I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 433 What Does Qi Refining Realm Silver Moon Do To Me, Nascent Soul Silver Moon?

Time flies.

The speed at which Silver Moon makes the spear is far less than the speed at which Chen Ping throws it.

Chen Ping could only use the remaining time to draw symbols in his temporary residence.

In addition to making the Silver Feather Spear himself, Yin Yue also secretly arranged the task of collecting the bones of the spear head.

Those Monster Race disciples found the target monk one by one and exchanged the Rank One talisman for the spear-head bones in their hands.

The Rank One talisman, which no one outside Zhumo Field values, is very popular here, and many monks are willing to exchange it for it.

After all, the Skeleton Demon Cavalry can still be killed, but if Fu Lu passes through this village, there will probably be no such shop.

In addition, some Monster Race disciples were sent out to find the skeleton demon knights and use Chen Ping's method to defraud the gun skull bones.

This is all done in secret.

Apart from the Baili Ye brothers and sisters, only Yinyue and Chen Ping know the truth.

As for Chen Ping, with continuous practice, his throwing skills are improving day by day.

He slowly understood the laws of the influence of those dark waves.

It is realized that the purple spots seem to move irregularly, but in fact there is a certain correlation and regularity with the movement of the light curtain itself.

I know how to control the strength, the amount and speed of spiritual power transmission, the throwing angle, the throwing route, etc.

A few days later, he was able to successfully hit spots of four colors: red, orange, yellow, and green.

As the color increased, he found that the virtual bridge was getting thicker and thicker, and it lasted longer and longer, but he evaluated it and found that it was still not strong enough to support a monk walking across it.

"call out."

A silver-feathered spear roared out and accurately hit a green spot in the light curtain.

The second time, keep hitting.

the third time.

The sixth time, still hit.

Six times the success rate is 100%.

"Brother Chen, Xianling knows that you can do it. Other monks can only barely hit the yellow spots." Baili Xianling stood beside Chen Ping with a look of admiration.

Chen Ping comes here frequently these days, and it is easy to attract others' attention, so he discussed it with Bai Linye, and he practiced throwing skills here in Bai Linye's appearance. Bai Linye said that he would practice in seclusion after returning and not worry about Demon Race comes to the door.

So at this moment, Chen Ping and Baili Xianling stand together, and to outsiders, they are a real brother and sister.

Chen Ping thought of what Yinyue said, and ignored the delighted Baili Xianling, and just said:

"You go and sit in the back first, and I'll practice for a while."

Baili Xianling looked into the distance:

"Brother Chen, stop practicing. Xuanyuan Xuance is here and it's getting late. Let's go back."

Following Baili Xianling's gaze, Chen Ping looked into the distance and saw Xuanyuan Xuance walking this way.

Recently, Yinyue's people have purchased a large number of gun-headed bones, and some rumors have leaked out, so Yinyue has stepped up patrols.

Xuanyuan Xuance is the person in charge of the patrol.

Of course, Xuanyuan Xuance didn't know about Chen Ping.

"Your Highness, little princess, it's time to go back. It's not safe to be late." Xuanyuan Xuance walked over slowly.

"Okay." Chen Ping smiled.

On the way back to the three of them, Xuanyuan Xuance reported on the recent hunting of the Skeleton Demon Cavalry.

We also talked about some things about the camp.

A monk from Zhongdao left the North Camp with about twenty monks, saying that he was going to find other ways to break the situation and did not want to sit here and wait for death.

"That person has always been unconvinced by his mother." Baili Xianling pouted.

Xuanyuan Xuance nodded:

"Yes. He said he was looking for other ways to break the situation, but in fact this person does not accept the Queen's prestige among the monks and has long complained about it."

"A monk from the great sect of Zhongdao."

"It's normal to be a little arrogant."

Everyone here is a monk in the Qi Refining realm, but Silver Moon has the influence of status bonus to some extent. In addition, she is the mother of a country, and the monks in the entire Donghai District look up to her.

Therefore, she has the greatest influence among the monks.

But it does not include those monks from Zhongdao's major sects.

