Five years later.

[Original Law Treasure (Seven Stars Longyuan Sword): High Grade Law Treasure: 25/100. ]

Chen Ping glanced at the progress bar of the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword, which had development value, retracted the panel, and walked out of the Chen Mansion.

It has been 11 years since I last walked out of the house.

But it seems that only a few days have passed. Apart from meeting some strange neighbors, there is nothing different outside.

He needs to go out of the city today to try the power of his natal Law Treasure.

Only by clearly knowing the magnitude of the power can we correctly evaluate our own strength and make the most correct choice at the most dangerous time.

It's a pity that the space in Chen's mansion is too small and cannot withstand the trouble.

Walking to the center of Tianyin City, I saw a lot of monks surrounding the martial arts stage in the distance, and it was bustling everywhere.

Chen Ping had previously learned about the layout of Tianyin Fairy City in detail. He knew that the martial arts stage was specially placed for fighting monks to duel. It was equipped with a High Level special protective array. Even if Nascent Soul dueled inside, there would be no aftermath. Injury to onlookers.

Chen Ping didn't know what happened, but he had no intention of watching and walked out of the city.

The other two monks were walking not far behind Chen Ping, discussing in low voices what was going on on the martial arts stage.

"It should be Dugu Jijiu of Yunjin Sect who is waiting for others' challenge on the stage again, right?" Brother Bai asked.

"Who else could it be besides him? Once every ten years, I don't know how many times it has happened." The dark monk whispered.

Brother Bai shook his head and said with envy:

"Hey, who is the most famous young disciple of Yunjin Immortal Domain? It is said that he is not old but has already reached the first level of Nascent Soul. He said that monks below the middle stage of Nascent Soul will not refuse anyone who comes. The reward for defeating him is huge, but no one can defeat him.”

"His level of cultivation is not only that of the Yunjin Immortal Domain. Looking at the entire human world, there are probably not many peers who can compare with it, right? He is also a man of great appearance and talent. It is said that he is the next leader appointed by the Yunjin Sect." The dark monk. Replenish.

"Just say, such an outstanding talent, both cultivation and appearance are Supreme Grade. Why can't Fairy Biyuan of our Tianyin Fairy City look down on her? Then Dugu Jijiu came here just for Fairy Biyuan. This is almost a passer-by. Everyone knows this, but you can't even enter Fairy Biyuan's attic, tusk tusk." The white monk marveled.

Then he shook his head to himself:

"But that's right. Fairy Biyuan is not a simple person. The Nascent Soul Nine-level True Monarch, breaking through the Soul Formation is just around the corner. It is also said that excellent appearance is rare in the world, so it's normal to be picky."

The swarthy monk chuckled and whispered: "You haven't been here long, so you may not know that Dugu Jijiu can't get into Fairy Biyuan's eyes at all. But that's not the reason you said."

"Why?" Brother Bai asked in surprise.

The dark monk approached and said:

"There are rumors in the circle that Fairy Biyuan practices a unique Nascent Soul technique. She has been waiting for a Taoist monk who can practice dual cultivation, but she has never found one. Since entering the ninth level of Nascent Soul, she has become even more urgent. It is said that this kind of dual cultivation It can help her break through the Soul Formation catastrophe."

"But I don't know what the conditions are. Dugu Jijiu probably doesn't have these conditions, so he was turned away. Dugu Jijiu should also know this, but he is unwilling to do so."

"So that's it." Brother Bai suddenly realized, and said: "So, many talented monks have wanted to meet Fairy Biyuan in recent years. They all know that Fairy Biyuan is looking for a pair of Taoist monks, and they covet this opportunity?"

"Needless to say? That is the ninth level of Nascent Soul, the future Soul Formation monk, and it is said that this kind of dual cultivation is also beneficial to male cultivators."



When Chen Ping heard these rumors, he turned his head and looked back. From this angle, he just saw a monk in white clothes standing on the stage.

Although the monk was waiting for the challenger, he did not look at the onlookers. Instead, he raised his head slightly and looked at the castle-like palace high in the sky above the city lord's palace.

Chen Ping withdrew his gaze and walked quickly out of the city.

These have nothing to do with him.

Not caring at all.

After leaving Tianyin Fairy City, head all the way south.

There are many high-level monks such as Gold Core and Nascent Soul living in Tianyin Fairy City. Like Chen Ping, these people will come to practice outdoors after practicing a spell to a certain level.

Some even choose the outdoors as their daily place to practice magic.

Therefore, after leaving the city, you can still meet many monks.

From time to time you can hear some loud noises.

