I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 80 Spring Comes Out Of Dead Trees

Chapter 80 Spring comes out of dead trees

In the next few days, Chen Ping was busy taking care of the house.

The main hall of my family has been restored and turned into a reception hall again. It is more convenient for personal use. After all, there are two people now. After restoration, the interior of the entire house appears wider.

At the same time, he demolished the wall between his original house and Yu Lingchun's house, and completely sealed the courtyard door of Yu Lingchun's house, turning the two courtyards into one.

Yu Lingchun's original house was converted into a training room.

After some repairs, both the living room and the training room are much spacious.

In the past few days, apart from repairing the house, he spent most of his time practicing at home.

But he noticed that the increase in his realm value had become smaller.

‘Qi Refining Late Stage, the progress of cultivation is indeed slower. ’

A week later.

Chen Ping then remembered that the time agreed with Guo Zizhao had already passed.

So, I went to the north of the city to find Guo Zizhao.

Guo Zizhao had already obtained some information about the four gangs in the north of the city. It was very superficial and not detailed, and it was impossible to have similar information about the backgrounds and relationships of these characters.

The level of detail of the information provided by 'Hong's Cloth' is far from the same.

But enough about Chen Ping.

He only pays attention to the cultivation of several leading figures in the Wild Wolf Gang, the gang's dens, and the gang's duty status, which are the easiest information to obtain.

"Have you had any disputes with these gang members?" Chen Ping opened the yellow paper and read the information.

"Brother, they are all up, and they have all been seen. But the dispute is not big. It is just a dispute of words and no action." Guo Zizhao said truthfully.

"That's it."

"Brother, among these gangs, the Wild Wolf Gang is the strongest and is not easy to mess with. There was a big conflict with the Prince's Mansion in the West District some time ago. It is said that the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang secretly intercepted and killed a very important person in the Prince's Mansion. Disciple, but it's just a rumor, not without proof, but the Western District Prince's Palace obviously won't let it go." Guo Zizhao said. What he actually wants to express is... Even if the elder brother wants to take action, he can sit back and watch the tiger fight first, and then reap the benefits.

But he thought about it and decided to just provide information.

Forget it.

Who is the eldest brother? Need his advice?

Chen Ping remained calm and didn't ask any questions. He took out 50 Low Grade spirit stones, threw them to Guo Zizhao as a reward, said a few words, and then left quickly.

After returning home, I carefully studied the information about the Wild Wolf Gang.

The leader of the Wild Wolf Gang is Geng Zhongjie. Chen Ping has met this man and heard Lin Changshou talk about his deeds. This man is a man of evil and evil.

Not a good thing.

Qi Refining the seventh level of cultivation.

In addition to Geng Zhongjie, there are two other deputy gang leaders who are also at the seventh level of Qi Refining.

Further down, there are about ten people in the middle stage of Qi Refining. In addition, most of the grassroots members are in the early stage of Qi Refining.

There are nearly a hundred people in total, making them one of the largest gangs in Cloud Link City.

Facing so many people at once is tantamount to courting death.

Chen Ping would naturally not do such a thing.

Need to plan in detail.

Either don't take action, or if you do, you have to hit it with one blow.

Those few minions who personally extorted money needed to be killed, but the three gang leaders from the seventh level of Qi Refining were even more wanted to be killed. As long as these three people are killed, the Wild Wolf Gang will inevitably be quickly swallowed up and cannibalized by other gangs.

Killing these three gang leaders cannot be done at once. There is no need to take such a risk. Even if the risk is not big, it does not mean that there is no risk.

Only by defeating each one can we be 100% sure.

This will have to wait for the opportunity.

There is no 100% chance, so he would rather settle the matter for the time being. Anyway, a few months have passed, so there is no rush.

In the next few days, Chen Ping spent most of his time at home, either practicing the Evergreen Kung Fu, practicing various spells, or drawing talismans.

Draw talismans on the original house and practice the Evergreen Kung Fu. Practice small movement and stillness spells in the house renovated by Yu Lingchun, and practice relatively large movement and stillness spells in House No. 3. House No. 4 is mainly used for secret things.

As for House No. 2, I rarely go there.

