Chapter 66 Regret

Affected by the accident in Cloud Link City, Chen Ping felt a deep sense of crisis and immediately resumed his seclusion at home.

I don’t go out every day if I can’t.

The farthest distance in the world is the courtyard gate.

He has so many things that he can practice, including exercises, various spells, drawing talismans, leatherworking...

And have fun doing it.

This day.

After practicing the technique for two hours, Chen Ping felt refreshed.

He got up and moved around in the yard for a while, then returned to his bedroom, sat at his desk and flipped through the "Five Elements Taoism Beginner's Guide" he bought a few days ago.

The book is very thin, and Chen Ping finished reading it quickly.

This is not a profound spell, but the most basic introductory spell of the Five Elements of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth.

There is only one spell per school in the book.

For example, the fire system.

The counterpart is the most basic 'fingertip white flame', which is just a small flame on the finger, which can ignite the fire, and has no other attack effects.

You can't even throw the flames out randomly.

Another example is the gold system.

The corresponding one is also the most basic 'Golden Magnetism Power'. Although this name is fancy, it cannot attract people, it can only magnetize metal weapons.

And the jurisdiction is very small.

As for the other three series, they are pretty much the same.

Chen Ping read and evaluated the five basic spells in detail one by one.

In the end, I chose to learn the earth spell ‘Earth Shaker’ first.

This spell is also a basic spell. Its effect is to use spiritual power to deeply shake the earth within the scope of the law, but it will not cause a big shaking feeling.

Once practiced, it can have a combat effect on organisms in the soil.

For example, the monks in Earth Escape.

Moreover, this spell is not difficult to practice.

At this time, he was holding the book, reciting the incantation silently, and following the guidance in the book to draw the spiritual power, and increase the 'gathering degree' of the spiritual power, allowing the spiritual power to gather in the palm of his hand...

Then he slammed it to the ground.


The dust was flying.

But this is the effect of spiritual bombardment, not the effect of the silent Earth Shaker.

The way the spiritual power is blasted out is not quite right.

try again.

Chen Ping made some adjustments and tried again.

After five or six times.


With a palm shot, the wind was gentle and the clouds were calm, and no dust was stirred up.

But the ground clearly rippled and shook a few times.

Then it returns to its still state.

Chen Ping reached out and touched the shaking ground. The ground, which had been stepped on countless times and was already very tight, turned out to be gravel-like.

He reached out and grabbed a handful, and the soil turned into sand and fell from the gaps between his fingers.

'sure. ’

‘The scarification effect is good. ’

‘If future generations had this technology, it would be much easier for farmers to dig the land, and they could cover an acre of land with just a few palms. ’

Obviously, this spell has also been officially introduced.

[Spell: Earth Shaker (Introduction): 1/1000. …]

Keep practicing…

Half a day later.


The breeze blew and the soil swayed slightly.

Chen Ping dug down and found that the soil had loosened into sand to a depth of half a meter.

And some of the small stones have also been smashed.

That's great.

Chen Ping played with interest for a while before stopping.

He discovered that this basic spell also had the benefits of a basic spell.

That is:

1. Easy to practice.

2. Very little spiritual power consumption.

After half a day just now, he was basically in the process of non-stop practice. He only took one Qi Replenishing Pills in the middle, and he already felt that his spiritual power was more than enough.

Far from feeling the trend of spiritual exhaustion.

And it is very easy to practice.

Complete an exercise with one palm.

So after half a day, his proficiency has become:

[Spell: Earth Regret (entry): 616/1000. ]

This speed of progress brought him back to the time when he first learned anatomy.

It took three days to master the anatomy technique.

This 'Earth Shaker Technique', not to mention three days, basically did not reach the 'mastery' level in five days.

‘It seems that simple spells also have the benefits of simple spells! The practice is very simple. ’

‘However, the function is simple, and so far it only has a loosening effect. ’

Chen Ping smiled.

He doesn't mind simple functionality.

Learning this spell itself is to experience the Five Elements spell. With these basic insights, you will be more comfortable learning more advanced Five Elements spells in the future.

This is laying the foundation.

Chen Ping's house is not big, with one bedroom, a main room, a utility room and a charm-making room connected together, and the kitchen is external.

After looking around the room, he decided to dig down to the basement starting from the utility room.

From the moment he chose to stay, he was prepared to deal with various potential risks.

And basements and tunnels are one of them.