Zhongdao itself is the center of Xizhou, and these monks somewhat look down upon the monks who come from remote places like Xihuang, Donghai, and Nanmarsh.

In the eyes of monk Nakajima, other places are countryside.

"People are unpredictable. The longer we are trapped here, the more chaotic it will be in the future. Hey, I didn't expect that after a demon-slaying operation, I have been trapped here for more than ten years, and I still can't see any way to solve it." Xuanyuan Xuance shook his head.

Chen Ping didn't say anything, but Baili Xianling said confidently:

"Don't worry, Chen. Xian Ling said that my brother will find a way to solve it."

Xuanyuan Xuance was stunned for a moment, looked at Baili Xianling, then at Chen Ping, and said with some embarrassment:

"That's right, Your Highness has always been my favorite when waiting for Monster Race."

Chen Ping:.

Your flattery is somewhat perfunctory.

Chen Ping observed two seconds of silence for Baili Ye.

Baili Xianling didn't know what she thought of. Her eyes lit up and she looked at Chen Ping. She shrank her neck and said weakly:

"Brother, you haven't carried Xianling on your back for many years. The last time you carried Xianling, she was still a five or six-year-old child. Xianling wants me to carry her again."

Chen Ping suddenly turned his head and met Baili Xianling's pitiful eyes. Her mouth was slightly flat, looking aggrieved.

Chen Ping:.

He knew that the depths of those pitiful eyes were full of mischief.

"Brother" Baili Xianling felt aggrieved.

Chen Ping:.

Xuanyuan Xuance looked over, a little confused, and felt that something was wrong with the little princess, but when he met Baili Xianling's eyes asking for help, he cleared his throat:

"Ahem, my subordinates say that His Highness is indeed too strict with the little princess."

Chen Ping rolled his eyes at Baili Xianling.

Seeing that Chen Ping was silent, Baili Xianling walked around behind Chen Ping with light steps and lay on Chen Ping's back.

Chen Ping sighed inwardly, thinking that this was just an opportunity.

He didn't refuse, he just squatted down and really carried her on his back.

"Your Highness, Princess, please go ahead and take a look. Now people are in panic, maybe there is an ambush." ​​Xuanyuan Xuance said goodbye knowingly and ran to the front.

Chen Ping, carrying the fluttering Baili Xianling, walked slowly along the river.

He felt Baili Xianling lie on his back with his whole body, two delicate and white arms around his neck, and Orchid's breath breathed into his ears.

"Brother Chen!"


"Brother Chen, I want to kiss you."


Chen Ping paused, thinking for a moment that he heard wrongly, and wanted to put Baili Xianling down, but the two arms did not let go of his neck.

"What did you say?"

"I want to kiss!"

Chen Ping:? ? ?

Chen Ping confirmed this time that he heard correctly.

The corner of his mouth twitched for a moment.

"Who taught you to express yourself like this?" Chen Ping asked fiercely.

Are all Monster Races so brave?

This Baili Xianling usually looks well-behaved, but at critical moments she turns out to be so straightforward.

"But Xianling just wants to kiss Brother Chen." Baili Xianling didn't give in.

"Come down." Chen Ping took a breath.

"Not coming down."

Two warm arms hugged her tighter.

Chen Ping:.

"Xianling, you are still too young. Your brother Chen likes older ones."

"But Xianling is not young anymore, she is almost a hundred years old." Baili Xianling's body was hot and her tone was dissatisfied.

"I'm not talking about age."

Baili Xianling:? ? ?

The air became silent for a moment.

Brother Chen really likes big ones.


Chen Ping carried her for a distance and felt that what he just said was a bit too much. He paused and continued:

"This time, I was originally guarding the sect in Xihuang and did not come to kill the demons. Do you know why I suddenly appeared here?"

There was no sound behind him, obviously still angry.

Chen Ping continued:

"Brother Chen, I met a Demon Race Nascent Soul in the Western Wilderness. I was attacked by him and ended up being cursed by the Nascent Soul. The orifices and tendons were eroded by toxins."

"So, are you okay now?" Before Chen Ping could finish speaking, Baili Xianling's voice sounded in Chen Ping's ears.

