I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 210 Of course there are nurses in the hospital

Kamiyagawa took out the [Takatahara Kamito], and used up an extra stored dead paper figurine to log in to the game.

As for why this backup paper man was used up.

That's because the last paper figurine, the one used to open Ciji General Hospital, crashed into the street not long after Shengu came home.

The cause of death was the [scarlet rot poison], the toxin erodes the body over time, eventually leading to the inability to recover.

"The toxin of the scarlet rot poison is extremely strong and ferocious. Even if you leave the hospital map after being poisoned, you will still die as the symptoms of poisoning worsen. Alas, there is no other way, even if it hurts, you still have to buy the medicine."

The light and shadow flowed in the line of sight, and the shadows and colors overlapped. After everything stabilized, Shengu was already standing in the Broken Plateau.

The tall crimson torii in front of the eyes is surrounded by thick fluorescent light, and in the gap of the broken temple, the star river can be seen outside.

The corner of the hall.

The little green-skinned monk is sitting and making a small requiem candle seriously.

The raw material of the candle is soul crystal.

The little monk put these off-white crystals in a prop like a burning dish and burned them until they melted, and then poured them into molds to cool...

Anyway, he was very busy.

Seeing the master of the hall appearing, the candle maker monk simply nodded, and then began to focus on the work at hand.

The little green-skinned monk has had a very fulfilling life recently.

The reason was that Kamiyagawa had just submitted a large order for small requiem candles to him not long ago.

As the number of ghost stories in the Kamiya Group continues to increase, the demand for requiem candles for the young Lord of Ghosts and Gods is also rising.

He devoted most of the candles to Hannya and Mary.

These two belong to the first echelon of fighting shikigami and need to be cultivated. It is reasonable to get more dog food resources.

Moreover, the shikigami has the function of assisting the cultivation of shikigami, and can use each requiem candle to the maximum and the most efficient.

From the perspective of resource utilization alone, it is actually the most cost-effective to put candles in Banruo and Mary.

In addition, functional ghost stories such as Zashiki Boy, Little Old Man, and Hearse Group who follow Kamiya independently will also receive certain resources.

They themselves are not the key training targets, and they can't enjoy the blessing of the "high utilization rate" effect of the god's function, and the progress of growth is relatively slow.

But even so, Zashiki Doji and the little old man who followed Kamiya first, after being fed from time to time, there is already a vague tendency to advance.

Neither of them have ratings themselves yet.

According to the candle cultivation system, if you are promoted for the first time, you should consume an F-rank Weeping Blood Candle and an additional small Requiem Candle.

"As for the material for low-level promotion, I have already prepared it for Fu Bao and the little old man."

His thoughts diverged, and he briefly thought about the cultivation of the strange story, Shen Gu took his eyes away from the little monk who made the candle, and walked straight to the wall of the hall.

There is a chime bell floating in the air.

This is the proof item for summoning the medicine seller to Gao Tianyuan.

Kamiyagawa raised his hand and rang the chime. The ancient and solemn sound of metal clashing reverberated throughout the hall, and it took a long time for it to dissipate.


It was the next morning that I actually saw the drug seller.

If the deity who sells medicine is far away, even if he senses the bell ringing on Gaotianyuan, it will take time to rush back.

After Shengu hoped to come to this male Bodhisattva who rescued the suffering, of course what he did was to sell medicine.

The drug seller patiently listened to the story of the young master of ghosts and gods, and understood that the other party encountered a terrain full of "scarlet rot" and was struggling.

So he warmly recommended the special medicine for "scarlet rot"——

【Withered moss】

[Withering moss medicine: A special medicine made from the moss in the secret cave, which can reduce the accumulation of scarlet rot and cure the state of corruption. ]

From the appearance of this [wither moss herb], it looks like a moldy pill with green hyphae growing on it.

According to the drug seller, these mycelia are the key to curing the corruption toxins.

Because the medicines he bought from the medicine seller had always been of high quality, Shengu also chose to trust the other party this time. With a wave of his hand, he released 5,000 soul crystals and restocked this green pill.

The price of moss medicine was 50 soul crystals per pill, and Shen Guchuan bought 100 pills directly.

The minimum consumption conditions that must be completed to summon the drug seller once agreed in advance have been reached.

The drug seller was very satisfied with Shen Guchuan's promise, because he purchased a large amount and gave 10 extra pills.

In business, what matters is personal sophistication.

In short, judging from the final results, I spent 5000 soul crystals and obtained 110 wither moss medicines.

Although 110 doses of medicine sounds like a lot, in fact Kamiyagawa is a little worried that it is not enough.

