I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 310 Master Bachi

There seems to be some deal between Kanoya Yukino and Hachisha-sama.

The hand-drawn drawings in her bag are likely to be trading chips.

Hearing Kanoya's promise, Hachisha-sama showed a satisfied and expectant expression: "I liked the book you drew last time, and I'll read this time after you finish drawing. Please hurry up."


Little Painter JC nodded. It was obviously not the first time that she was urged to change by the strange talk, so she didn't show too much surprise about it, and continued the topic just now: "Have you visited the boy in Asakawa's house? His situation How about it?"

"He is hopeless." Master Hachisha said flatly.

"What... what do you mean? I saw him during the day, and I didn't think there was anything unusual about him. Although there is still a bit of a strange aura left on him."

"The lumen of the red ray was embedded in his body, and that boy has become a sacrificial offering. When I went to see him at night, I saw that his life and soul were riddled with holes. Although he was still alive, he had been with the dead It makes no difference, and it won't be long before the body fails completely."

"how so……?"

Kanoya showed a sad expression.

Although she and Asakawa Banping lived in the same town, they were not familiar with each other.

However, he heard that a boy who was only a primary school student was hopeless and was about to die. The kind-hearted Kanoya still found it hard to accept.

"Then Hachisha-sama, what should we do?"

"What should I do?" The eight-foot girl turned sideways, stretched out her hand to brush off the white skirt with high slits, and slowly squatted down.

She kept bending over in this porch, which made her very uncomfortable.

Accompanied by the movements of the eight-foot girl, one can smell a mature and bold woody fragrance on her body, which is long, deep and captivating.

"It's the red stingray, how should we deal with him?"

"To deal with him? Why should we deal with him? I have already obtained the offerings, and I have recently received a lot of incense offerings again. That Lord Red Stingray should be able to settle down for a long time."

"He is an evil god who kills people."

"Yue Nao, I think you made a mistake." The eight-foot girl brought her face closer to Kanoya, her black and white eyes were charming and gentle:

"I am also a strange story that may kill people. Relying on the comics that you drew for me, I have never laid hands on any tender and juicy little boy on this island. I was expected to fight with the original Is it a little too naive to think of the Rage God Red Ray as an enemy?"

"Then I can draw more for you! As long as you want to see, I can draw more. Last time you said, I have already thought of a good plot with you as the prototype! I will draw three copies for you, No, five copies!"

"I'm sorry, Xue Nai. I can't promise you, no matter how many copies I draw, because I may not be the opponent of Red Stingray, and it will not do me any good to be openly hostile to him."

"But, but..."

Kanoya became anxious, but he hesitated and couldn't say more.

"It's nothing, Yukino. That's it, good boy." The eight-foot girl smiled softly, stretched out her cold and soft hands, and gently stroked Kanoya's smooth cheeks and chin, "You and your mother are really very close." Like, if she was still around, she'd be proud of you."

Kanoya lowered his head and remained silent.

Hachi-sama is unwilling to deal with the evil god red ray.

In this regard, Kanoya has no other way.

All along, the relationship between her and the eight-foot girl has been offering and praying.

There is no way for Kanoya to forcefully force Hachiko to do things.

Seeing the frustrated attitude of the little JC painter, the eight-foot girl gently withdrew her hand, and said something else: "By the way, there is something you should pay attention to. When I noticed you near Asakawa's house, you have been A strange story follows. Maybe that strange story has been with you for a long time."

"Strange talk? I, I don't feel it."

"It's a weak but strange ghost, with a strong ability to hide its own aura. So far, it doesn't have any malice toward you."

"What about Guai Tan now?"

Kanoya frantically tried to get out his bag, but stopped after a while.

Lord Hachisha is in front of him now, so he will definitely not let anything happen to him.

And apart from being able to use pendulums and divination with Tarot cards, Kanoya does not have other special skills.

So, when I met Kamiyagawa on the street just now, this little girl has already demonstrated everything she has learned all her life.

"He's gone, he should have kept a long distance from us, and I can't feel him for the time being." The eight-foot girl shook her head.

