I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 361 The big one is coming

After the meeting, Onizuka was called to an office next door by the blind mother-in-law alone.

After about twenty minutes, Shengu saw the little witch come out again.

Her face was a little troubled.

After seeing Kamiyagawa, Xiaoxiao complained: "Shengu, I'm going to Nagasaki in the afternoon to do a deconstruction mission. There will be other people in our team to assist you in your work."

The two walked to the side of the corridor, facing the open window.

"Is it so sudden? What about Mengnan?"

"Originally, I didn't have a strong ability to cure strange dreams. In addition, hasn't Mengmen become more and more difficult to deal with recently? Many spiritual masters who can cure strange dreams have begun to work hard. And... Grandma, she is not very good at it. I think I will continue to stay here in Kanto."

"Onitsuka, you..."

Kamiyagawa noticed something.

The intelligence just sorted out by the countermeasure room today: People who feel guilty will have a high probability of encountering Mengnan.

And as soon as the information was released, Granny Gu planned to transfer Onizuka out of the Kanto region where Mengnan incidents frequently occurred.

There is definitely a connection between these two things.

"Don't worry about me." Onizuka looked out the window, fell silent after finishing a sentence.

Kamiyagawa didn't speak any more, and stood quietly with her for a while.

About five or six minutes later, Onizuka turned his head and smiled at Kamiya pretending to be relaxed: "Anyway, the affairs of the Kanto side are up to you. The mother-in-law also has something to tell you, so go over there."

"Don't you want me to stay with you for a while?"

"Have you been with me for a while? Don't worry, I'm not that fragile. Kamiya--"


"If, I mean if. If I'm trapped in Mengnan's dream, you will definitely come to rescue me, right?"

"Don't say such bad things."

"It's just a hypothesis."

"...I will save you."

"Hey." The corner of the little witch's beautiful mouth was raised, and this time her smile was much more vivid and natural than before. She raised her hand and gently pushed Kamiyagawa, "Go to my mother-in-law, she is waiting for you, I still miss myself Just a little more wind. Go, go."

Kamiyagawa walked a few steps towards the office where Granny Gu was, and suddenly turned back.

Seeing Onitsuka, he still maintained his original posture, standing by the window in a daze.

Her shoulders were shrugged, her brows were slightly frowned, her eyes were dull, she didn't know what she was thinking, and let the cold wind blowing in from the window mess her hair.

This beautiful son of God who is always full of energy rarely shows such a distressed expression.

"Onitsuka, does she also feel guilty?"

Kamiyagawa was a little concerned about this.


In a small office, Kamiyagawa met the blind mother-in-law here.

"Grandma, Onitsuka, she..."

"Yeah." Blind Granny seemed to know what Kamiya wanted to ask, "That child didn't do anything wrong, but sometimes people who didn't do bad things would harbor guilt in their hearts. So I asked her to leave Kanto for Nagasaki temporarily. .”

"What was that about?"

"About Xiaoying's parents. Specifically, it might be better for the child to tell you personally."


"Okay, Xiao Chuan, tell me about you, do you have any guilt on your mind?" Granny Blind's old eyes were dim, and her tone was kind.

But after she finished speaking, Kamiya once again felt that she was being carefully scrutinized.

"I think about it, it seems that there is no such thing."

Kamiyagawa thought about it carefully, and replied like this.

This is true.

Kamiya has always felt pretty good about himself. He feels that he sits upright, acts upright, is upright, and occasionally does good deeds.

Simply impeccably nice guy.

As for some things in the other world...

Alas, isn't the survival rule of the ghost talkers just to listen to whoever insists on it?

What's more, can the matter of ghosts and gods co-lord be called a bad thing?

And so far, Kamiyagawa has been very friendly to those ghosts with a neutral attitude, and even arranged jobs for them one by one, giving them the opportunity to realize their self-worth.

What is there to be ashamed of?

Sure enough, thick-skinned people are less likely to feel guilty than ordinary people.

"Hmm... your psychology is much stronger than Xiaoying's."

Blind Granny closed her blind eyes slightly, and the "sense of observation" that Kamiya had just noticed disappeared simultaneously.

"not bad……"

"Before we find the members of the Devils who are hiding in the dark, we need to ask you, Xiao Chuan, about Mengnan." Granny Gu spoke more sincerely. There are only a handful of spiritual masters, and you are one of them. This time, you have really worked hard."

"Well, leave it to me." Kamiya nodded, and then remembered something, "Brother-in-law, do you think Onitsuka will be safe if she leaves Kanto? Mengnan is already spreading to areas outside Kanto. ?”

"I'm not sure about this, but I can only deal with it in this way for the time being." Blind Granny shook her head.

