I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 317 Turbid Grease, Transparent Blood

"Mary, behind you."

The coercion of the B-rank ghost story rampaged through the air.

The bloody blade fell with an incomparably heavy momentum.

Master Red Stingray sensed it, and when the bright red kimono was rolled up, a large piece of cloudy white fat rolled out.

He was wrapped in grease again, and avoided Mary's backstab extremely nimbly and slipperily, only to be torn off a corner of the kimono.

"You will regret this."

Red Stingray moved away, his benevolent facial features were still mechanical and numb, and his empty eyes glanced back and forth between Shengu and Mary.

And, strangely enough——

Lord Red Ray obviously has a mouth, but when he speaks, his lips don't move at all.

It can be heard that the weak but sinister voice came from him, but it is not sure which part it came from.

The lumens of Master Scarlet Stingray extended to the outside of the body quickly wriggled, and the red lumens fluttered up and down.

His empty eyes locked onto Kamiyagawa's position.

The wet red kimono suddenly unfolded, like a stingray spreading its shield, and quickly attacked.

At the same time, yellow oil droplets overflowed from the hollow pipe in his lumen, flowed to the ground, mixed with the wet sand, and penetrated into the ground...

Gulu Gulu.

Large wriggling lumens, like a large group of earthworms clustered together, rushed in front of Shen Guchuan in a blink of an eye.


Behind Shen Gu, a thin and eerie figure circled out.

It is Prajna wearing the mask of jealousy.

Thick, white powder with corrosive properties splashed out.

Mixed with rainwater, it fell on Lord Red Stingray who was flying over, directly hindering his advance.

Kamiyagawa also shot simultaneously.

A word fell lightly, and the indigo-colored knife light flowed, cutting off several lumens of the red stingray, as well as the pouring rainwater.


Master Red Stingray was in pain, his bright red kimono fluttered, and he dodged aside.

His surprise attack this time was obviously repelled by Shengu and Banruo's relatively easy cooperation.


After Master Red Sting retreated a certain distance, Kamiyagawa noticed something strange.

In the rain curtain full of rain, there seemed to be a strange smell.

It is like the fat is roasted, exuding a fat and greasy aroma.

After smelling this smell, Shen Gu felt something, and suddenly lowered his head, he saw transparent yellow oil droplets seeping out from the sand and stones under his feet, dripping to his feet.

And it flowed abnormally up his right foot and into his trouser leg.

"This old boy is so insidious."

Kamiyagawa understood that he had been put in a position.

Master Red Stingray's attack just now was false and real.

In essence, two attacks were launched.

One is the very threatening, dancing and extended cavity; the other is the inconspicuous yellow oil droplets flowing from the ground.

Because the red stingray-sama unfolded his kimono, and the shape that flew towards him like a flat stingray was too eye-catching.

Plus his lumens are really dangerous.

Even though Kamiyagawa has the ability to see clearly, his attention is basically completely attracted by the red stingray itself.

As a result, the covert attack on the ground did not react in time.

Sensing that something was wrong, Hannya quickly fell behind Kamiyagawa, hugged him and retreated far away from Master Chiying.

Gulu Gulu.

The cavity in front of the red stingray continued to squirm, and oil droplets continued to overflow, flow to the ground, and seep into the sand.

Simultaneously, the lumen flutters and extends again.

It can only be seen when you get close, each of his red lumens has a ring of tiny serrated teeth.

If he is bitten by several of these things and gets into his body, it's hard to say whether he will become the next sacrificial offering.

Master Red Stingray still has a numb expression, but judging by the movements of his cavity, it should be that he wants to follow up and chase Kamiyagawa who was pulled away by Banruo, and expand the victory.

But Mary, who was following, stopped in time.

The blood mist surged forward in the rain, and the foreign skirt and machete dragged and swayed in the mist.

Mary chased after Lord Red Stingray, and quickly made a second cut.

The red spirits around them also screamed and laughed along with the mist, and quickly rushed towards Lord Red Stingray.

The spellcasting of the red stingray's strange ability was forcibly interrupted by Mary's attack.

Moreover, probably realizing that Lord Red Ray had just attacked Kamiyagawa, Mary's offensive became much more urgent and fierce.

For this, the red stingray could only spit out rich oil to parry again, and extended those crimson lumens, and pulled them out like a whip to fight back.

