I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 478 Master And Apprentice Join Forces, Two Formations Combined

Chapter 478 Master and apprentice join forces, two formations combined

"Xiyue? I have respected you for hundreds of years, but you want my life!"

Chen Ping looked ferocious, holding a sword in both hands, with Sword Intent filling his body, and struck Xiyue with all his strength.

This sword is all about personal grudges.

The Sword Intent is a rainbow, and the wind is roaring for several miles.

But halfway down the slash, the Sword Intent suddenly changed direction, drawing a round arc in the air, and slashed straight towards the weakest Nascent Soul six-level white-bearded Taoist present.

He is also the one closest to Xiyue.

All this happened between fire and lightning.

On the sixth floor of Nascent Soul, who would have thought that Chen Ping would dare to kill directly when facing five Nascent Soul monks.

At this moment, he was caught off guard and panicked to defend himself.

But then he found that his magic was almost imprisoned, and countless ice picks appeared out of thin air around him.

"Xiyue, you dare."

Murong Bai Yao was shocked.

I didn't expect this to be the case at all.

All this happened too fast. The three of them hurriedly prepared to rescue their colleagues, but then they discovered that countless ice bamboo shoots were growing around them.

Let Xiyue take the advantage, and in their haste, they had no choice but to protect themselves first.


The sixth-level monk of Nascent Soul was covered by Xiyue's Divine Ability and Chen Ping's overwhelming Sword Intent on the ninth level of Nascent Soul. He had no power to fight back and could only watch in despair as he was swallowed up by death.

Instantly lifeless.

Even Nascent Soul had no time to escape.

"Xiyue, do you know what you are doing?" Murong Bai Yao did not expect that Xiyue, who was the supporter of the imprisonment, would turn against him.

He thought Xiyue would protect Chen Ping, argue for Chen Ping, and even hide Chen Ping.

But he never thought that Xiyue would kill the white-bearded Taoist.

This is equivalent to standing on the opposite side of Shengxian Valley.

But Xiyue is obviously the one who imprisons the donor.

"Xiyue, do you dare to kill your colleague?" Another ninth-level Nascent Soul monk looked at his colleague who had turned into a broken body, his eyes filled with disbelief.

At the same time, his lips were trembling with anger.

Xiyue did not answer, but gently floated forward, drew a circle with one hand, and attacked the three people opposite with a sharp water sword.

Chen Ping was just about to try his best to cooperate when he heard a voice in his heart:


"Go back to Tianyin Fairy City."

Immediately afterwards, an ice coffin sealed his body.

The ice coffin, with a destructive aura, was thrown towards the sky under the influence of Xiyue's spell.

In the ice coffin, Chen Ping saw Xiyue standing there, sandwiched between the white-bearded Taoist and the direction in which he was thrown.

Alone and alone.

Blocking him from all potential risks.

Chen Ping felt a little warm in his heart.

This scene has never been similar.

When he and Xiyue went to the wild forest, they were attacked by Chi Liang, and he was also wrapped in Xiyue's ice coffin and thrown out.

This is true again today.

However, at that time, he was only a Foundation Building practitioner and faced Chi Liang from Nascent Soul Late Stage.

Xiyue can only carry everything by herself.

But now, he doesn't want to escape.


Chen Ping Nascent Soul's Gang Qi shook, the ice coffin fell apart, and his thrown body paused in the air.

Then, he rushed back like a cannonball.

"Xiyue, do you think you can stop me? We know every spell, every technique, and every skill you have. How long can you stop me?"

Murong Bai Yao sneered and gestured to the other two colleagues to take their positions and surround Xi Yue.

Xiyue's rebellion is not a bad thing for them.

Capturing the traitor Xi Yue alive would be a higher merit than bringing back a Chen Ping.

More meritorious deeds mean better opportunities for practice.

"You are looking for death." Another Nascent Soul ninth-level monk launched a fierce attack on Xiyue.

Spells rained down.

One side has two Nascent Soul Late Stages plus one Nascent Soul Seventh Stage, and they know the situation of the other side very well; the other side is a single stage, with only one Nascent Soul Nineth Stage.

And it is a Nascent Soul that is not sound all year round.


Chen Ping's Seven-Star Longyuan Sword struck hard at the seventh-level Nascent Soul monk.


