I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 48 Golden Tortoise Armor Technique

Chapter 48 Golden Tortoise Armor Technique

The window contains the Xiling Mountains, and there will always be snow for thousands of years.

Even though Cloud Link City is located in the southwest, light snowflakes began to fall after entering the deep winter. The earth was covered with a layer of silver, which was neither thin nor thick, and the weather became increasingly cold.

The south is no better than the north, which is dry and cold. And Cloud Link City is damp and cold.

The dampness invades the bones and is very uncomfortable.

‘This winter, many people in Cloud Link City may not be having a good time. ’

Chen Ping drank steaming boiled water.

It doesn't matter to him. His house has long been restored to its original state and has become his greatest refuge.

And those who were looking forward to Azure Cloud Sect coming to repair their houses were disappointed after all. Small workers also stopped taking jobs due to the sudden cold weather, and those whose houses had not been repaired could only huddle in dilapidated houses to keep out the cold.

During this period of time, Chen Ping spent most of his time at home practicing Changqing Gong or practicing various exercises.

day to day.

I tried drawing the talisman, but I didn't get started, so I put it down for now.

At the same time, he will go to Fangshi from time to time to understand the situation.

Azure Cloud Sect failed to contact and the caravan did not come. Cloud Link City gradually developed into an "isolated city".

Many monks seemed to have gradually realized this fact, and they took out the Law Weapon and Taoist robes that they were unwilling to sell and sold them.

Law Weapons and legal robes have become cheaper.

As for talismans, as analyzed by Chen Ping, the price has begun to rise. The price has increased by about 40% compared to usual prices.

Chen Ping did not sell the stock.

Decided to wait.

The long winter has just begun.

In the market, the price of spiritual rice has also begun to increase, and it has become 9 pounds per Low Grade spiritual stone. Chen Ping made a prompt decision and spent 15 spiritual stones to buy 135 kilograms.

Anyway, the spiritual rice does not go bad and can be stored. Based on his current consumption of 15 kilograms per month, he can probably eat it for 9 months.

The situation should have improved by then.

As for the Demonic Beast meat, it has returned to the size of 1 spirit stone and 11 kilograms.

I spent 10 spiritual stones to buy 110 pounds.

There are still many Demonic Beasts in the forest outside the city. Although there are also evil spirits and the situation is bad, as long as there are enough benefits, there will never be a shortage of Independent Cultivators who dare to take risks.

So Demonic Beast has no shortage of meat.

At the same time, we also purchased some other daily necessities, such as pots and pans, firewood, oil, salt, etc. The house was ransacked some time ago and many things were lost.

Fortunately, these things are not expensive. You can get them by spending some gold and silver, and no spiritual stones are needed.

The oil lamp flickered into flames.

The lights are bright.

Chen Ping sat at the desk in his bedroom and studied the basic defensive spells carefully.

The three spells "Golden Tortoise Armor", "Stone Armor" and "Qingyun Body Shield" are similar. Practitioners use spiritual power as a tool to form a protective shield around their body through specific spells and spells.

The difference is that the form of expression is different.

But that's not important.

In terms of strength and weakness, they seem to be comparable.

In contrast, "Golden Turtle Armor" has an advantage, that is, in addition to this ancient book suitable for Qi Refining practice, there is also a corresponding Foundation Building chapter.

This means that you can continue to practice in the future.

Continue to strengthen and continue to be useful.

Chen Ping thought for a while and decided to practice the "Golden Turtle Armor Technique".

It is said that the Golden Turtle Armor Technique was obtained by a certain Saint based on his own Spirit Beast. The deeper the practice, the thicker the carapace and the stronger the defense.

You can also expand the defense range. The deeper you practice, the greater the defense range.

He opened the book and read through it first. It was only a few pages, not much, and he finished it in a short time. Then go back to the beginning and practice the chanting formula as described in the book.

To his surprise, this time it was not as difficult as learning other spells and swordsmanship.

After a few times, he got started smoothly.

Officially included in the system panel:

[Spell: Scarab (Entry): 1/1000. ]

What's the meaning?

Why does this get started so quickly?

Is it just because I like to stay at home on weekdays? I'm just a homebody, what's wrong with that?

Chen Ping felt offended.

Damn, that's too much to deceive.

Lower your head.

He glanced at the halo on his body.

So delicious!

I stood up and experienced it. At this time, I just felt like I was wearing a beetle shell, with a golden luster and a pattern of a beetle shell.

But the thickness is not thick, just a thin layer, like cicada wings.

The thinness is probably because I just started.

Put on. Take off. Put on. Take off.

He was as excited as a child, and he was very understanding of people's clothing. He tried putting it on and taking it off several times before he was fully satisfied.

