I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 474 The Deterrence Of Shengxian Valley, Fairy Biyuan Is Trapped

Chapter 474 The deterrence of Shengxian Valley, Fairy Biyuan is trapped

Five years later.


With a soft cry from Chen Ping, the upper cover of the alchemy furnace opened, and a refreshing fragrance floated out from the alchemy furnace.

As Chen Ping's spiritual power lifted up, two crystal-clear Qi Divine Pills floated up and landed on Chen Ping's hand.

The texture of the elixir is pure, the elixir pattern is clearly visible, the aroma is fragrant, and the elixir rhyme is mellow.

'The perfect elixir. ’

Chen Ping smiled knowingly.

There will be another way to make money in the future.

As expected, it took me more than 20 years to consume more than 160 Supreme Grade spiritual stones just for liver skills.

The cost of a furnace of Qi Divine Pill is 3 Supreme Grade spirit stones, including the consumption of one Supreme Grade spirit stone as raw material for each furnace refining.

Under normal circumstances, for other alchemists, the elixir yield rate is around 50%, and the average number of elixirs produced per furnace is one.

The unit price of Qi Divine Pill is 15 High Grade spiritual stones.

The net profit is 150%, which is still good.

For Chen Ping, the elixir formation rate is basically 100%, and the number of elixirs produced in each furnace is basically two.

That is, each furnace costs 3 Supreme Grade spiritual stones and earns 30 Supreme Grade spiritual stones.

Of course, this is the price of ordinary elixirs.

My elixirs are perfect, and I have no problem selling 17 Supreme Grade spiritual stones per pill.

It's a huge profit.

However, refining alchemy takes a long time, and each furnace takes seven days.

Moreover, infant fire is required to make alchemy. Frequent use of infant fire will be detrimental to the monks themselves. To a certain extent, it is a matter of using one's life to refine elixirs, so there are few alchemists who continue to refine elixirs.

Chen Ping is also unable to continue refining elixirs.

He has evaluated that the small dose that simulates the alchemy furnace will basically not affect himself. For normal alchemy, it is best to make an elixir one month apart. Only in this case can it have no impact on the Nascent Soul.

Of course, to be on the safe side.

‘Just practice once every two months. ’

‘In this way, the net profit is 180 Supreme Grade spiritual stones in a year. ’

'not bad. ’

‘Now that we have a financial source, we can then focus on practicing. ’

‘As for the True Ying Dan, it depends on fate. ’

"Fellow Daoist, the spiritual materials you ordered are really off-the-beaten-path. I really don't have them and I haven't purchased them." The shopkeeper said regretfully in the medicine shop.

Over the years, Chen Ping came down to ask questions every few years, but every time he didn't take much back, which made the shopkeeper feel a little embarrassed.

The shopkeeper also made large purchases through channels, but he never collected anything.

After the disguise, Chen Ping has psychological expectations:

"It doesn't matter, just keep collecting. By the way, do you have all the materials for the Divine Pill?"

"The Divine Pills are all ready. Does Fellow Daoist really want 160 furnaces of spiritual materials at one time?" the shopkeeper confirmed again.

Chen Ping nodded.

In fact, he didn't have much Supreme Grade spirit stones left, otherwise he would have wanted to buy more at once.

Seeing Chen Ping nod, the shopkeeper told the waiter to be busy for a while.

The original price of 160 batches of spiritual materials is about 320 Supreme Grade spiritual stones, which is almost reaching the limit of Chen Ping's spiritual stone reserves.

The shopkeeper gave a discount, including a special spiritual lock box with a total of 340 Supreme Grade spiritual stones, and said:

"These spiritual materials are all dry materials. This spiritual lock box can ensure that the medicinal power of these spiritual materials will not be lost for a long time. However, Fellow Daoist should be careful not to open the spiritual lock box frequently. Opening it too many times will not guarantee that the spiritual power and medicinal power will not weaken. .”

The number of times mentioned by the shopkeeper generally refers to ‘10 times’.

Chen Ping understood.

