans. I don't have much left. I'll give them to you. You can use them for self-defense."

He took a few stacks of Rank One talismans and distributed them to the four of them.

There are sword-avoiding talismans, light-body talismans, body protection talismans, good-luck talismans, evil-repelling talismans, evil-suppressing talismans, and wind-controlling talismans.

These talismans are nothing to him. He can output a lot in just a few nights.

Several people looked at the small stack of talismans in their hands and took a deep breath with complicated expressions.

…You call this ‘not much left’?

"What's wrong?" Chen Ping glanced at several people.

"No, it's nothing. Thank you, Brother Chen." Bai Linye and Xuanyuan Xuance quickly thanked him, and at the same time took out some of their belongings and handed them to Chen Ping as a thank you gift.

"Xianling, aren't you going to give it?" Bailinye scolded her sister when she saw that she only received benefits and did not give anything in return.

"I, I have nothing to give to Brother Chen." Baili Xianling hesitated.

Yinyue glanced at Baili Xianling.

Chen Ping saw that Baili Ye wanted to lecture him, so he quickly said:

"It's just a few talismans, no need to give them, no need to give them. I have also received a lot of favors from the Qingluan Dynasty, and it's not too late to thank you."

"Don't tell me that I gave you the talisman."

He originally thought that some low-level talismans were nothing.

But now it seems that things are rare and valuable, and it is possible to exchange these low-level talismans, which were originally nothing, for Law Weapons and precious elixirs in other people's hands.

If someone really knew about the crime of possessing a jade, there would be equal risks.

"The silver feather spearhead you just mentioned will help us get out of the ink chasing field. What does this mean?" Chen Ping continued to ask.

When he first arrived at the northern area of ​​Zhumo Field, he still had many questions.

Bai Linye continued to play the role of science popularizer.

"Similar to the White Mist Forest, there is a river here in the north. It also runs east-west and divides the Zhu Mo Field into two. If you want to enter the passage out of the Zhu Mo Field, that river is the only place you must pass."

"This river is special. The entire river is very weird. It seems that the entire river is an attack and killing formation. Once you enter the river, or want to fly across the river, you will be attacked indiscriminately. In the past ten years, monks have been trying, Without exception, they were buried in the river, and their bodies were left intact."

Over the past ten years, many monks have arrived here one after another.

Everyone huddled together to keep warm and established the "North Camp" on the bank of the river.

At most, there were hundreds of people. In recent years, there have been monks who wanted to fly across the river and return home. In addition, some monks encountered misfortune when they went out, or left the large army for other reasons. Today only a few dozen people remain.

Even these dozens of people now have differences on the plan to cross the river, and some teams are planning to leave and find another way.

"But over the years, we have also discovered some tricks. As long as we take these silver feather spear heads back and make them into long spears, when the formation above the river is activated, we can aim at a certain point and throw the spears, and it is possible to make the river flow. A virtual bridge is formed. And this virtual bridge is safe enough. Through this virtual bridge, it is possible to walk to the other side." Bai Liye continued.

"Is it that simple?" Chen Ping instinctively felt that there might be hidden conditions.


Baili Ye smiled helplessly and continued:

"This is not simple at all, so no one has been able to do it in the past ten years. When I get to the camp, I will personally demonstrate it to Brother Chen and I will know."

Chen Ping nodded.

Several people continued to walk and chat.

Of course, the main chat was between Chen Ping and Baili Ye and Xuanyuan Xuance. Baili Xianling followed obediently beside him, mainly listening and not saying much.

As the mother of a country, Yinyue intentionally or unintentionally maintains the majesty and alienation of her elders in front of everyone, so naturally she doesn't speak much.

Several days later, several people returned to North Camp.

The North Camp is built along the river, backed by an arc-shaped cliff.

There are not many people here now, only dozens of people. Some monks have left the team and gone to other places to find other ways to leave.

In the camp, some monks built simple huts, while others dug into the walls to live.

"Brother Baili, have you met the head of Wei Xun?" Chen Ping asked.

Bai Liye shook his head and said:

"No, I have never met Master Wei."

"In fact, the largest number of monks here were only over a hundred years ago. There were far more than that number of monks who participated in the battle in the Rising Sun Realm Wall. The Queen Mother guessed that only a small number of them fell in here. We and others were obviously The unlucky part." Bai Linye smiled bitterly.

Chen Ping raised his eyebrows but said nothing.

He is more open to this now.

Fortune and misfortune depend on each other, nothing is absolutely lucky. If you didn't fall here when you stormed the Demonic Source Mountain Range on the Rising Sun Realm Wall, it would have meant that you had to fight to the death with the team to capture the Demonic Source Mountain Range.

How is it not dangerous when Demon Race fights to the death?

"Come on, Brother Chen, I'll take you to see what's going on in the river." Bai Linye said after introducing the camp.

He turned around and found that his sister was still following behind. He was stunned for a moment and scolded:

"What are you doing with us? Go back and practice by yourself."

I've never found this girl to be so clingy before.

"Oh." Baili Xianling responded aggrievedly, then turned around and went to a stone-walled Cave Mansion.

Chen Ping's first impression of the river was that it was very wide.

Transcendent Level is wide.

It is estimated to be more than a hundred feet, which is obviously much wider than the river on the other side of the White Mist Forest.

The second feeling is deep.


He is now at the peak of Qi Refining, and with the bonus of Gold Core's physique and Body Refining, his perception is pretty good. But when he stared at the river, he found that he could not see the depth of the water.

This is completely different from the river on the other side of the White Mist Forest. The river was very shallow and clear, and the pebbles on the river bed were clearly visible.

