I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 196 Memorial Parade

After the matter of Itakura Ryozo has been dealt with, Kamiya originally planned to go back to Tokyo immediately.

But later, due to some force majeure, I stayed in Osaka for two more days.

As for the reason why he stayed in Osaka for two more days, there is actually nothing to say.

Kamiyagawa was the first person to report the situation of the female attacker in the box. The official staff of the Exorcism Organization in Osaka asked him for a routine question and made some notes.

And because Kamiya holds a non-staff certificate for the special investigation countermeasure room.

In addition, he has been in Osaka for the past few days, and there is nothing wrong with his trajectory.

Except for the initial rescue of Itakura Ayumi, the rest of the time basically stayed near the Via Hotel.

The big move of retiring Kura Ryozo, the main board of the B-level paradise, was completely done in the world of ghost stories, and it is impossible for outsiders to know.

Anyway, the members of the Special Search Countermeasures Office in Osaka treated him quite politely.

In this way, on the third day, Kamiya, who had finished dealing with the record issue, planned to leave for home.

He was going to go back in the Ghost Mazda at night.

During the day, I wandered around in Osaka and bought some travel souvenirs by the way.


The time is six o'clock in the afternoon.

Kamiya wandered around for a while, and finally bought two Edo Kiriko, and was walking towards the Via Hotel on the street.

On the way, he met a commemorative procession.

There were a lot of people, no fewer than a hundred people, and they occupied the road in a mighty way, causing all the vehicles on the road to lean to the side of the road to give way, and many pedestrians also stopped on the street to watch.

Kamiya glanced at the parade and found that the object of these people's parade was actually Dreamland.

"Even if the paradise is demolished, the joy of the past will always remain in our hearts!"

"Fantasy Paradise, please don't be unhappy."


The people in the commemorative parade held banners and chanted various slogans untidyly as they marched forward.

Here's the thing.

Yesterday morning, Osaka issued a notice saying that it plans to demolish the Dreamland located in Sabao Hill, Faren.

The demolition schedule is very urgent, and it will start this month.

The reason given to the outside world is to use the abandoned plots for regional construction.

This reason is quite tenable. After all, Dreamland covers such a large area, and it is indeed a waste of land resources to keep it abandoned.

There is nothing wrong with dismantling the whole and engaging in development.

However, although ordinary people would believe this reason, the first time Kamiya heard the news, he wanted to understand the real purpose of Osaka's demolition of Dreamland.

The driving force behind this incident must be the special search of the countermeasure room.

Kamiyagawa watched the lively commemorative parade with indifference, just thinking in his heart:

"The people in the official organization must have slowly grasped the crimes committed by Ryozo Itakura through those perverted 'collections' recently."

"Moreover, look at the situation in the past two days. It is estimated that the officials intend to hide the past crimes of the Paradise Owner and the situation of the victims decades ago, and rot in their stomachs."

The special search countermeasure room blocked the newly acquired Itakura Ryozo's past crimes, and Kamiyagawa would not necessarily support this behavior.

But understandable.

The things that Ryozo Kurang, the main board of the paradise, have done are too appalling.

Among them are the stories of the girl in the box, Mr. Rabbit and others, including the story of Bai Wugou who was married to Bai Wugou that Shengu did not know. As long as a little adaptation is made, it can be spread as a brand new urban ghost story.

Even the Paradise Owner himself, who is successful on the surface but kills people behind his back, is also an excellent material for urban ghost stories.

Against the backdrop of this world where as long as there is public opinion and fear spreading, strange stories will continue to be born.

If these stories spread, it is very likely that a new Girl in the Box, a new Bai Wugou, and even a new Paradise Owner will be born.

And the ruins of Fantasy Paradise are definitely an excellent spiritual spot that breeds these strange stories.

Kamiya speculates that probably in order to reduce incidents, the official organization thought of simply blocking all these unpublished news, and it will be settled once and for all.

By the way, even the ruins of the paradise are going to be demolished.

As in Fukuoka before, the behavior of completely blocking Inunarui Pass should be based on similar considerations.

Kamiya was thinking about it, when he heard someone shouting from the commemorative parade——

"I will always miss Mr. Itakura who brought us happiness!"

"Remember this selfless and kind entrepreneur who was born in Osaka! He is an angel who spreads happiness to the world!"