After buying the raw materials for Qi Divine Pill, Chen Ping used the remaining spiritual stones to buy some raw materials to simulate Zhenying Pill.

The so-called raw materials for simulating Zhenying Dan are to find substitutes for several rare spiritual materials in Zhenying Dan.

This is a substitute that Chen Ping selected by himself after repeated consideration during his former Rank Three alchemy practice based on the pharmacological characteristics of the spiritual materials.

The "Zhen Ying Dan" refined from substitute raw materials is very ineffective, less than one thousandth as effective as the real Zhen Ying Dan, and even has side effects.

But Chen Ping doesn't care.

He is not for eating.

It is used for liver progress.

This has been confirmed in the past few years. As long as we find substitute raw materials with suitable pharmacological properties, even if the medicinal properties are much weaker, as long as we ensure the consistency of process requirements, we can achieve the purpose of brushing proficiency.

In this way, Zhenying Dan's proficiency level has reached the "Expert: 133/1000" progress bar.

Of course, it is not easy to find such a substitute. It requires continuous optimization and mixing of multiple spiritual materials. As an Apex Level Rank Four alchemist, Chen Ping spent some time finding it.

Finished buying the medicinal materials.

When Chen Ping came out of the medicine shop and walked on the street, he actually saw a few old men with white beards.

This made him startled.

Are these people the white-bearded Taoists Xu Liang mentioned?

People from Shengxian Valley?

Why did you suddenly appear in Tianyin Fairy City?

Chen Ping was a little frightened. In order to avoid meeting them, he took a detour and quickly returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

‘It seems I have to go to Xu Liang to confirm the information. ’

‘What the hell actually showed up here. ’

‘If it’s really someone from Shengxian Valley, then I’m afraid I really can’t stay in Tianyin Fairy City. ’

Chen Ping thought about the time and found that there were actually only more than 50 years left before the "260 years of imprisonment and restoration" that Xu Liang mentioned.

It seems that the catastrophe is approaching, and the white-bearded Taoist has finally reached out to a big city like Tianyin Immortal City.

‘You have to seize the time to practice. ’

'Hey, it's a pity that I didn't enter the realm of 'real body', otherwise the means of coping would be richer. ’

"Eighteen Fellow Daoist, have you ever heard of Shengxian Valley?" Chen Ping asked Eighteenth, who was ravaging the flowers cultivated by a certain disciple in Bixian Pavilion.

"Shengxian Valley? No, where is that place?" Shiba put a flower in his ear.

"Uh, it's nothing, I just mentioned it casually. Let me ask you a question. If one day, someone tells you that you need to divide a small half of your Nascent Soul to save the human world, would you be willing?" Chen Ping asked casually. .

"Can half of my Nascent Soul save the human world?" Shiba's eyes widened.

Chen Ping: "I mean if."

"The problem is if this doesn't hold true." Shiba tilted his head.

Chen Ping: "I mean what if, what if."

"Suppose it doesn't work either. My Nascent Soul can't possibly save the human world." Shiba was determined.

Chen Ping:.

"Did Fairy Biyuan say when she would be back?" Chen Ping changed the subject.

I recently sent messages to Fairy Biyuan but got no reply. I don’t know which ruins I went to again.

"Why, Fellow Daoist Chen misses Master?" Shiba said with a playful expression.

"Think about it."

"Haha, let's just say that Master is such a beautiful person, so tender and supple. By the way, the eighteenth pose that Fellow Chen Daoist mentioned last time. Hey, hey, Fellow Chen Daoist, don't leave."

Back at Cave Mansion, Chen Ping stayed up all night.

He took out the messenger disc again and sent a message to his only friend, Fairy Biyuan:

[Can you see my information? I’d like to know more about the imprisoned donors you mentioned last time. Can you tell me? ]

No news.

Chen Ping put away the message disc and lay on the bed looking at the top of Cave Mansion.


It seems that Tianyin Fairy City cannot stay any longer.

Changes may occur at any time.

at the same time.

Celestial Melody Sect.

In the Cave Mansion, the leader.


