I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 400: Old Events of Shintoism

"The Anui gods have been peaceful for a long time. The origin of our ancestors is at the same time as the Shinto gods in Honshu, but the development is far less rapid than the Shinto gods. If the two are compared, they will be in a weak position for a long time."

The dilapidated Li Wenhua Temple was bathed in the sunlight of the incomplete sun, and Yausikpu, who was leaning over and standing in front of Shengu, was illuminated by the sunlight and looked holy.

According to Kamiya's request, she narrated the past of the Anui mythology system.

"Although the gods of Kamuyi knew about the several battles that broke out between Shinto Gao Tianyuan and Huang Quanguo, they did not participate."

"The divine battle between Gao Tianyuan and Huang Quanguo? Can you tell me more about it?" Shen Guchuan asked.

"Don't Master Kamiya know?"

"I... on the side of Shintoism, the gods have withered and disappeared. I can only be regarded as the successor of the legacy of the old Shinto gods. I don't know anything about the past." Shengu chose to explain honestly.

Yausikepu raised his head and thought for a while, and then he seemed to accept this statement: "I am a Kamui who rose up on the land of Kamuyi later, and I don't know much about the past, especially the Shinto sect. I know very little about things around me, so I can only roughly tell you what I know."

"Well, you say."

"As far as I know, the first divine battle between Gao Tianyuan and Huangquan Kingdom took place in the ancient century. At that time, many old Shinto gods who originally belonged to Gao Tianyuan stood on the side of Huangquan Kingdom. When the divine battle ended, both sides suffered heavy losses. , Many gods have fallen.”

"The god originally belonging to Gao Tianyuan is standing on the side of Huangquan?" Shen Gu was a little surprised when he heard this news.

"Yes, the most representative one is Suzhan Mingzun, one of the three noble sons. In addition, there is also the dragon god Anyu Jiamei." Yausikepu nodded.

Suzhan Mingzun is the son of Susano.

One of the three main gods with a high status in Shintoism.

According to legend, Izanagi came back from the Underworld, thinking that his beloved wife Izanami had been completely corrupted by the Underworld, and that the Underworld was too ugly and filthy. The first thing he did when he came out was to clean himself.

He performed the exorcism ceremony in Apoqiyuan. During the bathing process, the clothes he carried with him, as well as the dirt washed off, turned into gods, large and small.

The three later main gods, the Sanguizi of Shintoism, were also born in this ceremony.

When Izanagi washes the dirt from his left eye, the god who turns into Amaterasu Omikami; when he washes his right eye, he turns into Tsukiyomi; and when he washes his nose, he turns into the god of riot and destruction, Susanoyuki. male.

The birth of the third noble son made Izanagi very happy.

He asked the three noble sons to divide and rule the shrine, and handed over the god artifact Yasaka Qiongquyu to Amaterasu, and asked Amaterasu to govern Gao Tianyuan, the most important core god's residence.

He also ordered Yueyue Ming to govern the Kingdom of the Night.

Send the broken sky tail feather Zhang, and order Susano to govern the ocean.

Amaterasu Omikami and Tsukiyomi, each governed the country according to Izanagi's orders.

Only Susanoo didn't manage the ocean he was ordered to do, but just cried bitterly in front of the ocean, until his beard grew to the length of eight fists, and he still couldn't stop crying when he dragged it to his chest. There is a great momentum to cry out the green hills and dry up the ocean.

And Susanoo's crying sound was like summer flies buzzing everywhere, and all kinds of disasters followed.

The son's useless appearance naturally aroused Izanagi's anger.

But when He asked Susanoo why he didn't follow the order to govern the country, Susanoo just replied: "I miss my mother, and I want to go to Huangquan, the land of my deceased mother, so I cry."

Izanagi's experience in Huangquan was enough for him to stress and trauma. Hearing Susano say this, of course he was furious.

Later, Susanoo was directly expelled.

In addition, in the chronicles of Japanese mythology, Susanoo's male personality is changeable, sometimes violent, but sometimes heroic. Although there are stories of beheading Yamata no Orochi, but more often they are destroyed everywhere in the Kamiju.

For example, after being expelled from the shrine by his father.

He intends to go to Huangquan to find his mother, and before leaving, he wants to say goodbye to his sister Amaterasu who lives in Gao Tianyuan.

When walking, the mountains, rivers and all the lands were shaken, but it disturbed Amaterasu. Amaterasu thought that his younger brother was going to invade Gao Tianyuan, so he was fully armed and ready to fight. After Susanoo arrived, he explained his purpose, but Amaterasu was still a little skeptical.

The two great gods... As evidenced by their sons, they gave birth to eight gods, five men and three women.