Tribulation is rare here, as long as you are not too far away from Tianyin Fairy City, even outdoors.

Therefore Chen Ping is not worried about danger.

After being about 500 miles away from Opening Heaven Yinxian City, we found an open area and set up a small mountain-protecting formation outside. Then we began to experiment with the power of the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword.

The spell is still the 'green light sword'.

As soon as his consciousness moved, the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword in his dantian disappeared in an instant, and then fell from the sky and plunged into the ground with a 'whoosh' sound.


The loud "bang" sound did not come.

After landing, the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword turned into a stream of cyan spiritual power and drove straight in, rapidly going deep into the ground.

One mile, two miles, five miles, ten miles.

It wasn't until sixteen miles away that the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword stopped in the soil.

'Understood. ’

‘After being nourished by the Dantian, the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword has become sharper and its power has become more concentrated. The attack power will not escape, but will drive forward. ’

‘One-on-one is more lethal. ’

Chen Ping tried several more times.

When the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword appears, it can fall from the sky or appear anywhere he wants. This feature was actually possessed by the previous Seven-Star Longyuan Sword, but now it is more flexible and appears faster.

It makes it even more surprising.

‘Continue to warm up and see if the power and speed of the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword will become faster after the grade increases. ’

Tianyin Fairy City.

In an attic.

"Senior sister, can you see your split soul?" The young male cultivator withdrew his consciousness and asked the pink female cultivator beside him.

There are too many high-level monks in Tianyin Fairy City. It is not wise to use spiritual consciousness to follow or explore others wantonly. Once someone notices and feels offended, conflicts are likely to arise.

This is why his senior sister used paper figurine enchantment to track Chen Ping instead of using her spiritual sense to scan directly.

Another reason is that when being tracked by spiritual consciousness, once the other party takes some measures to isolate the spiritual consciousness, it is easy to lose track.

Paper figures are different.

It's equivalent to being followed personally by a monk.

It is not easy to keep track of things, and it is easier to perceive some truths at close range, such as perceiving the effects of Chen Ping’s Body Refining.

However, the pink female cultivator who used the paper manikin to track her shook her head at this moment:

"You can't see clearly. This guy is too cautious. He went to practice outdoors and arranged a formation to isolate his vision and consciousness. He is probably practicing his own life-saving skills and doesn't want others to see him."

"Sister, be careful. The last time your soul was destroyed, you spent 5 years in seclusion before you came out. Don't let Chen Ping discover you this time." The young male cultivator reminded.

The pink female cultivator said:

"Is your senior sister that stupid?"

"Last time I used the paper figurine Earth Escape Technique. Chen Ping probably just happened to specialize in the Earth Escape Technique, so he discovered it. This time I escaped into trees and used Wood Escape. There are trees all over the forest. Weeds and wood smell everywhere, can he sense it? Are you kidding me?"

"That's right, senior sister's Wood Escape Technique itself is very special." The young male monk said.

Before he finished speaking, he heard a scream from Senior Sister Pink.

"What's wrong, senior sister?" the young male cultivator asked hurriedly.

"Hiss, it hurts me so much. Hiss, he destroyed my soul again. Ahhhhh, I want to kill him. It's so abominable. He keeps getting in trouble with me every time. My soul is hiding in the big house. What does Juri have to do with him?" the pink nun shouted.

Young male cultivators:.

"Ahhh, I want to kill him, I'm so angry. Hisss, it hurts too much."

Young male cultivators:.

"Senior Sister, I told you to hide well. Senior Sister just didn't listen. Did Senior Sister's paper man walk out of the tree and want to get closer?"

"I don't."

Young male cultivators:.

"Let's go to Master."

The two hurried to the 'Bixian Pavilion', and when they arrived at the Bixian Pavilion outside the Bixian Pavilion, they found that the master was already standing in the pavilion, looking at the south of Tianyin Immortal City.

The pink female cultivator held back her hiss of pain, rubbed her head, and walked over gently.

She originally wanted to sue Chen Ping, but when she saw her master looking at him with attention, she held back.

He also followed the release of spiritual consciousness for a while and then asked:

"Master, can you see the progress of his Body Refining?"

Seeing that the master didn't answer, she said again:

"Master, is Dugu Jijiu still standing in the fairy city? It should be the sixth time he has come. Do you want the disciples to drive him away?"

Seeing that her master was still looking out into the distance, she continued:

"Master, I want this disciple to tell me that there is no need to wait, just kidnap Chen Ping. How can we still control him? Personality is not important. Master just needs to cultivate with him, not spend a lifetime together. Close your eyes. all the same."

