I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 385 The Demon God Who Devours the Sun God

"Our family believes in Yausikepu, the spider mother goddess. When disasters come, darkness and snow fall, the goddess forgets us."

"The sun is gone. Village drops, country drops, devoured the sun god."

"The minions of the demon god brought darkness and attacked the village, turning the people into stone."

Granny Oucao began to tell the story of what happened here in a blunt tone.

Her words were not particularly accurate, and Kamiya could only understand roughly.

However, from this, I know why there is no sun on the land of Kamuyi.

"Village drop 々 country drop 々", this is how Granny Oyster pronounces it. It may be based on the Ainu transliteration of words, Kamiyagawa can not understand the specific meaning, but combined with the context, "Cundi々国满々" should refer to a demon god on the land of Kamuyi.

For the time being, let's understand it as "Village Demon God".

The village demon god devoured the original sun god on the land of Kamuyi, bringing endless darkness to this root land.

Granny Oucao called this disaster "the disaster of no light".

And the small people of Keropokulu who live on this land believe in the god "Yausikpu", the spider mother. When the "disaster without light" came, the believers were not given blessings and responses.

A large number of Keropokulu were slaughtered by the minions of the village demon god on this land, and the remaining tribesmen, like this settlement, were turned into stone statues in the endless darkness and snow.

"Your mother god, Yausikepu, can you tell me about him in detail?" Kamiyagawa asked.

"The Mother Goddess was originally the divine power of love on this land. His four arms brought the skills of water diversion, fire making, weaving, and cooking to the people. We love her and can feel her. But in the lightless disaster After coming, the breath of the mother god disappeared on this land."

Granny Oucao exhausted all the vocabulary she had learned all her life, and explained in this way.


I roughly understand.

The idea at the beginning was correct, the Spider Mother Goddess is indeed a divine power on the land of Kamuyi.

Meet the mission requirements of this map.

But after the Cunguo Demon God swallowed the Sun God, Keropokulu could no longer feel the existence of their gods.

So in the Agnostic Calamity, the Spider Mother may have fallen.

"Is there a shrine or shrine in Yausikepu?" Kamiyagawa asked.

"In the northwest, there is a big mountain named 'Li Wenhua', which is the original residence of the mother goddess." Granny Oucao replied.

Yausikup, the Spider Mother Goddess. It was the first Kamui known of existence after Kamiyagawa entered the land of Kamui.

Although he may fall.

However, the Liwenhua Mountain in the northwest still has exploration value at present.

During the time when Kamiyagawa was communicating with Granny Otsuka, Hiyorubo recovered a little bit of energy.

She did the same at the side, calling out the warm current of sunlight, and awakening the seven stone statues of Keropokuru nearby.

Very positive.

It may be because Granny Oucao, who is a shaman, has much more energy than other villains. It is much easier for Rihefang to wake up other people than Granny Oicao.

As for the seven villains, they were still very confused when they first woke up.

They communicated with each other in an incomprehensible language for a while, and then received a signal from Granny Oucao, and they all knelt down facing Kamiyagawa, shouting "Kamuyi".

It is also a manifestation of seeing Kamiya as a god.

I don't know if it's because the Kropokulu are too weak, they seem to be very strong, and they are also very dependent on the gods.

After the original mother goddess Yausikepu disappeared without a trace, she was eager to find a new object of faith for herself.

As for the hunk from the sky, Shen Guchuan, obviously fits the psychology of Mu Qiang's admiration.

In a sense, these are quite similar to the little old man.

"According to Granny Oucao, after the Spider Mother Goddess disappeared, her people struggled to survive in this lightless land for a long time. It is estimated that many people's belief in the Mother Goddess was shaken later. Now I may want to find someone who can give The new gods they offer refuge."

"Then the way they choose to believe is really simple and pragmatic... believe whoever can cover themselves."

Kamiya thought so.

But I also feel that the psychology of the little people seems to be able to take advantage of it.

The shikigami under him have developed to a certain extent, and there has been a certain degree of demand for "faith".

Kamuyi looks far wider than ordinary maps. On this land, I don’t know how many surviving Keropokulu people exist in the form of petrification.

If you can save them all, maybe you can guide them to believe in one or even multiple shikigami under your command?

