"Money and goods are equal. Shengu, here are the four cans of Miasma Pills you want, and two doses of Life-Prolonging Zijin Cream."

On Gao Tianyuan, Kamiyagawa met the drug seller.

Bought from him a pill against the poisonous miasma.

By the way, Shengu also told the drug seller about Haiguo, hoping to hear his unique insights.

"The kingdom of the gods lives in the sea, and the tide of time can be reversed... It is really unheard of. The place you are now setting foot in, Kamiya, is full of danger just by sounding. I believe more and more that you can ascend to the position of co-lord of ghosts and gods." .”

"Do you want to visit together? For the sake of our friendship, I will take you there without charging for the entrance fee."

"No, I don't have your life-and-death ability."

"After all, you are a serious god."

"Correction, I am a craftsman god, and peace is the most important thing."

"Yes, yes, then, do you have any thoughts and opinions on the affairs of the sea country, Master Craftsman God? If so, you will get my sincere thanks."

"I don't have anything else." The drug seller shook his head. He really didn't have any ideas about the country of the sea, the tide going back in time, etc., "However, the Munakata power of the three goddesses you just mentioned can Would you like to expand on it?"

"Munakata... It feels quite mysterious at the moment. It seems that there will be a corresponding existence among the descendants of the three goddesses of the sea, and it should be continued through reproduction. The Crab Clan is the Crab Girl, and the Mermaid is the Isohime. In the bloodline. Then, among the three goddesses, Takidu Himing seems to have no descendants, and I don’t know if his statue still exists.”

"There are no descendants, are you sure?"

"Uh... not sure, do you think of anything?"

"I have a little conjecture. If the sect is the power hidden in the blood, and the descendant of Takito Hime has perished, then the last descendant of the goddess died without leaving any descendants. The share in the body Strange forces are likely to separate out."


"Yes, such a power shouldn't disappear indistinctly, it may exist in another form. Of course, the premise of all this is that Takitsu Himomiya really has no descendants."

"Do you mean that the invisible and intangible blood power will become a substance similar to the existence after separation?"

"Well, it's similar to the material. I have also come into contact with monsters with bloodlines before, but they are not as famous as the sea gods."

"Is that so...wait a minute, have you come into contact with monsters that can give birth to children?"


Kamiya was shocked: "But you never told me about it."

"Because you never asked me."

Kamiya: ...

All right.

It seems that every time I talk to the drug seller, I talk about some serious things, and I don't chat about any gossip.

Putting this aside for now, Kamiya brought the topic back to the main topic:

"Back to the matter of Munakata. Assuming that the conjecture just now is true, then the extracted Munakata that exists in kind...does the person who gets that thing or the strange story have the right to compete for the Lord of the Sea Kingdom?"

"This is not necessarily the case. It is definitely not as orthodox as Kanihime and Isohime you said. But this is just a guess between the two of us. We don't know what the rules are in the kingdom of the sea. "

On the plateau, I chatted with the drug seller about Haiguo for a while, and after staying for a long time, Shen Guchuan left.

The situation in Haiguo is complicated. It is better to listen to everyone's ideas and brainstorm ideas than to think about it alone.


The country of the sea, the city of Cun Island.

Bang clang -- clang clang --

The silver-white moon train came from the void.

The train stopped on the platform for a while, then started again, driving rapidly and smashing through the dense miasma ahead.

Kamiyagawa stood on the platform with a monogram on his shoulders. His black hair and the haori on his body were blown by the wind pressure brought by the Kisaragi train and illuminated by the cold lights of the train carriage. Lines and outlines form a flowing shadow under the interweaving of light and dark.

Before coming, he had already taken a Miasma Pill.

good results.

Yesterday when he landed on Shangcun Island, breathing freely in the dense miasma, he felt a slight burning sensation in his lungs.

Now this feeling has disappeared, and I can move freely without any burden in the temporary stronghold of the second week.

"Although the miasma on this island is not fatal in the short term, it must be harmful to the body. It is red tide and poisonous miasma. It is no wonder that Ji Ji and the others are deformed and degenerate. Living in such a harsh environment, even Even mermaids can't be pretty."

The time when Kamiya returned to Ichishima Island was night on the Kaikuni side.

However, because the island is covered by thick harmful fog, there is no difference between day and night, and there is no light at all.

Desolate, dark, and dead.

"Little old man."

