I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 44 Middle Grade Robe

Chapter 44 Middle Grade Robe

Chen Ping thought about it for a while, and gradually had a clear idea in his mind.

Then he hurriedly left Chengdongfang City and went to Chengneifang City.

Before doing venture capital, he decided to buy himself a robe with Rank One Middle Grade Spirit Gathering.

Now is the low-price stage for robes. Regardless of future price increases, it is absolutely cost-effective to buy Rank One Middle Grade robes for personal use now, and it will greatly increase the speed of your cultivation.

In other words, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Shop, how do you sell this robe?"

The robe shops in the city have opened, but there are only a few customers inside. Most of the monks have gone to Chengdongfang City to buy second-hand goods.

The few guest officials also came to sell robes.

So when someone inquired about buying a robe, the store owner's eyes lit up:

"Fellow Daoist has taken a fancy to this one, right? Do you all know the formation of this robe?"

Chen Ping is neither in a hurry nor in a hurry:

"I've seen the wooden sign. How many spiritual stones are there?"

"12 Middle Grade spiritual stones."

Chen Ping has a dark face:

"As a store owner, if you are not sincere, then I will turn around and leave. If you don't look at the current situation, how can there be any reason to sell it at the original price?"

He didn't want to give up. He really liked this robe. The style and formation were both good.

Rank Two Spirit Gathering array.

Doesn’t it mean that you have to fly to improve your realm?

"Fellow Daoist, where is the original price?" The shopkeeper said helplessly with a sad face:

"Fellow Daoist is wearing a robe, so he should be knowledgeable. This robe is a Rank One Middle Grade robe, with four magic circles inscribed on it, among which the Spirit Gathering magic circle is an exquisite Rank Two magic circle. On weekdays, , this robe costs at least 13 spirit stones, so it’s expensive but not cheap.”

Chen Ping said:

"You said it was weekdays, but can it be considered weekdays now? A Rank One Low Grade robe on the market is so cheap that it costs less than 2 Middle Grade spiritual stones, and a Rank One Middle Grade robe is not much more expensive. You still have Selling 12 Middle Grade spiritual stones? You...!"

The storekeeper sighed.

I was told the central idea by Chen Ping.

After a morning of adjustment by the invisible hand in the market, the prices of various resources have stabilized.

In the second-hand market, Rank One Middle Grade robes are probably stable at around 5 Middle Grade spiritual stones. Brand new ones naturally sell for less than 12 Middle Grade spiritual stones.

This is so cheap.

But that’s how the market is.

Moreover, the future is foggy and unpredictable.

"Then how much do you want? Please tell me a suitable price." The store said.

Chen Ping said calmly:

"So, I take it your store hasn't opened yet to sell the robes today, right? Give me one of the 6 spiritual stones, and we can be considered friends. Hey, it's really an advantage for you."


His mouth was slightly open, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.

The truth is this.

However, something seems to be wrong.

"Six? How is that possible? My Rank One Low Grade robes are all sold for six. You are too unkind." The store came to his senses.

Chen Ping also knew it was impossible, but he just habitually cut the floor price.

What followed was a period of intense haggling.

Finally, it was sold for 9 Middle Grade spiritual stones.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it, let's just do it. If you buy it, you will make a friend and it will be easier for you." Chen Ping sighed.

The shopkeeper's mouth twitched.

Say it again?

When he came out of the store, Chen Ping had already put on the Rank One Middle Grade robe, and also sold the original Rank One Low Grade robe for 1 Middle Grade plus 70 Low Grade spiritual stones. to the store.

At this moment, walking on the street, I suddenly felt countless spiritual powers gathering towards me. The majesty of its spiritual power was far beyond what the previous Rank One Low Grade robe could compare to.

More than several times stronger.

‘It’s worth it, absolutely worth it. ’

'This robe, on normal days, would have cost 12 Middle Grade spiritual stones anyway. Now it only costs 9. It can be regarded as a fortune. ’

This robe is different from the previous single magic circle. This Middle Grade robe has a total of 4 magic circles burned into it.

[Spirit Gathering, wind control, body protection, exorcism. ]

Needless to say, Spirit Gathering is the gathering of spiritual energy between heaven and earth for one's own use.

The Wind Control Array can remove the resistance of the wind, which may not be effective in daily walking. However, once you encounter a crisis, you are running at a high speed, or using speed-seeking spells such as Yunyan Step and Breeze Nine Swords. , it will have a very significant bonus effect.

It is equivalent to practicing one more speed spell, which is very practical.

The body protection circle, as the name suggests, can protect the body. The robe itself is a layer of armor that can remove a layer of attack power.

With this magic circle, defense power +1.

The exorcism magic circle, as its name suggests, is somewhat similar to an evil amulet, which can reduce the probability of being targeted by evil spirits.

Of these four formations, the Spirit Gathering formation is a Rank Two formation, and the other formations are all Rank One formations.

The four formations unite into one, which is indescribably wonderful.

Chen Ping looked around and saw no one, so he couldn't help but want to try the effect on the street.

He swayed and used a set of cloud steps, instantly dragging out a shadow. At the same time, his body also felt an even more extreme physical sensation.

‘Strong. ’

‘According to this feeling, the effect of Yunyanbu has been improved by at least 30%. ’

‘Sure enough, money is the basis of everything, including cultivating immortality. ’

The wealthy couple is in a legal place.

No wonder wealth comes first!

He also wanted to try the effect of protecting himself and exorcising evil spirits, but it was obviously not suitable on the street, so he stopped.

Taking back his joy, he took stock of his equipment.

The robe is Rank One Middle Grade, and the long sword is also Rank One Middle Grade. For him who is currently at the third level of Qi Refining, he is already ahead of his time, and there is not much value in buying a higher level one.

After all, the cultivation level is there, and the full power of High Grade robes and weapons cannot be used.

Moreover, High Grade Law Weapon usually requires auction or appointment, which is not very convenient.

The four daggers I carry with me are Rank One Low Grade magic swords, which are a little weaker, but the chance of being used is relatively small, and there is no need to waste money on upgrading.

The set of Law Weapon embryos for making talisman skins can be replaced with another set. After all, the Law Weapon embryos are not Law Weapons. They are a little weaker. Now that we have money, we can get a set of Low Grade Law Weapon, and the talisman skin making effects will definitely be good. Improve results.

With this in mind, he decisively went to the tool store.

I spent 4 Middle Grade spirit stones to buy a brand new set of Rank One Low Grade rune skin making tools.

The elixir cannot be forgotten.

Qi Replenishing Pills originally had 10 Low Grade spiritual stones in one bottle, but now the price has been slightly reduced to 9 Low Grade spiritual stones in one bottle, which is not much. The prices of some healing elixirs have even increased significantly.

He bought 30 bottles of Qi Replenishing Pills in one go, spending 265 Low Grade spiritual stones.

Enough is enough, enough is enough.

This wave of shopping has directly armed me from the inside out, and I feel overflowing with satisfaction.

Next, invest boldly.

His current number of spiritual stones is 14 Middle Grade spiritual stones and 512 Low Grade spiritual stones.

Keep 5 Middle Grade spirit stones as a reserve.

Leave another 500 Low Grade spirit stones for the rest of your life.

The remaining available spiritual stones are 9 Middle Grade spiritual stones and 12 Low Grade spiritual stones.

Then go straight to the next shop.

Make investments.

(End of chapter)

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