The specific process of childbirth is to clean the two artifacts presented to each other by God the Father for each other.

What Amaterasu washed down from his younger brother's Ten Fist Sword were three goddesses, later known as the Three Goddesses of Munakata.

Xu Zuo washed five male gods from his sister Gouyu.

According to the contract before they gave birth, Gouyu gave birth to a strong male god, which means that Amaterasu has a strong offensive mentality at this moment.

The weak goddess was born on Xu Zuo's sword, which means that he has no intention of Gao Tianyuan in this trip.

Amaterasu was wronged, so he expressed his trust in his younger brother.

Afterwards, Susan lived in Gao Tianyuan for a while, and because he won the duel with his sister's child, he got carried away. Make troubles everywhere every day, desolate the fields that have been reclaimed with great difficulty, throw the magic horse into the spinning hut, and shit on the palace, making everything a mess.

The gods of Gao Tianyuan were helpless against this noble son's brutality, and felt extremely troublesome.

At first, Amaterasu was able to accommodate his Oudou with a lenient mood.

However, Susanoo is too perverse and self-willed, too unreasonable. Amaterasu, whose soul was seriously hurt, was so angry that he hid in Tianyando and couldn't come out.

After that, Onitsuka and the others who worshiped at Juqiong Shrine ordered the Kagura God Dance to be performed.

In addition, there is also a record in the myth that Susano killed Daijin Bimai, the god of food preservation.


Kamiyagawa carefully recalled the records about Susanoo's life in the myths he had read. Although the myths he saw were all human records, it is not clear whether there are other hidden secrets behind them.

But combined with his various deeds, on the whole, Susanoo will side with his mother in the first battle of God... Unexpected, but reasonable.

As for the dragon god Anyu Jiamei mentioned by Yau Si Kepu.

Kamiyagawa also knew the name of this god.

The Japanese dragon god was born from the blood of Kagutsuchi, the god of fire, that is, one of several gods who emerged from the corpse of Kagutsuchi after Izanagi killed Kagutu with ten fists and swords. one.

In terms of kinship, the dragon god is the child of the fire god.

His father was beheaded by his grandfather, and as a grandson, he probably inherited the disgust his grandfather had towards his father, so he probably wouldn't get any good looks from Shenju.

It seems natural that Shenzhan will seek refuge with his grandmother in the future.

"So Gao Tianyuan's side is not monolithic. After the war of gods breaks out, it is estimated that many gods will fall to the side of Huangquan for various reasons." Shengu guessed like this according to Yausikpu's words.

It's no wonder that the war of gods was fought so fiercely that the gods withered.


The gods of Shintoism are basically born by Izanagi and Izanami, or their descendants.

The war between the two split supreme gods is, for other gods, a decision similar to "who do you want to marry after your parents get divorced".

It's justified to help anyone.

"So, the war of gods started around that little thing about Izanagi and Izanami's family." Kamiya thought again.

However, if you think about the creation myths around the world, many of them cannot get around this point.

Like Greek mythology, in the final analysis, it is also the mess in Zeus's house.

"But having said that, if they hadn't caused the population to wither, I would not have been able to rise as a reserve of the Lord of Ghosts and Gods. Moreover, the myths that have been passed down are all recorded by humans. Maybe there are hidden secrets behind the incident. indefinite."


Yausikep really didn't know much about the old things about Shintoism, and after roughly telling what he knew, he said back to Anui:

"After the fourth battle of the gods of Shintoism ended, the gods withered. The old gods of Shinto began to invade the residences of the surrounding gods and plunder their beliefs. The Kamuyi land of Anui also began to become lost at that time."

Relying on the words of the Spider Goddess, Kamiya generally has a more specific understanding of the strength of Shintoism and Anui.

Shintoism is still very strong.

The battle of the gods has hit the dog's brains, but the withered old gods of Shinto can still plunder blood from the surrounding small beliefs, such as Anui.

Yausikepu: "And I am a new god who rose up after the land of Kamuyi fell. After I became a god, most of the gods on this land have fallen. After that, including the village country demon god The God of the Underworld, carrying the power of the Underworld, invaded and plundered on a large scale, and even devoured the original Sun God."

"In the fight against the invasion of the underworld, that is, the disaster of no light, Acheng Leishen and his son, the hero god Ainurakel, fell or disappeared one after another, and the entire land of Kamuyi was devastated."

"As for me, I seized the opportunity to severely injure the Demon God of the Village Country before Ainurakel disappeared, and forced this Yin God to sleep with me in the temple. I have no way of knowing what happened after that. I know, the power of the follow-up Huangquan seems to be sealed for some reason."

