I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 207 Broken, this is a map of the underworld!

Ciji Hospital, staff center.

During the monitoring, from time to time, several images would turn into pitch black, as if the camera was blocked by something.

The screen usually goes black for a few minutes, and then returns to normal strangely.

Because of such a strange failure of the monitoring equipment, the staff in the employee center have not yet found out where the tourist who entered the third floor went.

They also attempted to communicate with the actors in the haunted house using walkie-talkies.

But what is even more weird is that the walkie-talkie in the entire haunted house is now unavailable, and when it is turned on, only the rustling sound of electricity can be heard.

The sound of electricity seems to be mixed with vague, hard-to-hear human voices.


Such a strange thing happened, there is no doubt that it is haunted!

Several employees in the monitoring room began to panic at this time.

"Mr. Kido, could something have come out of the blocked area on the third floor?"

An old employee who had worked in the haunted house for several years asked tremblingly.

The third floor of Ciji Hospital is rumored to have been haunted by ghosts, which is no secret among the old employees inside.

After the ceremony a few years ago was over, the haunted house became peaceful.

But there are so many strange things happening today, it's hard not to think about that.

"Don't think about it!" Kido stopped the low-pitched discussion among the employees, "Where's the doctor? Can't you get through to the doctor?"

NPCs in Ciji Hospital are not allowed to bring mobile phones while working.

There are only a few exceptions in the first aid station, who have professional first aid knowledge and act as temporary doctors.

"I've tried it, but it doesn't work." The old employee replied with a sad face.

At this time, someone in the monitoring room pointed at the screen and shouted suddenly: "Look, the doctors from the emergency station have come out!"

It can be seen on the screen.

In the first aid station on the first floor, three doctors and nurses communicated with each other on the walkie-talkie for a while, and then carried the stretcher straight to the specimen room deep on the second floor.

The doctors and nurses carried out a fainted person from the room.

But that person is not a tourist.

It's a waste board.

In Shi Ciji Hospital, the actor with the best scaring effect is Araba!

"Why did Arata lose consciousness?"

"Isn't he usually the one who scares others into fainting?"

"Could it be a hell of a thing?"

"I'm a little scared..."

The few employees who were staring at the screen started talking again.

What's more, what's even more creepy is that the doctors and nurses in the emergency station just went out to save people after receiving the instructions from the walkie-talkie.

Judging from the way they went straight to the specimen room on the second floor, the instructions given on the walkie-talkie were most likely still very clear.

But the problem is that the communication equipment in the entire haunted house is now in a strange down state.

Here in the employee center, there is no way to communicate with the actors in the haunted house.

So who, or what, was giving instructions to the doctors and nurses at the emergency station just now?

Thinking of this, everyone felt chills down their backs.

"Okay, stop arguing!" Kido once again stopped the discussion of his subordinates.

At this moment, the meticulous gentleman's face was sinking, and he began to think and struggle.

After a while, he seemed to have made a difficult decision: "The tourist who entered the third floor has not been found yet. This round of escape challenge is aborted. You follow me to the third floor to find someone."

The most important thing now is to find the missing tourist first.

The kind of thing that happened a few years ago, can't let it happen again.

As soon as Kido's words came out, the entire monitoring room fell into silence.

Obviously, the people present were not willing to take risks on the third floor of Ciji Hospital, which was probably haunted at this juncture.

Even though Kido is verbally coercive and coercive.

In the end, only one employee who talked the least on weekdays was willing to go upstairs with him.

no solution anymore.

It can only be like this first.

"You go to the first floor first, and then call a few employees who are willing to go up to the third floor. I will go to the second floor to call someone, and then ten minutes later, we will meet at the stairs on the second floor."

Kido instructed the employee who was willing to follow up to the third floor.

The latter nodded and ran out the door.

Mr. Kido looked at the few people who stayed in the monitoring room again: "Keep watching the monitoring, and keep trying to fix the communication equipment."

When he was about to go out, he heard an employee behind him ask, "Um...Mr. Kido, should we call the police now? Or call the fire department? I can leave the haunted house and try to see if the phone can get through."

However, another employee soon retorted: "You stupid? The police and rescuers, do you care about haunting?"

