Inugami ate about the eyes, and then returned to the Shikigami statue.

Kamiyagawa was wearing a leather jacket with a white hood, staring at his pupils, looking up and down at the man he had just rescued.


He thought to himself.

The man in front of him was similar to the one he met in Yu Nu's room earlier.

But before the previous one had time to take a closer look at the research, it disappeared.

The one rescued in time is still "alive" and can be observed carefully.

Looking carefully, Kamiyagawa was able to confirm that this man was indeed not a ghost, and there was no trace of a ghost on his body.

But at the same time he was not a stranger.

There was also no living breath on the man's body.

You know, even those half-dead people who met in Aokigahara before, because they died too many times, their souls were shattered, they became stupid, and they were about to turn into human beings, after all, they still carried a little bit of life human breath.

But the man in front of him has nothing at all.

It was as if his living soul had been completely stripped from his body.

"If the living soul is completely stripped from the body, it will become a scorpion, right? But this man looks normal on the outside... Then what is he?"

Kamiya was perplexed.

After thinking to no avail, he said to the man, "Name."

Hiramoto, who was overly frightened, finally focused his eyes after a while: "Oh, ah... Hiramoto, my name is Hiramoto Kaden."

"Why, come here?"

"I... I don't know. I stayed overnight at the Grand Hotel with my friends, and then I didn't know what happened. I came here when I woke up."

Pingben said so.

He has a good attitude towards Kamiya.

After all, he saw this fur-clothed monster with his own eyes, cleanly and effortlessly killing the monster with eyes on his rump just now.

Pingben is still awake, no matter what the origin of this strange person in front of him is, he must hug his thighs at this time.

If you follow him, you might be able to leave this ghostly place.

Kamiyagawa observed Hiramoto and Toto's expressions, but didn't say anything right away.

I just thought in my heart: "The Grand Hotel was abandoned decades ago. This man named Hiramoto Kazuto said that he only entered the inner world after spending the night with his friends in the hotel. In other words, he Been at the Fish Hotel for at least a decade."

Pingben: "What should I call you?"

Kamiya: "You don't need to call me."


"The writing on the wall is related to you?"

"I don't know." Ping Ben, who was slowly recovering from the shock, shook his head. At this point, he didn't choose to hide anything, "I saw a line of writing just now, which looks like my handwriting. But I don't remember ever writing...I just woke up here."


Listening to this statement, Hiramoto and Deng don't seem to have any memories of his decades in the live fish hotel.

"Assume that he was still alive when he first came in, but his soul slowly peeled off in the death after death. At first, he could barely remember what he encountered in the live fish hotel, so he could leave his words of advice on the wall. But time It's been a long time, I've died a lot, my living soul has completely left my body, and I can't remember the past at all."

Based on the available information, Kamiya made a reasonable guess.

"Thinking along this line of thought, Pingben and Deng should have become something similar to '魑'. Could it be that...the living soul loses its living soul in the other world, and what it will become in the end is not certain , are there other states besides '魑'?"

"What state will it become, and what should it be controlled by? Different regional terrains?"

Kamiyagawa's thinking has always been relatively active, vaguely grasping some key things.

After paying attention secretly in his heart, Kamiya spoke again to the uneasy Hiramoto: "Get up, follow me."

"Okay, okay!"

The latter is of course desirable.

In fact, Kamiyagawa, who is the conductor of the Kisaragi train, can find a spacious corridor in the live fish hotel, summon the Kisaragi Station, and send Hiramoto and Toto back to reality.

But he didn't intend to.

At least until he figured out what Pingben is now, he didn't plan to do so.


Kamiya called out the little old man to open the way, and compared the exploration speed of the map displayed in "Ghost Story", he began to explore the live fish hotel.

Hiramoto and Deng followed carefully.

At first, he would also try to talk to Kamiya.

Asking in a roundabout way, if you are sure to take yourself out of this ghost place or something.

But Kamiya didn't pay him much attention.

After that, Pingben wisely didn't say anything, just followed quietly.

Walked in the live fish hotel for nearly an hour, but found nothing.

The surrounding scene remains the same.

