I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 348 They suddenly talked about partners, memories, etc.

The dagger made of six yin bronzes pierced into the man's jaw in the suit, and the bronze texture became bloody, but no blood could be seen flowing out.

With Kamiya pulling the trigger.

There was a "boom".

The man in the suit's head split open, and the headless corpse fell backwards stiffly, hitting the ground.

Although the Seven Gozen is a strange story as a whole after accepting the power of Yamamoto Goro Zaemon, it is still a ghost in essence.

And before the battle started, the Demon King of Kumamoto Mountain also said that there would be no real death in this battle, and I hope that both sides can let go.

Therefore, Kamiyagawa didn't have much psychological burden to "kill" the opponent.

On the contrary, with feathers soaked in blood, he was even a little excited: "There is a guarantee."

Perhaps it was the banshee's gunshots that drowned out the charming laughter of the grinning teeth.

After Kamiyagawa dealt with the man in the suit, the Tsukiyo head samurai and the not-so-smart loincloth man both woke up simultaneously.

"Brother Kawahara—hey, Brother Kawahara!"

Among them, the burly man in the loincloth had red eyes on the spot, shouted like mourning, and roared towards Kamiyagawa's head with the extremely thick and huge iron rod wrapped in huge power.

Kamiya stared intently, and easily saw through the chaotic and indignant blow of the strong man in the loincloth.

He dragged a word, and instead of slamming it with a big stick, he dodged and dodged.


The iron rod swung to the ground, causing the ground to tremble.

Although he dodged, the strong man in the loincloth had no skills, it was a blow of brute force and emotion, which made Kamiyagawa a little scared. And the fat brother's reaction made him a little puzzled: "Isn't this reaction a bit extreme? I shouldn't really kill him, right?"

"I didn't really kill him, don't worry, Mr. Kamiya!"

At this time, Miyauchi Chihiro, who was in a red dress like a fire, rushed forward extremely sensitively.

The sharp boning knife in his hand was glowing coldly.


The boning knife collided with the banshee's dagger, and the sound of gold and iron colliding was loud.

"The six of them have a good relationship. Mr. Kawahara was resurrected after being defeated by you, and he will forget the things between them. That's why Junichiro is so sad."

Miyauchi Chihiro twisted her body and swung the knife again.

While fighting with Kamiya, he also explained the current situation by the way.

Kamiya raised a letter, blocking Chihiro Miyauchi's attack.

The scorching thunder light on the clear blade extended and sputtered, forcing the opponent back.

The samurai at the head of Tsukidai let out a loud shout, full of fighting spirit, and swung his sword with both hands and slashed forward: "Don't worry about us. Mr. Kamiya, you don't need to keep your hands, because we will do our best. Show me your martial arts! "

"Don't care, don't care at all! Let go of the fight, fight hard. It's best to fight until you get ruthless, forget your feelings, and die! It's been a long time since I had a good fight!"

The crazy beauty Yuqian, who was wearing a noble evening dress but had an extremely crazy expression, also rushed to Shen Guchuan at this moment, the chainsaw in his hand was buzzing, and the terrifying sawtooth turned, slashing towards Shen Guchuan's waist.


The opponents have said this, and Kamiyagawa, who wants to get a better reward from the Demon King, of course will not consider keeping his hand.

His black pupils were condensed to the extreme, and between the breath of Ah Hum, the muscles and fascia bowed vigorously, and the blood flowed all over his body.

The gorgeous array of haori hunting brought the wind, and Kamiyagawa jumped backwards, taking a big step back.

Keep a little distance from the four enemies in front of you.

The power of the translucent ghost hand on the right arm increased violently, and the dense scales shimmered in red, becoming taller and more powerful.

The black light condensed on the knuckles and palm of the ghost hand, surging out a shining flame yellow thunder, clinging to and entwining a word.

Swing the knife!

The fan-shaped indigo sword light shone in front of Shengu, and a large piece of bright yellow fiery thunder roared and sputtered.

Yang Lei was ferocious and swift, tearing away a large piece of gray mist, expanding and evaporating the air and water vapor, making a dense explosion sound, like a dragon's chant!

The four royals were briefly forced to retreat.

Barely escaped from the siege of the four close-combatants, Kamiyagawa ran again.

Although his agility point is only 6 points, but because of the assistance of Ah Hum's breath, his body is highly coordinated, and his actual moving speed is faster than any imperial front.

"Hee hee~haha~hehe~"

Laughing teeth have hovered around Kamiya, making sharp and eerie laughter.

But the strange thing is that after the suit man Mr. Kawahara was eliminated with the help of grinning teeth, the remaining male Gozen seemed to have a certain resistance to this item.

It's not too affected anymore.

"Are these guys saints?"

Kamiyagawa was very distressed.


With more than one enemy, and each of the opponents is a tough one, the fierce battle exhausted Kamiyagawa's physical and spiritual power very quickly.

However, at this time, you cannot relax, you must grit your teeth and persevere.

Kamiyagawa, who is running fast, is dressed in a monogram style, which looks like a few kunai thrown by the female ninja.

