I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 115 The Ghost Story Never Dies

Behind the Shentu, there is a deserted road.

A section of road where a large number of abandoned white cars are piled up.

Kamiyagawa came here to check the situation after completing the task at the Candle Making Monk.

After arriving, I found that there were about thirty or forty scorched black burning ghosts with obvious burn marks, wandering aimlessly near the white car area.

Kamiyagawa: "Sure enough, they all returned to this world."

The Burning Ghosts here are all vassals of the former Earthbound Spirit Gu Tian Yuji.

After Yu Er, who was a foreign visitor, was dismissed, the remaining burning ghosts who were not harvested by Shen Guchuan and the Gap Girl could no longer stay in reality, and they were all forced back to the other world.


"It hurts...will it hurt like us?"

There were two burning ghosts on the periphery, noticing Shen Guchuan's approach, and they walked over twistingly while crying out in pain.

Shengu unhurriedly took out the hatchet, slashed and sliced, and chopped up the two mobs who dared to take the initiative to find fault with him into soul crystals and collected them into the account.

A burning ghost is worth 4 soul crystals.

It is slightly inferior to the villagers of Quanming Village.

With Kamiyagawa's current level, it is very easy to deal with the two, and he doesn't even need to call Hannya.

On the small road in the forest, there is a wind blowing.

White newspapers flew around.

Kamiyagawa randomly picked up a copy.

The content in the newspaper is no different from what I saw before. It's still telling the story of Ikuji Furuta, the photos above are jumping and changing, and the characters are twisting and twisting.

Regarding the matter of the earth binding spirit Furuta Ikuji, when he left the Inunaki area in reality last night, Yuki Makenyu, who was traveling with him, mentioned it a bit.

It just happened to solve a doubt that Kamiyagawa had before.

Before that, Kamiya had found some fragments related to the Furuta Ikuji incident.

Some people said that after the Gutian Wraith burned and killed the five juvenile delinquents, he continued to run wild in the Jiugouming area, and began to burn the passing white cars and pour out his anger.

The vicious impact of this large-scale supernatural accident is very large.

The Fukuoka Miyaka City side had to block the entire Inuming directly.

Some people also said that Gong Ruoshi hired a powerful mage, and finally got rid of Gutian's wraith.

Regarding these two rumors, the official Yuki Zhenjianyou said that they are both true.

"However, if Gutian Yuji's vengeful spirit was cured 30 years ago, what happened to the Gutian who appeared at the entrance of the old tunnel now? Or, 30 years ago, Gutian's vengeful spirit It was just sealed, not completely wiped out?"

This is what Kamiyagawa asked last night.

"Boy, I think you don't understand at all." Uncle Yucheng said calmly at that time, "Didn't your master tell you? Weird stories will never really die out, never will."


The so-called weird stories are born in various ways.

And the most common, the broadest form, is born out of the public opinion of human society.

Like Miss Mary and Hanako, they are typical strange rumors of public opinion.

People keep telling their stories.

People fear them and create them at the same time.

When the discussion on them reaches a certain threshold, whether it is Mary or Hanako, they will be refreshed from the other world.

Moreover, when people spread ghost stories, the more fearful they are, the stronger the ghost stories will be in the other world.

The current mainstream view in the spirit removal industry is——

No matter what kind of strange story it is, as long as enough people spread it, the corresponding strange story in the story may be born from the inner world.

And strictly speaking, public opinion can create any strange talk.

It's okay to print one now.

As for what Uncle Yuki said, ghost stories will never really die, ever.

It means that even if a strange story is dismissed. But as long as people continue to talk about him, sooner or later, this strange talk will reappear in the other world.

Take the example of Hanako who was retired by Mary before.

Although the Hanako of Hualing High School is really cold, as long as there are people in the world who are telling the story of the ghost doll in the toilet, then sooner or later there will be Hanako of Suzuran High School and Xiangbei High School.

And these "new Hanakos", and the Hanakos of Hualing High School, are essentially two independent individuals.

Just the same kind of spirit born from the same kind of story.

The "new Hanakos" will not know Kamiyagawa, nor will they hate Kamiyagawa like their predecessor.

It is entirely possible to develop a new story with Kamiya.

And this time Gutian Yuji also belonged to this situation.

Thirty years ago, the ghost of the white car that turned Inunaki Pass into a place of silence has indeed been cured.

The person who came here this time is a second generation.

The new Gutian Ikuji was born out of people's 30-year-old discussion on the place of Inunaru.

It bears the same story as the old version, but it is not the same one, and even has a big gap with the old version of Gutian in strength.

Not as strong as the previous one.

Of course, Uncle Yuki also added something.

The birth of public opinion is the main way for the birth of ghost stories, but it is not the only way.

For example, the negative emotions of human beings may also give birth to strange stories.

Like many Wandering Souls in reality, as well as the old friends of Kamiyagawa, Xiqidouzi, they all came from this way.

In addition, there are some evil rituals that can speed up the birth of ghost stories, or directly create ghost stories artificially.

There are also special ghost stories like Yaolang and Suzu Hikohime, which are difficult to define, and there is only one in the world, and cannot be copied.

There are twists and turns in this, if you have to explain it clearly, Mr. Yuki will probably write a book for Kamiyagawa directly.

Anyway, at the end of the topic, Yuki Makensuke summed it up like this:

"Boy, do you feel hopeless? Regarding the fact that ghost talkers will never really die out? But if you want me to say it, you don't need to be too pessimistic about it, because in contrast, spiritual masters have never died out."

"From the Yinyang Liao more than a thousand years ago to the current organization of spiritual masters. Generation after generation, fighting against ghosts without end, this is the meaning of our existence as spiritual masters."

"Go forward and succeed, pass the torch from generation to generation."


Deserted little road.

Area full of white cars.

"Ghost stories will never really die." Kamiyagawa murmured.

Does he feel passive and hopeless about it?

It seems that it will not.

"In contrast, I don't seem to have the saving spirit of Uncle Yuki who is a spiritual master."

Kamiyagawa let go of the newspaper he was holding and watched it being blown higher and higher by the wind.

For him.

Even if the ghost stories will always be like nightmares, they will continue to develop endlessly with the descendants of all human beings.

So what?

Does it affect the world's orbit around the sun?

Will it affect my three meals a day, eating, drinking and sleeping?

Will it affect me to become the supreme co-lord of ghosts and gods, to rule over eight million gods... Hiss—wait a minute, this seems difficult to say.

Maybe it will have an effect.

"But it's useless to think about it now, it's better to get more soul crystals."

Kamiyagawa turned over the blood-stained hatchet in his hand.

In other words, the wound left on Banruo by the burning ghosts in yesterday's battle was not too serious.

But idle is idle anyway.

Let's clean up the burning ghosts who came back from reality first.

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