A treasure like an iron tower flew out immediately, exuding a blue halo.

"Chen Ping, are you using Sword Intent?" The seventh-level Nascent Soul monk muttered.

"So what?" Chen Ping stepped forward.

Without answering, his Sword Intent poured out, but after answering that sentence, all the Sword Intent was completely swallowed up by the iron tower, leaving not a single trace left.

Chen Ping felt numb.

What is this Spiritual Treasure?

He quickly rolled back to avoid its edge, and at the same time unleashed Sword Intent again.

However, the Sword Intent was completely absorbed by the tower again.

"Ha, you want to sneak attack again?" After succeeding, the seventh-level monk of Nascent Soul sneered.

"just you?"

The seventh floor of Nascent Soul chuckled, and the majestic Nascent Soul Qi swept towards Chen Ping, causing the trees to collapse with a rumble.

Chen Ping didn't dare to be careless at all. As he retreated, countless scales on his body lit up.


Seeing that Chen Ping was knocked away, the seventh-level monk of Nascent Soul was too lazy to pay attention to Chen Ping, and then joined the siege of Xiyue again.

In their eyes, Chen Ping is not worth mentioning.

As long as the treasure mirror is in hand, Chen Ping cannot escape.

On the contrary, Xiyue is extremely talented, and they are worried that Xiyue will self-destruct if the net is broken, so they need to concentrate their combat power to win it quickly.

In the battlefield, a trace of blood oozed from the corner of Xiyue's cold mouth, looking extremely miserable.

She didn't expect that Chen Ping, who was so afraid of death, would come back.

But at this moment, she couldn't care about so much anymore.

There is no way out.

"Xiyue, you Primordial Spirit bully the weak, and if you continue to resist stubbornly, don't blame me for ignoring our former colleagues and directly attacking you with Primordial Spirit." Murong Bai Yao's face darkened.

Xiyue is the imprisoned provider, and her Primordial Spirit is of great use.

They didn't want to launch a direct soul attack unless absolutely necessary.

I hope to capture Xiyue alive.

The other side.

Chen Ping climbed up from the forest, grinning in pain.

What the hell.

The most powerful Sword Intent loses its attack power, and even the Divine Ability is no longer of much use, which is like cutting off an arm.

Directly casting the Sword Intent does not work.

Then it can only be tricky.


"Ah, ah, ah."

The seventh-level monk of Nascent Soul suddenly fell from a high altitude and poured Entering Spirit into his Dantian with one hand. He was sweating profusely and his face was hideous.

"My Nascent Soul."

"Be careful with Chen Ping's Law Treasure, it can manifest directly into our Dantian."

"Ah, ah, ah!"

The seventh-level Nascent Soul monk was in a daze, and the Nascent Soul in his Dantian was incomplete. If he hadn't reacted quickly, I'm afraid the Nascent Soul would have been wiped out at this moment.

Murong Bai Yao took a picture of his fallen colleague with one hand, and his heart tightened.

They know Xiyue well.

Knowing that Xiyue did not have the Law Treasure and Divine Ability to enter other people's dantian, she had not done any protection in this area before.

But I never expected that Chen Ping, who was just in the early stage of Nascent Soul, would have such ability?

At this moment, several people were guarding their Dantian.

"you go first."

Murong Bai Yao rubbed his hands together, and a vortex of white mist was drawn out, instantly surrounding Nascent Soul's seventh-level colleagues.

Then the seventh-level monk of Nascent Soul flew out.

Chen Ping's consciousness moved, and the huge Seven-Star Longyuan Sword tilted down towards the flying seventh-level monk of Nascent Soul.

The tower flew out again, and the Sword Intent disappeared.

Ke Xiyue’s Divine Ability followed one after another.

The iron tower crashed.

"Want to kill them all?"

Murong Bai Yao struck with a spell and forced Xi Yue and Chen Ping back.

In order to fight for a chance of survival for the seventh-level monk of Nascent Soul, this person turned into a ray of light and disappeared.

Four people on the scene, 2vs2.

"Boy, you have some skills."

"In that case, let's repair the monsters and we are ruthless, Lao Yang, activate the Law Treasure and kill Xiyue, and you will also receive the merit." Murong Bai Yao shouted and took the lead in launching the attack.

