I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 377 Dust Tomb Monster King

call out!


The sharp whistle of whipping came from the cave again.

A gust of wind, wrapped in thick dust, struck with killing intent.

Kamiyagawa, who had been on guard for a long time, used Ah Hum's breath to coordinate his body, and avoided the wind blade very sensitively.

"So much resentment and killing intent, I thought it would be a supervisor or something that could be brought back to Aokigahara."

The visitor is not good.

Unlike Shikijiro, who was numb and ignorant, and would not react when he saw a living person like Kamiyagawa, what came out of the abandoned mine later was a powerful strange story that contained hostility.

Generally speaking, in remote and barren areas, there is a possibility of powerful ghost stories.

The most typical example is the former Oguri Island.

On a remote small island, there are actually three B-level monsters, and they have not been noticed by the official spiritual masters for a long time.

This is not incomprehensible.

For example, the core strength of the countermeasure room is mainly concentrated in the vicinity of several metropolitan areas in Japan, and there is little consideration for remote areas. Unless there is a major supernatural event, the countermeasure room's attention will be attracted.

As for the three B-level monsters on Oguri Island, the eight-footed girl among them is low-key and will not take the initiative to contact humans.

The remaining red stingrays and anglerfishes are bonded together to form a compound Aragami. Their needs are incense and human child sacrifices.

The number of zhisai may require one at the time of the annual catch.

There have always been followers of red stingrays on Oguri Island, and the influence of red stingrays is much smaller than that of the same level of vicious ghost stories. This has led to the official's delay in noticing the small place of Oguri Island.

The same is true for the Bietongzi Mountain where Shengu is now located.

It was originally remote and sparsely populated.

According to the local psychic master Saotome Ai, there have been no supernatural events.

It belongs to the area where the official has not paid attention to jurisdiction.

It is possible that there are powerful ghosts that have not caused a catastrophe for some reason.

Kamiyagawa is vigilant about this and will not take it lightly.


The phone vibrated, and "Ghost Story" gave the basic information about the monster encountered this time——

[The catalog of different visits has been updated. ]

[Ghost Story Name: Dust Tomb Monster King]

[Rating: Grade C]

[Status: Visiting differently (the seal is loose)]

[Progress of different visits: 100%]

"It's only C-level, it's okay. But what does it mean that the seal is loose? It's the first time I see such a note."

After receiving the information prompt, Kamiyagawa relaxed a little.

Dust Tomb King.

It seems that this is the instigator of the whip wind in Bietongzi Mountain.

The Dust Tomb Monster King, as the name suggests, is a strange story formed after the dust has accumulated into a mountain.

The usual image is described as a monster with a huge stature, wearing a crown, staring eyes, wearing an animal skin skirt around his waist, and looking like a king of monsters.

According to legend, when this kind of strange talk appears in someone's home, it will wreak havoc in places where dust accumulates, speed up the aging of items, and take pleasure in destroying items in the home as revenge for excessive dust accumulation in the house.

According to this background story, the Dust Tomb Monster King prefers monsters that are less harmful to people.

It is mainly a ghost story created to remind people to pay attention to hygiene at home.

But there are other kinds of stories about the Dust Tomb Monster King. Toriyama Shiyan described this kind of monster in "Hundred Vessels in vain" as: "Fu Sen is all-encompassing, and everything that has form has strength. Shang Lin is the head of the beast. , the phoenix is ​​the head of the bird, and the monster king of the dust mound is the head of the mountain bastard born by Chenji."

The king of beasts is the unicorn, the king of birds is the phoenix, and the monster king of dust mounds, which is formed from accumulated dust, is the king of mountain basking.

According to the records in the literature, there was indeed a saying in the Japanese folk that the King of Dust Tombs was a kind of Yamabashi.

The Dust Tomb Monster King encountered by Kamiyagawa appeared in the mountains, and there is a high probability that it is biased towards the latter.

call out! Snapped!

The whip wind mixed with thick dust in the mine struck again.

This time Kamiyagawa didn't take the initiative to hide.

Beside him, Mary's red and black dress swayed out, and the bloody red mist surged out, meeting the whip wind.

The mist and dust collided, and the strange wind died down instantly.

At the same time, Prajna and Inugami also appeared.

On the dense forest above the head, there is also a morphing whale holding a conch in its hand, sitting on the back of a skeleton whale spirit, floating up and down, with faint blue light shining.

"I'm not very tolerant... I can't be polite to you if I launch such a murderous attack without saying a word."

Kamiyagawa himself also draws a knife, attaching to Yanglei.

A transparent and dark ghost arm emerged on the right hand.

Pat, clack.

There were footsteps coming from the entrance of the cave.