Kamiyagawa called out the scout and motioned him to lead the way to find the mermaid princess.

During the ten or so hours when Shengu was away, the mermaid was quite peaceful, so that the little old man who was watching didn't report them.

"Abba, Abba."

Under the leadership of the scouts, Shen Gu walked across the dark red beach.

In the turbid sea ahead, two wet bald heads loomed.

They are two mermaid masters.

"It's the hateful god who claims to be from Gaotianyuan."

"Let's go, don't mess with him, the princess has ordered, we can't afford to mess with him, tell us to be respectful to him, lest he get angry."


The two mermaid masters obviously sensed the arrival of Shengu, whispered a few words, turned around and got into the sea.

Kamiya didn't pay much attention to them, and continued to walk forward.

After walking two more steps, he suddenly heard a strange sound.

It begins with an ethereal chant, then a song without words, as soft as the whisper of a distant star.

Like a silver clear spring echoing, flowing and echoing on the coast.

Every note sung seems to express the deep friendship to the ocean. The miasma on Shicun Island was stirred by the singing and became thinner, and the moonlight that was originally isolated in the sky also fell into the island with the singing.

Through the moonlight, Shengu saw a graceful figure sitting on a reef not far away. The soft light like a veil covered the figure, ethereal and holy.

"Is that Isohime? Is this the embodiment of her Munakata's power?"

It's like the strange light of Kanji.

This singing voice with strange power may be the external manifestation of the power of Munakata in Isohime's blood.

It can be clearly felt that the ocean is responding to her singing, like the breathing rhythm of a sleeping baby, soft and gentle.

Unfortunately, this response did not last long.

The miasma on the island swirled again, and the turbid sea water on the beach became restless. The singing that had just started was covered by the miasma and the noise of the waves, and soon became inaudible.

At last there was only one heavy sigh.

The figure on the reef is no longer crystal clear and holy, but mixed into the thick fog, evenly smeared by darkness, becoming ugly and dim.

Kamiya approached the edge of the reef.

"Sings beautifully."

Isohime, who was sitting on the reef, turned her head and grinned her terrifyingly wide mouth, revealing irregular fangs.

"when did you come?"

Her voice became hoarse and hard to hear again, completely different from when she was singing just now.

"Since you first started singing."

"I'm not doing anything bad for you. I'm just praying to the sea, praying to bless the people and get rid of the curse on my body." Perhaps thinking that Kamiyagawa would tirelessly ask questions, Isohime simply rushed to answer, so as not to be asked by him. .

"There's no need to explain it to this point, I'm not that suspicious, does prayer have any effect?"

"No." Ji Ji shook her head, "Ocean didn't respond to me."

"If you become the lord of the country and get the scepter of the Sea God, will the situation improve?"


Isohime wasn't sure about that either.

However, Kamiya has seen how intuitively and obviously the teardrop-shaped gemstone on the Poseidon's scepter can amplify Kani Ji's ability.

If she can get the scepter, Isohime, who is also Munakata, will definitely be reborn.

At that time, it might be possible to solve the curse on her people.

Anyway, there is hope.

It's no wonder that in the last episode, Isohime had to forcibly board the Munakata Shrine even if she died.

Thinking of this, Kamiyagawa took out a small clay pot from the [Mirage Bag] and threw it to Isohime.

The latter caught it with his webbed hand, and subconsciously shook it, heavy.

"What's this?"

"Bizawan, it is used to resist the harmful miasma on Shicun Island. Although you have been affected by this miasma for a long time, it is better than nothing."

Isohime, who was holding the clay pot, was taken aback when she heard the words.

She couldn't understand the man in front of her who claimed to be an envoy.

Is this showing kindness to yourself and your tribe?

He said he was going to leave Haiguo and go outside to find this?

"Why did you give me this?"

"Is there any reason for this? Isn't it because you need it? Oh, let's do it... because I am your master, and it is also my responsibility as a master to protect you from harm."

Isohime: ...

Sure enough, as soon as this man opened his mouth, he was still so annoying.

I really want to smash the can back in his face...

No, maybe there is no anti-miasma medicine in this jar at all, but other strange things.

It feels better not to eat.

"Anyway, I gave you this thing, you can eat it or not."

Kamiyagawa seemed to see through Isohime's thoughts at a glance, and he didn't care at all.