"Okay." The ninth-level Nascent Soul old man who called Lao Yang responded, and a gong mallet and a gong appeared in his hand.


With the sound of the gong, Xiyue's face instantly turned pale.

Xiyue was able to persist in the 1 vs. 3 situation until now, largely because the opponent just wanted to capture her alive. After all, Xiyue was a prisoner and provider.

But now, the situation is different.

Soul attack?

When Chen Ping saw the sound wave coming, he immediately used the big skull at full level.

But facing the sound of the gong, the big skull collapsed in one breath.

The sound waves instantly entered Chen Ping's Dantian and hit the Nascent Soul directly.

The ferocious spirit attacks Spiritual Treasure!

Also at this time.

The Nascent Soul in Chen Ping's dantian and the purple bracelet on his ankle formed by the secondary transformation of the baby instantly formed a purple light mask.

Keep the Nascent Soul inside.

The sound wave hit the purple light shield, quickly turned the spearhead, and was bounced back.


Yang True Monarch was hit by the sound wave of the gong and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing this, Chen Ping's thoughts changed.


He also spat out a mouthful of blood.

"How are you?" Xiyue looked pale and looked at Chen Ping, who was also pale.

"Master, I'm afraid if I strike this gong one more time, my disciple will die." Chen Ping's face turned extremely pale.

Yang's True Monarch's Nascent Soul received a huge backlash, and she was shocked. She subconsciously thought that it was Xiyue who caused the sound wave to bounce back.

I never thought that Xiyue could do this.

But seeing that both Xiyue and Chen Ping were in danger, Yang True Monarch knew that Xiyue and Chen Ping were probably more seriously injured than him.


Yang True Monarch was cruel and knocked down again.

Xiyue took the seal with one hand to resist the sound of the gong, and took Chen Ping over with the other hand, protecting herself in front of Chen Ping.

Chen Ping was stunned for a moment, and before the sound wave arrived, he instantly walked around in front of Xiyue.


Chen Ping spat out a mouthful of blood again.


Yang True Monarch also spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Chen Ping, how are you?" Xiyue held onto the shaky Chen Ping with one hand. During Chen Ping's resistance, she unexpectedly found that she had not received many sonic attacks.

I knew it was Chen Ping who took the initiative to absorb it all.

I couldn't help but feel anxious.

Chen Ping is only at the first level of Nascent Soul.

Can it be stopped?

"Lao Yang, what's the matter with you?" Murong Bai Yao saw his old partner in a daze and vomited two mouthfuls of blood. He didn't know what happened.

"Damn it, I fell for that kid's trick. The kid was just pretending to be injured. He has the ability to protect the gods and can defeat my Spiritual Treasure." Yang True Monarch covered his Dantian, his face turned pale.

Murong Bai Yao:.

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Ping, who had been shaky, suddenly regained his energy.

In an instant, he flew several feet behind Xiyue:

"Master, the rest is up to you. My disciple will help you harass them from the outside."

In the battle at Nascent Soul Late Stage, he would sneak in one or two attacks when the opponent was not paying attention. Now that the opponent was aware of his methods, he also lost value at the same time.

He couldn't get involved in the ninth-level duel at Nascent Soul.

If you step forward abruptly, it will drag Xiyue down.

"Master, don't think about fighting them desperately, don't fight to the death, hold them back, delay time, focus on defense."

"Also, set up the formation."

Chen Ping's voice transmission.

"It's useless. They know my methods well and will not allow me to set up a formation." Xiyue's voice was cold, as if she was prepared for the worst.

To be able to fight at this moment, to be able to kill one opponent, injure another, and then make a ninth-level Nascent Soul monk lose half his life was far beyond her imagination.

The opponent came prepared and had a far greater advantage than she and Chen Ping.

At this moment, her spiritual power was nearly exhausted.

There aren't many options left.

"There's no time, quickly set up the formation."

Chen Ping command.

Before he finished speaking, "Bang~Bang~Bang~" Murong Bai Yao and the two launched a fierce siege against Xiyue again. Xiyue looked at ease under the siege, but she tried her best to dodge every time. A single thought could kill her. The path of death disappears.