"But why did there suddenly appear strange stories on the island?"

"Did you meet anyone or anything special today?"

"A special person? That reversed wheel of fortune..."

"Huh?" The eight-footed woman paused in a gentle tone.

"That's right, it's just a college student who came to the island to study the folk customs of red stingrays. He asked me many strange questions, but I didn't answer them all. I saw the breath of evil spirits on him at first, and I reminded him."

"It's hard to say why he came to the island when he was able to make strange ghosts work for him, but he chose to appear on the island during the time when Lord Red Stingray was enjoying sacrifices in previous years. I'm afraid that so-called college student is not that simple. Don't talk to him again. Make contact, he could be a dangerous man."

"Huh? He's making ghost stories? Mr. Hachishaku, you said that person is dangerous... Uh, but he looks like..."

Kanoya chatted with Kamiyagawa for a long time tonight, and he felt that the other party was a little strange, but it was far from dangerous.

"That's it, Xue Nai, I should go to rest. If you encounter any strange things in the future, remember to come to me, you know where to find me. Also, give me the drawing you have as soon as possible. It’s my reward for promising you to see the little boy of the Asakawa family, and I hope I can see it next time I wake up. I won’t be happy if the manuscript is delivered late.”

"I see."

Kanoya bowed slightly to Hachishaku-sama.

The latter stood up again, raised his hand to hold down his white round hat, and his white skirt and black hair fluttered.

In the next second, the eight-foot girl disappeared.

The round-headed and smiling Ksitigarbha statue at the entrance of Kanoya's house is also missing.


Throughout the night, Kanoya didn't sleep well.

My mind is in a mess, thinking about messy things.

About the evil god Red Ray, about Hachisha-sama, about the reversed wheel of fortune...

Kanoya is only 14 years old this year.

She didn't know much about the red stingray on the island before. After all, the last red stingray festival on Oguri Island was 30 years ago.

I've only heard some sporadically from adults here and there.

In the adult's words, the Red Stingray God seems to be a benevolent god who protects the harvest and catches.

Kanoya also noticed the abnormality of Asakawa Banpei recently, contacted Hachisha-sama, and finally realized that the so-called "benevolent harvest god" is actually a great evil god who needs living sacrifices, eats people without spit out bones, and is downright evil.

Then there is Hachisha-sama.

Kanoya has known this adult since he was very young.

For a long time when she was a child, she didn't even know that this very beautiful, but unusually tall, gentle sister was not human.

The relationship between Bashaku girl and Kanoya's mother seems to be very good. In a sense, Kanoya is the junior of Hachisha-sama.

When he was about 11 years old, Kanoya learned from his mother that Hachisha-sama is actually a very powerful monster.

In the past, there had always been some sort of deal between Mom and Hachisha-sama.

that is……

Kanoya's mother would mail-order adult-oriented comics with special themes, and submit them to Mr. Hachisha as offerings on a regular basis.

And the result of doing so is——

Hachisha-sama promised not to lay hands on any little boy on the island.

For a long time, this strange talker has indeed kept his promise.

When my mother was still there, she also said that the promises of ghost stories are often more credible and reliable than the promises of humans.

In short, Mrs. Hachisha... seems to have a strange almost natural need for little boys.

It's just that I have been using strange novels, comics or anime as meal replacement restraint.

When Kanoya was 12 years old, his mother died of illness.

Her mother has always been in poor health, and it may be that she has realized that her life is not long, so the mother will tell the whole story about Mr. Hachisha to her daughter.

After the mother passed away, the responsibility of enshrining Hachisha-sama, so that Hachisha-sama can continue to suppress and restrain natural desires, naturally fell on Kanoya.

Kanoya's mother quietly left a large sum of money to her daughter, as well as a large inventory of graphic novels that fit Hashaku-sama's hobbies.

Enough for Hachisha adults to use for a long time.

After that, Kanoya opened the door to a new world in those comics that are not suitable for children, and discovered his talent in painting.

I have to say, she draws really well.

In terms of plot and composition, both are excellent.