Then, he glanced out of the corner of his eye.

The body of Mr. Kawahara, the man in the suit whose head was blown off, has already begun to dissipate.

Kamiyagawa noticed that the power of ghosts and gods attached to him by Gorozaemon Yamamoto was breaking away from his body and re-gathering, a small part of which returned to the Demon King of Mount Kumamoto standing in the mist in the distance.

And more power of ghosts and gods is slowly divided into six equal parts, rushing to the other six surviving Yuqian bodies!

Kamiyagawa:! ?

Something is wrong.

Kamiya scanned the enemy and found that the figures of the six imperial guards became more distinct and their moving speed became faster.

And each of them has a strong breath of strange talk, and their fighting spirit has increased!

Even Tsukiyoto samurai and Miyauchi Chihiro who could have been thrown off by him have already started to entangle!

"They have been strengthened!?"

Kamiyagawa secretly felt bad.

Judging from the power flow of Yamamoto Goro Zaemon just now, the overall strength of the Seven Gozen will decline when there is a reduction in staff, but it seems that the strength of the remaining individuals will become stronger!

What kind of teammate's style of play! ?

If I kill six of them, won't the remaining one become the ultimate boss?

Wanting to understand this, Kamiyagawa made a decisive decision, stopped abruptly, turned around and raised the muzzle of the "Banshee" high into the sky.

In the battle just now, he fired a total of two shots.

There was now the last iron pellet in the musket.

In previous battles, due to the cooperation of shikigami, the characteristic of [Banshee] that it can only load three bullets at a time did not reveal too many disadvantages.

With Marie and Inugami procrastinating, they can always find a gap to fill the bullet.

Moreover, because [Banshee] has been improved by Jue, reloading is not as complicated as traditional muskets.

After getting familiar with the operation, it only takes a few seconds.

But the situation is different now. If Kamiyagawa wants to swim and fight with many people at the same time, there is no chance to reload the bomb at all.

Therefore, taking advantage of the fact that the six royals are still following him and in the same direction, the big move can no longer be kept.

Oni Kamiyagawa held a knife, raised his left hand straight up, and pointed the muzzle of the [Banshee] into the air.

An iron bullet roared and shot out.

Immediately behind him, a phantom figure stood up.

The phantom of the Demon King of the sixth day is dressed in crimson Wei Dakai, which is particularly dazzling in the gray and misty space, like a ball of dancing flames. A piece of Wei Dakai's armor is hooked together, making it a seamless body. Under the star pocket in the shape of Dayuan Mountain, two ghostly stern eyes were dead silent.

Gorgeous and silent, majestic and cold, it is magnificent.

Kamiyagawa waved a word, pointing at the six royals.

The Demon King of the Sixth Heaven behind him also simultaneously raised his right arm covered by the leather cage hand.

Countless muskets were outlined in the void, and the artillery fire roared!

Because there have been enough fights and trials, if the six imperial censors were all exerting their full strength just now, Kamiyagawa can confirm that with their individual strength, they should not be able to withstand the three rounds of gunfire pouring down on the plowing ground from the Three Thousand Worlds.

Even if he licked Mr. Kawahara's ghostly power, he still couldn't hold it.

The power of the Three Thousand Worlds is comparable to a self-destruct!

So Kamiyagawa is inevitably lucky——

It would be best if the anger of the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven would be released, and the imperial courts would be eliminated in one go.

In this way, there will be no problem of raising Gu.

It's a pity that things didn't go according to people's wishes. The Tsukidai warrior with enhanced mobility broke through the artillery range of the assault at the cost of resisting a few shots himself.

The explosion of gunpowder and smoke aroused by Three Thousand Worlds only covered the remaining five imperial fronts.

Moreover, after the first round of artillery fire.

Kamiyagawa, who was staring at his pupils, could clearly see that the burly man in the loincloth named "Junichiro" stood upright with a giant stick.

The power of ghosts and gods in his body was strong and leaping, completely overflowing his body.

The same goes for the middle-aged man Gozen, who was dressed in ashigaru, and stabbed the Hizen iron cannon to the ground. The power of ghosts and gods overflowed from his body, and when it merged with Junichiro's, it became thicker and denser, entrenched above his head.

The remaining three imperial guards were wounded, but they all gathered towards the two of them...

Ignoring the results of the next two rounds of artillery bombardment, Kamiyagawa fired every word, the blade trembled and beeped, and the sun thundered around and exploded.

He had no choice but to fight one-on-one with the first samurai of Yuedai who forcibly broke through in front of him.


Under the phantom of Oda Nobunaga, amidst the roar of the Three Thousand Worlds.

A character written by Kamiyagawa collided with the sword of the Tsukidai samurai.

Because of the unreasonable power of the ghost's residual arm, coupled with the sun thunder attached to the blade, continuously extending and sputtering, even if the ronin warrior is strengthened by the power of his teammates ghosts and gods for a round, he is still not Kamiyagawa's opponent.



The two long knives collided, separated, collided again, and separated again.