Kamiya clearly remembered that the drug seller once said that the source of his faith was not entirely human, but also some special spirits.

Therefore, ghost stories with IQ can also provide a source of faith.

"Mary's beliefs have already spread in reality. Prajna and Little Tapir are about to be promoted to B-level, and they are the two who need the most sources of faith in the future... I don't know if I can guide the Keropokuru clan to enshrine them stand up."

"There is one thing to say, the most suitable place to create a god in front of Keropokuru is actually Hihebo. But the little sun's rating is too low now, and it is far from the point where a shrine needs to be built."

While listening to Granny Oucao's speech, Shengu was planning ahead in his heart, planning what benefits he could gain.

After the conversation went on for more than twenty minutes, the little old man who was on alert suddenly yelled.

"Abba! Abba!"

The little scout's reaction was very violent.

It seems that something huge is about to happen.

At this moment--

In the pitch-black sky of howling wind and snow, a bird's figure appeared.


The shrill crowing sound resounded, attracting everyone's attention.

Kamiya raised his head and narrowed his eyes. He knew the great bird in the sky—

The Utengu that I met before.

Seeing Yatengu appear, several small people who had just woken up from the petrified state, including Granny Oucao, visibly panicked.

"Lord Kamuyi, that crow is the vanguard of the Demon God. After it appears, the 'night robbers', the minions of the Demon God, will come."


Pioneer of the Demon God?

According to the previous contact with the Wutengu, Kamiya feels that this is not the case.

But now is not the time to talk about such issues.

Because Kamiyagawa has already felt that from the periphery of this settlement, there is a familiar, filthy and evil aura emerging.

He stared out and stared out. In the half of the sky in front of the already drowsy sky, there seemed to be a deeper and more terrifying darkness condensed.

The little Kropokulu around him ran and screamed like headless chickens, shouting some incomprehensible words.

Only Granny Oucao could barely maintain her composure, standing tremblingly on the edge of the Kamiya River.

The actions of the little people made Shengu feel that they were more similar to the little old man.

Maybe they are really distant relatives.

These Kropokulu may be the seeds of stable faith in the future, and Kamiya does not intend to let them consume them here.

"Little old man."

He opened his mouth to call his scouts, and took out the keys of the Kisaragi train, and directly summoned the station that was originally outside the settlement to his side.

"Take the Koropokulus on the Kisaragi train."


The little old man's body sensed the danger, and the moment the filthy aura gathered around it, he had already run away and retracted into the mallard bronze medallion.

But he left his body behind.

The little old man's nature of running away when he sensed danger was supported by his master.

And after learning [Body Outside the Body], Shengu even more supports his body in emergency avoidance.

It's the same with clones.

Sometimes the body outside the body can do more things than the little old man's body, after all, it can be used as consumables.

"Abba! Abba!"

The little old man Mini got the order and immediately jumped onto the Kisaragi platform that was still under construction.

The Keropokulu who had just woken up did not follow immediately.

Fortunately, Granny Oucao has a very high authority in this small human tribe. She shouted a few times, and those little people finally reacted, and followed the little old man Mini.


The darkness ahead was thick, as if a heavy curtain was hanging down from the sky.

Not only swallowing the light, even the sound of the symphony of wind and snow seemed to be covered and weakened a bit.

And the scope of influence of that invisible "curtain" is still expanding, and the suffocating sense of oppression spreads in the sky.


The Wutengu in the sky croaked a few more times, then flapped its wings, and fell into the thick darkness that could not be seen clearly ahead.

On the other hand, Kamiyagawa on the snowy field had unleashed its weapons. Holding a word in one hand and the Banshee in the other, she walked a few steps forward against the wind and snow.

The gale blowing snow flakes brushed across his cheeks and tore the hem of his clothes, making him bone-chillingly cold.

The terrifying and dignified darkness, like ink blurring in clear water, continued to spread in front of it.

But Kamiyagawa didn't waver in any way, and continued to move forward, with a pair of shrunken pupils, carrying a deep and sharp color.

Next, he saw the vision bonus provided by [Autumn Cut], and he saw it.

On the snow swallowed by the darkness ahead, some black shadows are slowly standing up, with different sizes.

With the appearance of these black shadows, the filthy and evil aura suddenly became stronger.