The next thing was that Kamiyagawa and his party arrived in Kamuyi.

Thoroughly awakened the Huangquan Thunder God and the Spider Mother God who were restricted by each other, and successfully retreated the Yin Thunder God when he was in poor condition.

"Has the power of Huangquan been sealed?" Shen Guchuan pondered for a while, and then asked, "Then, how much do you know about other things in Huangquan Kingdom?"

The spider mother just shook her head: "The yin gods of the underworld are in a very strange state. After Kamuyi was plundered by Shintoism for many years, Acheng Leishen and Ainurakel endured humiliation at a certain period and made a vow From now on, we will fight against Huangquan Kingdom together with the gods of Shinto. Maybe behind the Yinshen of Huangquan, there are some ulterior secrets."

The Anui gods were once sucked by the old gods of Shinto, and logically speaking, they should be hostile to Shintoism.

They will have no choice but to unite with Shintoism, which shows that Huangquan has a big problem.

There might really be some unknown secrets behind Huang Quanguo, otherwise it would not be enough for the Anui gods to fight against the Shintoism that oppressed them.

From Yausikup, Kamiyagawa learned something that was unknown from human recorded myths. After looking at the spider Kamui in front of me, I felt that her expression became weaker and paler, and her eyes, including those compound eyes, were hollow and lifeless.


Wutengu, who had been hovering in the low sky, flew down and almost knelt down in front of Yausikepu: "Master Goddess!"

The boy Tengu looked eager and worried.

"Ah, Wutengu." Yau Sikp cheered up, and smiled weakly at his Congshen, "Son, you did a good job."

"Master Goddess, you, your divine power is dissipating?"

Utengu stood up and quickly held Yausikup's hand.

"I'm fine. The Sun God is gone. It's not that simple to make the sun rise again on this land, isn't it?" The Spider Mother Goddess smiled a little bit, and then looked at Kamiyagawa next to her, " Master Kamiya, can I ask you one thing?"

"Ah... tell me."

"Wu Tengu is a good boy, can you take care of him?"

"Master Mother God?" Wu Tiangou couldn't hold back and interrupted his Mother God.

His eyes under the white mask of god pattern are moist and shining, like a puppy about to be abandoned by its master.

Mother God, this is... Don't want to be yourself?

"Wu Tengu, listen to me, child." Yausikup raised his hand and gently touched the top of Wu Tengu's head.

"But, Mother God, you..."

"I'm fine. As you can see, I'm very weak and can't do anything now. Staying in the temple, and then barely maintaining the sunrise and sunset, and making Kamuyi land work normally will consume a lot of my energy. You are a A child with great potential is a piece of jade. If you stay by my side, you will only do nothing and limit your growth. I hope you will become a great Kamui who can protect Kamuyi. You need better training and better training. led by people."


Wu Tengu lowered his head in a muffled voice and stopped talking.

Afterwards, Yausikep looked at Kamiyagawa softly again: "Master Kamiya, can you accept this request? Although it is a very willful request with my own selfishness in it."

Kamiyagawa roughly understood.

The Mother Spider Goddess is not in good condition now, and there is no sun god on the land of Kamuyi. It seems that she intends to devote all her energy to maintaining the operation of the incomplete sun in the future, and has no time to worry about other things.

In this case, Yausikepu hoped that from the god Utengu, he could follow him to get a better experience.

"Is this really all right?"

Kamiyagawa looked at the stubborn tengu boy, and then at the glamorous spider girl in front of him.

What's the matter with this lonely atmosphere?

"Master Kamiya, Huang Quan is your enemy, right?" Yausikup asked.


Judging from the current situation, as the heir to the legacy of the old Shinto gods, Kamiyagawa is undoubtedly standing on the opposite side of Huangquan.

So there is no doubt about this, it may have been confirmed from the day he loaded the ghost talk game.

"Huang Quan is also Anui's enemy. If this child can follow you and help you fight against Huang Quan, like today, it will be the best reward for the land that raised him. I can see that following you, he will There is a better development. I believe that under your command, he can also provide you with a lot of help."

"If he wants to."

Kamiya finally nodded.

Since Yausikup said so.

Moreover, he himself is really optimistic about Wu Tengu.

This is a dog!

Its own racial advantages are there, and the upper limit of growth is very high. If you raise it well, you may have the opportunity to inherit the relics of the big monster Otengu in the future?

If I can raise a big tengu, then I am not awesome?

Also, as Jausikup said, Huang Quan is the common enemy of everyone.

Wu Tengu, as a child who grew up on the land of Kamuyi, was able to contribute to the fight against Huangquan under Shengu, which is also a kind of return to the homeland that was devastated by Huangquan.

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