I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 390 Red Deer

"I'd like to see what dares to influence the Onitsuka exam."

Kamiyagawa walked in the corridor outside the examination room in a dignified manner.

It's no coincidence that he's here.

Originally, Kamiya was waiting at the gate of the school, waiting for Onizuka to finish his last internal examination subject, and then went to eat as agreed.

But not long after arriving, the little old man suddenly appeared, and "Aba Aba" gave an early warning, saying that he felt the breath of strange talk in Dongda.

Therefore, Kamiya directly let the little old man Mini sneak into the campus.

This inspection is even more incredible.

Good guy!

It seems that there is a strange strange talk, which is affecting the test status of candidates.

As a partner of justice, Kamiyagawa certainly couldn't just sit idly by. Go directly to an unoccupied fence in the campus, ask Xiaoyuan sister to ride the motorcycle, turn on [ghost acceleration] to ignore obstacles, and rush into the school with herself.

The cameras on the campus of Dongdae University can’t do anything about Kamiya, so Mary can use the ability of [from digital] to erase her own image in real time.

Kamiyagawa walked through a corner of the corridor following the strange talk breath.

He met a proctor and inspector in a suit head-on.

The other party was obviously a little confused when he saw someone appearing here swaggeringly, and he took half a second to react before saying harshly: "Student, why are you here?"

"Ah." Kamiya held the [One Thousand Silver Needles] in his hand, glanced at the badges of the inspectors, and did not even slow down, "Ms. Chuanxi, I am also working just like you, inspecting the examination room and eliminating possible influences. Uncertain factors of the exam."

The invigilator surnamed Chuanxi was in a trance when he heard the words, and then nodded, as if he regarded Shengu as a colleague: "Thank you."

"Well, you worked hard too."

The two passed by each other without incident.

Maybe after a few days, this lady from western Sichuan will suddenly realize that the meeting just now was a bit strange.

If it takes a few days to realize something is wrong, it will be too late.

But Kamiya didn't care about that.

What kind of impression can be left by just passing by, and the other party doesn't know me, and there won't even be an image of myself in the surveillance.

He followed the breath of the strange talk ahead and continued to track.



Guaitan, who looked like a horse and like a deer, fled forward, and it had already noticed that there was a human being chasing it.

The other party must be aware of himself, and even see himself!

In this teaching building, the fourth floor was not set up as an examination room.

Strange Kaidan fled here and got into an empty classroom.

Just as it was preparing to close the door with two hooves.


A foot wearing a black and white sneaker stuck the door and the door frame.

Immediately afterwards, the door was grabbed by a hand stretched out from the outside, and it was slammed open.

Like a bullying delinquent, Kamiyagawa followed into the empty classroom and closed the door behind him.


The ghost who looked like a horse and a deer was taken aback and backed away again and again.

How did this human move so fast?

It's strange and strange to talk about wanting to escape again.

But at this time, a rotten hot wind blew by its side, and a huge shadow covered its not-so-high body.


The strange man raised his head tremblingly, only to see a black, ferocious giant dog standing behind him.

With a vicious face and fangs, scarlet pupils staring like torches, mouths and noses exhale a corrupt and ancient breath, the long hair on his body moves automatically without wind, and there are sparks splashing, peeling and crackling non-stop.

too horrible!

This big dog is scary!

That piece of blood opened its mouth wide, fearing that it could bite off its entire head!

Weird Guetan's eyeballs were dizzy and turned back and forth, but facing the dog god, he kicked his hands and stood at attention like a mouse seeing a cat, and dared not move again.

[The catalog of different visits has been updated. ]

[Ghost Story Name: Red Deer]

[Rating: Class E]

[Status: Visiting differently]

"Red deer? There are other monsters like this?"

Kamiya looked at the newly popped up ghost information on the phone, and then looked at the ghost red deer who dared not move in front of Inugami.

He is well-informed now, but this is the first time he has heard of such a strange talk.

The so-called "Red Deer" is pronounced "Baga" in Japanese.

That is, the meaning of "stupid" and "fool", is a vocabulary that people have been using since the Southern and Northern Dynasties in Japan.

The reason why the word "red deer" with two animal names superimposed has such a meaning should be derived from the famous allusion of the Qin Dynasty in China——

Refers to a deer as a horse.

At the beginning, people called those stupid people who couldn't tell whether it was a horse or a deer, or flattered the powerful and did not tell the truth "red deer".

Later, the meaning of the word "red deer" was extended to refer to someone's unconventional behavior such as "yelling blindly" and "wasting effort", and then gradually changed to the current meaning of "stupid" and "fool".

And the monster red deer is a kind of strange talk that can make people stupid.

