Legend has it that Barbatos was powerful enough to blow the mountain open, throwing Tivat's highest peak, the Spiky Hat Peak, directly into the sea, which caused the warm wind to blow into Mond and melt the ice and snow.

But most of the people of Mond, who had not seen the arrival of Barbatos for a long time, only thought that it was just a legend. Even if the wind god is strong, it can't directly blow a mountain peak thousands of kilometers away to form the current Musk Reef, right?

People are always like this, always instinctively skeptical about things they can't understand.

But today, they feel the power of what is called "God."

If the people of Alicia's world were here, then they would probably think that this continent's nuclear bomb was detonated, but this is Tivat, and these poor residents can't say anything but a "lying groove".

"Who the hell shot in Mond? Such a battle... It's almost the same as Alice's explosion, right?

Jean, who had just been appointed acting head of the Knights, looked at the rising "mushroom" and frowned slightly.

At this time, when Grand Commander Falgar led the expedition, the troops in Mond City were already insufficient, and if there was such a powerful foreign enemy invasion, it would be a bit of a test for her as an acting regiment commander.

"But I do know one of the two sides of this fight." Lisa, wearing a witch's hat, appeared in Jean's office, "He came to me this morning to borrow a book."

Hearing this, Jean did not relax, but her nerves tightened, "I never knew that such a powerful person existed in our city of Mond, and he must not be from our people."

"Indeed, according to the soldiers' records, he and his female companion came to us from Liyue a few days ago, and his female companion is now studying alchemy with Albedo." Lisa chuckled, "That's funny, isn't it?" "

Is it from Liyue?" Qin muttered, "Liyue has always been friendly with us, and besides, the relationship between the gods of our two countries is also good, they should not attack us."

"But that's in general, and no one can predict state-to-state interactions, so who knows if they're going crazy all of a sudden?" Lisa retorted.

"Yes, that's what I want to say too. Now that our main forces are being withdrawn, we must remain vigilant against all other forces. So, please go check it out there, Lisa.

Jean looked at Lisa, this ordinary librarian who looked like a witch was actually one of the strongest combat forces in Mondstadt.

"It may seem scary, but it doesn't matter if you just go to see the situation."

Lisa pinched her wide witch hat and disappeared gracefully into Jean's office.

What kind of energy is Honkai energy? Before this, Chen Ming had been thinking about such a question in his heart.

Because collapse energy can cause a variety of disasters and can also cause human death, Chen Ming has always thought that this is a very violent and crazy energy.

But when colliding with the Heavenly Fire Great Sword, Chen Ming deeply felt this power and found that it was just an ordinary energy. There is no madness, no demagogic power, just energy.

Chen Ming's elbow slammed into the body of the Heavenly Fire Great Sword from top to bottom, but the collision between flesh and energy made a sound like metal colliding.

The strong energy brought up an explosion, throwing Chen Ming's body directly out, and then was caught by the lightly retreating Alicia in the way of a princess hug.

"Be careful?" Alicia teased Chen Ming, who had a hard time getting into her arms.

Chen Ming rolled his eyes and jumped out of her arms.

Kevin, who was still in place, held the Heavenly Fire Great Sword, and the tip of the burning sword pointed at Chen Ming.

But no matter what the heat did not affect the ground under his feet, the closer to Kevin, the temperature was even lower.

"When fighting, there is still spare power to divide the power to control the temperature of the weapon..." Chen Ming clenched his fists tightly, "I'm really flattened!" "

If Chen Ming just went all out in terms of attitude just now, then now he has decided to really show his full strength.

"I don't mean to look down on you, it's just that if I don't control the temperature of the heavenly fire, then this land may be burned." Kevin looked at Chen Ming's expression a little wrong, so he explained intimately.

"Yes, but what does that have to do with me?" Chen Ming's body pressed down slightly, and his right fist was clenched, "Since you can't exert your full strength, then fall down." The

next moment, Kevin experienced the most sour beating in his life.

There was no time to react at all, and Kevin's face was hit by a fist. He flew out backwards with the power of his fist, wanting to use it to unload the force.

There is no speed in this world that even Kevin can't react, so he realized in an instant that this may be about the ability of time or space.

Kevin is not without seeing the ability of the Law of the Void, so he thinks that there is still a way to deal with this type of ability.

This method is very simple and unpretentious - that is, relying on one's own intuition to predict in advance.

Although it sounds, Kevin's instincts are actually surprisingly accurate, at least in the past, helping him dodge many attacks.

Therefore, Kevin protected his face in front of his face in advance before facing Chen Ming's possible next attack.

But Chen Ming, who caught up, punched Kevin's chest and slammed him firmly into the ground.

Hundreds of tracks tens of kilometers long were cracked on the ground, resembling cobwebs, and broken stones were scattered and splashed, as if an earthquake had occurred.

Kevin spewed out a mouthful of blood in the ground, and the blood condensed into ice in midair, and then vaporized by the heat of the Heavenly Fire Great Sword.

He struggled to get up, but just as he looked up, a dark shadow obscured his vision.

Chen Ming used his practice to give Kevin a boxing lesson. His "Dijiang" is not triggered at any time, but by CD, but even during the CD, Kevin has not hit Chen Ming even once.

Chen Ming's control of distance is delicate to the realm of horror, and every time Kevin swings his sword, he feels that he should be able to touch Chen Ming this time, but in fact, every time it is a little closer.

And every small movement of Chen Ming's feet can inadvertently narrow the distance with Kevin, and every punch can hit Kevin's body firmly.

Kevin considered himself experienced in combat, so he never learned standard boxing or other techniques because he didn't feel the need for that. As long as he reacts fast enough and his strength is strong enough, even Wang Bafist is enough to beat the lawyer.

But when he faced Chen Ming, whose data was not much different from his own, he realized how naïve his thoughts were.

It's like those punks who have been fighting on the streets all their lives, they think they are experienced, and if they are on the streets, they can even play with professional boxers. But when they actually ran into it, they learned their vulnerability.

Chen Ming's fist hit Kevin's body again, but this time Kevin did not resist again, but put down the sword in his hand.

Facing Kevin, who seemed to have given up resistance, Chen Ming showed a happy expression, and then pulled Alicia, who was watching the game, back a few kilometers without hesitation.

The heat completely exploded, the exposed surface was melted by the heat, the vegetation was evaporated, and the air screamed in the rapid expansion.

"This is the overclocking state of Skyfire, and the name is 'Calamity'." Alicia said beside Chen Ming, "The temperature after the liberation can reach about 6,000 degrees Celsius, which is completely comparable to the temperature on the surface of the sun.

"The robbery can only be used by Kevin, because only he can freeze the robbery."

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