At the same time, Xiyue actually obeyed and started to set up the formation.

Arrange the formation with body shape and steps.

"Want to set up a formation on the spot? Xiyue, you underestimate me. Since I know every spell and ability of yours, how can I allow you to successfully set up an formation?" Murong Bai Yao sneered and increased his attack.

Chen Ping wandered far away from the outside, constantly harassing the two of them.

But Murong Bai Yao and Yang True Monarch have finally figured it out. Chen Ping has a lot of Yin skills. Law Treasure can enter other people's Dantian and has the means to rebound spiritual attacks.

But that's all.

The real combat power is not that strong.

Even the powerful Sword Intent just now was not fatal in front of their Nascent Soul Ninth Level.

Because of this, even at this moment, their main target is still Xiyue on the ninth floor of Nascent Soul.

As long as Xiyue is captured, Chen Ping will be the turtle in the urn.

"Go to hell!"

While Murong Bai Yao was attacking Xi Yue, he took the time to strike down the harassing Chen Ping with a spell.

Chen Ping was on guard for a long time, but when the attack from the ninth level of Nascent Soul came, he still felt the overwhelming pressure.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!."

The golden scales growing in the body started from the left hand and went up the arm. Like setting off firecrackers, large pieces broke off one after another in an instant, making a crisp crackling sound.

Chen Ping, who was knocked several dozen feet away, was in a daze.

A mouthful of blood spat out uncontrollably.

This time I really vomited.

‘What the hell. ’

‘The attack power of Nascent Soul Late Stage is terrifying. ’

‘If Body Refining hadn’t reached the real body, I’m afraid the physical body would be gone by now. ’

Chen Ping got up, swallowed a mouthful of elixir, and returned to the battle scene again.

Continue to wander around the periphery.

"Oh, Xiyue, you still want to set up a formation? Do you think I don't exist?" Murong Bai Yao was furious.

Just when Murong Bai Yao was about to launch a fierce attack, he suddenly saw the entire space flashing.

I was shocked.

Was the formation successful?

But Xiyue obviously set up the formation under her nose, and only two formation points were set up.



The formation rhyme struck again, and the formation patterns above the head flickered.

"No, fly out quickly." Murong Bai Yao shouted.

But it's too late.

The array patterns connected into one in an instant.

A large bowl covering several miles enveloped them.

At the same time, Xiyue and Chen Ping quickly flew out of the formation.

"What's going on?" Yang True Monarch's eyes were full of disbelief.

Murong Bai Yao looked at Chen Ping slowly with a ferocious face:

"It's you?"

How many tricks does this kid have?

It doesn't matter if Law Treasure can enter other people's Dantian, it is considered a good talent for artifact refining.

But there is actually a way to restrain Yang's True Monarch Spiritual Treasure. That Spiritual Treasure caused countless Nascent Souls to suffer a great loss and was invincible in the attacks of the souls.

And at this moment, the Nine-Xuan Dingtian Formation is actually being deployed?

The issue is.

During the fight just now, although the two of them were focused on Xi Yue, they also used some of their consciousness to pay attention to Chen Ping who was harassing the outside.

Just now, it seemed that Chen Ping was walking completely randomly, and his pace didn't look like he was setting up a formation at all.

Is it so hidden?

You should know that a genius like Xiyue only learned this formation in the middle stage of Nascent Soul and learned how to use body shape and steps to set up the formation, and he was not very proficient yet.

But just now, Xiyue Mingming only arranged two positions.

This is equivalent to Chen Ping arranging the remaining ten formation points, and then resonating with Xiyue's two formation points to form the Jiuxuan Dingtian Formation.

‘Yin and yang combine to form a formation? ’

For two people to join forces to set up a formation, it requires that they both have the same thoughts, a good understanding of each other, and a common understanding of the formation concept, and they also need to be very proficient in understanding the formation.

The master and apprentice teamed up, and it turned out to be so terrifying.

Jiuxuan Dingtian Formation.

Those who are in it are reduced to two smaller realms.

This means that they can only unleash the power of the seventh level of Nascent Soul.

Moreover, Yang True Monarch is still alive.

"Master, I really rely on you this time." Chen Ping swallowed a body restoration pill and looked at Xiyue.

Xiyue's expression was complicated.