When it comes to close combat, Mary is obviously much stronger than Lord Red Stingray.

Those protruding lumens were either attacked by the red mist, or were grabbed and bitten off by the nine red spirits laughing.

As a result, Lord Red Stingray's counterattack didn't work at all. After being hacked several times by Mary, he retreated a long way, and could only defend passively.

There is no time to worry about Kamiyagawa anymore.


"Those oil drops..."

Kamiyagawa has been drenched in rain for a long time tonight, and my limbs were a little cold.

But after Lord Red Ray's oil dripped into his trousers, he suddenly felt very hot.

There is a hot feeling from the inside out, as if something in the body is melting due to the heat.


The sound of viscous fluid creeping sounded again.

This time, it didn't come from the cavity of Lord Red Stingray.

But from Kamiyagawa's body.

I saw that his right calf was twitching strangely, and he had begun to lose strength.

The entire right leg was extremely heavy, as if it did not belong to him, as if something was constantly swelling and surging inside, and it also felt greasy.


Kamiyagawa used Ah Moo's breath to control the rhythm of the muscles and fascia of the body, and then directly swung the knife, precisely cutting his trouser leg.

Only now did he realize that his right calf was already swollen and deformed, and there was a strange fluid constantly wriggling back and forth under the skin.

The pores are constantly secreting turbid yellow oil.

Slippery and disgusting.

Sticking to the legs, even the pouring rain can hardly wash away the grease.

Obviously, Lord Red Stingray has a unique set of abilities similar to being able to manipulate fat.

"Prajna, open the mask."

Kamiya Chuan took out 【Life-extending Purple Gold Cream】.

The abnormal state added by the red stingray is too weird, and it is obviously difficult to resist it with its own body.

Putting on a mask and sharing the power of C-level ghosts and gods with Prajna, I don't know if I can get rid of this state.

Just as Kamiya was about to take his drug, he heard——


The sound of sucking your lips together and then releasing them.

Although it is not loud, it can be heard clearly even in the drum-like rain.

Turning around, I saw a tall figure in a white dress and hat standing on the coast not far away.

It's the eight-foot girl.


In the next second, the eight-foot girl disappeared from her original position and appeared beside Kamiyagawa.

In her arms, she was still holding the round-headed Ksitigarbha stone statue.

From the back of the eight-foot girl and under the high-slit skirt, several pure white tentacles protruded.

Two of them were wrapped around Kamiyagawa's swollen and deformed right leg.

The tentacles protruding from the hem of the eight-foot girl's skirt are wet, and there seems to be a layer of mucous membrane on the surface.

Creamy and cold.

However, the feeling of being gently wrapped around by the tentacles is unexpectedly comfortable.

For a while, Kamiyagawa couldn't feel the creepiness and heaviness of his right leg.

Fully back to normal.

Get rid of the abnormal state imposed by Master Red Stingray.

On the contrary, the two white tentacles of the eight-foot girl swelled rapidly.

It became the same as Kamiya just now, with liquid wriggling in it and grease oozing out of the surface.


The deformed tentacles fell to the ground.

But the eight-foot girl didn't care about this, as soon as she raised her hand, the two abnormal tentacles fell off automatically.

With a slightly seductive voice, she smiled at Kamiyagawa and said: "If you lose your appearance, I will be very distressed and it is difficult to accept it."

"Ah...thank you."

Shen Gu put away the 【Prolonging Life Purple Gold Cream】 that was going to be knocked off.

It's okay, the eight-foot girl came just in time.

Save eight thousand soul crystals.

Lord Red Stingray's life is not necessarily worth the eight thousand.

By the way...


White, slimy, cool tentacles.

Should a eight-foot girl grow something like this?

However, the ghost story of the eight-foot girl comes from the slender ghost in the West. When it comes to ghost stories, she should be considered the lanky ghost's Toyo sister.

In my impression, the slender ghost does have tentacles.

That makes sense.

It should be considered normal for a younger sister to have a little brother's ability.

"Don't get entangled in the cavity of the red ray, that's more dangerous."

Bachinu put down the Jizo stone statue in her hand, and the tentacles protruding from the back and the bottom of the skirt twisted back and forth.

Then, she used the nails of her right hand to make a penetrating cut on the wrist of her left hand.

The moment the fair skin was torn apart, Bachinu's face flushed with joy.