There is also a saying that this kind of little monster will possess people, turning them into fools, making them like hysterics, and doing things that are worthless, boring and useless.

Kamiyagawa has never seen such a rare ghost story, but through the situation in the examination room and the name of the other party, he can roughly guess what the ability of the monster "Red Deer" is.

Comes with a halo of reducing intelligence, right?

Shen Gu narrowed his pupils, moved closer to the red deer, and found that there seemed to be an iron needle stuck on the monster's furry back.

The needle end was inserted from the spine and submerged into the body, exuding a certain extraordinary aura.

"What is this? A prop?"

Shengu raised his hand, redness and black light appeared on the palm, pinched the iron needle on the red deer's back, and pulled it out with a little force.

The pitch-black iron needle was stained with blood, and it was about seven or eight centimeters long.

As soon as the thing was pulled out, the red deer's body suddenly loosened and fell limply on the ground, screaming "Yo Yo".

[Nabuqiao Iron Needle (Fanpin): The props used by Nabuqiao Yishi to control the strange tales of the imperial court. The Nabuqiao family originated from witchcraft, and they were the first batch of humans to control ghost stories, much earlier than the later generations of onmyoji. ]

[Nabu Qiao is good at controlling ghost stories with pain and deterrence, but so far, the number of folks who know this method has been extremely rare, and most of the techniques for driving ghost stories are incomplete. ]

"Nabu Qiao? An unknown method to control ghost stories. It seems that the red deer will appear here, and it is really instigated by someone."

Kamiyagawa heard about it from Yuuki Zhenkenyou a long time ago, and there are very few spells that can drive away ghost stories now. The most complete is the Acacia Controlling Spirit Art, and most of the other means of manipulating ghost talks are incomplete.

This "Nobe Joe" is probably one of them.

However, although this [Nabuqiao Iron Needle] has some extraordinary power, it is only rated as [Fanpin], which is very low.

Those who control the red deer probably won't be too strong.

"Moreover, the strange story controlled by this method does not even seem to have a contract with the owner, and the red deer seems to be in a completely wild state. The connection between the controller and the strange story may be better than that of Kanoya and the others. Even weaker."

Kamiya held the iron needle in his hand and flipped through it back and forth, making an assessment in his heart.

At this time, the red deer on the ground finally regained its strength and got up tremblingly.

It looked at Kamiya full of fear and puzzlement, but seemed to be vaguely pleased.

It is probably incomprehensible, why this human being took down the prop that controlled him lightly.

"Red deer, right? Little monster, if you don't want to die, hurry up and get rid of the negative status you put on those candidates."

Kamiyagawa said to it like this, with a strong sense of threat in his tone.


Inugami also cooperated with his master, and sprayed hot breath on the red deer's back.


The red deer patted the fur on its back that was scorched by the heat wave, and nodded desperately towards Kamiyagawa.

Although this little monster is called "Idiot", he is not really stupid enough to dare to confront Shengu head-on.

The huge antlers on its head dangled.

Kamiya could feel the faint power of strange talk, which was coming back from the teaching building where it was now, and gathered on the big horn of the red deer.

Wait for everything to calm down.

Red Deer Yoyo chirped twice, indicating that he had done as instructed.

Then, it cautiously stepped forward with its left foot, tentatively trying to move towards the door.


The Inugami behind it waved its paws and pressed the red deer to the ground with a pad of flesh.

"I didn't say you could go."

Kamiyagawa glanced at the red deer, then called out the little old man, and handed the [Nabe Qiao Iron Needle] to the scouts: "Is there any human breath on it? Can you find out where this so-called Nobe Qiao is?"


The little old man held up the iron needle and looked at it for a while, then patted his chest in the monk's robe full of confidence, and then summoned a body outside him and ran towards the door excitedly.

"Using the red deer's strange talk that can release the aura of reducing intelligence to lower the academic level of other candidates... What kind of strange cheating method, turning everyone else into fools will make me fail the test, right?"

Kamiyagawa feels that the people who control Red Deer's fraud are doing badly.

Moreover, this way of lowering other people's grades, how should I put it... feels pretty stupid, and has the same name as "Red Deer".

"Did you use the ability of ghost talks in this way? Think about it, if I want to use my subordinates' ghost talks to cheat... directly investigate in advance who has better grades in several nearby examination rooms, and then ask the little old man to release his avatar and run A few rounds back and forth to integrate all the answers to me, just filter and copy them up..."

Kamiyagawa took advantage of the situation and thought about what he would do if he really lowered the bottom line and cheated.

Of course, he himself still disdains to do this kind of thing, even if he doesn't have the "special talent" quota in the countermeasure room.

