I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 145 As long as it can become beautiful

Metropolitan Police Department.

Special search countermeasures room.

This special action classroom is under the Metropolitan Police Department, but it exists relatively independently and has its own office area.

It was already midnight.

The entire special countermeasure room was extremely busy tonight.

Weary personnel can be seen walking back and forth in the corridor.

The third floor of the office area, the conference room.

Almost two hours into the meeting, Yuuki Makensuke finally had time to rest.

He walked to the smoking section in the hallway and lit a cigarette by the open window.

Misty smoke particles poured into the lungs, unhealthy but refreshing.

Uncle Yuki loosened his tie, and the restless evening wind passed through the window and blew onto his face.

The city lights of Tokyo can be seen from the window all night long.

Tonight's impromptu meeting will mainly talk about the man who was defeated by the priests and witches of the Juqiong Shrine, and the white powder woman whose flesh and blood descended on the man.

The man's autopsy has not yet been completed, but the most important psychic report has come out.


Yuki took another puff of cigarette, breathed out the white mist, and began to replay the content of the meeting just now in his mind——

The man who attacked Onizuka's little priestess is named Kobayashi Keita.

A practitioner in a special service industry.

In layman's terms, he is a cowboy.

According to the corpse's own "statement", Keita Kobayashi has been a cowherd for several years.

But his career development has not been too good.

When I first entered the industry, I was not as good as my seniors; now that I have finally gained my qualifications, I have been robbed of the limelight and turnover by a few juniors in the store.

If the cowherd can't make progress in performance and can't grasp the regular customers, he will starve to death.

Keita Kobayashi blames one problem for his troubled career.

own face.

"Damn it, those two idiot juniors have poor speaking skills, poor service, and don't know how to communicate with customers. It's all because of their faces that they are liked by so many women."

"If only my face...if only my face could look better..."

Kobayashi thought so.

In the Cowherd industry, appearance anxiety is already very serious. And there are only a few ways for cowherds to improve their appearance: makeup, exercise to keep in shape, and plastic surgery.

Kobayashi has tried all these methods.

However, as he got older, his body shape inevitably began to lose shape; Xiaoben's neat face also began to become loose and full of plastic.

"We must find a way to look good, we must."

About four months ago.

Kobayashi Keita came into contact with a strange group organization called "Fenxian".

When I first came into contact with it, I only knew that it was a club where a group of people studied how to become beautiful together, and the members were both male and female.

Not long after joining the group, Kobayashi received a unique beauty product from the "Fen Xian" organization.

A small bottle of bright red powder, very thick, with a strange smell, like a bit of rust.

Kobayashi Keita went home and put makeup on his face suspiciously.

The touch of the red fat powder touching the skin is very strange, a bit like wriggling minced meat...

On the second day after applying the red powder, Xiaolin found that his baggy and plastic-like face actually looked a little better than before!

The effect of red fat powder is immediate!

So Kobayashi Keita, who was ecstatic, deepened his contact with the "Fenxian" group. After a while, he found that this group believed in a strange idea:

"The Facial Fairy will bestow beauty on all devout believers."

But it doesn't matter.

As long as it looks good, it doesn't matter.

In order to pursue a more beautiful appearance, Kobayashi Keita has gradually become a fanatical believer of "Fen Xian Niang" from a marginal member of "Fen Xian Niang".

On the day he officially became a believer, he underwent an unknown ceremony.

With the help of other believers, the whole person is soaked in the red fat powder like wriggling flesh and blood.

In line with the strange and weird chanting in the last paragraph, there are still believers drawing incomprehensible magic circles under the vat of his makeup powder.

At the end of the ceremony, Kobayashi Keita seemed to be born again.

Not only did he become more beautiful and better-looking, but he also gained extraordinary powers that ordinary people cannot have.

It's just that from that day on, Xiao Lin felt that there was an extra person in his body.

But he doesn't care.

Kobayashi Keita has been paranoid, extreme, and crazy.

As long as it can be more beautiful, he doesn't care about anything.

It doesn't matter even if it becomes a living flesh driven by strange stories...

After becoming an official believer, Xiaolin's status in "Fairy Fairy" has been improved.

He began to participate in the meetings of the group believers.

According to the "confession" of Kobayashi Keita's corpse, the gatherings of the Zhifenxian group are held regularly and irregularly, and each time there are different people to host.

In addition, among the believers in the group, none of them has come into contact with the leader of the organization, the Fairy Fairy.

After becoming a believer, Kobayashi Keita also began to work for the Zhifenxian organization.

What he has to do is to hunt beautiful young girls. And the girl's body must be brought back to the organization in its entirety.

Kobayashi didn't care what Zhifenxian wanted these girls' corpses to do.

"I can do anything as long as it makes me look better."

In the night of Tokyo, the puppets of the Fenxian and the flesh manipulated by the Fenpo are butchers hidden in the darkness.

Their physiology and psychology have been deformed, and they will use the night to spy on and follow beautiful women walking alone.

Then, towards those innocent women, light up the butcher's knife...


About Keita Kobayashi's psychic report, that's about it.

In addition, the special search countermeasure room also used this to grasp the time and place of the next meeting of the Zhifenxian group.

Tonight's meeting is to formulate a specific action plan based on these intelligence.

"It's not far from closing the net. It's a pity that the real identity of the Fairy Fairy is still unknown."

Yuuki Makensuke looked at the neon night outside the window, thinking like this.

The cigarette in his hand was burned out.

Just when Uncle Yuki was about to light another one, the phone in his pocket, which was set to vibrate, suddenly vibrated.

I took it out and saw that it was a call from Kamiyagawa.

"Is this kid still up so late?"

Yuki Makensuke picked up the call, and Kamiya's familiar and slightly nervous voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Uncle Yuki, I'm in trouble!"


"That's right, I have a friend who is a frequent visitor to Fusukicho..." Kamiyagawa once again took out Okamura-kun to block the knife, and after half-truths and half-hypotheses about the regular customer of Fufukicho, he tried to make money See:

"Then during this period of time, I tried to go to Fengsu Town to investigate. It was terrible to check. There seemed to be more than one foreign visiting white powder mother-in-law active in Fengsu Town. And I also found that behind the disappearance of the custom girl, there seems to be A group is manipulating it!"

Kamiyagawa didn't fully tell the information he had.

For example, he already knew that Po Fen existed in reality in the form of a "flesh and spirit descending", but he deliberately called it a foreign visitor.

In addition, the group mentioned by Kamiya alludes to the "Magic Time" organization given in "Ghost Story".

However, Uncle Yucheng, who had just listened to the psychic report, naturally understood it as the "Fair Fairy" organization.

After listening to Kamiyagawa's words, Yuki Makensuke's hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly.

One person has found out a lot of information about the disappearance of the "Fairy Fairy", and they are still close to each other.

Has this kid always been this brave?

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