I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 46 I Am Zhang Xianqiu (2)

Chapter 46 I am Zhang Xianqiu (2)

This day.

Sunset forest.

"Whoosh~", "ta~ta~"

Accompanied by bursts of stirred fallen leaves, Chen Ping landed smoothly after stepping into the air.

He looked back and saw that although he was walking in the air just now, the rotten leaves on the ground were still affected by the wind and drew an obvious ravine.

During this period, the two towering trees with a diameter of several meters left two deep marks of nearly half a foot due to the force of the tread.

Physical fitness has become stronger again.

The speed is faster again.

‘This Yunyanbu’s lifting technique, with the blessing of the wind control circle, may have been integrated with the lightening spell... right? ’

Since Yunyanbu entered the proficient state, the aspect of 'lifting the vertical' has become more and more prominent. After activating Yunyanbu, the body is extremely sensitive.

Coupled with the wind-controlling array on the robe, he can now jump at least two feet with just a single leap.

The air control time is also becoming more and more lasting.

He can rely only on tree stumps once or twice in the air and use his strength to run a hundred meters without falling to the ground.

This is just Yun Yanbu at the 'proficient' level. After reaching the proficient or even expert level, I'm afraid others can only see the afterimage of themselves and not the Perfected Being.

This is not the state that other people should have when practicing Yunyanbu on a regular basis.

It is the optimal state he has achieved after constantly correcting his pace and body shape on the panel and constantly absorbing experience.

It is the ultimate effect of exercises and spells.

The anatomy technique is like this, the cloud and smoke steps are like this, the talisman skills are like this, and the Breeze Nine Swords are like this.

This is something others can't do.

In short, when practicing any magic, even if it is the same move or the same state, he can do it countless times better than others.

The most common spell can also produce extraordinary effects.

Panel. What a proficiency!

Chen Ping practiced the Cloud and Smoke Step for a while, then continued to practice the "Spirit Condensation Spell".

This spell is divided into three stages: spirit condensation, method gathering, and transformation.

You can practice one stage to the expert level, and then practice the second stage, Rank Three.

You can also learn all three stages at the entry level, and then continue to improve your proficiency together.

Chen Ping chose the second path.

Because he did not practice the magic of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, he skipped the Rank Two stage and has now entered the Rank Three stage.

That is, change form.

The spiritual sphere can be transformed into the shape of various weapons and even various objects within sight.

The serious ones are like spears, swords, knives, arrows, and talismans. The informal ones are like animal meat, spiritual rice, fruits and vegetables, the moon, spears, and soil.

Chen Ping is a serious person.

Chosen the sword.

After practicing to the level of an expert, you may be able to try other practices if you have time.

After he practiced 'Sword', the names on the panel also changed:

[Spell: Psychic Small Sword (entry): 121/1000]


He pulled the spiritual power, and a small spiritual sword as long as one finger was gradually formed in the palm of his hand. The whole body was filled with a strong aura of spiritual power, and the overflowing spiritual power lingered around the sword like smoke.

Like a beautiful woman emerging from a bath.

The beauty is beyond compare.

"Go to the sword."

Chen Ping raised his hands and moved forward fiercely. With his thoughts combined with the driving force of his spiritual power, the small spiritual sword flew out instantly and hit a big tree with lightning speed. It made a 'crunch' sound and a figure appeared on the trunk of the tree. Small hole.

He ran over and took a look.

The hole was about the size of a finger, about the same diameter as a small spiritual sword, indicating that there was no spillover damage.

There is no explosion-like effect.

This is understandable, after all, it is only the entry level.

Next, he experimented a few more times, and the measured distance of the attack was currently about three feet (ten meters), and the accuracy would decrease any further.

Continue to practice.

"Pop!", "Pap!", "Pap!"

This was the reason why he chose to practice in Sunset Forest, so that he could unleash his attack power unscrupulously.

The same cannot be said for the house, not to mention that his house currently only has a sleeping room and cannot be opened at all.

Even if the main room, utility room, and talisman-making room are repaired, they are not suitable for practicing the small spiritual sword.

The damage is too great, and the home cannot withstand the torment.

Mainly. It costs money.

In the Sunset Forest, not only can you be unscrupulous, but you can also practice on wild animals. Living animals can hone your skills better than dead animals.

"Crack!", "Zip!", "Chichi!"


After practicing for a long time, I looked up at the sky and saw that it was noon again.

It will get dark in half a day.

Just to be safe, go back.

On the way back, he passed by the winding river, and Chen Ping went down to the river and caught a few fish.

Grilled fish tonight.

The surrounding areas of Cloud Link City are rich in resources, including wild fish, wild animals, and fruits and vegetables.