But Kido, who was in charge, just waved his hand: "Whatever. Try it, call 119, and tell us that the equipment in our haunted house is malfunctioning, and a tourist has lost contact on the third floor...may be in danger."

After speaking, he also bit the bullet and opened the door to leave.

Is the haunted house really haunted right now?

Mr. Kido is not sure about this either.

What should we do if something strange happens again?

Kido didn't know either.

really do not know.

He is distraught now.

He thought that the sorcerer who came to practice a few years ago should have real skills. After all, after that person came, Ciji Hospital had been very peaceful until today.

If the mage can be found, maybe the incident in the haunted house can be settled again.

However, after Mr. Mage pasted a yellow talisman on the area on the third floor to block it last time, he could no longer be contacted.

Even now, Mr. Kido doesn't know the other party's name or his dharma name.

I just vaguely remember——

The mage was a middle-aged man with a horse face and red bumps on his face.


The entire Ciji Hospital was in chaos.

And the instigator of all this, Kamiyagawa, was walking on the third floor of the haunted house with his mobile phone at this time, comparing "Ghost Story".

Because of the little old man who memorized the map in advance to explore the way, although the internal structure of Ciji Hospital is very complicated, the exploration of Shenguchuan is relatively smooth.

while walking.

He turned into a corridor.

At the end of the corridor was a tightly closed iron door.

Several large metal locks were hung on the door, and thick iron chains were wrapped around them.

Both the lock and the chain looked old and rusty.

This should be a no-passage cul-de-sac.

"Abba! Abba!"

The little old man who led the way began to point at the extremely heavy iron gate.

Kamiya compared the 3D map, and cast his sights on the iron gate.

According to the reminder of "Ghost Story", the marking point for opening the map this time is located behind this door.

"Behind this should be the third and a half floors of Ciji Hospital that are said to be blocked. As I thought before, the marking point is indeed located on the half floor that does not receive customers."

Shen Gu put the phone back into his pocket temporarily, and took out Nanquan's words from the [Mirage Bag].

He first stood at the door and watched for a while, and then slowly raised his knife to gesture at the big locks and iron chains on the door.

"It feels like there isn't too much evil behind this door—I'm really sorry, I will pay for it afterwards."


The Nodachi, which shimmered in the indigo light, slashed down from top to bottom.

The narrow, long and beautiful blade is so sharp that it cannot be judged by common sense.

The blade cut into the iron chain unhindered, cutting the iron like mud!


With just one slash, those heavy locks and chains all broke apart and smashed to the floor, making the sound of decaying metal colliding.

Kamiyagawa's control over the Taidao is so brutal yet precise.

After removing the chains, Kamiya pushed the heavy iron door open.

The temperature behind the door was a little lower than other parts of the already cold haunted house.

When it was pushed away, there was a gloomy wind blowing in the face, mixed with a lot of dust.


Shengu flapped his right hand in front of him a few times, and waited for the flying ash to calm down a bit before he could barely see what was going on inside.

There is still a long corridor behind the door, without windows, it is pitch black.

Using the flashlight of the mobile phone, you can see that there are densely packed yellow talisman papers on the walls, floor, and ceiling of the corridor.

Each talisman is painted with the same, incomprehensible talisman symbol.

The talisman paper looks old, but the red talisman on it is still very bright. Because the wind was blowing just now, the pieces of yellow talisman paper were still shaking, and many of them fell down.

The whole scene was full of indescribable weirdness and depressing feeling.

Kamiyagawa held a letter in his hand, and looked earnestly into the depths of the newly opened corridor:

"It's true that I didn't feel any obvious evil aura. Maybe the strange stories that once existed here were suppressed by these dense talisman papers or simply retreated?"


The little old man who had been scouting and leading the way, still dragging the copper bird with the descendant of the spirit at this time, stood at Shengu's feet and nodded.

This little thing has a strong sense of danger.

If he didn't even retreat and escape, it meant that there was really no danger now.

"But speaking of it...these yellow talismans give me a weird feeling." Shen Gu began to carefully look at the yellow talismans in the corridor again.

He has no research on talismans.