Kamiyagawa [Expert Level]'s Nodachi self-displaying style offensive is extremely fast.

The ronin warrior had to retreat every time he received a blade, but even so, the irregular streaks of thunder could still burn him.

The samurai's sword fighting was obviously of a much higher quality than his wakizashi, and it still didn't break after a few fights.

However, the original blade had been scorched red by Yang Lei, and several gaps had been cut out.

As for the words in Shen Guchuan's hand, it was still as clear and bright as a spring, with a sharp edge and a complete blade.


The phantom of the towering Demon King of the Sixth Heaven commanded the third round of artillery fire and began to dissipate.

After Kamiya Chuan used a top-down cassock slash to shake the Tsukidai head samurai far away, he still refused to give up. The cold and light sword glow turned into a streamer of thunder and lightning, and rushed towards the opponent's head. go!

The profound meaning of the wild sword, which is enough to divide the morning and evening, is cut in a single stroke!

The samurai raised his sword to block, and at the same time turned his head to the side, narrowly avoiding Kamiyagawa's ultimate move.

But even so, Yiwen's saber light still left a deep wound on his left shoulder and left chest.

A large piece of ferocious thunder roared.

The clothes on the left arm of the samurai were burned, and the flesh was burned.


The samurai fell to the ground, half kneeling with difficulty trying to get up.

Kamiyagawa admired the opponent's tenacity in his heart, but he didn't say a word of nonsense, and swung a word horizontally to make a second cut.

The circumstances of the imperial courts covered by artillery fire are unknown, and their life and death are uncertain.

But if they are all defeated, Yamamoto Goro Zaemon's ghost power will be redistributed, and the only Tsukiyoshi who breaks out of the artillery fire area will be raised as a boss.

You have to kill him mercilessly.

And at this moment, Kamiya heard the sound of breaking wind.

The speed is extremely fast, from the gunfire area where the gunpowder smoke is slowly dissipating, it shoots to my ears.

He confirmed the position with his condensed pupils, and raised his illusory ghost arm to protect himself.


The two kunai with strange green light on their sharp blades were blocked by the scales of the ghost hand, making the sound of gold and stone colliding, and ejected to other places.

Kunai shot out, which means that Yuqian who looks like a ninja has not left the stage.

Moreover, Kamiyagawa clearly felt something was wrong.

That female ninja had also thrown kunai at him before, and the power attached to this hidden weapon just now is definitely not so strong!

Even with a perfect block with Oni's stumped arm, Kamiya was still knocked away from the Ronin Samurai.

That ninja has become stronger again!


Amidst the gunpowder smoke, the roar of the chainsaw sounded.

The female emperor in a blood-stained evening dress rushed out wielding a chainsaw. Her dress was largely damaged, exposing her skin that had been burned by the gunfire, but the aura of strange talk on her body was extremely strong.

This time, Kamiyagawa saw clearly with his extraordinary eyesight.

In the midst of the gunpowder, there were still three people who could keep standing, namely the ninja, the chainsaw girl, and Chihiro Miyauchi.

As for Junichiro and Tekbashigaru, who had spilled their supernatural powers before, they have all fallen to the ground, and their "corpses" are dissipating.

Part of the power of ghosts and gods that originally belonged to them returned to the Demon King of Kumamoto Mountain, and part of it was fed back to the remaining teammates.

The samurai who was half kneeling on the ground got up again, with a strong aura of strange talk lingering around him.

His left eye had been burned by Yang Lei and he couldn't open it, but the remaining right eye was shining with determination.

The samurai held the sword with several gaps in both hands, and stood upright proudly: "Mr. Kamiya, you are very strong, come again!"

Kamiyagawa couldn't see the current situation clearly.

"So the purpose of the fat brother and Uncle Ashigaru's overflowing power just now is to sacrifice themselves to protect their teammates in the artillery fire?"

What a touching camaraderie...

If it wasn't for the fact that the fight wasn't over yet, Kamiyagawa would have wanted to applaud them.

Just now a round of artillery fire has dealt with the two frontiers, and the Demon King's reward has been upgraded again.

But the remaining few became more difficult to deal with.

"Uncle Doi, Junichiro, your sacrifices will not be in vain. I will take your share to fight! Kill! Kill!" The chainsaw girl laughed wildly, brandishing the chainsaw, and rushed towards Kamiyagawa.

The female ninja at the back had a heavy face, and she looked at Kamiyagawa with an expression full of resentment: "Absolutely, absolutely, you must not underestimate the strength of the bond between us! What they don't remember, I have to get it back from you!"

Miyauchi Chihiro did not say anything similar, his red dress was torn, and he smiled helplessly at Kamiyagawa.

"Don't take it to heart, that's how they are."

But in the next second, Miyauchi took the boning knife back without any effort and launched a sprint.

Kamiyagawa:? ? ?


The fight was going on, and my opponents suddenly talked about partners, bonds, memories, etc. What's going on?

Dare you guys be the boy manga protagonist group, and I'm the big villain group, right?

And what the rest of these guys just said was not just verbal.

Teammates leave the field, they will really explode.

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