I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 70 Yu Qingyi Suffered Misfortune

Chapter 70 Yu Qingyi suffered misfortune

In the afternoon.

Sure enough, bad news came.

Yu Qingyi died unexpectedly, and the male cultivator of the Independent Cultivator couple also died, but the woman of the Independent Cultivator couple came back.

How Yu Qingyi and the male Independent Cultivator died, the female Independent Cultivator could not tell.

At that time, in order to find the couple's son as soon as possible, the three of them chose to split up.

When the woman Independent Cultivator heard the sound of fighting and arrived, she only saw the tragic fighting scene, but did not see Yu Qingyi and her own husband.

But at the scene, I saw Yu Qingyi's broken arm and his dropped magic sword, and then two miles away, I saw his husband's dropped weapon and torn Taoist robe.

And bloodstains all over the ground.

That severed arm is indeed Yu Qingyi's.

So is that weapon.

When the bad news came out, the whole street was filled with an atmosphere of sadness. Yu Qing was a chivalrous and charitable person, and had a high reputation and respect in the entire Independent Cultivator district.

In the afternoon of the same day, the head of the Liu Mansion personally led the team, and at the same time took the woman Independent Cultivator and Yu Lingchun, who was in grief, to the forest to inspect the scene.

Sorry to bring back the news.

Yu Qingyi and that old cultivator are indeed dead.

Judging from the traces of the on-site battle, they alerted a Rank Two Demonic Beast that was in seclusion. And it is said that the Rank Two Demonic Beast has a tendency to move towards Cloud Link City from the traces.

The reality is so cruel.

Yu Qingyi died unexpectedly, and Yu Lingchun was in pain and wished to live. Neighbors helped bury Yu Qingyi's broken arm, and Chen Ping was naturally among them. There were even Independent Cultivators from other streets who had been favored by Yu Qingyi and came to express their condolences after hearing the news. The number of people was more than most Independent Cultivators who had died in the past.

Yu Qingyi's spirit in heaven saw this scene and wondered if he would feel relieved.

The neighbors comforted Yu Lingchun for a while, and then slowly dispersed.

Yu Lingchun cried heartbrokenly, but after all, there is no resurrection after death.

In the next few days, Chen Ping would occasionally see the mortal maid from Zhang Zheng's family bringing Zhang Xianqiu to Yu Lingchun's house to chat with Yu Lingchun. It can be seen that the two have communicated from time to time in the past.

On the contrary.

That woman, Independent Cultivator, has never appeared since she buried Yu Qingyi.

Somewhat ironic.

Yu Qingyi's death brought a huge atmosphere of sadness to the streets.

But only for a few days.

Soon, everyone was doing what they were supposed to do, and life went on as usual.

Chen Ping felt sad.

I feel sorry for Yu Qingyi, but I can also understand the current situation.

In Cloud Link City, there is never a shortage of news about the death of monks.

People may have become numb.

‘In the past few months, Cloud Link City has become increasingly chaotic, but this street has always been pretty good. The reason is that Yu Qingyi's existence has a certain deterrent effect. ’

‘Now that Yu Qingyi is dead, everything is hard to say. ’

‘The current calm may be just the brief silence before the storm. ’

‘You said, Senior Yu, don’t you want to live well and have nothing to do? You have to show off your abilities. Even at this age, I don’t know how to be at ease. ’

Chen Ping understood.

Taking advantage of the sunny weather, Chen Ping changed his appearance and went to the north of the city. He found an uninhabited house and hired ordinary workers to repair the house.

Then I bought some daily necessities to make the house look like someone lives in it.

Chen Ping took the initiative to pay the rent.

He also hung an ordinary Taoist robe in the yard to declare his sovereignty over the house.

Then I brought a few cleaning talismans with poor magic power that I drew when I first learned how to make talismans, and visited the neighbors one by one, and met each other to make them look familiar.

This is his second hiding place.

If something goes wrong with the original house, you can still come here to take refuge.

Chen Ping named it ‘House No. 2’.

After that, he followed the same pattern, changed his appearance, and found another house near the east of the city.

This house is different from the previous two houses. It is relatively remote and no one lives in the neighbors. It is suitable for practicing spells with certain destructive power.

I’d better go to Sunset Forest as little as possible from now on.

This is naturally called ‘House No. 3’.

With three houses, Chen Ping feels more at ease.

‘When the tunnel of the original house is opened, it would be best to build a basement for these two houses, so as to make things easier. ’

‘Hey, it’s all Senior Yu’s fault. ’


After practicing sword practice for a while in House No. 3, Chen Ping returned to the original house.

When I entered the yard, I saw two small holes in the window of Yu Lingchun's house, just like when there was a tide of animals.

A pair of eyes behind the hole blinked.

Chen Ping sighed secretly and went back to the house to observe some of the situation at Yu Lingchun through the window.


After returning to the house, Yu Lingchun left the house and took care of the green plants she planted in the yard.