According to Bailiye's introduction, the river itself seems to be an ancient formation, but it doesn't look like it.

As long as any foreign object enters the sky above the river, it will be smashed to pieces in an instant.

"Brother Chen, keep an eye on it."

Bailiye grabbed a stone and threw it gently.

Before the rocks reached the center of the river, they fell apart instantly, and you couldn't even see how they fell apart.

at the same time.

A halo of light flashed over the river.

"Did you see that halo?" Bai Linye pointed at the disappeared halo and said:

"Do you see some sparse mottled spots on that halo? Just throw the silver feather spear over and hit the spots, and a virtual bridge will appear over the river."

"Those spots are divided into three, six or nine grades. The red spots are the easiest to throw, but the virtual bridge they form is fleeting and is not enough for us to pass through the river. Some monks have tried it, but after running with all their strength, they still can only After running a certain distance, he was strangled because the virtual bridge disappeared."

"Currently, the red, orange, and yellow spots have all been hit by monks, but the virtual bridge they formed is not enough for us to pass. The queen guessed that only one purple spot in the entire halo can allow me to pass. Wait until you successfully pass the virtual bridge."

Chen Ping fell into thinking.

How is this like a target shooting game?

To be precise, it is like a training ground specially set up for disciples to practice certain spells or skills.

Chen Ping couldn't help but think of the murals he saw in the Heart of Spiritual Vein Cave. One of the murals was about the throwing technique.

Isn't this throwing technique the simplest spell or skill?

Could it be that Master Xiyue had a deeper meaning in leading me into that cave?

Don't you just want to give me that spiritual heart?

"Silver Moon True Monarch said that as long as the silver feather spear throws the purple spot, it can pass through the river?" Chen Ping asked in return.

Bai Linye nodded:

"The Queen Mother is just guessing, but at present, this possibility is very high."

He smiled bitterly:

“Even though it’s just a throwing process, it’s not easy.”

"The light curtain is moving, and the time it appears is too short. In many cases, it disappears before even reacting."

"The most disgusting thing is that in the distance from here to the light curtain, there are countless dark waves that will affect the trajectory of the Silver Feather Spear. You are clearly aiming at a certain point, but the dark waves will make your spear deviate. This is It’s a bit similar to a sword-avoiding talisman.”

"That's not all. The purple spot is only the size of a needle's eye, and it is not stationary, but moving within the light curtain. And the light curtain itself is also moving."

"Think about it, how difficult is it?" Bai Linye helplessly spread his hands.

"It's really not easy." Chen Ping nodded.

There are too many influencing factors.

In this process, there are extremely stringent requirements for strength, angle, speed, shot timing, dark wave calculation, etc.


Qi Refining monks lack spiritual awareness and rely entirely on perception to perceive dark patterns, which will reduce their effectiveness. In fact, in the Qi Refining realm, the use of spiritual power is generally not very refined.

This will make it further difficult to achieve this skill.

It seems like just a throwing process, but it is actually ten thousand times more difficult than throwing without interference.

"Brother Baili, do you have a silver feather spear?" Chen Ping looked at the river.

"Yes." Bai Linye took out a long gun from his storage bag.

It is said to be a silver feather spear, but in fact it does not have a 'feather', which is different from the spear of the Skeleton Demon Cavalry.

In fact, he first made a wooden spear by himself, and then ground the white bones of the silver feather spearhead of the Skeleton Demon Rider into powder to make bone ink, which was drawn on the wooden spear under the guidance of spiritual power.

Turns a wooden spear into a pseudo-Law Weapon.

This process is somewhat like refining weapons.

There are several weapon refiners among these monks.

Among them, Yinyue is the master of weapon refining.

After being blessed with bone powder on the spear head, the silver feather spear can be thrown to the light screen without being turned into powder.

Of course, even if the bone powder is injected, the object can only reach the light curtain. No matter how far it is, it will still be crushed. Therefore, it is not feasible to spread the bone powder all over the body and fly over. These monks have already tried this.

Not only tried this one.

The monks have been busy over the years and have tried various methods.

Including getting into the water and diving over, turning on the Law Weapon protective shield and rushing over, tying the flying Demonic Beast to fly over, etc.

All are informed by failure.

Chen Ping picked up the silver feather spear given by Bai Linye, weighed it, then picked up a stone and threw it out.

The moment the light screen appeared, they aimed at a blue spot, recalled the mural in the Heart of Spirit Cave, and threw the silver feather spear according to their posture.

A ‘whoosh’ sound.

The silver feather spear missed the light curtain by several feet and flew out.

"Ahem, that's good. It's the first time I've had an encounter with the light curtain." Bai Linye joked.

Chen Ping:.

But Chen Ping didn't care at all.

Because he 'saw' a new line of text 'Throwing: 1/1000' appeared on the panel.

"Give me another Silver Feather Spear to try."

'call out'.

‘Throwing: 2/1000’.

Isn't this simple?

Throws increase a little at a time.

It only takes a few days to fill it up.

But think about it, throwing is the most basic skill, just like the anatomy he practiced back then. The anatomy he practiced back then was from beginner to 'expert' level in just three days.

This throwing technique is similar, but with the addition of a technique for using spiritual power.

Chen Ping raised his head and glanced across the river.

There is a high mountain there. It is said that as long as you reach there and climb the mountain, you can get out of the ink chasing field, and this river will be the last barrier.

But the mountain is here, and people can see it every day, but they can't get it, so they can only stare.

This is despairing.

But for Chen Ping at this moment, he has already seen a bright road.

There is only one thing to do now, and that is——

——Persuading Yinyue to work for him.

(End of chapter)

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