After ringing the chime last night, he specially sent another trip to [Ciji General Hospital], at the cost of being poisoned, he left the birth point operating room alone to check the situation outside.

What is certain is that the corridor outside the operating room, as well as all the other rooms that can be seen, are still covered by squirming flesh and blood.

A piece of disgusting dark red is almost impossible to see.

From this, Shengu judged that [Ciji General Hospital] has a high probability that the entire map is covered with wriggling flesh and blood.

To act in this kind of underworld map, it is inevitable to take a lot of drugs.

Moreover, it is not only Kamiyagawa himself who needs to take medicine.

For the safety of the shikigami participating in the map strategy, Marie, Hannya, and Inugami also need to take medicine.

When the little old man was working as a scout, he also had to take medicine.

Calculated in this way, 110 pills of moss medicine is really not much.

As for the 5000 soul crystals spent on medicine.

The quantity is large, but Kamiya is still affordable.

He had previously killed Itakura Ryozo, won the decisive battle in Paradise, and made a fortune. When these days are the most prosperous, the assets of the underworld once reached more than 7,000, nearly 8,000 soul crystals.

But now they are ordering requiem candles in large quantities, and buying medicines in large quantities.

The 8000 soul crystals bottomed out in no time, and returned to a poor and empty state.

The preparatory work is almost the same, and the next step is to push the picture.


Weird world.

Ciji General Hospital.

As far as the eyes can see, there are all rhythmic flesh and blood tissues, and the surface of the flesh is still entangled with blood vessels and sarcoma.

The whole hospital looked like a living monster. And the corridors and rooms covered in flesh and blood are the tissues and organs in its body.

Kamiyagawa stood up from beside the fluttering Kamizu.

Stepping on the soft, rotten fleshy floor with both feet, and sinking into it, red, yellow, thick, turbid liquid gushes out from the rotten flesh with a powerful poisoning effect of scarlet rot.

Because before the teleportation, Shen Gu had already taken a [Withering Moss Potion] and obtained a positive buff against corruption [corruption toxin withering].

The state duration is two hours.

During this period of time, Kamiyagawa can safely explore [Ciji General Hospital] without being troubled by corruption.

However, the impact of feet sinking into the fleshy floor still exists on movement and combat. The problems brought about by this terrain cannot be solved by taking medicine.

After examining his own situation, Kamiyagawa called out: "Inujiro."

The dark, tall and ferocious animal figure responded to the call and stood up from his side.

Before entering the map, Inugami also took moss medicine, and now it can go to the ground. Just like the owner, Inujiro's huge animal claws stepped on the fleshy floor and fell into it.

"Gouzi, look at those squirming flesh and blood again. You have already taken special medicine, do you want to take it?" Kamiya patted the tip of Inujiro's nose.

The latter lowered his head and sniffed the flesh and blood on the ground, but this time he only hesitated for a while before opening his bloody mouth and biting.

The dark red piece of meat was swallowed into its mouth, and the red, yellow and thick liquid flowed down the corner of the mouth.

In the process of eating meat, you can see the scarlet breath dancing on Inujiro's body.

This is a manifestation of absorbing the essence of flesh and blood. A similar situation happened when it bit Xiqi Boy and the villagers of Quanming Village.

"After taking the special medicine, can I really eat this flesh and blood? How dare you, how many similar meats can be found on the entire hospital map, so you can't eat it hard, and eat it directly until you get promoted?"

"Besides, before eating the meat of Xiqi Boy and the villagers of Quanming Village, Inu Shen never had the skill of 'planing'. I don't know if these squirming flesh and blood will bring unexpected surprises."

Kamiya thought so in his heart, and patted Inugami happily again.

This big black dog doesn't protect its food, even when it's eating, it allows its owner to touch it.

Inugami's meal lasted for a while.

It didn't eat for too long, and it didn't eat too much.

After all, the strange flesh and blood covering the hospital map are highly poisonous. Even if Inugami took the special medicine, he still controlled the amount of food he ate.

Avoid eating too much toxins to accumulate in the body, the effect of the medicine cannot be resolved, and it will cause a catastrophe.

Moreover, it will cooperate with its master to participate in the battle against Ciji General Hospital. If it is too full, it will not be conducive to combat.

"Since you have eaten enough, wait until the amount is digested this time, and continue to eat next time. Anyway, it is not possible to complete a map in a day or two."

Kamiyagawa said, greeted Inugami and left the operating room.

In the corridor of flesh and blood outside, he released the little old man who had also eaten moss medicine.

