I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 375 Headless Horseman, Whip Wind

With [One Thousand Silver Needles] in his pocket, Kamiyagawa wandered around in the small town next to the mine.

"Bietongzishan was closed in 1973. This town seems to be a gathering place for former miners and miners' families. If you look for the older people in the town, they may be former miners. You should be able to get first-hand information about Bietongzishan from them. .”

Kamiya did the same on Oguri Island back then.

Claiming to be a folklorist, he took a small silver stick to talk to local middle-aged or elderly people.

good results.

The size of the town is small, and the streets are far from spacious. After walking for a while, I didn't see any suitable targets.


At the corner of a certain street, Kamiyagawa's sight was attracted by a person walking towards him.

It was a woman in her early twenties who looked like a female college student.

Good looking and pretty.

Kamiya's gaze paused for a while longer on the opponent.

The girl also noticed Kamiya and kept watching.

The two met eyes.


After a while, the strange girl on the opposite side chuckled and turned her head away.

It seems to be signaling Kamiya to follow.

Kamiyagawa didn't have any scruples, and followed him directly.

The two walked into a deserted alley one after the other.

"Nice meeting, my name is Saotome Ai." The girl turned around and bowed slightly to Kamiya, introducing herself, "I didn't expect to meet my colleagues here."

That's right, the opening remarks.

This man is an exorcist.

Real spirit slayers are always attracted to each other in the crowd.

After all, they can more or less feel that each other's breath is different from that of ordinary people.

"Is that Miss Saotome?" Kamiyagawa called her by her last name, "Hi, my name is Kamiyagawa."

"Kamiya... Chuan? I seem to have heard of this name before." Saotome recalled, and after a while, she suddenly realized, "Wait a minute, are you a spirit exorcist from Tokyo? You rescued many living people from the Kisaragi station, and you are still alive." The one who solved the Wakayama whale disaster?"

Shen Guchuan noticed that the other party did not mention the matter of retreating Zhifenxian, Plague God and Mengnan.

Perhaps these three things are related to the time of sealing the demon, involving the secrets of the countermeasure room, and Saotome Ai didn't know about it.

If this is the case, this Miss Saotome should not belong to the official spiritual master.

Or even if you join the official, you have not yet entered the inner circle.

"Let's just count it."

Kamiyagawa nodded, thought for a moment, and took out the countermeasure room ID from his pocket.

"Eh——? Really!" Saotome Ai looked at the seal and certificate on the certificate, "So you are so young!?"


Shen Gu didn't expect his reputation to spread so widely.

Anyone who meets a spiritual master has heard his own story.

"Offended!" Saotome Ai bowed again, this bow was much deeper than before, she kept her head down and said, "Let me introduce myself again, my name is Saotome Ai, I have a Shinto religion in my family, and I have not yet obtained the qualifications to join the countermeasure room , but I have been working hard, please give me a lot of advice!"

"It doesn't need to be so formal."

"Yes, you are a senior in the countermeasure room!" Ai Saotome raised her head, "Senior, did you come to Iyo to get rid of spirits?"

"That's right."

It feels weird to be called "Senior" by someone obviously older than me.

"Ah... also for the Headless Horseman?" Ai Saotome was a little embarrassed, "Then it seems like I came here for nothing?"

"What is the Headless Horseman?"

"Eh? Didn't you come here for this? It was a commission I finally received a few days ago."

Kamiyagawa thought for a while, and said, "I'm planning to go to Bietongzi Mountain. The headless horseman you're talking about, what level of strange talk is it probably?"

"Probably around E-level." Ai Saotome relaxed a little, raised her hand and stroked her chin, "That's right, this level of strange talk seems to be far from worthy of a big shot like you traveling all the way from Tokyo."

"I'm not a big shot." Kamiya shrugged his shoulders. The E-level strange talk was another commission that he accepted first, and Kamiya would not snatch it. "By the way, where are you from?"

"It's from Ehime, and I live in Ikata Town. Seniors can come to visit us anytime!"

"That's okay...no need. May I ask you something?"

A spiritual master who lives in Ikata Town is a complete local.

From Miss Saotome, she might be able to get the information she wants.

"You say."

"How much do you know about Bietongzi Mountain? Are there any strange stories in the Bietongzi Mountain area? For example, Shijiro and the like?" Kamiyagawa didn't directly conceal his purpose of looking for Shijiro. Shijiro is to bring to the other world to mine.