These days, the streets are gradually becoming chaotic, and Yu Lingchun no longer dares to go out.

Only when she saw Chen Ping at home did she dare to go out and do activities in her yard.

She used to live under the protection of her grandfather Yu Qingyi, but now she suddenly needs to face this complicated world alone.

Chen Ping understands this, but is helpless.

More than twenty days after Yu Qingyi's death, Chen Ping was drawing talisman in the house when a group of monks came to the street.

"Fellow Daoists, this monk is Geng Zhongjie of the Wild Wolf Gang. The Liu Mansion is short of manpower. After negotiation, this street will be managed by our gang from now on. In view of the current difficulty of managing Cloud Link City, the rent of 3 spirit stones per month will be charged in the future. , I also ask all Fellow Daoists to cooperate." The fat-headed monk at the head yelled at the top of his lungs.

Chen Ping looked out through the window and recognized Geng Zhongjie.

I had met this person when I was building the city wall and heard Lin Changshou introduce him to him.

Chen Ping thought that the five major families would gradually abandon the Independent Cultivator area, but he never thought it would be so soon.

The city wall repairs led by the five major families have only taken place for a quarter, and the benefits may not have been fully collected. Now they have actually given up the jurisdiction of the Independent Cultivator District.

It seems the situation is worse than imagined.

At this time, only a few people said something to Yu Lingchun, and then handed Yu Lingchun a piece of yellow paper. Yu Lingchun looked at it, then took out a money bag, seemed to count the number of spiritual stones in it, and finally handed it to Yu Lingchun. other side.

At this time, the Wild Wolf Gang also knocked on Chen Ping's door. Chen Ping walked out without saying anything and took the initiative to pay the rent.

"Fellow Daoist, this money is not in vain. From now on, no one will dare to come here to cause trouble by mentioning the name of our Wild Wolf Gang." The monk who collected the rent grinned, showing his yellow teeth, threw his money bag and left.

After the Wild Wolf Gang left, Lin Changshou next door spat:

"Bah, my maidservant, you have three spiritual stones a month, why don't you go and grab them?"

Isn't this just robbery?

"Say less. In this world, it would be nice if you could really buy some peace." Chen Ping said.

Three spiritual stones are not a problem for him now.

Peace is the problem.

But it was different for Lin Changshou. Lin Changshou didn't lack spiritual stones before, but that was before.

It's very lacking now.

Now Lin Changshou is not short of Law Weapon.

Lin Changshou cursed a few more times before saying:

"Does Fellow Daoist Chen have any plans to move? I heard that the streets near Ningfu are still under the jurisdiction of Ningfu, and only one spiritual stone can be taken for a month."

"Let's talk about it later." Chen Ping was noncommittal.

Today's Cloud Link City is different everywhere.

Seeing that Lin Changshou was still mumbling, Chen Ping asked out of concern for his neighbors: "Fellow Daoist Lin, has the price of Law Weapon increased recently? Are you still eating fruits and vegetables?"

Lin Changshou suddenly paused:

"Haha, Law Weapon, who knows. Haha, I'm still cooking. Fellow Daoist Chen, please take your leave first."

Lin Changshou went back to the house in a hurry.

It's clean.

Chen Ping was about to turn around and go back to the house when Yu Lingchun's crisp voice came from next door:

"Chen Chen Fellow Daoist, do you want to move?"

There was a hint of worry on Yu Lingchun's expression, as if she had heard the conversation between Chen Ping and Lin Changshou.

Chen Ping smiled:

"Don't move. It will be the same wherever you move."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Ping saw that Yu Lingchun was obviously relieved.

Yu Lingchun has little social experience, and her thoughts are written all over her face.

Chen Ping asked casually:

"By the way, I saw you gave them a bag of spiritual stones just now. What happened?"

"Oh, my grandfather owed them some money during his lifetime. I have the receipt. I just paid it back to them." Yu Lingchun said softly.

It seemed that it was because she heard that Chen Ping would not move away. At this moment, she was not sad because she had lost a bag of spirit stones. Instead, she smiled.

Chen Ping didn't expect that Yu Qingyi would still owe money.

But Yu Lingchun didn't say much, so he couldn't ask more questions. After all, it was a private matter.

"That's right, just smile more. It makes you look good when you smile. Let the past go by. How can you have a do-over in life? Just look forward." Chen Ping teased her with a smile. .

Yu Lingchun's face turned red and she nodded.

My mood seems to be much better.

"Go back to the house. These days are quite chaotic. If you have nothing to do, go out less and practice more at home. You have a good talent, and you can better protect yourself as your level increases." Chen Ping didn't want to waste his training time, so he started chasing people away.

I casually gave Yu Lingchun a reminder.

"Yeah, I know." Yu Lingchun nodded.

Chen Ping turned around and went back to the house.

Yu Lingchun needs to practice more at home, so why not him.

(End of chapter)

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