At this distance, with the help of slightly narrowed pupils, Kamiya can already see the appearance of the enemy.

It was a ragged, skinny human figure. The appearance is somewhat similar to the batch of Shikijiro who just took away.

The difference is that this doll's hairstyle is Yuedaitou.

It is the hairstyle that traditional warriors would wear.


Kamiyagawa was slightly confused.

He saw a damaged sword sticking out of the warrior's chest.

A broken blade protruded from his back.

And at the gap made by the incomplete knife, wind and sand are constantly pouring out, making a sound like a whip.

The breath of strange talk that I felt just now also diffused from there.

"I seem to understand what 'the seal is loose' means." Kamiyagawa clenched the words, "Up!"



Inugami, who was covered in fire, was the first to rush out and pounce on the samurai skeleton.

But when the big mouth was about to bite the warrior, only a strange light flashed from the broken blade on the warrior's chest.

The enemy's figure instantly dissipated and reappeared two meters away.

Inugami rushed to nothing.

He was also hit by the whip wind engulfing the yellow sand, and his back and abdomen seemed to be cut open by a sharp knife, leaving two bloody cuts.

The Dust Tomb King, or rather the warrior, showed unexpected abilities.

However, for a strange story with only C rank and a strange state, it is really unrealistic to rely on this little trick to beat Kamiya.

"Mary, behind you."

The red and black dress was swaying, and the heavy machete was raised high, with a sharp and cold edge.

The Xingke Warrior used that strange "flash" to shake Inugami away, and as soon as he landed, Mary appeared behind him simultaneously.

The red mist boiled and oscillated, creating circles of ripples.

The bloody blade fell with enough force to distort space.

The incomplete knife on the Xingku Warrior's chest flashed a strange light again, and his figure dissipated instantly, reappearing at a position two meters away.

This move can shake off the unsuspecting Inugami, but this time it was the Aragami Marie who launched the attack.

Even if the blade didn't hit directly, at a distance of only two meters, just relying on the red mist roaring out of the machete like a rainbow piercing the sun, is enough to touch the enemy.


A blood mist solidified, and as an extension of the blade, it chased out and slashed on the back of the skeleton warrior.

With one hit, the haggard Xing Zang actually made a dull sound of gold and stone colliding.

The samurai fell stiffly to the ground.

"Have you played enough tricks?"

Kamiyagawa and the slender Hannya in the masked state attacked simultaneously.

Hannya's purple and white undergarment fluttered, and her grotesque black claws held down the head of the fallen warrior.

Around her, a large amount of white and greasy powder shook off, colliding and resisting the wind and sand pouring out from the gap on the warrior's chest and back.

Shen Gu's pupils narrowed sharply, his gaze gleamed, he seized the opportunity, and a word in his hand fell from top to bottom!

The body of the indigo-colored knife was filled with ferocious thunder, and dazzling arcs sputtered out.

A word stabbed straight into the warrior's back, cutting open the strange gap where the wind and sand leaked out.

call out! Snapped!

With a word running through the back and belly of the samurai.

A more violent whip wind swept out from the samurai's violently twitching body.

Amidst the turbulent wind and sand, a distorted human face appeared.

And that human face was being pierced by a word, and it was being corroded and burned by the ferocious sun and thunder. It seemed to be in great pain, and it aroused the roar of wind and dust.


The Huajing who watched the battle above played the conch horn, commanded a whale spirit to fall, and applied [Whale Bone Shield] to his Onmyoji.

The white whale bone shield covered Shenguchuan in the center of the wind and sand in time, making the dust mound monster king's near-death counterattack unable to achieve any effect.

At the same time, Mary also diffused the red mist, enveloping Prajna and Inugami.

Amidst the low sound of the conch horn, Zashiki rang the bell.

[The Dust Tomb Monster King has died and obtained 678 soul crystals! ]

The dust settled.


The battle ended quickly, and the process only took a few minutes.

After the death of the Dust Tomb Monster King, apart from the soul crystal, an additional C-level ghost blood was pumped out by [Candle Monk's Blood Pump].

With Kamiyagawa's current strength, dealing with a C-level strange talk is indeed a matter of grasping.

After a battle, Inugami suffered a little skin trauma.

Wait until the sandstorm outside the mine subsides.

Shen Gu looked at the place where the Dust Tomb Monster King died just now, and saw that the emaciated skeleton that was originally in the shape of a samurai had turned into a puddle of foul-smelling blood.

Some ragged clothes and the mutilated knife were still on the ground.


Kamiyagawa patted the dust off his body and walked towards the samurai's relic.

He can roughly guess what happened here.

According to the local spiritual master Saotome Ai I met before, there was a whip wind in the Betongzi Mountain in the Meiji era, and many miners were killed or injured.

