I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 73 Fierce Battle

Chapter 73 Fierce Battle

At this time, a search team had almost arrived at Chen Ping's side. Chen Ping and Chen Ping stopped talking and waited for the search.

Soon, the three of them entered Chen Ping's yard.

The leading gray-robed monk took a look at Chen Ping, who had a fierce look on his face, narrowed his eyes and said:

"With Fellow Daoist's expression, could it be that he is dissatisfied with this monk?"

Chen Ping forced a smile:

"Fellow Daoist is joking. Although this monk looks like this, his heart is pure. Fellow Daoist, don't blame me. Fellow Daoist, please search freely. There is no way that this monk is harboring evil spirits. Fellow Daoist is clear."

The neighbor next door's face froze. That smile. Fellow Daoist Chen, you'd better not smile.

The leading gray-robed monk twitched his lips and looked away from Chen Ping. Damn it, I'm a little scared. I'm really crazy.

He snorted coldly.

He called his two accomplices to search the house, and then he went straight into the house.

The moment he entered the room, the gray-robed monk turned his head and said coldly:

"Why are you still standing there? Come in and help me with the search."

It's really strange. Why did this monk forget to ask him to go into the room first?

Chen Ping followed him into the house with a smile.

"Fellow Daoists, this monk is actually a kind person and has nothing to do with demonic cultivation. These are some semi-finished elixirs that I just bought. Although they are not as good as the authentic elixirs, they still have some minor effects. A little bit Thank you, fellow Daoists, for your convenience." Chen Ping said with a smile as soon as he walked in.

After the three people entered the house, they had no intention of searching at all. They just looked at Chen Ping coldly.

The gray-robed monk took the bag, smelled it, and immediately frowned. What is it? It's too fishy.

He handed it to his companion and looked at Chen Ping coldly.

Still very satisfied with Chen Ping's attitude, he sneered:

"Fellow Daoist is quite knowledgeable."

He squinted his eyes, raised his hand and tugged at Chen Ping's ordinary robe, and caught a glimpse of the Middle Grade robe inside. Suddenly his eyes lit up.

Not many Independent Cultivators can afford to wear Middle Grade robes.

"This monk's robe looks the same as the one worn by the demon cultivator. I need to take it back for inspection. Fellow Daoist should have no objections, right?" The gray-robed monk looked amused.


Chen Ping sighed:

"Do I have to seek death?"


The gray-robed monk thought he had heard wrongly.

Isn’t this what you often say?

But before he could react, he saw a flash of sword light, and he immediately saw the sky in his eyes turning upside down.

Chen Ping Breeze's Nine Swords came out and killed the gray-robed monk with one sword.

There was no pause. In the gap between the two gang followers who had no time to make a sound, the ninth form was wielded again.

Before the gray-robed monk's head fell to the ground, the heads of the two follower monks had already left home.

The three corpses spurted blood.

The three heads rolled to the ground, their eyes wide open, and they refused to rest in silence.

Chen Ping sighed.

‘Why is it so difficult to be an honest person? ’

He poured out a handful of Qi Replenishing Pills, popped a handful into his mouth, and slapped himself with another talisman.

I took another photo of the wind talisman.

Then walk out of the house.

Before Gang Leader Long could react, several small swords with flaming spiritual power were fired from the air, and went straight towards Gang Leader Long.

Block his route of advance and retreat.

The leader of the Dragon Gang, Qi Refining, was on the seventh floor. His consciousness was extraordinary. The moment Chen Ping launched his attack, he immediately felt something was wrong and subconsciously stepped aside.


With a loud noise, Gang Leader Long's left shoulder sank, and his flesh and blood were blurred. The remaining shots of the spiritual sword fell into the air, exploding several large holes in the ground. Leader Long was shocked and took a handful of amulets for himself.

At this time, he also clearly saw Chen Ping, who was never close, and roared:

"you wanna die."

"Pah, pah, pah!"

Chen Ping showed no mercy to spiritual power and issued the small spiritual sword for free.

During this period, two monks from the nearest gang reacted and rushed to fight, but they were caught off guard and killed by a small spiritual sword piercing their chests.

Leader Long dodged left and right, but found that he couldn't even get close to Chen Ping.

The small spiritual sword quickly broke through the amulet. Unable to dodge, he was hit in the calf again by the small spiritual sword, causing severe pain.

He was extremely shocked to find that he on the seventh level of Qi Refining was so defensive that he seemed to be no match for Chen Ping.

I felt panicked.

"Quickly, kill him, kill him." Leader Long shouted in horror.

"Get close to him."

At the same time, thunder spells were continuously output, and thunders rolled from the sky and hit Chen Ping.

Several gang members who were searching the house filed out and headed straight for Chen Ping.

Chen Ping was already furious at this time. He didn't care who was coming straight towards him.

All must die.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh."

Several gang members who came towards him were not that high in cultivation and died instantly. Their bodies rushed straight to Chen Ping due to inertia before falling down.

The remaining gang members immediately stopped the car.

Gangs are important, but lives are more important.

Chen Ping ignored them and relied on Yun Yanbu's agile side movement to dodge the rolling thunder falling from the sky and attack the Dragon Gang Leader again.

"Wait a minute, Fellow Daoist, it's a misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding. Wait a minute." Leader Long was frightened and received another blow on his left leg.

Then, before he could finish the last 'wait', a small spiritual sword pierced his heart.

Leader Long glanced down at the big hole in his chest. The hole was scorched black, and the next second it was covered in blood, making bursts of burning sounds.

The body collapsed.

When several gang members saw that the gang leader was dead, they looked at the murderous Chen Ping from a distance, turned around and ran away, their lives mattered.

Chen Ping glanced at him, chased after him with red eyes, and decisively killed the two gang members.

As for whether anyone slipped away secretly during the battle just now, he couldn't care less.

'call. ’

He breathed a sigh of relief.

This time, he fired almost thirty rounds of the spiritual sword in one breath. He was lucky that he had entered the sixth level of Qi Refining, otherwise the spiritual power might not be enough.

He glanced around the street and saw many neighbors standing at the door, staring at him in shock.

"Damn it, what are you looking at? The labor and management will kill you too." Chen Ping roared fiercely.

Neighbors' houses suddenly made a "bang, bang, bang" sound of closing their doors.

Chen Ping didn't bother to pay attention to them.

Collect the loot one by one.

Suddenly, he paused and found a person standing in the shadow not far away, watching Chen Ping timidly as he collected the loot.

"Damn it, are you looking for death?" Chen Ping cursed.

The monk did not shrink back like other neighbors, and said from a distance:

"Brother, I am a resident at the end of this street. My name is Guo Zizhao. The robes of these people are not all damaged and can still be sold for money. Can I take them off for you?"

Chen Ping looked at Guo Zizhao with a fierce look on his face.

He recognized this man.

Since I chose this place as House No. 2, I naturally know a little bit about the neighborhood, but I just don’t remember this person’s name.

Chen Ping’s face was expressionless:

"Go to the back and pick up the corpses that have been cleaned up by labor and management. Don't be careful, otherwise labor and management will kill you."

"yes, Sir."

Chen Ping searched the corpses one by one and took away all weapons, books and money bags.

I found an embroidered and fragrant money bag on one of the corpses, and I glanced up at the house of the woman who had hugged her legs and cried bitterly.

When he looked up, he saw the woman looking at him behind the hole in the window.

Thank you to book friend "Mu Yunxi" for another 400-coin reward. Thank you, boss. Thanks to the book friend "Dragon Baby 0o0 Meat" for the 5,500-coin reward, the first butler in this book, thank you, boss.

(End of chapter)

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