It can temporarily avoid disasters and provide an extra channel for you to go out in a hidden way.

In the past, digging a basement would have been too much work.

It's different now.

With the 'Earth Shaker Technique', everything in front of him was grains of sand.

It won't make any noise either.

It can be done quietly.

As for the excavated sand, you can carry it out in bags at night. There is no need to transport it too far, there is a row of shabby houses three miles away, uninhabited.

Used to store excess sand and soil where no one will notice.

Nowadays, no one pays attention to these dilapidated houses.


With one palm strike, the soil loosens.


Spring is coming, and everything is green.

Chen Ping had no intention of admiring the warm spring sunshine in Cloud Link City. He practiced continuously in the house for more than a month.

After this period of practice, his Qi Refining level 4 has reached a proficiency level of nearly 85/100. It is estimated that in another ten or twenty days, he will be able to Qi Refining level 5.

In addition, spells such as Yunyan Step and Aura Concealing Technique have also been greatly improved.

Since the main hall has been renovated, he rarely goes out to Sunset Forest these days.

Basically, they practice magic in the house.

The small spiritual sword requires a lot of practice, because its destructive power is getting bigger and bigger.

Even so, there has been some progress.

As for the 'Earth Shaker Technique', it has already been cultivated to the full level.

More than 70 square meters of space have been dug out in the basement, which is enough for temporary use.

The depth is deep enough, and the basement is more than six or seven meters vertically down.

Some huge stones were also built on the surrounding walls of the basement for support, while increasing the rigidity of the room.

Chen Ping estimated that even if a Demonic Beast passed by, it would not cause a landslide.

In addition, he also made several vents and siphon-shaped drains based on his previous superficial knowledge of ventilation and drainage.

The next step is to dig the tunnel.

Chen Ping has chosen the direction of the tunnel, which leads to a weedy area in the city five miles away to the west. It is overgrown with grass and is suitable for making a hidden exit.

Except digging a basement.

Chen Ping has been making several talisman skins every day for a month, which is his main source of income every day. Also insist on drawing symbols.


He sat in front of the desk, holding the talisman pen and dipping it in talisman ink, and began to try to draw the fire talisman.

During this time, his Cleansing Talisman has successfully reached 'Proficiency: 180/200'.

This level has surpassed the level of sophistication of most peers in drawing cleaning symbols.

Because of this, he decided to advance the progress of other talismans at the same time.

The fire talisman, the good luck talisman, and the wind talisman are all Low Level talismans at the same level as the cleansing talisman.

Chen Ping decided to get in first before talking.

He spread the talisman paper and started drawing stroke by stroke according to the runes of the fire talisman.

Maybe it's because of the same origin.

Perhaps the fire talisman is also a low-level talisman and has the same technical content as the cleansing talisman.

After trying it a few times, I got started smoothly.

[Charm: Fire Charm (entry): 1/100. ]

After drawing for an hour, Chen Ping tried the Lucky Talisman and Listening to the Wind Talisman again.

Likewise, not too much energy was wasted.

At the end of the day, all three kinds of talismans were introduced.

[Drawing Talisman: Cleaning Talisman (Proficient): 180/200. Fire Charm (Entry): 2/200. Lucky Talisman (entry): 1/200. Listening to the Wind Talisman (Introductory): 1/200]

Sure enough it is:

One door is connected, every door is connected.

Chen Ping moved his neck happily and prepared to take a sip of water.

He picked up the water glass, thought about it, and then put it down.

Focus your thoughts.

Activate spiritual power.

On the table, the water in the water glass slowly flowed in a vortex, slowly, slowly gathered into a water column, and flew into Chen Ping's mouth accurately.

‘Well, yes, this is real tap water. ’

The basic water spell "Dragon Gathering Water" is still somewhat useful. ’

Chen Ping smiled.

During this time, he had also practiced basic water spells.

This spell has a great name, it's called 'Dragon Gathering Water'.

‘I don’t know if I can jump higher after completing the practice. ’ Every time he thinks of this name, Chen Ping can’t help but complain in his heart.

It has a fancy name, but it is actually the most basic spell, which can gather water within a certain range.

Or pull the flow of water.

If this spell is in a wasteland with no water source, it will still have a certain effect. It can gather the tiny water vapor in the air to form drinking water.

It is equivalent to exchanging spiritual power for water.

It can be regarded as mastering one more skill.

After drinking the water, he continued to practice.

Practice, practice.

(End of chapter)

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