The mermaid princess still didn't smash the clay jar back into Shengu's face, she awkwardly thanked in a low voice, raised her hand to summon a crystal bubble to wrap the jar of Bizawan, and then jumped into the sea holding the bubble.

From the looks of it, it was probably to store medicine.

When diving into the sea, Isohime also heard Kamiyagawa on the shore casually shouting: "Don't leave for too long, we will set off to the ruins of Takito Island in a while!"


Isohime seemed very cooperative in going to Takito Island.

When Kamiya left yesterday, she made preparations and discussed the information of Takidu Island with her clan in detail.

He resisted with his mouth, but his body honestly obeyed. Those who didn't know really thought that "the master's mission must not be violated."

But in fact, Isohime herself also has the idea of ​​exploring the ruins of Takito Island.

I couldn't go before because I didn't have enough strength.

The appearance of Kamiyagawa now is an opportunity for Isohime and her clan.

Since you can't resist, you might as well make good use of it.

As for the mermaids, they were naturally worried that the princess would go out alone with Kamiya, and that they were going to a forbidden place like Takito Island.

But for this operation, Jiji did not bring any subordinates, and ordered all the people of the tribe to stay behind.

Different from the family structure of the Crab Clan, although the Crab Girl is a natural leader as a Zongxiang, there is also a highly respected Crab Workshop Manager above her. On the mermaid side, there are only a small number of people, and Isohime is the complete ruler.

The clansmen dare not disobey her orders.

And Kamiyagawa didn't care whether there were other mermaids following this operation, as long as one guide who knew the situation was enough.

At most, only D-rank minions can't help much.

Leaving Takidu Island, it is still a skeleton whale summoned by Sihua Whale.

Kamiya, Isohime, and Huajing are all on the back of a skeletal whale, and the skeletal whale is big enough anyway.

The little whale doesn't seem to be too afraid of the hideous mermaid princess, and sits calmly alone on the whale's head and plays the conch to control the direction, and the two sides have been living in peace.

"Speaking of which, Hua Jing seems to be only afraid of her very beautiful sister."

Kamiyagawa thought so.

Like the new member of the family, Concubine Wenche, Yaofei, Little Whale also can't avoid it.

If by chance I bumped into the concubine Yao alone in the corridor, I wish I could grow two legs and run away.

"What beauty quality inspector..."

Thousands of mistakes are Prajna's mistakes.

If she hadn't left the little whale with an indelible psychological shadow when he was very ignorant, would this child have formed the strange personality that fears the beautiful sister now?

The pain of childhood is estimated to take a lifetime to heal.

"But speaking of it, Hua Jing has always been very close to Gao Shan. Is it because Hua Jing feels that Gao Shan is the woman with the lowest level of beauty in the family? Ah, this... how presumptuous you are, little whale."

Because the scenery on the sea remains unchanged, there are dark red sea water all around, and the ruins of Takito Island seem to be far away, so the journey will take a long time.

Kamiyagawa's mind was not so concentrated, thinking about something and nothing.

He didn't know how long his thoughts wandered, but he suddenly sensed something. The Huajing, who was playing the conch in front, slowed down for about five or six seconds, and also stopped the sound of the conch.

"There's something..."

It seems that there is a strange force emerging from the sea water.

The pupils shrank suddenly, and Shen Gu stood up quickly, looking in the abnormal direction.

In the distance at 9 o'clock ahead, a huge vortex was rolled out in the dark red sea water, and the water splashed in all directions, forming a huge wave.

A huge shadow crushed out of the vortex without warning.

It was a big ship, rushing from the bottom of the sea to the surface of the sea, like a behemoth monster with its claws.

"What's that? A big house?"

Kamiyagawa fixed his eyes.

The wooden hull is dilapidated and covered by algae and shells, but you can still see the obvious shape of the Ataka boat. From the bow to the stern, there are armor protections made of planks, covered with iron armor, and covered with holes for shooting arrows and guns. .

Antaka ship is a large warship from the Sengoku period in Japan.

At that time, the power of the boat was still dominated by manpower paddling, and even a large ataka boat required a hundred people to row the boat. Cannons can be equipped on the ship, which has extremely high attack and defense capabilities, and can be called a moving castle on the sea.

The side of the Da'an House is high, the broken hull is burning with faint blue flames, the sails are whistling and swaying, intertwined with evil will-o'-the-wisps and low-pitched whistling, just like this unexpectedly appearing on the sea surface.

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