At most, when I read the "Five Thunders" supplemented by Yaolang before, from that manuscript, I learned a little bit of pre-Qin Taoist talisman knowledge in an unsystematic and superficial way.

It's true that I only learned a little bit of superficiality, and I can't show it to people.

However, among the few living friends in Kamiyagawa, the little witch Onizuka Kiri Hotaru is a proficient user of talisman paper.

Qingming bellflower yellow talisman is used superbly.

"I saw the yellow talismans that Onizuka took out before, and my first impression was that they were agile. But these... I can't say, it seems a bit... strange?"

Shen Gu stared at the densely packed yellow talismans in the corridor for a while.

He had a vague feeling.

It seems that the talisman on this strange yellow talisman looks familiar, but I really can't remember where I saw it before.

In the end, Shengu could only take a few photos of the talisman paper with his mobile phone, and planned to finish the serious business first and then slowly care about it.


Kamiyagawa stepped on the talisman paper on the ground, and walked carefully in the corridor.

The blocked three-and-a-half-story building is said to be half, but in fact the area is much smaller than the outside development part, and only a few small abandoned rooms can be seen along the way.

Walking to the deepest point, Kamiya came to a place similar to an operating room.

This place is relatively large, with many operating tables and many unintelligible medical instruments.

These instruments don't look like props in a haunted house.

Like the corridor outside, the operating room was also covered with yellow talisman paper, even more densely than outside.

The talisman paper was pasted layer after layer.

Kamiyagawa took his mobile phone and walked to the center of the place, next to an operating table. Judging from the map given by "Ghost Story", this time the marking point is here.

On the game page, the [Start Game] button option popped up smoothly.

"Mary." "Prajna."

Kamiyagawa called out.

Two figures in red and black foreign dresses and purple and white undergarments appeared beside him at the same time.

"Look at my body, take care of the hearse group and the little old man by the way, I will come out after entering that world and opening a map." Shen Gu said.

Although the place where the real world is, there is no obvious evil spirit, and it doesn't look dangerous.

But Kamiya still chose to let Mary and Hannya stay as bodyguards.

You can never go wrong with being careful.

everything's ready.

Kamiya sat cross-legged on the edge of the abandoned operating table, and clicked the [Start Game] button.

In the line of sight, black, gray and white color blocks overlap and merge, slowly outlining a whole new world.

When everything subsides, Kamiyagawa appears in another world.


The location where Kamiyagawa is now may still be the operating room.

As for why it is possible.

That's because the new map released this time, the difference between the inner world and the outer world is too big.

Take this room as an example.

Looking around, it was a disgusting blood red.

The walls, floor, and ceiling were covered with a thick layer of flesh-like tissue, with hideous blood vessels and some uncomfortable sarcoids attached to it.

Moreover, the flesh and blood that covered the entire room seemed to be alive and part of a certain whole.

It is moving in a regular rhythm.

There is also a viscous and foul-smelling strange liquid flowing out from the inside of these flesh and blood.

It feels like Kamiyagawa is in the body of some strange creature at the moment.

"This is too disgusting."

Kamiya held back the discomfort and stood up from the ground.

The glowing acorn is not far from him, as long as he touches it, he will open a new map and receive a new mission in the main line area.

When he got up, he felt limp and rotten under his body. As soon as he stepped on it, his feet sank directly into the wriggling flesh and blood on the floor.

Almost one-third of the calf was submerged in the fleshy floor.

You have to lift it up and pull it out with some effort before you can take the next step.

"It's not good. If this map is completely covered by these disgusting flesh and blood, my movement here will be very restricted." Shen Guchuan frowned.

But what troubled him even more was still to come——

Because of trampling on the flesh and blood, those foul-smelling yellow and red liquid poured out in large quantities, completely covering Shengu's calf, which was sticky and disgusting to the touch.


The phone in his hand vibrated at this moment.

[Your character has acquired a new status. ]

【Scarlet Rot】

[The rotten and evil scarlet toxin is eroding your body, constantly depriving the dead paper man of its vitality. ]

"These liquids contain toxins?" Shen Gu looked at the text on the phone screen in disbelief.

broken! A map of the underworld has been opened!

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