Damp and smelly carpets, mottled wine-red wallpaper is maddening, overhead lights constantly blaring.

After staying in this ghostly place for a long time, even Kamiyagawa will feel psychologically uncomfortable.

He is already considering whether to exit this map first after visiting for a while.

As for Hiramoto and Toto, Kamiya intends to use Kisaragi Station to send him away, not to reality, but to Fantasyland.

There is the territory of Shengu, and there is Duobao's Tumaru guarding it.

Staying there, at least Pingben and Deng will not continue to die.

The terrain of the map of the Living Fish Hotel is always changing. If you leave Pingben here and enter the map next time, you may not have the chance to see him again.

Kamiyagawa stopped, just about to say something.

At this moment--

Buzz, buzz.

The flickering frequency of the lights above the head increased, and the sudden noise became more harsh.

The flickering lights turned the damp corridor into a dark red patch.

Kamiyagawa heard the voice of a young woman humming a song with a strange melody:

"Bones were melting, excruciating pain.

It's like tearing your chest, and it's extremely sad.

Depravity is God's punishment, and repentance cannot be conveyed.

not enough--

not enough not enough not enough not enough

Still not satisfied..."

At the same time, from the front corridor, there was the sound of hard leather shoes stepping on the wet carpet, and the sound of a sharp object scratching the wall could be heard.

It seems that something is coming.

Kamiyagawa narrowed his pupils, and his pupils became deep.

But I didn't see the aura that Guai Tan should have in front of me.

A strange story with a strong hidden atmosphere?

Or, what came over wasn't a strange story at all?


The little old man who was walking in front turned his head to look at the master, then turned into a ghostly aura, and returned to the mallard bird for the time being.

Click, click, click.

The very oppressive voice continued to approach.

From the corner ahead, a figure appeared.

Kamiyagawa could see clearly that it was a man who came out.

A man with a "professional elite face", about twenty-six or seventeen years old, with a neatly combed back hair, and shiny leather shoes on his feet.

But he was wearing a very large red dress.

He was also holding an extended boning knife in his hand, and the sharp knife was rubbing against the wall.

The strange shape made this man look funny and weird.

The moment the man walked out of the corner of the corridor, the woman's singing stopped.

"Got you."

The corner of the man's mouth raised, and he looked at Pingben and Deng.

Then he turned his attention to Kamiyagawa: "Oh? A weird story I haven't seen before? An outsider?"

Because he was wearing the [Demon Leather Clothes], which covered the aura of a living person and exuded the aura of ghost stories instead, the man regarded Kamiyagawa as a ghost story.

"Who are you?"

Kamiyagawa looked straight at the strange man.

He noticed that the man in the red dress also didn't have the aura of strange talk, nor did he have the aura of a living person.

In theory, it should belong to the same category as Hiramoto and Deng.

"Well, we can communicate. That's right, otherwise, Pingben and Deng would have been killed a long time ago." The man still smiled, and then pointed at Pingben with the boning knife in his hand, "As for who I am, ask him If not, I will know."

"I don't know you at all!" Facing the strange man in the red dress, Pingben hid behind Kamiyagawa with normal fear and anxiety, "This guy must be a monster too, hurry up, kill him quickly!"

"Ah." The man in the red skirt tilted his head, "It turns out that you haven't had time to open your cuffs this time to take a look. Hehe, why don't you take a look?"

"What are you talking about..."

Hiramoto was about to refute, but his eyes subconsciously looked at the cuff of his right hand, and the words he wanted to say were stuck in his throat.

He saw black handwriting on his wrist.

Pingben suddenly opened his cuffs, and suddenly saw the same sentence written on his entire arm: "Don't be caught by that perverted man in the red skirt!"

Not only on the right hand, but also on the wrist of the left hand!

"What's this?"

"I really like looking at your terrified face."

The man in the red dress smiled even more happily.

"Kill him quickly, this guy will kill us!"

Hiramoto began to ask Kamiyagawa for help.

Although the man in leather was also very weird, it was his only reliance.

However, Shen Gu was unmoved, and continued to look at the man in the red skirt: "Name."

"Oh? Miyauchi Chihiro."