Some silvery white blood with a slightly transparent texture flowed out from her wrist.

The wound drawn by the eight-foot girl was very deep.

But very little blood came out.

At the same time, her wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As for the silver-white transparent blood, it did not drip down normally, but condensed into tiny blood beads, floating and suspended.

Stand still in the rain that keeps falling.

"This is..."

Kamiyagawa felt a different kind of familiarity from the blood of the eight-foot girl.

In the world...

Inside those tiny blood beads, it seemed that the outside world was reflected.

The eight-foot girl didn't reply, but waved her hand.

The blood beads connected into thin lines and arcs, broke through the rain curtain, and flew towards Lord Red Stingray who was still fighting with Mary not far away...


There is nothing wrong with Mary's tactics of boiling the old man.

In close combat, Lord Red Ray is no match for her at all.

The more the battle was fought, the weaker the former seemed.

Mary's offensive was fierce.

The red mist position is fully opened and full.

Under the blessing of the effect of the mist, Hong Ling stalked and fought fiercely, becoming more courageous as he fought.

Red Stingray couldn't even find a suitable opportunity, and launched a kimono flying attack to escape like it did at the beginning.

Moreover, the oily ointment that Master Red Stingray spews out to protect himself does not seem to be unlimited.

After being chased and beaten for a while, it is obvious that the amount is not as large as it was at the beginning.

If the red stingray's protective blubber could be used up, the victory would surely belong to Mary.

During the battle, Lord Red Stingray also tried, using the ability to control oil to add abnormal conditions to Mary's body.

But the same move cannot be expected to have a miraculous effect every time it is used.

Those inconspicuous oil droplets seeped into the surface of the underground sand, and Mary's red mist also seeped in.

Erode it, inactivate it, and kill it.

After being chased and hacked for so long, the oil droplets controlled by the red stingray only touched Mary's dress sporadically.

But just a little bit, basically had no effect on Mary.

You know, in Kamiyagawa's current team, the one with the highest resistance to various abnormal states is Miss Mary.

Not only because she has B-level strength, but also because she can use the red mist to resist attacks.

Also because she is actually a doll.

It has a high natural resistance to various abnormal states of the living body.

It's a racial advantage.


Another extremely fierce, bloody and heavy machete swung.

Lord Red Stingray used the greasy oil dangerously to avoid this slash.

As soon as he stabilized his body, he sensed the danger coming from outside Mary.

Looking sideways, there is a silver-white faint arc flickering in the rain curtain, getting closer and closer!


"Ha ha!"

Master Red Stingray was distracted by this turn of his head, and several Red Spirits under Mary saw the need for it, and grabbed his gorgeous and dilapidated red kimono.


At the same time, Mary's blow and slash came oncoming.

Lord Scarlet Stingray was stretched, so he could only spit out the little remaining protective oil to protect the vital area, and minimize the damage of Mary's knife.

As for the arc of silvery white blood swayed by the eight-foot girl, there is absolutely no way to avoid it.


The thin line of blood beads streaked across Lord Red Stingray's right leg in a tricky manner.

Pass through directly through the body.

The part of the red stingray's body that touched the blood beads quickly disappeared.

To be more precise, the part of the body touched by the blood was directly divided and sent to the inner world reflected by the blood beads.

Distort space with blood.

This is also one of the abilities that should belong to Slender Ghost.

There was only a thin line of blood from the eight-foot girl.

Therefore, the effect of this kind of spatial ability is similar to that of the eight-foot girl cutting off a leg of the red stingray with her blood.


Master Red Ray's half of his right leg landed on the sand.

In fact, when the battle reached here, there was basically no suspense.

Marie has the upper hand against Red Ray alone.

In addition, the eight-foot girl has rushed to the battlefield, and Kamiyagawa's abnormal state has also been lifted.

Master Red Stingray is disabled, and his life is like a candle in the wind.

It stands to reason that no matter how you fight, you should win.

But at the moment Master Red Stingray's right foot hit the ground, a thick black short fleshy column flashed past behind him.

The mutilated body of the red stingray then disappeared.

Mary at the front line was expressionless and stopped holding a knife.

Kamiyagawa and Bachinu looked at each other in surprise.

"What was that... just now? Did the red stingray enter the other world?"

Kamiyagawa could see clearly just now that Master Chiying did not escape to the inner world by himself.

He was dragged away by that stick-like thing.

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