I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 90 Storage Bag (Please Subscribe)

Chapter 90 Storage Bag (please subscribe)


After Chen Ping's body function recovered, he stood up and laid out all the trophies, sorting them into categories and counting them one by one.

First, weapons.

A lot of gang members were killed this time. When he searched the scene, he only selectively kept the Law Weapon and not any other common Universal Truth iron weapons.

There are simply too many to carry.

There are 19 Law Weapons in total.

Four of them are Rank One Middle Grade Law Weapon, and the rest are Rank One Low Grade Law Weapon.

‘What a pity, the current Law Weapon is really cheap, otherwise a lot of spiritual stones could be sold. ’

Thinking that all these Law Weapons would be sold at cabbage prices, Chen Ping felt that his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and stomach were aching.

After counting the weapons, it’s time to book the books.

There are 24 volumes in total.

Chen Ping browsed through it briefly and found two interesting spell books. The others were mostly exercises and some worthless Low Level spells, which were of no use to him.

Also sell at a low price.

The heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and stomach hurt again.

After sorting out the Law Weapon and register, he started to sort out his money bag. There are more than forty in total. Many monks like to keep multiple money bags on their bodies and store their belongings dispersedly. This is the case for Chen Ping himself.

Pour out all the assets.

'Huh? ’

'What's this? ’

Among a pile of familiar items, Chen Ping touched a special bag.

This bag looks ordinary and unattractive in appearance, but after holding it in your hand, you can vaguely feel a wave of mana.

Bag-shaped Law Weapon?

Out of curiosity, Chen Ping picked it up and observed it carefully. After groping for a while, he finally understood.

Eyes bright.

This is a storage bag! ! ! ! !

When he realized this, he was so happy that he almost wanted to jump up and celebrate.

On the eve of a long-distance move, what better gift could there be than getting a storage bag?

Absolutely not.

‘Geng Zhongjie, thank you. ’

‘You are a good person. ’

Chen Ping felt that his heart was beating faster uncontrollably. He quickly picked up the water glass and took a sip of water to calm himself down. He took a deep breath to calm the fluctuations in his heart, and then continued to explore how to use the storage bag.

Storage bags that can be opened are useful storage bags.

He has heard a lot about how to use storage bags and has a certain amount of knowledge. After a little fumbling around, I figured out how to use the storage bag.

First, activate the spiritual power and refine the spiritual imprint left by the previous owner.

After one stick of incense, the original imprint of Geng Zhongjie's spirit on the storage bag was completely removed.

Fill Entering Spirit again.

Chen Ping remained focused and stared at the storage bag. Under the guidance of his thoughts, a space filled with many sundries suddenly appeared in Chen Ping's field of vision.

Is this the space for the storage bag?

Chen Ping tentatively took out a Law Weapon from the space. Under the stimulation of spiritual power, the next moment, the Law Weapon appeared in his hand like a magic trick.

‘Successful, it can be used. ’

Chen Ping quickly picked up the water cup on the table and pulled it with his thoughts. In an instant, the water cup in his hand ran into the storage bag space.

Since then, all the worries in my heart have disappeared.

He couldn't help but take another sip of water.

‘With this storage bag, traveling will be much more convenient. It’s really timely. ’

‘This storage bag doesn’t have much space, I estimate it’s about 50 dendrobes, which is 1 cubic meter, but it’s enough for me. If it is filled with water, it can hold 2,000 kilograms. If you have to carry such a heavy thing, can you still walk out of the endless forest? ’

‘Geng Zhongjie, no. Leader Geng, a good man. ’

Chen Ping found himself praising Geng Zhongjie for the second time.

A storage bag with 1 cubic meter of space is worth at least 1 High Grade spirit stone. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that it cannot be sold at all now. There is a price but no market.

If I were to say that two hours ago, I would have felt a little bit regretful because I didn't find any property from the Wild Wolf Gang's lair. So now this trace of regret has long been wiped out, and there is only joy.

‘Go and share the joy with Yu Lingchun. ’

Chen Ping stood up happily and stopped again when he reached the stairs.