Hachi-sama's evaluation of individual hand-painted drawings drawn by her is even higher than those popular on the market.

In addition, Hachisha-sama's state has not been right.

Especially one year after his mother passed away, every time Hachichi-sama came out for a period of time, he would be forced to return to the Ksitigarbha Statue to hide himself and force him to rest.

The rest period may be a few days or more than a month.

The reason for this is not clear to Kanoya for the time being, Hachisha-sama has never told her.

Even though Hachisha-sama's condition is unstable, Kanoya has always admired her since she was a child.

I thought Master Hachichi was already invincible.

But today, when I heard the eight-foot girl say that she is not necessarily the opponent of the evil god Red Ray, to be honest, Kanoya was a little disappointed.

Feeling disillusioned...

Finally, it is about the reversed wheel of fortune that suddenly appeared on the island.

Hachisha-sama said that he can make strange ghost stories.

He also followed himself with strange talks.

So, this is the reason why he has an evil spirit on him?

Hachisha-sama said "Wheel of Fortune", although he has not shown any malice towards him for the time being, but he is probably a dangerous person.

It appeared on Oguri Island during the red stingray festival in previous years.

Did they come here specifically for the Red Stingray Cthulhu?

The real purpose is not research, but something else?

"If his real purpose is to deal with the Red Stingray Evil God, then he should be a good person? Ah... Maybe that's the case, and Mr. Hachisha may have already seen it. So I don't want me to have too much trouble with that person. Get in touch more, and don't want me to be involved in what may happen in the future."

Kanoya knew it later.


Early the next morning, Kanoya got up from the bed in a daze, put on his school uniform, and went to school listlessly.

She didn't pay attention to class today.

Still thinking about the things that happened on the island these days, things that she didn't have the ability to participate in.

And, I thought about the next plot of the manga at hand.

After all, I promised to draw it carefully.

Even if the manuscript is delayed, Hachisha-sama will actually not treat her like that.

But Kanoya is still very responsible.

And Hachisha-sama needs this thing.

The brain was chaotic and stayed at school all day, and today after school, Kanoya was on duty.

She cleaned the classroom carefully, and when she went out to take out the trash, she found several men in her class talking in the corridor.

"...Isn't it? Who told you that?"

"It's Xijing and the others."

"Kanoya looks so cute, does she really look like that in private?"

"It doesn't mean anything to be cute, right? She dresses up like a tomboy, but she's actually a pornographic woman who likes to read that kind of manga in private. So, don't make fun of me being rejected when I confessed to her last time." Me. It’s not my problem at all, I am so handsome, but Kanoya doesn’t like normal people at all.”

"Hey, keep your voice down, she's out."


The boys shut their mouths, but a few were looking over with strange eyes.

Kanoya just heard a little bit of their conversation.

These few people seem to be completely irreverent in their speech, especially the one who took the lead, the boy who once pursued him but was rejected outright. He spoke very loudly, and I don't know if it was to let himself hear it on purpose.

Kanoya didn't pay much attention to them.

Just rolled his eyes and went on about his business.

She really didn't have the slightest interest in these immature peers, and she didn't make friends with them very much in school.

More solitary.

Say what you want.

I am different from you stupid guys, I know more than you, and I have taught myself pendulum and divination.

And ah, I've been the one protecting you people all this time.

If it weren't for me, you boys would have been given by Hachichi-sama long ago...

All in all, I'm a powerful person and always have important things to do!

I don't care what these stupid guys think of me!

Kanoya thought this way, because of his spiritual victory, his mood improved a lot.

When she finished the duty work at hand, there was no one in the classroom.

Kanoya picked up his bag, turned and went to the toilet at the end of the corridor.

Flush and wash your hands.

Just as she was about to leave, she saw someone coming in from outside the toilet.

It's three girls.

The girl in the lead is Miki Nishii.

Is a nasty guy.

During the physical education class of Kanoya two days ago, I took the time to hide in the corner and draw a draft of the manga for Hachisha-sama.

Because of some investment in the conception, I didn't notice my side.

At that time, the sketches she drew were seen by Miki Nishii.

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