While meditating, Quanyang Zhenzun's blood surged and his spiritual power flowed backwards. His child-like Primordial Spirit trembled, and a mouthful of blood spurted out uncontrollably.


A young monk named Nascent Soul was startled and immediately stepped forward.

Master has been practicing for many years, and this is the first time in hundreds of years that I have seen Master spurt blood.

Quanyang Zhenzun gave a bitter smile and waved his hand:

"No problem!"

The young monk Nascent Soul asked with concern: "Master, did something go wrong in his practice? Or was he injured?"

Quanyang Zhenzun smiled bitterly again:


"It is Shengxian Valley that is intimidating me."

Shengxian Valley?

The young man Nascent Soul was stunned for a moment, thinking of the group of white-bearded Taoists who came to the sect recently, and couldn't help but frown slightly.

As the direct disciple of the headmaster, he naturally knew the legend of Shengxian Valley over the years, and he also naturally knew about the imprisonment of donors, and knew about the imprisonment and restoration disaster that was about to come.

But it's only on the surface, not much is known about the deeper things.


Those white-bearded Taoists are all Nascent Soul. Can they hurt the master who is a Soul Formation?

Quanyang Zhenzun seemed to have seen through the disciple's confusion, and shook the blood from the corner of his mouth:

"Of course those white-bearded Taoists can't do anything to me."

"But they represent Shengxian Valley."

"There are unwritten rules in the human world. Soul Formation monks cannot take action at will to avoid causing too much harm to the human world. The intensity of spiritual energy in this world is not suitable for Soul Formation monks to take action. Taking too many actions means that they may cause harm to themselves. Backlash.”

"Therefore, Shengxian Valley is no exception. The envoys of Shengxian Valley who are active in the human world are all Nascent Soul monks."

"I was injured this time. It's probably the people behind Shengxian Valley. I want to warn you not to interfere in their decision-making."

Young Nascent Soul is still puzzled:

"Even if it's a Soul Formation monk from the Immortal Valley, it's not easy to hurt the master, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Quanyang Zhenzun stood up and walked to the window and became silent.

After a while, he said:


"Shengxian Valley has power from the upper world."

The blue sea.

Under the blue water is an endless abyss of extreme cold.

In a place in the abyss, the halo trembled, looming. The interior covered by the halo is a water palace where the Soul Formation fell in ancient times.

In Shuifu.

Fairy Biyuan opened her eyes and stopped meditating.

"Want to go back?"

Behind Fairy Biyuan, there was also a meditating monk, a woman in white robe who looked older than Fairy Biyuan.

Seeing that Bi Yuan did not speak, the woman in white robe also stood up, reluctantly looked at this pearly palace, filled with Dao Rhyme, took a breath and said:

"Just go back. No one knows about this water palace. We can come back later."

"That's right. The catastrophe of confinement and restoration is imminent. It's time to go back and try to fight for some survival for those juniors."

Speaking of this, she looked at Biyuan with a smile:

"That pretty boy of yours is said to be very talented. If those white-bearded old men fall in love with him, will you let him go?"

Fairy Biyuan's eyes were filled with fluorescence as she thought of Chen Ping's master and the benefits promised by Shengxian Valley, and she said calmly:

"If he wants to, I won't stop him."

"If he doesn't want to,..."

"So what if you don't want to? Can you stop the Ascended Immortal Valley?" The Baipao woman looked at the enviable beauty in front of her with a smile.

This beauty is more than just physical beauty.

It is the charm that exudes by itself.

The charm and beauty are incomparable to others.

Fairy Biyuan did not answer the white-robed woman, but looked firmly into the distance, then walked towards the water palace barrier and took out the token.

But then he was startled.

Dai Mei frowned slightly.

The barrier didn't react at all?

She activated the token again.

Still no response.

The woman in white robe behind her was also startled. She quickly stepped forward to activate the barrier and discovered something unusual at the same time.

There are some special Dao Rhyme on this barrier.

Dao Rhyme who does not belong to the Water Mansion.

