Chapter 54 Gang

The area of ​​Cloud Link City is not small, with tens of thousands of households originally. Moreover, the streets are sparse and not crowded, which makes future developers ashamed.

The city wall surrounds Cloud Link City.

The circumference is not short.

However, the damage to the city walls in the south and north of the city is small, and the east and west of the city are the key areas that need repair.

This time's renovation plans to make it stronger and taller based on the original one.

In an attempt to defend against possible invading Demonic Beasts or Demonic Cultivators.

The area where Chen Ping is located is at the east wall of the city.

After arriving, I discovered that there were several familiar faces there, including my neighbors, Yu Lingchun and Lin Changshou.

Yu Qingyi is not here.

It is said that they have different cultivation levels and accept different tasks. Yu Qingyi and these juniors are obviously not at the same level of cultivation.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, I'm sorry to bother you. My grandfather asked me to follow you, is that okay?" Yu Lingchun came over at some point, with an apology and a hint of joy on her face.

Chen Ping smiled:

"What are you doing with me? I'm not a supervisor."

"Grandpa said, there is no need to worry about safety when following you." Yu Lingchun smiled sweetly, her face glowing pink under the early spring sun.

Chen Ping understands Yu Qingyi’s concerns.

My granddaughter rarely goes out alone. She is like a flower in a greenhouse and does not understand the world of people outside.

Chen Ping can live like a fish in water in the Independent Cultivator area by himself, especially during the last beast wave disaster, he was able to survive unharmed. In Yu Qingyi's opinion, nature has a set of life skills.

Chen Ping found these words very helpful. He just followed him to do the same errands without having to take care of him. In fact, he didn't need to ask for his permission. Asking this was a sign of Yu Lingchun's respect for him.

But then I heard Yu Lingchun say:

"Hehe, my grandfather said that if there is danger, you will be the first to notice it, and you will also be the fastest one."

Chen Ping hesitated.

Suddenly I didn’t want to talk anymore.

What does it mean?

"Your grandfather is not a son of a man, and I am not the kind of person who runs away easily." Chen Ping retorted speechlessly.


‘If danger occurs, how can I retreat so that I can run the fastest? Can you be the first to stay away from danger? ’ Chen Ping was silently calculating in his mind while answering Yu Lingchun.

He looked at this 'construction site' calmly.

One side of the city wall here is the city, and the other side is the forest to the east.

There will be no danger in the city, and no one will come to make trouble in the crowded place in broad daylight.

The east side is much more dangerous.

The Endless Forest is several miles away from here, with a wasteland in between. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be much danger.

But you still need to plan just in case.

If a Demonic Beast appears, how should you retreat as soon as possible? In which direction to retreat? Which way to go? What skills and talismans are used?

After all, so many people are moving together, and there is a lot of noise. Who knows if a certain manic Demonic Beast will be disturbed?

Chen Ping looked at these monks for a while.

The person who was coordinating among the Independent Cultivators was still someone from the Liu family, but he was relieved that he didn't see this gloomy-eyed monk from the Liu family.

As for other people doing repairs, there are about twenty or thirty people here.

There are Independent Cultivators, and there are mortals.

In addition, looking from a distance, you can also see many people busy repairing other collapsed areas of the city wall.

Chen Ping silently attached the evil-proofing talismans to his body, and once again confirmed that the amulets, Qi Replenishing Pills, etc. were in his sleeves, he began to work on the repairs.

There are many types of repair jobs, such as building walls, moving huge rocks, quarrying rocks outside the city, and mixing mud.

Quarrying and transporting rocks is undoubtedly the most dangerous, as you have to go to the outskirts of the Endless Forest.

Others are around the city wall and have a higher safety factor.

These are not high-end jobs.

In normal times, these things would be errands performed by mortals or the most destitute individual Independent Cultivators, and there is no need for monks like them to do them.

But today's Cloud Link City is not what it used to be.

There are not that many suitable workers.

I can't afford to wait for slow work to produce fine work, so I can take my time.

We can only work together, regardless of high or low, to speed up the repair progress.

Not only the Independent Cultivators, but also the disciples from the West District family can be seen working enthusiastically among the teams doing these menial tasks.

In such tasks, some monks who know some earth magic can play a huge role.

Chen Ping is an ordinary man, and his job is to move stones under the city wall.

He only needs to move the huge stones to the device in the air, and then the monks on the city wall will lift the stones up, that's all.

Because monks generally have outstanding strength, this kind of work is nothing.

Pretty easy.

There are a total of seven people working with Chen Ping, both young and old. Because everyone helps each other, they have become familiar with each other and can occasionally chat with each other.

During the break, a group of Independent Cultivators came over from a distance.

The leading monk had a round figure, big legs and thick arms, and his robe was almost like a tights.

"That's Geng Zhongjie, the gang leader from a street in the north of the city. This guy likes to cause trouble. Leave him alone and let's do our own work." Lin Changshou said softly.

"There are still gangs in Cloud Link City?" Chen Ping was confused.

Living in Cloud Link City for so long, I have never heard of gangs.

In the past, the city defense family was dominated by one family and no cliques were allowed.

The five major families since then seem to have also prohibited forming cliques.

"There were not many before, but now there are a lot of them gradually. However, they all say that they are not gangs, and they only talk about neighborly help to the outside world. But what they do are gang activities, and what they do in private are all destructive things." Lin Changshou said lowly Sound to clear up doubts.

Chen Ping dusted off his hands:

"Which family is in charge of the north of the city? Doesn't it care about these people?"

"Why do you care about this? On the surface, it's just neighbors helping each other. Besides, several big families are gradually showing signs of fatigue, and I'm afraid they may not be able to do enough."

Lin Changshou felt very sad. He had just come out of a completely collapsed family not long ago, and he knew a lot about family matters.

While the two were muttering, Geng Zhongjie and his group came over.

The two of them stopped talking about others.

What surprised Chen Ping was that this group of people didn't stay too long, and they didn't cause any trouble. They seemed to be looking for someone, or were just passing by, and quickly went to the next repair place.

With Chen Ping's current strength, he is no longer afraid of such a person, but for him, it is always better to do less than to do more.

Ordinary days are the best days.

The most enjoyable life is without accidents.

The task of repair is like going to the factory to drive screws in later generations, monotonous and boring.

The same thing is repeated over and over again.

Fortunately, each person only needs to work for three days.

During breaks from work, other people would get together to chat when they had nothing to do, and sometimes they would even gamble when they had nothing to do.

Everyone enjoyed themselves.

Some people even enjoy this errand and regard it as a rare time to gather and communicate.

Chen Ping did not participate in these activities. When he had nothing to do, he would sit alone and practice meditation.

Don't waste time.

Yu Lingchun rarely went out alone and was curious about everything. However, seeing that Chen Ping did not mix with others, she lost interest and sat beside Chen Ping most of the time.

He also practiced Qigong.

The 'assembly line work' on the first and second days was carried out in an orderly manner, which made Chen Ping think that after one more day, he could start living at home again.

Never thought about it.

In the afternoon of the third day, while Chen Ping and his gang were moving stones slowly, a dispute was taking place on another part of the city wall.

(End of chapter)

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