‘Forget it, don’t tell her now, lest she worry in vain, and we’ll talk about it later. ’

Chen Ping calmed down and sat back at the table. He couldn't help but play with the storage bag for a while. He took out the items, put them in, took them out again, put them in again. He went in and out for a while before he finally calmed down.

He took inventory of his remaining belongings.

[53 Middle Grade spiritual stones, 731 Low Grade spiritual stones, some gold and silver. ]


A bunch of talismans.

There are 51 bottles of elixirs, including 40 bottles of Qi Replenishing Pills, and the remaining 6 bottles of Golden Marrow Pills, 2 bottles of Rejuvenation Pills, and 3 bottles of Shengyang Pills.

There are a lot of assets.

Normally, Chen Ping would inevitably be overjoyed. But now he doesn't feel much joy. Dopamine has already been secreted by the storage bag, and the threshold of joy has been invisibly raised.

After putting all the assets of a reasonable length, as well as some of his own belongings, into the storage bag, he took a few more cleaning charms for himself before getting up and preparing to return to the ground.

Walking up the earthen stairs, as soon as he reached the exit, Chen Ping paused and was keenly aware that there seemed to be a wave of spiritual power outside the stone slab.

Yu Lingchun is outside the cave entrance?

Or did someone enter my house?

His nerves were tense instantly.

‘No, no, it’s not Yu Lingchun. That spiritual power seems to be locking the entrance of the cave. ’

Chen Ping had an unknown feeling in his heart.

He touched the hilt of the sword with his backhand, slowly stepped back two steps, gently beat a silent note, then leaned against the wall to uncover a stone and dug out the mud under the stone.

A bronze mirror appeared.

The bronze mirror is connected to the house through the "submarine" principle. The view is just enough to see the situation near the entrance of the cave. It was designed in advance.

Chen Ping turned slightly and saw the situation outside clearly.

There was only one person, Yu Lingchun, staring closely at the entrance of the cave in an attacking posture.

Chen Ping relaxed.

This bitch.

...I guess I heard some noise in the basement.

"Lingchun, it's me, don't make any moves." Chen Ping shouted.

Outside the cave entrance, when Yu Lingchun heard the voice of her husband, she immediately relaxed her tense body and almost collapsed.

She uncovered the hidden boulders at the entrance of the cave.

A green and nervous oval face appeared above the hole:


Chen Ping looked up at her: "Why are you so nervous?"

"I heard some movement in the basement and thought it was a thief. You have never entered the house through the tunnel entrance before." Yu Lingchun said aggrievedly.

I’ve been there many times, but you don’t know. Chen Ping smiled and said:

"Both passages are decorated with wind-listening charms and traps. Don't you know this? If anyone can bypass the traps and come in quietly, it will definitely be an Apex Level monk. In this case, you should run , rather than die at the entrance of the cave."

"But I'm afraid that he will attack you when you come back." Yu Lingchun's face turned slightly red due to nervousness.

Chen Ping was stunned.

He looked at the timid woman and smiled:

"It's okay. I'm coming up."

Yu Lingchun gave way:

"Yeah. It's quite chaotic outside. I heard that the Wild Wolf Gang was fighting with people again."

Chen Ping said calmly:

"Yes, these damn gangs fight every day and never let anyone have a peaceful life."


Yu Lingchun's ruddy face glowed pink in the dim light. Chen Ping changed her mind and said:

"Forget it, come down here. We'll spend the night in the basement tonight."


After Yu Lingchun came down, Chen Ping rearranged the stones blocking the bronze mirror, leaving an extra hand, which sometimes comes in handy.

Yu Lingchun was not lazy, she knew to stand opposite the hidden bronze mirror in the utility room, so that as long as the person below was her husband, she would be spotted through the bronze mirror. But if it were other people, they wouldn't notice the bronze mirror covered by the stone.

After a while.


"Husband, your sword hilt."


"Husband, please don't light the lamp."

"Hey, just light up the lamp."


(End of chapter)

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