"Ahem." The young male cultivator gently pulled the pink female cultivator's clothes.

Clearing his throat, he cupped his hands to Master and said:

"Master, I also think it's better to find someone sooner rather than later. Master has spent so many years looking for someone, and he finally showed up today. If something happens to him, Master doesn't know how many years he will have to wait before he meets the second one."

"As for character and origin, the Shuwu Pavilion has nothing to do with it. Even if the disciples and senior sisters use the name of the master, the Shuwu Pavilion will not provide any information. Otherwise? Talk to the head, it only requires information about one person. .”

After hearing this, the veiled woman withdrew her consciousness from the distance and said in a cold voice:

"You don't need to inquire about his character or origins."

Senior Sister Pink was stunned for a moment:

"Master already knows who he is?"

If that's the case, why hasn't Master taken action yet?

Does this person have bad character?

They don't even look alike.

"Why did master come back again?" The pink female cultivator watched the veiled fairy walk back to the attic, confused.

"I don't know either. But senior sister, let's go into seclusion first. I don't know how many years it will take before I can come out."

Pink nun:.

outside the city.

After Chen Ping fumbled with the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword, he took back the Law Weapon and destroyed the excellent paper man hidden among the trees with one punch.

In fact, he had already discovered the existence of paper figures on the way here.

I just don’t understand what this person is going to do.

So I found this wide place to practice my spells, and specially arranged a formation to protect myself from prying eyes.

I also want to see what the owner behind this paper man wants to do.

Then he stayed here until he had finished groping for the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword, but the paper man made no move at all.

He originally wanted to track the paper man in reverse direction and find the paper man behind him. However, this method of possessing the soul of a paper man has its advantages in moving forward quickly, and it is not easy to find the Perfected Being behind it.

So I simply solved it when I returned.

It can also be regarded as a warning.

Returning to Tianyin Fairy City, I found that Dugu Jijiu was still standing on the martial arts stage.

It's really durable enough.

On the contrary, there were very few people watching, just twos and threes.

Chen Ping passed through the martial arts arena and instead of going home directly, he went to the General Affairs Pavilion.

"Fellow Daoist is here, may I ask what you can do for me?" A boy greeted Chen Ping.

"Looking for No. 19 below."

The corners of Chen Ping's mouth twitched, and when he said this number, he felt as if he had returned to the world before he wore it.

The boy agreed and went upstairs, and soon boy No. 19 appeared in front of Chen Ping.

Many years have passed, and No. 19 no longer remembers who Chen Ping is. When he knew Chen Ping explained his purpose, he reacted slightly:

"Thank you, senior, for remembering junior's name. Senior, you want to ask about the current situation in Piaomiao Continent, right?"

"That's right." Chen Ping said.

"Piaomiao Continent was closed three years ago and has not been unblocked yet. If you want to customize some specific things within Piaomiao Continent, you need to pay to make an appointment. This is the rule of the General Affairs Pavilion. I hope seniors will understand." Boy No. 19 said respectfully.

Chen Ping nodded:

"That's no problem. I just need to inquire about the unblocking of Piaomiao Continent. If Piaomiao Continent is unblocked someday, please go and let me know next time."

"No problem. Senior, please drink tea later. Junior will help you register now." Boy No. 19 got busy.

After coming out of the Shuwu Pavilion, Chen Ping went straight back to his Chen Mansion.

Now that the transformation of the natal Law Treasure has been completed, all that remains is to slowly nurture it and continuously improve the level of the Law Treasure.

Of course, Sword Intent still needs to be understood. It would be best if the sword art in the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword can be pieced together as soon as possible.

What remains are two skills, one positive and one negative.

Since the breakthrough of the erroneous spell in the Hundred Poisons True Demonic Art, there have been no obstacles. All you have to do is practice it step by step.

The most important thing at the moment is to continue practicing the Five Qi Dynasty Yuan Tianzhang.

This technique has now reached "Expert: 99/100".

After Chen Ping sat down on the ice jade bed, he began to focus on practicing.

Under the Five Qi Chaoyuan, five beams of Dan Fire instantly shot up, and the five beams of flames extended upward, and finally intertwined, baking the Gold Core suspended in the Dantian.

As the exercise progressed, Chen Ping felt that he had a more thorough understanding of the balance of the five qi, and knew how to fine-tune the intensity of the five flames instead of relying on self-regulation in the Dantian.

The entire Dantian and Primordial Spirit were stripped out in his consciousness and turned into pictures displayed in front of him.

He could clearly see when the fire attribute energy should be weaker than the other four energy sources when the spiritual energy was circulating between the orifices.