"Shikijiro? Senior, why are you looking for such a low-level wandering ghost?"

"I have some shikigami under my command, and one of them needs the material that Shijiro may produce to cultivate."

The reason given by Kamiyagawa is reasonable.

Like last year, before the little old man was promoted to F-rank, the [Shadow Blob] he absorbed was a ghost relic produced from a very low-level ghost.

"Shikigami...it seems that I have indeed heard about your matter." Ai Saotome nodded without raising any doubts, "Don't talk about Tongzishan, let me think about it, it seems that Shijiro exists all the time, but Ehime's spiritual masters are unlikely to go there."


"Ah, because it's been quite peaceful over there. There's also a Betsukozi theme park built, with a lot of tourists, and there haven't been any supernatural events in the past ten years. If seniors want to find Shikijiro, they may have to go into the deep mountain area and look for abandoned or dusty places. I’m just trying my luck in the mine. Generally, spiritual masters won’t go to great lengths to find such low-level strange stories that have no harmful records.”


All right.

Asked and not asked.

The information is quite different from the information I judged before.

"Oh, about Bietongzi Mountain, I thought of one more thing, senior." I don't know if she wanted to show it to the "senior" in the countermeasure room, Kamiyagawa, but Ai Saotome seemed very positive:

"It's a story I heard from my grandfather when I was a child. It is said that during the Meiji era, a strange thing happened in Betongzi Mountain for a while. A whip wind suddenly blew up in the mountain, and many miners who were mining suffered from it."

"Whip wind?"

This term is a bit familiar.

"Yes, it is said that when this kind of wind blows, it will make the sound of whipping whips and billowing dust. People and animals who encounter this strange wind will get sick."

"Then what?"

"Then things are a little unclear. Anyway, after a certain time, the whip wind in Bietongzi Mountain stopped inexplicably, and never appeared again. However, this is just a story told by my grandparents. It is very true and false. It's hard to verify. It might just be pure country folk tales."

"Okay, I see, thank you." Kamiyagawa thanked Miss Saotome who knew everything.

Whip wind...

A piece of information that I don't know if it is useful.

However, after listening to Ms. Saotome's description, Kamiya belatedly remembered that when he was supplementing the knowledge of various ghost stories, he had read a record similar to whip wind in a certain book.

In Kagami Village, Tosa County, Kochi Prefecture, there seems to be a legend of the whip wind, which is said to be attached to cows and horses. When leading the oxen and horses on the night road, if you are unlucky, you will encounter the sound of the whip wind. If you do not cover the eyes of the oxen and horses at this time, they will die in the whip wind.

There are also places where the whip wind is called "butch". When it hits, it will make a sharp "咻——" sound in the mountains. The sand and dust carried in the wind can cut people's skin like a knife and hurt people.

The two chatted casually for a while, and Saotome handed Kamiya a business card.

Shen Guchuan accepted it and said, "It's getting late, I plan to go to Bietongzi Mountain tonight."

"Then I wish you success in finding Shikijiro."

"I also wish you a smooth exorcism."

The two who met by chance parted ways.


Around 10pm.

Kamiyagawa arrived at Betongzi Mountain in a ghost car.

On the way, I can see the Minetopia Besko theme park from a distance. The park is very lively during the day, but it is very quiet at night, with only a few sporadic lights on. It is estimated that there are staff members staying inside to watch the night.

However, this is not Kamiya's final destination.

The local spiritual master Saotome said that the Betsuko Park has been very peaceful in the years since it was built, and the Kamiya River must go deeper into the mountains.

The ghost car drove for a while on the winding road in the mountain area.

At the end of the road, there is only a winding muddy path ahead, and I don't know where it leads.

The Ghost Mazda stops here.

It is not the terrain that the ghost car is good at. Kamiyagawa intends to explore on foot directly, going deep into the hinterland of the mountain forest.

After getting out of the car, he called out the little old man.

Let your own scouts separate a second body to stay in the ghost car, and stay with Dashi and the others. He took the little old man himself and set off.

Dashi and the little old man are old partners.

The combination of scouts and ghost cars has super perceptual ability and extremely fast speed, and there is no danger at all when they disperse and act.

When something really difficult to deal with, the little old man gave an early warning, and Dashi kicked the gas pedal to escape.