Influenced by Chen Ping, Yu Lingchun "fully understood" the value of living in seclusion and rarely left the house. She only occasionally walked around the yard, chatted with Mrs. Zhang Zheng, and teased Zhang Xianqiu.

That's all.

Chen Ping rarely told her about outside matters, so she didn't ask. Her man works steadily and steadily, which makes her still feel safe.

The longer she stayed with Chen Ping, the more at ease she felt.

The whole person became full of spirituality.

This day.

Chen Ping went to House No. 4 and found a person lying in the house. He seemed to have been dead for several days and was already slightly smelly.

In his hand was the dried poisonous wild animal meat.

Chen Ping:.

This is being patronized by a gentleman.

Chen Ping held back the stench and touched Junzi Liang's arms and cuffs. There was nothing everywhere, not even a sword.


It's impossible to be so poor.

Most likely, the later Liang Shang gentleman touched the body in advance.

Very speechless.

A wild animal was lost and the carcass had to be disposed of despite the stench.

But he didn't earn any benefit.


‘Is there a possibility? Would this later Liang Shang gentleman think that this dead guy was the owner of the house? ’

Thinking of this, Chen Ping immediately became interested.

He immediately disposed of the body, then went to the market to buy some Demonic Beast jerky, made a batch of poisonous Demonic Beast jerky, and carefully placed it in the dining room cabinet.

It's late autumn and the weather is getting cooler, so Demonic Beast jerky won't go bad even if it's stored for a few months.

Then the outside of the house was repaired to make it look like it was still occupied.

Waiting for the later Liang Shang gentleman to visit again.

After that, he followed the same pattern in House No. 3 and placed some poisonous Demonic Beast jerky as a way to protect his property.

After finishing the arrangement, we continued to practice magic in House No. 3.

Chen Ping has spent a lot of time specializing in Shijia Jue during this period. He has made some progress and has just entered the 'mastery' level.


As he recited the instructions silently, a layer of dark gray mottled rock suddenly covered Chen Ping's body. The rock ash fell off piece by piece, and was reborn piece by piece, over and over again.

‘It’s quite cool. ’

Chen Ping smiled and continued practicing.

These are all good things.

Regrettably, after reaching the Qi Refining Late Stage, progress in the realm became even slower.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but he felt that the speed of absorbing spiritual energy had slowed down.

Of course, this is a very subtle feeling.

Not really sure.

After practicing the Shijia Jue for a while, Chen Ping began to conquer the last Five Elements Taoist Technique.


"The Dead Tree Comes to Life" from the wood series.

The so-called spring comes out of dead trees, which means that dead plants can sprout new branches and take on new life.

Because it is a basic spell, like other series, it is not difficult to get started.

After an hour, Chen Ping found that feeling.

He placed a dead branch on the table in front of him, then began to chant the spell according to the words in the book, and at the same time, he pinched his fingers to cast the spell.

A green leaf gradually grows out from the branches of a dead branch at a speed visible to the naked eye, becomes larger, and turns green.

The whole process is like an accelerated version of plant growth recorded by a high-definition macro SLR camera.

Gorgeous and full of life.

‘It worked. ’

[Spell: Resurrection from dead wood (entry): 1/1000. ]

Chen Ping picked off the green sprouts that grew and cast the spell again.

Green shoots grow again.

Take it off again, cast it again, grow it again

‘Isn’t this equivalent to multiple resurrections? Looks good. If you encounter a precious spiritual plant and cannot afford seeds, you can just buy a dead branch. ’

‘And he was reborn multiple times. Don't worry about keeping yourself alive. ’

‘Learn one more growth technique and it will be perfect. ’

Chen Ping continued to think about "resurrecting dead trees" for a while. According to the book, the more advanced the practice, the longer the objects that can cast the spell have been dead, the more complete the plant species, the higher the success rate, and the better the green buds will grow.

Overall a spell worth paying for.

I've had a cold these past two days, my throat is sore, and my condition is very bad. Updates may be unstable in the next few days. In addition, I have been scolded for the past few days, and my thoughts are in a mess. No matter how I write, I feel something is wrong. Yesterday, I wrote the chapter "Little Wife" intermittently for almost four hours before I finished it. I try my best to update twice a day. If I really can't figure it out, I may only update once.

(End of chapter)

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