Chen Ping continued:

"Just hear me out."

"I originally had the important responsibility of guarding the sect, but because I was poisoned and cursed, I had to venture into the Rising Sun Realm Wall to find Master to detoxify. But after Master looked at it, he came to a worse conclusion."

"The poison in me is called Ice Muscle True Holy Poison, and the curse is the same. It is one with the poison. This poison makes me unable to have feelings for men and women, let alone do things between men and women. And in my current state, there is no way untie."

As soon as these words came out, the hot body behind him trembled.

"Move, what will happen if the love between a man and a woman is disturbed?" Baili Xianling's voice no longer had the stubbornness before and became softer.

"Knowing one's mind is like a knife twisting one's mind, and ten thousand ants are obsessed with one's heart. In severe cases, all the tendons and veins will be severed, and the path to immortality will be lost forever."

As soon as he finished speaking, the two white arms that were originally wrapped around his neck and refused to let go suddenly loosened.

The delicate body on the back jumped down decisively.

"Brother Chen, yes, I'm sorry." Baili Xianling's face was full of guilt.

"It's okay, I didn't want to say it originally." Chen Ping lamented.

He felt a little ashamed. Baili Xianling was simple and easy to deceive, and he took advantage of this.

She shouldn't have been lied to.

But he had to do it, and he had no better way.

"Will this poison affect Brother Chen's practice?"

"No, as long as there is no love between men and women, it won't have any impact."

Baili Xianling breathed a sigh of relief and asked again:

"Then, then, you can't move all the time? Is there no solution?"

"Yes, it is not difficult. Master said that if I can successfully survive the heavenly tribulation one day, attain Ascension, and transcend the human world, I will naturally no longer suffer from the curse of this world, and the curse will naturally disappear. It’s lifted. Of course, if someone from Ascension can help me, I can detoxify it in advance.”

Chen Ping rubbed Baili Xianling's head, smiled and said:

"Xianling, I heard that your mother said that you have a good talent. Brother Chen is waiting for you to help me detoxify after you gain Ascension."

Baili Xianling looked at Chen Ping:

"Why does Xianling feel like Brother Chen is lying?"

Chen Ping:.

"Why are you lying to me? When you return to Xizhou, you can just ask my master. No, you don't have to go all the way to ask my master. My master has a good relationship with your mother, and your mother also knows that you Go back and ask her to know if I lied."

Baili Xianling looked at Chen Ping and felt that Chen Ping didn't lie.

Just go back and ask your mother.

She stopped talking and walked silently with her head lowered.

I feel a little down, for myself and for Chen Ping.

But as she walked, she suddenly felt that it wasn't that bad.

At least it won't have any impact on Brother Chen's practice.

It's just that I can't be emotional.

In this way, Brother Chen can focus on being a monk, and maybe his cultivation will progress faster.

As long as the day of Ascension arrives, everything will be solved.

She said seriously: "Brother Chen, Xianling believes that you will wait until the day of Ascension. You must restrain yourself and stop trying to fool around."

Chen Ping:.

"Also, Xian Ling will also work hard. Xian Ling will also work hard to improve his cultivation and find ways to detoxify Brother Chen." Baili Xian Ling said.

What a wonderful sister.

Know how to be considerate.

A temporary Cave Mansion.

Yin Yue threw a silver feather spear to the ground, furious.

Making the Silver Feather Spear requires weapon refining skills, but weapon refining can only be mastered by monks at the Foundation Building level and above, and is difficult for monks at the Qi Refining level.

Yinyue is an excellent weapon refiner, and making the Silver Feather Spear is not exactly the same as refining it. It only requires the use of Qi Refining, which allows her to ensure the smooth refining of the Silver Feather Spear.

But Chen Ping wants too much.

In order to ensure that every gun-head bone powder could be transformed into 6 wooden silver-feather spears, she was meticulous and highly concentrated for a long time, not daring to have any trouble.

After working hard day and night, my body and mind are exhausted.