"What's going on?" The woman was startled and looked at Biyuan.

Biyuan's eyes flashed coldly, remembering many things.

Han Yi said:

"Shengxian Valley doesn't want me to leave the water mansion right now."

There was a buzzing sound in the woman's head, and she understood Bi Yuan's words instantly. Shengxian Valley needed a large number of Nascent Soul monks to reinforce the confinement, and this reinforcement process might lead to the death of many monks.

Among those in the know, there must be some monks who would not be willing to do so.

And Biyuan is obviously such a person.

Shengxian Valley simply trapped them here.


"Is Shengxian Valley capable of such means?" The woman was horrified.

Fairy Biyuan said nothing.

She actually didn't know much about these, especially when she was a Nascent Soul monk, a lot of information was not open to them.

From the sect's point of view, their main task is still practice.

It wasn't until he was successfully promoted to Soul Formation True Master decades ago that he learned some news about confinement and Shengxian Valley from the leader, Quanyang True Master.

Shengxian Valley does have this method.

There is power out there.

The power of Spirit World.

Fairy Biyuan looked at the barrier of Shuifu with burning eyes, and sat cross-legged on the spot. A bunch of spiritual power on the barrier quickly stretched, forming a whirlpool of spiritual power, and poured into her body.

The woman in white robe was shocked:

"Are you crazy?"

"Want to forcefully break the barrier? Since it is the method of Shengxian Valley, is it so easy to break? Are you not afraid of backlash?"

"Besides, since Shengxian Valley's attitude is so tough, what will happen if you go out?"

The woman in white robe was a smart person. She figured out one thing in a short time.

Shengxian Valley didn't want them to die.

But I'm stuck here for now.

Now it is only fifty or sixty years before the catastrophe of imprisonment and restoration. As soon as this time passes, the constraints on the barrier will naturally be lifted.

Because the imprisonment repair had been completed by that time, the Nascent Soul monks were no longer needed in the Ascension Valley.

Naturally, I am not afraid of these Soul Formation monsters.

And this water palace is rich in Dao Rhyme, which is more suitable for Soul Formation practice than any other place.

There is no problem in staying here for another fifty or sixty years.

Seeing Fairy Biyuan continuing to attack the barrier, the woman in white robe twitched her mouth and finally cursed:

"What a crazy woman."

"Sooner or later I will be killed by you."

He also sat down underground and drew out the spiritual power of the barrier and Dao Rhyme.

Bixian Pavilion.

One night a few days later.

Chen Ping found out that the white-bearded Taoist had left Opening Heaven Yinxian City, and then sent a message to Xu Liang:

[at home? ]

Since the last time they knew that Xu Liang had killed the white-bearded Taoist, Chen Ping and Xu Liang had left some point-to-point communication symbols for each other, which could successfully communicate within hundreds of thousands of miles.

[exist. ]

[Go to Jia Fellow Daoist’s house to describe it. ]

Chen Ping quickly received a reply from Xu Liang.

He sneaked out of the City Lord's Mansion, then changed his face, and soon arrived outside the Cave Mansion of Jia Zhongshou.


The courtyard door opened, revealing Jia Zhongshou's face:

"Fellow Daoist Chen? Come in quickly."

Chen Ping followed sideways and saw Xu Liang already inside.

Many years later, it was discovered that the Cave Mansion owned by Jia Zhongshou had become wider, and even the Cave Mansion next door was rented by him, expanded and merged together.

Chen Ping remembered that his neighbor used to be a weapon refiner, and he would often argue with Jia Zhong and get red-faced.

"The former Fellow Daoist has moved away?" Chen Ping asked casually.

"Dead." Jia Zhongshou sighed.

Chen Ping was shocked:

"Dead? How did you die?"

"When he hit the Nascent Soul, he exploded and died. His soul was completely destroyed, and not even a few pieces of his body were left intact." Jia Zhongshou shook his head with a depressed expression.

Chen Ping's heart tightened slightly.

But I understand.

It’s never easy to hit Nascent Soul.