With the strength of the official organization, there are only a few people who can handle the dream of a hundred people, and they have already begun to feel the difficulty.

Even Kamiyagawa is the same.

Next, if the Mengnan incident continues to erupt before the novelist finds out, there will be a thousand-person, ten-thousand-person dream...

Even Kamiyagawa couldn't guarantee that he would be able to rescue so many people.

Therefore, Onitsuka, who has guilt in his own mind, would indeed be better off leaving the Kanto region first.

Neither Grandma Gu nor Shen Guchuan wanted her to be trapped in a dream and unable to get out.


The apartment of a novelist in Utoki.

The novelist was sitting at his desk, flipping through a hospital bill with a blank expression.

The window of the room was half open, and the cold wind blowing in turned the notebook on the table, revealing pages with pages of Meng Nan's story.

After that, there were no symptoms.

The [Hundred Ghost Lamp] that was originally placed on the corner of the table suddenly became bright.

The cyan-colored light slanted and flowed wantonly, reflecting the entire study room into a dark cyan color.


The notebook continues to be blown by the wind.

The pages of paper fell off, flying up and down around the 【Hundred Ghost Lamp】.

This sudden turn of events surprised the novelists.

She hurriedly looked towards 【Hundred Ghost Lamp】.

I saw cracks appearing on the originally intact lampshade, densely packed, and still spreading...



The third palace of Ise Shrine, Moonlit Night Palace.

The aged Jingu Quan Gongsi, dressed in a priest's uniform, stands here with his hands folded.

Beside the old man, there is a long-haired woman in Tsing Yi.

She has a graceful figure, suspended in the air in a dignified sitting posture with hooked legs. She wears cyan embroidered socks with embroidered shoes on her feet, and her toes are slightly hooked up. A pair of white and smooth long legs are exposed, and the curves of her legs are very eye-catching.

This inhuman woman is the Aoyuto-sama from Isehara.

Under Qing Xingdeng's body, there is a classical standing lamp about one meter high, the lampshade presents a ghostly blue color, and the light is flickering.

Countless pieces of paper were flying up and down around this blue lamp.

These paper materials were all submitted by the countermeasure room.

It records a lot of recent information and stories related to Mengnan.


In the green lantern, Qingming flames spewed out, igniting pages of white paper, and silently burned them into ghostly fireballs.

Qing Xingdeng was still sitting upright, silently controlling everything in front of him.

At a certain moment, her expression became a little playful, and she said to herself in a somewhat joking tone: "It seems that the dog is jumping over the wall over there."

The long legs of the moon-reading obedience god changed their posture and overlapped, and the cuffs fluttered.

Many ghost-colored fireballs were engulfed by a whirlwind and splashed in all directions. Where the firelight irradiated, even the space became distorted.

The strange sight continued for a little while longer.

Qing Xingdeng exhaled lightly, and slowly descended from midair, pointing his toes to the ground.

"grown ups?"

Quan Gongsi at the side took a step forward respectfully.

"What you want me to do is considered accomplished. The other party's Hundred Ghosts Lamp was destroyed by me. The old relics left by a certain family member many years ago are no match for my new lamp." Qing Xing Deng nodded towards the old Quan Gongsi, and finally added:

"However, the controller of the Hundred Ghost Lamp is more difficult than I imagined. The other party seems to have a lot of resentment, and the degree of fit with that Hundred Ghost Lamp is beyond my imagination. That guy is about to collapse in that blue lamp. At the moment of failure, even at the expense of its own lifespan, it continued the flame of the green lamp."

"Your Excellency, you may wish to speak clearly."

"That Hundred Ghost Lamp will no longer be able to directly create ghost stories in the future. However, because the controller is in a hurry to jump the wall, you are afraid that you will have a lot of trouble in the past few days. It is very likely that an incalculable number of dream men will come to reality. Come in. According to the characteristics of the dream man, you may have to be mentally prepared to deal with a dream of a dream man with a scale of 10,000 people."

"Ten thousand people...?"

"Yes. It's best to solve it once and for all, and you don't have to worry about Mengnan's disaster in the future. If you can't solve it... just think about how to explain to the society why nearly ten thousand people suddenly fell asleep in the dreamland, and even die."

"Does your lord have a solution?"

"How can I have it? It's not like you don't know that I can't do without the Ise Shrine. Moreover, what I agreed at the beginning is to help you deal with each other's ghost lamp. The follow-up mess will have to be resolved by your own people. By the way, don’t forget your promise to me, provide me with a hundred brand new stories, and each story must satisfy me.”

"We will."