"Itakura-san is eternal!"


Itakura Ryozo himself is the creator of Fantasyland.

And because he behaves very decently on the surface and often does charity, he is deeply loved by the people of Osaka, and his reputation on the Internet has always been very good.

This time Dreamland was dismantled, and the parade people not only commemorated the happiness brought by the paradise, but also commemorated the creator of the paradise.

"There are so many people commemorating and remembering. Dreamland should have really brought happiness to many people. Otherwise, I would not be able to get the [Seven Emotions · Joy Core] born from joyful emotions. But—— Itakura Ryozo is not something worth remembering."

Kamiyagawa thought this in his heart, silently watching the procession marching across the street.

In the queue, apart from the banners, you can also see someone holding a large photo card.

There are old photos of Dreamland once.

There are also a few sporadic photos of Ryozo Itakura. In the photo, Director Itakura, holding a civilized stick, has an amiable smile, looks shrewd but gentle.

On the side of the road, Kamiya looked at the photos in the parade and listened to the memory and praise of Itakura. He just laughed unconsciously, but he did nothing in the end.

He didn't care whether people would miss Ryozo Itakura.

I don't care about the demolition of the Dreamland ruins in Osaka.

Although Kamiya is the new owner of the paradise in the world of ghost stories, what happens to the dreamland in the real world will not affect the paradise in the world of ghost stories.

You can see this by looking at Inuning Village.

Inuningani Village in the real world has been submerged under the dam, leaving no traces.

But in the world of ghost stories, the dilapidated ancient village still remains.

"It doesn't affect me anyway."

Kamiyagawa turned around, spat on the ground with a "bah", and left without looking back, holding the two newly purchased Edo Kiriko.


An office worker in a suit frowned when he saw Shengu spitting everywhere, and cursed in a low voice: "This young man's quality is really poor."

However, this office worker didn't bother Kamiyagawa.

Just continue to raise your feet and watch the parade commemorating Dreamland and Ryozo Itakura.

When the parade went from one end of the street to the other, perhaps because people were tired, the voice of chanting slogans gradually weakened, and the formation slowly crowded into a mess, out of shape.

Then, they disappeared into the afterglow of the setting sun at the corner of the street, and they didn't know where they continued to wander.


real world.

Mount Horen Sabo, the ruins of Dreamland.

This piece of modern abandonment was always desolate and quiet in the past.

But now it is very lively, with a large number of demolition teams driving all kinds of trucks and excavators here.

You can hear the roar of various machines busy.

The rusty and mottled facilities were dismantled into fragmented metal materials, and pulled away in carts.

Somewhere on Mount Faren Sabo, with a wide view.

A man with a horse face and many red bumps on his face was standing silently.

From the position where he stood, he could see the outline of Dreamland from a distance.

This man is naturally a noon breeder.

At this time, the breeder was holding a black wooden box, which was covered with red soft velvet, and contained a black seed.

The seed had already broken its shell, but it died young.

It has started to rot in the box, giving off a strange, unpleasant stink.

"Itakura Ryozo's evil seed is dead." The breeder murmured like this, his face was gloomy, and his tone was extremely puzzled and unwilling, "It shouldn't...it shouldn't be."

This necrotic seed is his proud work and has been given high hopes.

The breeder's original plan was to wait for the seed to germinate at a suitable stage, and then dispose of it in Dreamland, and use the sin-tainted blood of Itakura's descendants to personally draw the sin-blood ceremony array.

Itakura, who was normally awake, descended directly into reality through the ceremony.

At that time.

Itakura Ryozo will take the undead of the victims who were killed by those who succumbed to him after death, completely obeying the breeder.

This is a great plan, and once realized, noon breeders will gain absolutely unrivaled power.

It might be possible to destroy the official spiritual master organization in the Kansai region in one fell swoop.

But now, this plan unexpectedly aborted. Fortunately, after decades of planning, all efforts were in vain.

"I'll find out what happened, absolutely!"

The breeder hated it so much that his back molars were almost crushed.


Downtown Osaka.

Via Hotel.

Night has fallen, Shen Gu stays in his room, he can overlook the night scene below through the window, the buildings are brightly lit, and the traffic is constantly flowing with the lights on.

After looking at it for a while, he called out to his driver, "Dashi."