"You guys are waiting for me around here. I'm not sure how long I'm going to be active in the mountains. Let the little old man let me know if there's any situation." Shen Guchuan explained.

The ghosts who stayed behind nodded.

With the help of the skill of chopping a hair, and slightly constricting his pupils, Kamiyagawa's eyes are like a torch, and he has insight into everything.

The dark road ahead suddenly became clear.

Can move freely as in daytime.

Taking the little old man with him, he started exploring tonight.


The little old man led the way.

The two masters and servants walked for a long time on the muddy path, and then went down the dirt slope and entered the dense forest.

The air in the mountains and forests is humid, especially at night when the humidity is very heavy, and only the faint chirping of unknown spring insects can be heard around.

After walking for an indeterminate amount of time, there were no roads at all around, and there were dense bushes and branches, and the waning moon above was completely covered by the high branches.

Going around, Kamiyagawa couldn't tell where he was now.

But with the little old man around, there is no need to worry about getting lost.


The little old man dressed as a nihilistic monk in front stepped on the rotten branches and leaves with grass shoes, and suddenly shouted in a low voice with a little excitement.

"What? Have you found anything?"

"Abba whimpering."

The master and servant communicated for a while, and Kamiyagawa confirmed that the little old man was indeed somewhere nearby, and felt the presence of a subtle whiff of strange talk.

But it cannot be confirmed that it is Shikijiro.

After being promoted, the little old man's ability to hide is super strong, and his perception ability has also become stronger.

Stronger than his master.

Anyway, standing at the current position, Kamiyagawa couldn't feel the presence of strange talk around him.

Continue to let the little old man lead the way.

The two masters and servants came to a mountain depression, and found a covered mine in a lower position.

The reason why it is judged that this is a mine is because some wood debris can be seen at the entrance of the cave. When these things are intact, they should be used to support the entrance of the mine.

However, the mine passage in front of him has been completely blocked by stones.

Standing at the closed entrance of the cave, Shen Guchuan felt it carefully. Behind the stone, there seemed to be some ghostly talk.

"Then explore here first."

He made up his mind, and took out his mobile phone, because he was in the deep forest, and the mobile phone had no signal, but the time can still be seen, it is now one o'clock in the morning.

Shengu has been groping in the Bietongzi Mountain for a long time, and only people like him dare to stay in the deep mountains and old forests during this period of time.

However, thanks to his high physical fitness point and the coordination of Ah Hum's breathing method, he is still physically fit.

"Mary." "Inugami."

Kamiyagawa called out the two shikigami under his command.

These stones blocking the entrance of the cave need their help to clean up.


Like a werewolf, Inugami stood half upright, pierced the gap between the rocks with his sharp claws, and easily lifted a big rock out.

Mary didn't need to do it herself, she used the red mist to pour into the gap, and when it swelled, the rocks and soil were shaken loose, and the nine red spirits pulled and pulled, destroying most of the originally solid stone wall at the entrance of the cave.

While the two shikigami were working, the little old man beside him reported a situation to Kamiya.

About the hearse group left on the highway.

Oishi and the others encountered something unexpected.

"Are they in danger?" Kamiya asked.


The little old man shook his head firmly.

No danger.

It's just that something unexpected happened.

The scouts under Shengu have super strong perception of danger.

Be cautious and run first.

Since he said there was no danger, then there was really nothing wrong.

After getting along for so long, Kamiyagawa still has this bit of confidence.

"Then let Dashi and the others handle it by themselves." He explained this, and then focused on the excavation work at the entrance of the mine again.

After the efforts of Mary and Inugami, the mine that had been blocked and covered up was rediscovered. It was dark inside and exuded a stale smell.

In addition, the aura of weird talk that was perceived earlier seems to be a little stronger.

"Is there air movement in here?"

Kamiyagawa stared inward, then took out the [Mirage Bag] and took out an ordinary candle.

This candle was specially carried by him to explore the mine on the side of Bietongzi Mountain.

Kamiya did not enter the mine immediately, but waited outside for a while, and then used [Kabuki Puppet] to summon a Kabuki puppet.

Light the candle and let the golem enter with the candle.

Although his body in reality is much stronger, it is still flesh and blood after all.

It is temporarily unknown whether the mine that was dug rashly will cause suffocation if you go deep into it, and whether there is any danger of landslides inside. It is safer to let the puppet go in first to see the situation.

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