"Don't be so bitter, Shimadzu Quangongji. The dream of ten thousand people has already been considered a stop loss. If I don't destroy the other party's Hundred Ghost Lantern and let the other party continue to create Mengmen, the entire Kanto and surrounding areas will fall into a huge panic. What you have to face may be a million-level dream? Why are you so serious, why not be happy."

"Understood, I'm going to contact the countermeasure room."


Kamiyagawa got good news and bad news from the countermeasure room.

The good news is: the Qingxing Lantern on Isehara has taken action and successfully destroyed the [Hundred Ghost Lantern] held by the novelist Utoki, and no more Mengmen will be artificially created in the future.

However, judging from the panic caused by Mengnan in the entire Kanto region, it cannot be ruled out that this kind of strange talk will naturally arise from public opinion and fear in the future.

But the natural generation is definitely not as fast as the artificial creation assisted by [Hundred Ghost Lamp].

In addition, [Hundred Ghost Lantern] was destroyed, and the countermeasure room already had the possibility to reverse locate the novelist through foreign aid Qingxing Deng.

The large-scale ghost talk incident brought by Mengnan finally has a good sign that it can end.

The bad news is: Mao Shi's novelist came directly to Boda at the moment when [Hundred Ghost Lantern] was destroyed, sacrificed his own vitality as a fire guide, and spread a lot of Mengnan stories.

As long as there are keywords corresponding to the same dream boy story, it may be dreamed by many different people at the same time.

In the past few days, Kamiyagawa and the countermeasure room are very likely to face a macro dream with a scale of 10,000 people.

It is difficult to deal with the dream of a hundred people, and the dream of ten thousand people should be beyond the scope of the nightmare-eating tapir.

Huge changes happened in a short period of time.

Overnight, a large number of people in the entire Kanto region, including Tokyo and surrounding counties, fell into a deep sleep.

And even in Hokkaido, Nagasaki and other places far away from the Kanto, sporadic people were influenced by Mengnan.

The social impact of this sudden outbreak of disaster was huge.

In Gunma Prefecture, the hardest-hit region, and in Tokyo's Chiyoda District, a certain degree of social paralysis even occurred.

For a while, people were panicked.

The impact of the large-scale dream boy's arrival is not only that, not only a large number of people at the social level are sleepy, but also some members of the countermeasure room who have not been affected by the dream boy before have been recruited.

In the beginning, it seemed that because of physical problems, the healers had a lot of immunity to Mengnan, whose strength was at most F-level to E-level.

Now there are spiritual masters falling into a deep sleep, which shows that the strength of this wave of mengmen has definitely been strengthened.

And among the sleepy spiritual masters...

Including the one Kamiyagawa cares most about, Onizuka Kiri Hotaru.

The little witch went to Nagasaki yesterday under the command of the blind mother-in-law.

But not long after arriving at the destination, he fell into a coma.

What Kamiyagawa was worried about happened.

Just leaving the Kanto area can't stop Mengnan from coming.

It is very likely that Mengnan's influence is like a carry-on germ, and Onizuka had already carried it when he was active in Kanto. When they arrived in Nagasaki, the novelist chose to risk his life to fight back because of Qingxing Deng's interference. Mengnan's "germ" became stronger and was directly detonated.


In the countermeasure room.

"According to incomplete statistics, there are at least 40,000 people who have fallen into the dream of men all over the country, and 30,000 of them are concentrated in the Kanto region."

"The dream boy disaster this time is completely different from the previous ones. No matter the distance, everyone is trapped in the same dream and cannot wake up."

"In the action team, Kamiyagawa, Master Hagiwara, and Ms. Nomoto, who previously had the ability to deal with dreams of a scale of 100 people, were unable to use their original means to influence this macroscopic dream of a scale of 50,000 people."

"Everyone...Although I don't want to admit it. However, we are in trouble."

This time the meeting with all the staff gathered was chaired by Fu Niyi. Her complexion is not very good now, and she looks very tired.

The blind mother-in-law at the main seat in the conference room also had a heavy expression.

Kamiyagawa, who has a close relationship with Juqiong Shrine, is similar, with a cloudy face, thinking about something, and seems not to pay much attention to the content of the meeting.

He was looking at the seat beside him in a daze.

Sitting next to him was a somewhat familiar spirit remover.

However, Onizuka was supposed to sit here.

The dream of thousands of people comes overnight, and Shengu tried to bring the dream-eating tapir into the dream of a client in the morning.

However, the invincible nightmare-eating tapir failed this time.

The little tapir in the dream of a hundred people can barely cope with opening his stomach.

But now this dreamland of thousands of people entrenched in the entire Kanto, it can't even sneak into it directly, as if there is a firewall blocking it, and the dream-eating tapir is completely blocked from the dreamland.

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