Seeing Pingben's terrified face, the man in the red dress seemed satisfied, and this time he gave his name.

"Why, kill him? You are the same kind." Kamiyagawa continued to ask.

Miyauchi shook the boning knife up and down: "Then you have to ask Mr. Hiramoto, what did he do before coming to the Live Fish Hotel?"

"I didn't do anything!" Pingben said loudly.

"Aha, he said he didn't do anything." Miyauchi Chihiro said in a sharp voice, "However, sometimes you really don't seem to remember what you did, and you forget too many things. But it doesn't matter, I Bring this."

He fumbled for a few photos from the pocket of his large red skirt and threw them over.

Kamiya bent down and picked up one.

This photo looks like a forensic autopsy photo.

It looks like it has seen better days.

In the photo, there is a mutilated corpse of a young woman with some words written on the corpse.

Because the photo itself is old, the handwriting on it is unclear.

But Kamiya focused his eyes, and could still tell the individual——

Words such as "fornication" and "female animal" are unsightly.

The handwriting does not seem to be left by the same person.

But they are all written in black pen.

Kamiya didn't speak, and held the photo with his index finger and middle finger, and handed it to Hiramoto.

After the latter saw the above content, his expression became more frightened: "No! No, I didn't do this! It has nothing to do with me!"

With that said, he turned around and was about to run.

Chihiro Miyauchi, who was wearing a red dress, was even faster.

The wide red skirt on his body swayed so fast that it exceeded the scope of human movement, passing by Kamiya's side, and suddenly threw Hiramoto and Deng to the ground.

The latter struggled constantly.

Miyauchi then raised the handle of the boning knife high, and slammed it down hard on the back of Hiramoto's head. His originally gentle face was full of ferocious and bloody expressions.

The lights on the ceiling flickered, turned on and off, and the wine-red corridor was dark red.

Miyauchi smashed Banping and Deng until they were dripping with blood, and stopped when they couldn't resist.

As for Shengu, he acted like an outsider the whole time, holding a knife handle in his hand, standing there without moving, watching everything indifferently.

"Phew, it's good, I still took a breath." Miyauchi Chihiro gasped, shook his bloody hands and stood up, "This stranger from outside... Should I call you Mr.? Or something else? "


"Okay, Mr. Strange Talk from outside. Oh, by the way, why are you with He Ben?"

"I saved him from the monsters in the two hotels."

"Ah... save people? Then why didn't you stop me just now?"

"What do you think?"

"Hehe, ghost stories with the concept of good and evil are really... rare. Mr. Ghost Story, since you didn't choose to stop me, then I won't stop you from doing anything here. I wish you a happy stay in the Fish Hotel."

Miyauchi dragged his half-flat foot and pulled it like a dead dog, as if planning to leave.

"Wait a minute." Kamiya called to stop him.

"Anything else?"

"How much do you know about the Live Fish Hotel?"

"A lot, a lot." Chihiro Miyauchi's face was stained with blood, and the corner of his mouth was raised, which made him look even weirder, "Mr. Wei Tan, do you want to hear it?"

"Whatever you want to say."

"That's too much to talk about. Come and sit with me? There is no such... interesting strange story like yours in the Live Fish Hotel. I think we will have a good chat."


Of course, Kamiya would not reject Chihiro Miyauchi's proposal.

The other party is not a living person.

And in terms of physical function, it is much stronger than the similar Hiramoto and Deng.

But so what?

There is really no need for Kamiyagawa to be afraid of him.

The two walked for a while in the corridor of the Live Fish Hotel. Miyauchi Chihiro seemed to be very aware of the layout here, and did not hesitate when facing a fork in the road.

Walked for about ten minutes.

Kamiyagawa kept his hand on the hilt of the Ichimonji knife all the time, and asked Miyauchi who was walking ahead: "You know you are no longer alive, right?"


Miyauchi Chihiro's tone was flat and natural.

"Then what are you?"

"Diao." The palace answered immediately, as if he had no intention of keeping anything, "Oh—Mr. Wei Tan, we are here."

There is a door embedded in the mottled wall in front.

It was different from the hotel room door that Kamiyagawa encountered before.

This is a double iron door.

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