After not seeing each other for two hundred years, this apprentice has grown to the point where she feels unfamiliar.

This series of operations actually turned a hopeless game around.


In today's battle, she knew that if Chen Ping were replaced by any other Nascent Soul Late Stage monk, even the ninth level of Nascent Soul, the result might be completely different.

Xiyue looked at Chen Ping.

Taking a breath, he dragged his injured body and launched a fierce attack on Murong Bai Yao and the two who were trapped in the formation.

The Jiuxuan Dingtian Formation deployed in the form of the body has a time limit and only lasts for tens of breaths.

"Xiyue, you and I are both envoys of Shengxian Valley, do we have to fight to the death?" Murong Bai Yao was anxious.

Now it’s Nascent Soul’s ninth floor and Nascent Soul’s seventh floor.

Even though Xiyue was scarred, she was still on the ninth level of Nascent Soul.

Coupled with the power of Chen Ping's great sword, it may not be of much value when facing the ninth level of Nascent Soul, but it will be different when facing the seventh level of Nascent Soul.

There are only four more small realms of Chen Ping.

Sword Intent also makes them miserable.

"Xiyue, it's safe to turn around. You and I are shaking hands and making peace now. We can let this matter rot in our stomachs and no one will know."

"You killed us, do you think Shengxian Valley will spare you? In the entire human world, where can you escape the eyes of Shengxian Valley? Don't deceive yourself."

"We are all messengers, and we must have the consciousness of messengers."

But what greeted them both was a more violent attack.


"Ah, Xiyue you"


"Chen Xiaoyou, your master is possessed by a demon. If you kill your master, we will recommend you to become the envoy of Shengxian Valley."

"Ah, poof"


The Jiuxuan Dingtian Formation collapsed.

Murong Bai Yao and Yang True Monarch's bodies were gone, and their souls were shattered.

There was a mess everywhere.


At the moment when Murong Bai Yao died, a picture flashed across the sky, and the image of a human head snorted and disappeared.

"How is Master?" Chen Ping walked over and helped Xiyue's soft body to sit down.

After this battle, Chen Ping was actually playing support, and Xiyue was responsible for the important output.

Of course, Xiyue can also resist the opponent's main attack power alone.

Chen Ping's main injury came from Murong Bai Yao's sudden blow, and the other injuries were not too serious.

But Xiyue is different.

At this moment, Xiyue's face was pale and shaky, and her spiritual power had already been excessively depleted.

"It's okay, I can't die." Xiyue was in a trance.

Chen Ping helped Xiyue sit down and gave her two rejuvenation spells. When he saw her face turned red, he checked his own condition.

I have to say that the attack power of the ninth level of Nascent Soul is really too strong.

He just withstood one attack from Murong Bai Yao, which caused a large number of the ingrown scales in his body to crackle like firecrackers.

Upon inspection at this moment, I discovered that not only the entire left arm, but even the ingrown scales on the left side of the body had disappeared.

Fortunately, that attack only hurt the physical body.

Physical injuries are easily healed.

Chen Ping looked at the scene, stood up with his body that was almost split, held back the pain and said:

"Master, please meditate and recover for a while while I clean up the scene."

Quickly clean up the scene.

There was basically no need to keep it secret this time.

Judging from the snort in the last scene, the two of them may have been known to others for a long time.

Besides, there is also a white-bearded Taoist from the seventh level of Nascent Soul who has escaped.

But Chen Ping still took out the soul whip to absorb all the remaining souls at the scene. Although it could not be kept secret, at least the process of killing the three white-bearded Taoists would not be leaked.

Your own trump cards will not be revealed.

After dealing with the remaining souls, I focused on picking up some scattered belongings.

Murong Bai Yao and Yang True Monarch's storage bags had already exploded, and many things had been destroyed.

Even the gong of Yang True Monarch has been cracked.

Only a few intact items fell to the ground.

Chen Ping picked up at the scene for a while, then flew to the outside and looked in the direction where the seventh-level monk of Nascent Soul escaped just now.

Successfully found the iron tower that fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the tower is intact.

This Spiritual Treasure is not simple, it can swallow the opponent's Sword Intent with just a shout.

It's a good thing.

Specialized in killing sword cultivators.

(End of chapter)

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