Now it is basically certain that the source of this strange wind is the Dust Tomb King.

And Ms. Saotome said that the whip wind disappeared in a certain period of time, and nothing strange happened after Bie Tongzi Mountain.

Then maybe the samurai who becomes stiff is the one who solves the whip wind.

This unknown warrior may have found the Dust Tomb Monster King in the mountains, and had a fight with him. Although he didn't kill the monster directly, in the end, with his own body and the somewhat strange and incomplete sword, he was able to kill the monster. The Dust Tomb Monster King sealed it.

It seems that in Bietongzi Mountain, a very tragic battle took place a long time ago, but no one remembers it, and no one knows about it.

And after a hundred years, the warrior's original seal may have been weak.

Coupled with Shengu's act of lighting a requiem candle at the entrance of the cave, the Dust Tomb Monster King who did not know where he was trapped in the abandoned mine was stimulated and woke up.

"That's why the strange king woke up. There should be some reason for me. But it doesn't matter if it's resolved, once and for all. I also did good deeds by the way, and solved a hidden danger for Bietongzi Mountain."

Kamiyagawa looked at the remains of the samurai on the ground, and picked up the incomplete sword.

"Is there anything special about this thing? It can seal the C-level Dust Tomb Monster King. Moreover, I always feel that this knife flashed with the withered skeleton of that warrior just now."

The broken Da Dao just got it in his hand.

The originally shattered blade collapsed with a bang, rusty metal debris fell to the ground, and some blue-gray, seemingly unusual powder ash also scattered on the ground.

"These things are... war ashes?"

Kamiya had owned the ashes of Oda Nobunaga, so he knew what this special tempered weapon material looked like.

He carefully collected the powder on the ground.

[Obtain the Blade Heart of Ashes of War One Knife! ]

[Iktosai's blade heart (super epic material): The powerful swordsman Ito Itosai in the Warring States Period, the ashes left behind after his death. ]

[Although Ito Iktosai has never claimed to be "Ichidou-ryu", he is the founder and founder of Ito-ryu swordsmanship. He apprenticed to his teacher Zhong Juan, and learned the true inheritance of sword techniques such as "Wonderful Sword", "Exquisite Sword", and "Golden Bird King Sword". In addition, he also innovated and comprehended the unique move "Fushe Dao". ]

[One Dao Zhai traveled across the countries and competed with famous swordsmen from all over the world for a total of 33 rounds, without any defeat. He is the strongest swordsman except Buden Tsukahara and Nobutsuna Umizumi during the Warring States Period. ]

[Therefore, the war ashes born after the death of Ito Iktosai carry sword power beyond common sense. Forging the ashes of war on the weapon will give you unexpected abilities. ]

[Attention, the final shaping effect of the ability of the ashes of war. Not only is it related to the quality of weapons and war ashes, but the skill level of the forging craftsman is also an extremely important variable factor! ]

"Itou Yidaosai? The great swordsman who pioneered the Yidao style in history, no wonder there are war ashes."

Kamiyagawa carefully read the introduction information on "Ghost Story".

In this way, the Dao held by the unknown warrior who sealed the Dust Tomb Monster King is an extraordinary weapon blessed with Yi Dao Zhai's battle ash.

"The sword and the ashes are suitable for a word. By the way, after the ashes are forged into the weapon, is there any possibility to take them out again..."

Shen Gu thought wildly, and carefully put away Yidao Zhai's war ashes.

This special trophy has to be taken to Gao Tianyuan to find sister Jue and study it again.

"Gouzi." Then, Kamiyagawa greeted Inugami, pointed to the ground, "digging a hole."

Inujiro: ...

Kamiyagawa buried all the remnants of the unknown warrior, and piled up a small tomb outside the mine.

The pit was then refilled.

After finishing all this, he stood in front of the tomb and bowed seriously.

The Dust Tomb Monster King was retired by Kamiyagawa, and this unknown senior warrior should be able to rest in peace.

Moreover, if this senior had made it his mission to eradicate the ghost stories during his lifetime, then Kamiya felt that he would be happy to hand over the ashes of Yidao Zhai to himself.

If you're not happy, uh... People have been dead for over a hundred years, so why not.

After a simple worship, Kamiyagawa called back the shikigami and called out the little old man to return the same way.

"Aba whirr! Abba whirr!"

As soon as the little old man showed up, he gestured to his master and was very emotional.

He seemed to be reporting the situation of the hearse group.

"Speak slowly, I don't understand that much." Kamiyagawa listened carefully for a while, with a surprised expression on his face, "Wait... what do you mean? You said Xiaoyuan has evolved!?"

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