"Abba! Abba!"

The naked little old man is full of fighting spirit.

Kamiyagawa: "Go, explore the surrounding area. Also, don't forget to explain your things before entering the map. This map is different from the previous ones. It is not suitable for you to act alone for a long time. You must always surround me to explore."

Because there is site toxin damage in the hospital map, your own monsters need to take medicine regularly to ensure their status.

Therefore, the little old man must not be too far away from Kamiyagawa when collecting information on the map at this station.

"Aba." The little old man, who was concerned, nodded his head deeply.

He listened carefully to the master's repeated explanation word by word, and dragged the mallard bird's copper match, turned into a ghost and dissipated.


Kamiyagawa took Inujiro along and began to explore along the corridor.

The structure of the hospital inside the ghost talk world is somewhat similar to the Ciji Haunted House in the real world.

After exploring for a while, one person and one dog walked down a flight of stairs and came to the second floor here.

Last night, Shengu stepped on the spot alone, but because his body was not resistant to drugs, he did not go so far. Therefore, this is the first time he has reached the second floor of the hospital map.

It can be seen that here is also a deep corridor of flesh and blood.

However, the fleshy tissue on the ceiling is relatively thin, and there is a flickering light shining through the fleshy membrane, showing blood red.

Red light gives people a strong feeling of uneasiness and danger.

In this corridor, Kamiya saw the first kind of strange talk that was active in Ciji General Hospital.

Looks like it's the mob of the picture.

Because there are so many of them, they almost completely occupy the corridor in front of them. Moreover, these ghost stories all look similar.

These little monsters seem to have obvious gender characteristics, and they are all female.

They looked like a group of nurses.

Of course there will be nurses in the hospital.

The nurses wore tight jumpsuits and caps.

Their white nurse uniforms looked stained, wrinkled, and somewhat torn.

The upper body of the nurse's uniform is low and open, and you can see the white and greasy skin on the chest of the nurses, which is plump and round, but the complexion is so pale that you can't see any blood.

The lower body of the nurse's uniform has a very short skirt that almost reaches the hips.

You can see the nurses' tight and slender thighs with white flowers, and you can hardly pick out any flaws.

Yes, the group of ghosts that Kamiya encountered at the beginning of the new map has an impeccable and proud figure.

They are sexy and hot, stunners full of raw desires.

But this sexy and desire is not complete.

These nurses are just sexy rotten meat, and they have another completely different temperament——

Horror and Thriller.

They have the body of an angel, but they have the face of a devil.

The faces of the nurses could not see the facial features, but some were slightly raised, swirling tumor-like objects.

The limbs were twisted, twisted into angles that ordinary people could not do, and stood there maintaining such weird movements, with both feet submerged in the flesh and blood of the ground.

Their twisted but perfect body curves have an extremely morbid and indescribable beauty.

The nurses just stood there, motionless, as if they had grown out of the rotting flesh on the ground.

You can also see that in their hands, they are holding all kinds of weapons.

Scalpels, metal syringes, crowbars, and even kitchen knives are all available. The only thing these weapons have in common is that they are all rusty, and if they attack the enemy, they will probably be blessed with tetanus.

"These seem to be... nurses with swollen faces? Uh, I have to admit that the level of public opinion is really high."

Swollen face nurse.

Because of its horrifying but sexy external image full of sexual metaphors, it is indeed a widely spread strange talk.

Generally speaking, the wider the spread of the strange stories born in this kind of public opinion, the higher the level of fear they bring to people, the stronger they will be.

According to this rule, unless the swollen-faced nurse gave birth to some unique alienated individual, she was destined not to be too strong.


With its unique horror aesthetics, this thing has poked a lot of old brothers with strange XP systems.

Generally speaking, the stories and images of swollen-faced nurses are mainly based on these old brothers.

With such a development trend of public opinion, how could they become stronger...

It would be nice not to become weird based on the second creation story.

"In any case, based on my current situation, it is estimated that these nurses should be killed."

Kamiyagawa set up Nanquan Yiwen.

The corridor passage ahead was completely blocked by this group of swollen-faced nurses, and they couldn't pass without solving them.

He takes a step forward.

The flesh and blood under his feet made a wriggling sound.

Hearing this movement, the group of nurses began to react.



They murmured shortly, and the white high-heeled shoes were pulled out from the fleshy floor in unison, and they had to be stepped on again.

They were originally standing facing all directions, but after hearing the sound, they all twitched and turned to face Kamiyagawa.

The various rusty metal weapons carried by the nurses clanged and clashed, and one could feel their strong hostility and killing intent.

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