I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 105 The White Car Incident

3 p.m.

A small hotel in Miyawaka City, Fukuoka.


Kamiyagawa, who had finally had enough sleep, woke up from the guest room.

I drove the car all night last night, and when I was unlucky, I encountered a breakdown. The Kamiyagawa tossed until 4 o'clock in the morning, when the birds started to sing, and then officially began to rest.

Because he was too tired, he didn't go to a cheap Internet cafe to rest, but spent 5,000 yen to open a hotel room.

But in fact, the price of the hotel is not good.

In terms of high emotional intelligence, the Japanese really know how to use space.

But to put it bluntly, the hotel rooms are really tm small and crowded.

The evaluation of Kamiyagawa's living experience is that it is not as good as his 20-square-meter low-rent apartment in Tokyo.

After getting up and taking a shower, and then going downstairs to find a convenience store to eat a bento, Kamiya returned to the hotel room.

From the [Mirage Bag], I took out [Gaotianyuan Shenzhu] and put it beside the bed.

When you are away from home, you can't forget the liver game.

In the line of sight, the dark color blocks condensed, and the colors became more intense, piecing together a whole new world.

The world of ghost stories, Inunaki Pass.

Kamiya Chuan teleported over from Takamahara, and got up beside the yellow-green fluorescent flying Shen-Tu wood sign.

The little old man remained the same, paralyzed on the edge of the altar to rest.

The experience package of a small requiem candle may be too much for this weak little monster, so that he still looks like he is full of indigestion.

After simply saying hello to the little old man, Shen Gu turned his head and walked towards the deserted road behind Shen Jing.

Wandering on this road, the villagers of Shenguchuan and Quanming Village have jointly expelled them.

Without the D-level strange talk getting in the way, the barren road has become passable.


Walk along the small road for ten minutes.

Abandoned cars began to appear on the side of the road.

The further you go, the more cars there are of various brands and models.

The only thing in common is that these cars are all white, and they are all rusty and decayed. It seems that they have been abandoned here for many years.

"This used to be the site of the Earthbound Spirit."

Kamiyagawa looked around and muttered to himself.

He has explored in this direction twice before, but there is nothing worth mentioning, except that the exploration value of the map has increased a little.

Today, I made a special trip here again, mainly because the high-speed mother-in-law has been expelled, and the next opponent I will face is this foreign visiting earth binding spirit.

According to the little old man's information, the strength of this earth binding spirit is estimated to be comparable to that of the current Prajna.

"Let's take a stroll around the former site of the Earth Binding Spirit, maybe we can find some enemy information that we didn't notice before."

"For me, it would be beneficial if I could learn more about the enemy before going to war. Know yourself and the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles."

Once again, Kamiyagawa began to explore in earnest in this area piled up with a large number of white cars.

In the mountains and forests, the cold mountain wind whizzed past.

The white paper with words was blown flying all over the sky.

That's newspaper.

In this area of ​​stacked white cars, there are a lot of newspapers. They are all of the same type, and at the same time, the content printed on them is also exactly the same.

Kamiyagawa casually grabbed a newspaper that was flying towards him.

He has actually seen the above content before.

On the page of the newspaper, a large photo of the dog-sounding tunnel stands out.

But if you stare at the photo for a while, the content of the photo will start to change and play like a slideshow.

Coupled with the constantly twisting below, but still barely able to read the text.

An old story surfaced——

"Kunming Tunnel Burning Incident"

December 16, 1985.

A 23-year-old young man named Ikuji Furuta was driving a brand new white car on his way home beaming with joy.

While waiting for the traffic light, I met five delinquent teenagers aged 15 to 17 who came up to talk to me.

They asked Gutian to borrow a car, but Gutian refused decisively.

Unexpectedly, after being rejected, the teenagers became enraged and dragged Gutian out of the car, tied him up and beat him to vent his anger.

Afterwards, the five delinquent boys drove away the white car and imprisoned Ikuji Gutian, and began to discuss the next countermeasures.

They agreed that if Gu Tian was let go, Gu Tian would definitely call the police.

So he simply did nothing and kept going, planning to kill Gutian.

So a few unscrupulous boys dragged Gutian to their secret base, the old dog-ming tunnel, poured gasoline on Gutian, and burned him alive.

Gu Tian died of hatred in a raging fire.

After committing the crime, five people fled without clearing the scene.

Later, Gutian's body was discovered, and the police quickly arrested the five teenagers after investigating the scene, and they were finally sentenced to life imprisonment.

The text in the newspaper only mentioned that the five teenagers who committed the crime of burning and killing were arrested and sentenced to life, and there was no other content.

But the story is not over yet.

The photos with changing content are still going on——

Three years after the five teenagers were in prison, the time came to 1988.

In this year, the youngest prisoner who burned and killed finally became an adult.

Then, something weird happened.

On the day the youngest prisoner became an adult, five people detained in three different prisons miraculously escaped from prison on the same day and disappeared.

No one knows how they managed their impossible escape.

Afterwards, people from the Metropolitan Police Department found the five people in the old Gouning Tunnel that had been abandoned.

The five prisoners were determined to be in the same white car and entered the old Gouning Tunnel whose road had already been closed.

They then huddled together in the tunnel, doused each other with petrol and set themselves on fire.

None survived.

"Furuta Ikuji is probably the earth-bound spirit who has gone from the world of ghost stories to reality."

"But according to the contents of the newspaper, Gutian should have visited reality more than 30 years ago, killing his enemy and completing his revenge."

Kamiyagawa let go of the newspaper in his hand.

The white paper with words flew high with the wind, mixed with other newspapers, the photos jumped, and the text was distorted.

"I checked on the Internet. After the five juvenile criminals set themselves on fire more than 30 years ago, a large number of car damage and burning incidents occurred near the Quanming Tunnel."

Kamiyagawa's expression was uncertain, and he whispered to himself.

The few words and phrases he found on the Internet said this——

In the follow-up, the cars that crashed bizarrely in the area around Quanming were all white, and the people in the cars ended up being trapped and burned to death.

According to legend, the Quanming area later invited a master with profound Taoism to cure Gutian's wraith.

Only then did the disaster of burning white cars in this area be put to rest.

And because of this series of events, the entire Inunaki Pass was finally completely blocked.

"However, according to the information given to me by "Ghost Story", Gutian's Earthbound Spirit is still visiting in reality. So, he actually stayed in reality for 30 years?"

Kamiyagawa couldn't understand this.

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