Without spiritualization, there is no benefit to the monk's Body Refining, it can only satisfy his hunger.

But it’s quite good to eat it occasionally to improve the taste.

Go back to the house and take out various spices you bought or made yourself. Because the dining room was not repaired, we simply set up a rack in the yard and grilled fish over charcoal fire.

After a while, bursts of fragrance overflowed.

Chen Ping tore off a piece, put it in his mouth and chewed it. It tasted really good.

It has the fresh taste of fish but no fishy smell.

Keep the essence and get rid of the dross.

Endless aftertaste.

Sometimes he couldn't help but think that if the system hadn't been awakened by transmigrate now, he might have given up on practice and chosen to go to the mortal world.

Live an ordinary mortal life.

He married ten or eight beautiful women, gave birth to a bunch of sons and daughters, and eventually became the only Qi Refining scholar ancestor in his family.

The fireworks in the world are the most soothing to mortal hearts.

Maybe...it's not bad.

At this time, Yu Lingchun may have smelled the fragrance, so she walked out and looked over. When she saw the grilled fish, her eyes brightened slightly and she shrugged her nose:

"Fellow Daoist Chen,...grilled fish?"

"Yes. Grilled fish." Chen Ping recalled the smell of fish.

Yu Lingchun just took one more look and walked away without caring.

Barbecuing and grilling fish are cooking skills that everyone in the world knows, but the taste is different.

Nothing tasty.

After a while, Yu Lingchun's voice came from the outer courtyard:

"Xianqiu, Xianqiu, hey, run slower, don't fall. Wait. That's Fellow Chen Daoist's house over there, and this is my house, you are such a little girl."


Then, a short-legged kid stood at the door of Chen Ping’s courtyard:

"Uncle, I am Zhang Xianqiu!"

A few breaths later, the youthful figure of Yu Lingchun appeared behind Zhang Xianqiu. She pursed her lips and chuckled, then lowered her head and pulled Zhang Xianqiu:

"Xianqiu, what are you doing here?"

This girl is a bit heartless!

Chen Ping chuckled:

"Come in, there's more."

The two girls, one big and one small, got the promise and arrived at the fire in an instant, their eyes bright.

Chen Ping handed someone a piece of fish that had been grilled.

Zhang Xianqiu's mouth was filled with oil. After a few mouthfuls, she felt reluctant to eat. Then she looked at Chen Ping's piece eagerly: "Uncle, what does it taste like?"

Chen Ping:.

"Eat your own, there are a few more, eat slowly." Chen Ping said speechlessly, silently mourning for Zhang Zheng for a few seconds in his heart.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Chen Ping thought about whether to give Yu Lingchun some pointers on swordsmanship.

You can take the opportunity to reveal a little bit of your own cultivation to avoid having to take action in the future, causing too much shock to the neighbors, which is not worth the gain.

A little bit of disclosure is like boiling a frog in warm water and will not attract others' attention.

But I thought about it again and decided not to rush.

To be on the safe side, let’s not talk about being invincible in Cloud Link City.

The days are long.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, how did you make this? It's delicious." Yu Lingchun was curious.

"Is it your grandpa's favorite flavor?"

Yu Lingchun chuckled and nodded.

Chen Ping:……

"By the way, I got a bottle of Recovery Pill from my grandpa. It is very effective in recovering internal and external injuries. I got it from Azure Cloud Sect. It is not sold here. My grandpa doesn't know. ...Here. ...You Don't get me wrong,... I lent it to you." Yu Lingchun suddenly took out a small porcelain vase and handed it to Chen Ping.

Her face was slightly red, and she didn't know if it was caused by the reflection of the firelight or something else.

Chen Ping was stunned for a moment.

It's been so long and she still remembers this! It seems that when I came back that day and closed the door, I almost fell out of energy and blood, and she might have seen it.

For a moment I didn't know how to answer.

He paused for a moment and then said:

"I'm fine now. It's just a minor injury from the beast wave. I'm fine now. This medicine is very good. You can keep it for yourself."

Seeing Chen Ping's insistence, Yu Lingchun hesitated, took back the porcelain vase, lowered her head and ate the fish.

It came back to life a moment later.

"Hey, Xianqiu, why are you eating mine? That's mine."

"Little one, why don't you speak?"

"Dazhu, the fish is not talking in its itchy nest."


After eating barbecue, they drove the two people away, and Chen Ping returned to the house to practice his exercises.

With the Middle Grade robe and the Qi Refining Dan Guan, he can feel the improvement of his skills every moment.

The numbers on the panel are also constantly beating.

In a few days, you will reach the ‘expert’ level.

The next day.

Chen Ping was practicing in the house when he was suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door and a greeting.

This sound.


(End of chapter)

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