Just because the people who come to Tianyin Fairy City are all talented monks from various sects, it is rare to hear of cases of people dying due to the impact of the Nascent Soul.

But in fact, in some remote continents, there are many monks who died due to the impact of Nascent Soul.

Especially the process of Gold Core crushing, if you are not careful, you will die.

"Hey, Fellow Daoist has always liked to get into trouble. When attacking Nascent Soul, he may have reached a dead end and was unwilling to come out. It's a pity that he is a good person, and he is indeed talented at refining weapons." Jia Zhongshou shook his head and said in a tone of voice. Full of regret.

Jia Zhongshou has just completed the transformation into an infant and knows the hardships involved.

He and Feng Fellow Daoist are sympathetic to each other.

Chen Ping and Xu Liang were both silent.

They could feel Jia Zhongshou's sadness, after all, the two had cherished each other for so many years.

As Jia Zhongsheng entered the inner courtyard, he saw a young girl standing there.

"Oh, this is the daughter of Fellow Daoist Feng. I will take care of her after Fellow Daoist returns to Daoism."

Xu Liang:? ? ?

Chen Ping:? ? ?

The two looked at each other.

There was silence again for a moment.

When Jia Zhong saw the two of them looking at each other, his face turned red and he quickly explained:

"Fellow Daoist Chen, Fellow Daoist Xu, please don't misunderstand me. Jia really regards Xiaoyun as his goddaughter."

And said:

"Xiaoyun, call Uncle Chen and Uncle Xu quickly. Go and pour some tea too."

The young girl greeted them crisply, poured the tea, and withdrew without disturbing the three of them.

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Jia for successfully transforming into a baby." Chen Ping said congratulations.

Jia Zhongshou did not feel happy, but showed unwillingness and bitterness:

"Hey, stop talking, it's not ideal. Although Nascent Soul is a real baby, it doesn't have a trace of golden light. Hey."

Jia Zhongshou was depressed and kept shaking his head.

He has made good progress in weapon refining, which would have given him some help in attacking Nascent Soul.

But it's a pity that these years I have to make money, practice, and experience, and it's hard to take care of myself. Plus, I don't have the guidance of a master.

The result of transforming into a baby is only a false baby.

If the baby is transformed into a sect, there might be a little golden light coming out.

There is a huge difference between having golden light and not having golden light.

"It would be great to be able to give birth to a real baby. It's not easy in today's world." Xu Liang comforted.

Chen Ping also said:

"Yes, you can continue to improve the quality of your Nascent Soul when you return to the sect in the future, and maybe it will give birth to golden light. Our Nascent Soul is not much better, it's just about the same."

Having said that, Jinguang's 'creation from scratch' is actually a very rare process.

Jia Zhongshou sighed.

He knew the two were trying to comfort him.

From close range perception, not to mention Xu Liang, just by Chen Ping's strong aura, he knew at a glance that Nascent Soul couldn't be weak, how could it be so different?

Thinking of something, Jia Zhong looked at Xu Liang:

"A white-bearded Taoist should look down on my Nascent Soul, right?"

Xu Liang was stunned for a moment, and saw the element of 'lucky' in Jia Zhongshou's eyes.

If this is indeed the case, it can be regarded as a blessing in disguise, a blessing in disguise. It was somewhat of a psychological comfort.

But the problem is

Xu Liang swallowed.

I couldn't bear to tell Jia Zhongshou the truth.

There are many imprisonments in the human world, and the various imprisonments are very different and have different characteristics. This causes the white-bearded Taoists to not only look at their cultivation but also their talents when selecting their imprisonment donors.

And this talent is not just a talent in cultivation.

It also includes the formation path, the weapon path, the alchemy path, etc.

Jia Zhongshou was extremely talented at refining weapons.

Chen Ping saw the embarrassment in front of him and changed the subject:

"By the way, Fellow Daoist Xu, the main reason I came here this time is to ask those white-bearded Taoists what they came to do in Tianyin Fairy City?"

When it comes to this topic, all previous lows become worth mentioning.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

(End of chapter)

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