The black shadow is in the shape of a human being, and standing in the darkness, it appears extremely blurred, distorted, and cloudy.

Kamiyagawa can smell their disgusting stench.

These should be the "night robbers" that the mother-in-law of the oyster grass said.

Shen Gu was still on the night robbers, and saw things that he was extremely concerned about. There were dark things wriggling on their bodies.

Black maggots.

The kind I saw in Aokigahara!

It's no wonder that Shengu feels that the aura of the burglars is familiar, and it turns out that the source is here.

"Black maggots? If there are these things, then night robbers must be my enemy."

Because of the experience in Aokigahara, Kamiyagawa has a completely hostile attitude towards black maggots.

Judging from the current situation, the number of maggots on this group of burglars is not too much.

On each individual body, only a few are wriggling.

can cope.

"Everything that shines should be extinguished."

"put out……"

The thieves twisted in the snow, opening their mouths overlappingly, holding incomplete weapons of different styles in their hands, erratically approaching slowly.

The words they spoke were not in Anui and could be fully understood.

It seems that the identities of these burglars are not Kamuyi natives.

"They have the smell of the dead sun." The Rihebo, which was originally in the palm of Kamiyagawa, has climbed onto Kamiyagawa's shoulders at this time. I don't know if it's because of the first battle, but the little girl looks very excited. shook his fist:

"They are bad things! Master Kamiya, hit them!"

Beat 'em up, my lord!

It may be due to the incomparable trust in his own adults, without Kamiyagawa's order, Rihebo should not have run away immediately like the little old man.

Maybe he thought he needed to stay and fight together...

"go back."

Kamiya tilted his head.

After all, Rihefang was well-behaved and obedient. After listening to the order, he immediately turned into a burst of warmth and got back into the sunny doll.

Because of the exit of the little sun, the snow field was plunged into a thick darkness, only the sound of howling wind and snow remained.


On the other side, Granny Oucao also followed onto the platform, even though she didn't know what the building that suddenly appeared was.

But her intuition told her that in the current situation, she must listen to the words of Mr. Kamuyi to survive.

Bang clang -- clang clang --

In the darkness, there was a loud noise.

Two beams of dazzling light came from nowhere, piercing the dark surroundings.

Then the light came on, and Grandma Oucao saw a huge steel creation roaring from the wind and snow.


The little old man Mini waved his hand, beckoning the little people to get into the car.

Granny Oucao was the last one to enter the carriage. Once inside, she climbed onto the seats and huddled together with several clansmen, and looked towards the position of Lord Kamuyi through the glass window of the Ruyue train.

That adult was standing on the edge of the solemn darkness, alone, and there was already a filthy burglar figure in front of him.

The dazzling train lights did not directly shine on Mr. Kamuyi, so he could only see vaguely.

The clansmen chattered and chatted, but they were still terribly afraid.

Granny Oucao couldn't help but worry too.

The demon god's minions came suddenly, and there were still so many of them.

Will this foreign Lord Kamuyi, who suddenly appeared, disappear in the endless darkness like the mother goddess?

If this adult who had finally appeared disappeared, then who should the clansmen rely on?

Bang clang -- clang clang --

The Kisaragi train moved, and the scene outside the window began to recede.

The figure of Lord Kamuyi is about to be completely swallowed by the deep and terrifying darkness.

At this time, Grandma Oucao saw the adult's hand holding the gun raised and wiped the long knife in his right hand.


The extremely dazzling bright yellow thunder burst out from the long knife in his hand, tearing away the solemn darkness ahead.

The thunder light reflected his isolated figure and the black clothes that were constantly being tossed by the wind and snow, which was extremely dazzling.

Bang clang -- clang clang --

The Kisaragi train was fully activated, leading the small humans on board to jump towards the safe Dreamland area.

In the end, Granny Oucao only saw——

The bright yellow and ferocious arc of thunder illuminated the snow field and the snowflakes flying in the air pale, revealing those thieves of different sizes and shapes.

Ugly, cloudy, filthy.

And that adult held a dazzling light in his hand, and walked towards the depths of the darkness alone.

The thunder light in his hand is the only light in the huge darkness hanging from the sky.

Bright, shining, bright and right.

Afterwards, the Kisaragi train broke through the void, and neither Mr. Kamuyi nor the thieves could see it anymore.

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