‘I am the majestic mother of a country, but now I stay in this dark Cave Mansion, refining weapons day and night? ’

‘What kind of person am I? How elegant has the weapon refining been in these years? Now he is being driven by Chen Ping like a cow or a horse, and has become his coolie? ’

‘It’s a joke, I am the mother of a country. ’

‘Even the Demon King didn’t dare to say anything to me back then, just because of Chen Ping? ’

‘Who is Chen Ping? He is only at the mid-term Gold Core level, is he qualified to control this palace? Are you worthy enough to drive me to work day and night for him? ’

‘Bah, I quit. ’

Silver Moon is extremely angry.

Outside Cave Mansion.

Chen Ping and Baili Xianling returned.

After Baili Xianling thought about it all the way, she was in a good mood now.

She finally figured it out. Chen Ping's poisoning did not affect his practice or his lifespan. He just couldn't do things between men and women, which was nothing.

Anyway, after she returns to Donghai District this time, she will probably rarely see Chen Ping.

From this perspective, this is actually beneficial to her.

Although this was not a good thing for Chen Ping, she felt a little happy in her heart.

This put her in a good mood.

"Mother, we are back." She pushed open the door of the temporary Cave Mansion and walked in.

Inside the Cave Mansion.

Yin Yue threw the prepared Yin Feather spears all over the Cave Mansion, but she still felt that it was not enough.

I haven't vented my unhappiness yet.

Hearing Baili Xianling's voice at this moment, I thought to myself - 'Okay, okay, Chen Ping is finally back, let's see if I don't kill him. ’

‘You are not a human being if you don’t resist. ’

At this time, Chen Ping and Baili Xianling were seen coming in. She had a dark face and was about to get angry: "Chen..."

But before she could say anything, she heard Baili Xianling's next words excitedly:

"Mother, I have some good news for you. Brother Chen has been able to hit green spots, and he hit all six shots in a row."

Silver Moon:? ? ?

She paused.

An angry word stuck in his throat.

Previously, only monks had hit yellow spots, and only one monk had hit green spots, and it was a lucky hit, just once, and it never happened again.

Chen Ping hit all six?

This is obviously not a lie.

If this continues, maybe we can actually hit the purple spot.

"Senior Yinyue, did you have something to say just now?" Chen Ping looked at Yinyue and felt that she wanted to speak.

"Ah?" Yinyue smiled:

"It's nothing. I'm saying that Fellow Daoist Chen has been practicing for a long time and should be tired. He should sit down and have some tea and rest."

Yin Yue motioned for the two of them to sit down in front of the stone table.

After the two sat down, she poured another cup of spiritual tea for Chen Ping.

Baili Xianling on the side was slightly startled.

In the past, other people served the queen.

Have you ever seen your mother pouring tea for others?

"Thank you, Senior Yin Yue. May I ask how many Silver Feather Spears you have now?"

Chen Ping looked at the silver feather spears scattered around, and combined with Yin Yue's unfavorable expression, he vaguely wondered if Yin Yue had developed a temper by refining weapons. I felt a little funny in my heart.

I have never seen Yin Yue get so angry.

Hearing this, Yinyue said calmly:

"Ah, these silver feather spears were caused by a mistake when I was refining the weapon, and they were sent flying here. Fellow Daoist Chen, don't worry about it. Just concentrate on practicing the throwing technique, and I will take care of the rest naturally."


The few chatted for a while, and after Chen Ping got the spear, he stood up and left.

Baili Xianling also started to leave without disturbing her mother's refining.

After the cave door was closed, Yin Yue looked at the silver feather spears scattered around.

I remembered that I was just about to scold Chen Ping to make him angry.

Why did you end up pouring tea for Chen Ping yourself?


I, the majestic mother of a country, actually did such a thing of lowering myself.

Actually taking the initiative to cater to Chen Ping?



The one who caters to Chen Ping is the Silver Moon in the Qi Refining realm. What does it have to do with the Nascent Soul True Monarch Queen of the Qingluan Dynasty?

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt relieved.

As long as she leaves the Zhu Mo Field, this matter has nothing to do with her.


Not right either.

I just said that if I don’t criticize him, he is not a human being.


I'm a monster.

That's okay.

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