The worst case scenario is not going to college.

It is of course the best to get into a good university and experience the educational resources of a prestigious school, but it doesn't matter if you can't really get into it.

Anyway, the money coming from the countermeasure room is pretty fast.

Moreover, there is no rule on Gao Tianyuan that if I am illiterate, I cannot be the co-lord of ghosts and gods.

Then, he glanced at the red deer standing helplessly on the ground.


This little monster blew weakly like a horse or a deer. Its eyes did not turn into mosquito-repellent coils like it did at the beginning, but the left eyeball glanced at the upper left corner, and the right eyeball glanced at the lower right corner. The eyes were full of wisdom.

"Okay, I suddenly understand why that Nobe Joe didn't let Red Deer go out and copy the answers."

This thing... has a high probability of not being able to understand the answer.


In the examination room of a lecture theater.

Chang Shannu is writing hard on the topic of the test paper.

He is Nobu Joe who controls Red Deer, and Nabu Qiao's method of controlling Kagetan is a family tradition.

However, the Changshan family is not a big family, and its own "Nabuqiao technique" is incomplete and weak, and it can't control any decent strange stories.

The E-level strange talk of controlling red deer is already the upper limit.

Even being able to control red deer with iron needles is because this rare monster has no means of attack.

Because the methods of the Nagayama family are not top-notch, and because they live in a small place like Tottori Prefecture, they have no contact with the government, and they don't even know that there is an organization called the "Countermeasure Room".

It can only be said that the ignorant are fearless.

If he had known in advance that Tokyo was the base of spiritual masters, and that there were capable people like Kamiya and Onitsuka on this campus, Nagayama Nu probably would not have dared to release the red deer in the Tokyo University exam.

But not necessarily.

Fools always take chances.

swish - swish -

While answering the questions, Chang Shan raised his head to observe other people in the examination room.

Many people sat at their desks scratching their heads.

It looks like you're stumped by a math paper.

"They were all affected by the red deer and became stupid." Chang Shannu was a little happy in his heart, but he still did not forget to persuade himself, "Don't blame me, I don't want to."

If he hadn't had to, he didn't want to release the red deer either.

Yesterday, after the two exams of Dongda University, Changshan felt very bad about himself, and couldn't help but estimate his score.

The results were indeed far from ideal.

If he didn't do anything at this time, Dongda would have nothing to do with him.

"Eh... something seems wrong?"

Chang Shannu was not happy for long.

Soon he discovered that those people who had turned into "idiots" from a muddle had all woken up as if they had just woken up from a dream, and they all picked up their pens again to continue answering the questions.

"What is that idiot Red Deer doing? Didn't it continue to control these people?"

In this case, the red deer must have stopped controlling.

Chang Shan immediately became a little annoyed, if he didn't drag others down, how could he get into Dongda University?

"Abba, Abba."

At this time, the little old man Mini dressed as a nihilistic monk ran into the examination room.

After a brief look around, his eyes fell on Chang Shannu.

Ever since the little old man learned [Nothingness] and used shakuhachi to completely hide his words, even Kamiya has found it difficult to find him at close range.

Chang Shannu, who is not a half-baked spirit master, of course has no feeling.

The little old man Mini climbed onto Nagayama's table.

He carried a textbook with him, and it was also covered with the ability of [Nothingness], so normal people couldn't notice it at all.


The little old man glanced at Chang Shannu, who was a little at a loss, with a smile on his dry old face, he put away the sneaky aura on the textbook, and kicked the book with his foot.


The textbook fell from Chang Shan's desk to the floor.

In the originally extremely quiet examination room, the sound was particularly ear-piercing, making it difficult for people not to pay attention.

The two invigilators in front of and behind the classroom were indeed attracted, and walked quickly to the side of Chang Shannu.

One of them bent down and picked up the book on the ground.

It was an English textbook.

The invigilator looked at Chang Shannu with an unbelievable and idiotic look: "This candidate, please put down the pen."

There are rules in the examination room. After the examination starts, no books and materials can be left in the place. It is not allowed to violate the rules of the examination room.

Not to mention bringing English textbooks for the math test, even if you bring a notebook in, you can't do it.

Not to mention, it fell to the ground in full view.

People get stolen goods.

"No, wait a minute, this book is not mine!"

Chang Shannu panicked, but couldn't explain it, completely unable to understand what happened in front of him.

And at this time——

Kamiya, who was staying in the empty classroom, was still observing the [Nobu Qiao Iron Needle], and when the little old man reported to him the situation of the examination room, he just smiled.

"Look, the power of ghost stories is used in this way."

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