He realized that the five qi do not need to be balanced at all times, but should be weak when they are weak and strong when they are strong.


This accuracy remains difficult to quantify.

It can only be experienced and perceived over and over again.

As practice progresses, this sense of enlightenment becomes clearer and clearer.

I don’t know how many days passed, but when the ‘Expert: 99/100’ on the panel changed to ‘Dacheng: 1/100’, this sense of enlightenment suddenly reached its peak.

All the previous confusion disappeared.

Suddenly it became enlightened.

The place where the five qi flows in each orifice and vein seems to form a flow pool with a fixed volume, allowing Chen Ping to clearly understand the magnitude of the five qi in each place.

He did not pause and continued practicing.

Experience the changes brought about by improving your skills.

Three years passed by, and Chen Ping was immersed in cultivation and couldn't extricate himself.

This kind of life without war is so refreshing.

Until I was woken up by a knock on the door.

Through the formation, he saw Jia Zhongshou standing outside the house, and standing next to Jia Zhongshou was an old man with unshaven beard and slovenly appearance.

This person is none other than the weirdo Xu Liang.

Chen Ping had already learned from Jia Zhongshou that Xu Liang was looking for him all over the world, and also knew the reason why Xu Liang was looking for him.

Considering that they are in the same Xiuxian City and will stay there for many years, it should be difficult to hide their existence from the other party.

He simply agreed to meet Xu Liang.

The formation was activated, and the courtyard door creaked open.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, long time no see." Chen Ping opened the door to welcome the guests and said with a smile.

Xu Liang looked at Chen Ping carefully and seemed to be confirming that Chen Ping was really Chen Ping? After looking at it for a while, his eyes filled with tears, and he grabbed Chen Ping's hand with one hand:

"Fellow Daoist Chen, I have had a hard time looking for you these years."

Chen Ping:.

"Does Fellow Daoist Chen know how I have lived these years? I have always dreamed of meeting Fellow Daoist Chen."

Chen Ping:.

Chen Ping saw Xu Liang wiping away the snot and tears on Xu Liang's face with one hand. After wiping the snot and tears on Xu Liang's face, Chen Ping quickly pulled his hand back:

"Fellow Xu Daoist, don't worry, I'll tell you inside."

"Jia Fellow Daoist, please."

Entering the inner courtyard, the three of them sat down in the pavilion of the inner courtyard without being particular.

Since there were no servants, there was no one to pour tea.

Jia Zhongshou is used to it. He has been to Chen Ping's house several times, so he naturally knows Chen Ping's habits.

Xu Liang didn't care about these details, all his thoughts were on the beast control.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, you have to help me." Xu Liang said hurriedly.

Chen Ping paused, naturally knowing what he was talking about, and took a vaccination first:

"Jia Fellow Daoist has told me about Xu Fellow Daoist's situation before, and I generally know it. I have to explain first that I once studied with a senior beast-controlling master, learned some beast-controlling techniques, and understood some unique beast-controlling techniques. Technique, this technique happens to include the soul splitting technique."

"It is precisely because of this that I was lucky enough to solve Fellow Xu Daoist's beast control puzzle last time in Tianhai City, but it does not mean that I can solve Fellow Xu Daoist's current problem."

"To be honest, I am far inferior to Fellow Daoist Xu in terms of talent in beast control."

“I can’t necessarily explain Fellow Daoist Xu’s current confusion.”

“I hope Fellow Daoist Xu will understand this.”

Xu Liang shook his scruffy beard:

"You and I met by chance, and this is the second time we have met. The last time we met was just a transaction. Fellow Daoist Chen is willing to help, and Xu has shed tears of gratitude."

"Chen Fellow Daoist, don't worry, no matter whether Chen Fellow Daoist can help me solve this confusion. I owe Chen Fellow Daoist a huge favor. If Chen Fellow Daoist asks for anything one day, as long as he asks for the golden mouth, I will give you everything." Never give up."

Xu Liang bowed his head.

Chen Ping saw this and quickly supported him:

"Fellow Daoist Xu said something serious, please tell me more."

"Oh, you guys chat, I'll go outside and take a look." Jia Zhong put away.

Xu Liang grabbed him:

"Fellow Daoist Jia, there is no need to avoid it. My secret is actually not a secret. I just want to save the master."

"Besides, although you and I are not close old friends, Xu and I have traveled all over the country for so many years and have met countless people. I can tell at a glance that these two are not bad people."

"When Xu finishes talking about Xu's confusion, there will be other important information to share with Fellow Chen Daoist and Fellow Jia Daoist. This news is closely related to both of them."

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