This is the first defensive spell in life.

I decided to give priority to this spell during this period. Give yourself a mobile home.

Thinking this way, take action immediately.

Scarab +1.

Scarab +1.

Golden tortoise shell.

An hour later, the proficiency level of the Golden Tortoise Armor Technique increased by more than sixty points.

The thickness of the carapace has increased significantly.

Moreover, under the control of Chen Ping's magic power, the golden tortoise shell can freely expand its legal domain. The maximum legal domain can be expanded outward by about 3 centimeters from itself.

‘I wonder how effective the defense is? ’

‘How about you find someone like Yu Lingchun to try the effect? ’

Although it only increased proficiency by more than sixty points, Chen Ping couldn't wait to try the effect.

Going out to the yard, unfortunately, apart from the white snow, there was no sign of Yu Lingchun.

Quite a pity.

Just as he was about to go back to his house, he heard the voice of his neighbor Lin Changshou saying hello:

"I've heard for a long time that Fellow Daoist Chen likes to live in seclusion, so I've seen it. I didn't expect that it would be half a month before we met again across a wall."

Lin Changshou stood at the door of his house, half of his body huddled inside to resist the cold wind.

"Fellow Daoist Lin is just kidding. I'm just used to this kind of life." Chen Ping raised his eyebrows... I was a homebody in my previous life. As long as I had a few bottles of happy water, I didn't have to go out for ten days and a half.

Lin Changshou walked out with his neck shrunken:

"It's pretty good. With this damn weather, there's nothing we can do outside. It's wet and cold, so we might as well stay in the house."

"As a Body Refining person, I feel cold. I'm afraid the other Fellow Daoists will have a hard time."

"Fellow Daoist Chen is the one who has good taste. People say that Fellow Daoist Chen is the first household in this street to renovate their houses with their own money. Now they are making a profit. Hey, I should have listened to Fellow Daoist Chen in the first place."

"Really, hey, it's snowing heavily outside, but it's snowing lightly inside my house."

"Other people have a house, I have a big head."

Chen Ping:.


Although Lin Changshou was miserable, it would definitely be unkind to laugh at his neighbors.

But why can't I help it?

"Just think of it as a way to sharpen your body." Chen Ping suppressed a smile and consoled him.

He is professionally trained.

The body after Body Refining is more cold-resistant, but there is a limit. It has to rely on physical strength even without using spiritual power. After all, spiritual power is limited and cannot be used to keep out the cold all the time.

"You are so comforting yourself. ...Huh? Fellow Daoist Chen is practicing the Golden Tortoise Armor Art?" Lin Changshou saw the ancient book in Chen Ping's hand.

Chen Ping did not hide anything and said:

"I just started practicing, and I just got started with Qiang Qiang. What? Fellow Daoist Lin has also practiced?"

"You have practiced, how can you not have practiced before? We, the Body Refining people, use our bodies to resist all kinds of attacks, so naturally we have to practice various defensive spells." Lin Changshou talked eloquently, and then said politely: "By the way, this I have quite a lot of experience in martial arts. If Chen Fellow Daoist has any questions, you can discuss them with me. It won’t be a problem.”

"That's good."

Although you have already started, you should listen to someone talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this magic.

So he took the initiative to communicate with Lin Changshou.

Lin Changshou was stunned for a moment... He was just saying polite words, but the other party really hit the snake with a stick. But now that the conversation has started, he is happy to communicate.

Rather than talking about communication, it would be better to say that Chen Ping focuses on asking questions, and Lin Changshou focuses on solving doubts.

At first, Chen Ping said that he was just starting out. Lin Changshou thought that Chen Ping was being humble. But now when he heard the questions Chen Ping asked, he realized that Chen Ping was really just starting out and the questions he asked were very simple. Moreover, Chen Ping was very studious and kept asking questions. After talking about dry mouth and tongue, Lin Changshou couldn't help but regretted that he had mentioned it so much.

After clearing up the confusion, Lin Changshou said again:

"This spell is easy at the beginning, but difficult to practice at the end. I have only practiced it for three years to reach the thickness of an orange peel. And the defensive power is not very good. Fellow Daoist Chen, don't have too high expectations."

Chen Ping thanks:

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Lin, for clarifying my doubts. Just practice it, there is no harm in it anyway."

"That is, that is."


The two chatted for a while and then went back to their houses.

Continue to practice.

The days are simple and repetitive.

On this day, Chen Ping was practicing at home, and suddenly there was a noise outside.

He looked out through the window and saw a knocking sound coming from his courtyard door, and it seemed to be the sound of a group of people.

"Pah, pah, pah!"

“Chen Fellow Daoist, Chen Fellow Daoist….”

(End of chapter)

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