After the voice fell, there was a rustling sound in the corner of the room.

In the hearse group, a short-haired girl with a little IQ but not much, Xiao Yuan has not shown up holding her head: "Boss, Junma and Maijie are in another world... driving, do you want to call them?"

"Oh, Ohara." Kamiyagawa nodded towards his female younger brother, "So I left you here today, help me call Oishi and the others, I plan to go back to Tokyo."

"Oh..." Xiao Yuan has already nodded his head in his arms slowly.

Although the Headless Expedition Group took refuge in the future co-lord of ghosts and gods, they are still foreign visitors in essence.

The purpose of the existence of the ghost car is too big. In order to avoid unnecessary troubles and attract some kind-hearted exorcists, they will stay in the safe area of ​​the ghost story world for a certain period of time in daily life.

Only one member with an IQ is left to follow the boss and obey orders.

And because the hearse group is a symbiotic ghost talk with five people forming a group, there is a certain induction with each other, and some basic communication can be carried out across distances.

Like the current situation.

Kamiya had not conveyed the order to Xiaoyuan, and then Xiaoyuan sent a fluctuating signal to Dashi, Gaoshan and the others.

It won't be long before the hearse group will receive the application for using the car and drift over to pick up the boss.

Very convenient.

Sure enough, after only five or six minutes, Xiao Yuan slowly put his head on the empty neck: "Boss...Brother Junma and the others are downstairs."

"Well, let's go down. By the way, I have to check out the room."

Shen Gu nodded, stuffed the luggage into the [Mirage Bag], took the room card and went out.

"Oh... check out."

Xiao Yuan hadn't followed up blankly for a long time.


The corner of the parking lot downstairs at the Via Hotel.

Kamiya sees his own ghostly Mazda car here.

The big, brainless Mikami brothers were tossing each other's heads on the side of the car.

The handsome horse with the yellow hair and big stone, and Makoto Takayama, who was wearing a cap, were standing aside and waiting quietly.

Among them, the flowing boulder was leaning against the car at this time, with one foot arched against the door, holding a lit cigarette and puffing. He squinted and seemed to be enjoying himself.

The red sparks of cigarette butts glow in the dark.

Oh, right.

This cigarette was bought by Shen Gu for him before.

Huang Mao is an old smoker, and his lungs itch after being a ghost. Out of the mentality of taking care of the younger brother, Kamiya bought a MILD SEVEN package for him.

And told that as long as they work hard, there will be such additional employee benefits in the future.

There is a way for ghosts to enjoy the food and drink of living people. Shengu already knew this kind of thing when he raised Prajna in the earliest days.

"Ah! Boss!"

Dashi Junma next to the car saw that Kamiya Chuan and Xiao Yuan had not come over, threw half of the remaining cigarettes on the ground and stomped them out, and opened the car door courteously and quickly.

Makoto Takayama also greeted her.

"Well, it's been hard work."

Kamiyagawa nodded, then took out the [Mirage Bag] and took out a small requiem candle.

He handed the candle to Dashi Junma, and confessed:

"You have performed very well recently, and now it is considered that you have passed the probationary period and turned into an official. And this candle is the salary I sent you. Find a suitable time, find a safe place, light the candle, and let the five of you work together. Dividing the gas from the candle fire can effectively enhance the strength."

Hearing this, Huang Mao Dashi was all smiles, and almost carried his father Shengu into the car.

He was very thankful for the judgment he made before, and it was indeed the right way to seek refuge with the boss!

And Ms. Gao Shan was delighted but reserved and sincerely thanked her.

Among the younger brothers with IQ, only Xiao Yuan was left standing behind Shen Gu, with a demented look that was completely out of the situation.

Sit in exclusive seats in Mazda.

Dashi Junma ignited, and activated the special skill [ghost acceleration] of the ghost car, kicked the accelerator, and drove the hearse into the fence of the parking lot, taking the absolute shortcut to go home.

The distance from Osaka to Tokyo can be reached in just over two hours at the speed of a ghost car.

After waiting for the car to drive for nearly half an hour, Shengu, who was swiping his phone on the seat, suddenly received a call.

This call is from Onizuka Kiri Hotaru.

"Hey Hey hey?"

As soon as the phone was connected, I heard the energetic voice of the little witch.

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