"President, this is the script for the first three episodes of "Uncertain Lady Mary" submitted by Mr. Soureu."

Princess Bunche took out the documents from the file bag and handed them to Kamiyakawa.

Soru is actually the scriptwriter Chiaki Miyake.

This writer was killed in the burial incident before, and now he is rumored to have joined the Kamiya forces to work.

He abandoned the original pen name "Xuse" and changed it to the new pen name "Shuliu".

And to put it bluntly: after Mr. Miyake became a Kaidan, his creative efficiency has improved a lot compared to when he was alive, and it has doubled...

After all, Guitan's body doesn't need to eat, drink or poop, it just needs an occasional break to be able to work at full capacity.

He is simply the chosen worker.

The first season of "Uncertain Lady Mary" has planned six relatively independent unit plots. Each episode is divided into two episodes to create a total of 12 episodes.

Chiaki Miyake wrote half of the first three episodes of the script in just over a month.

It has obviously been carefully polished and the plot is very smooth and fascinating.

The character of the protagonist, Miss Mary, is also very likable.

It has a character setting that is unstable, with joy and blessing and anger and punishment; there is also a little bit of a venomous and arrogant character in daily situations, especially where it should be "arrogant" and where it should be "coquettish". It's very refined and adds a lot of charm to the character.

The exquisite and arrogant person will never retreat from the environment!

Anyway, Chiaki Miyake’s creative skills are there.

Talent will not betray him, even if he becomes a ghost.

Wenche Yaofei and other members of GENIE Studio have read the script before, and these professionals have high evaluations of the plot and character design.

For example, Mr. Kasai, who is currently an animation director, has pretty good qualifications in the industry. He was originally full of concerns about joining a little-known animation studio like GENIE, but after reading the script submitted by Bunche Yaofei, he immediately became Signed the employment contract.

It can be seen from his experience that the scripts of the first three episodes of "Uncertain Miss Mary" are of very high quality. As long as the subsequent three episodes can maintain this quality and don't do any ridiculous work, it will definitely be a highly successful one. script.

As long as the studio creates the plot content well, there is no problem in producing a high-level masterpiece that can leave a distinctive mark in an industry that is heavily involved, not to mention the strongest show in the fall.

Mr. Hexi has some qualifications in the industry, but he does not have any good works to his name.

It is no exaggeration to say that "Miss Mary" will probably be the best script he has come across so far. In the past, he would never have been able to direct a script of this level.

This is an opportunity worth trying.


In the conference room, the only sound was the sound of Kamiyagawa turning over documents.

He has been busy with Haiguo's affairs for more than a month, and this is the first time he has seriously read the script of "Uncertain Lady Mary".

The first chapter of the story is titled "Lucky Fish".

It was created based on the experience of Kamiya and others in repelling red rays and anglers on Ouri Island.

Naturally, all the characters on the stage have been changed. The villains in the first episode are not red rays and anglers, but changed to a group of evil spirits called "Mengjia".

The rhythm of the story and the tension of the plot have also been treated more dramatically, but the theme of "sacrifice human lives in exchange for a good harvest" has been retained.

For the story of the first episode "Lucky Fish", the animation director Mr. Kasai has already finished the storyboard script and presented it to Kamiya.

According to the director's personal style and habits, the final effect of the storyboard script is also very different.

Director Kasai is a very detailed and conscientious person. Every shot is hand-drawn and carefully annotated, so even a layman like Kamiyagawa can get a rough idea.

The end of the story of "Lucky Fish"——

Miss Mary defeated the Monga who were entrenched on the island, but the lively little girl "Jia Shi" who was selected as the "Lucky Fish" still died under the influence of the evil god.

The ending of this chapter focuses on depicting the heavy and sad atmosphere at Jia Shi's funeral, as well as the strange expressions of sympathy and joy mixed with the sympathy of the islanders who attended the funeral; followed by the joyful scene of fishermen going out to sea to catch a bumper harvest.

Then it stopped abruptly.

As for the second and third episodes of "Uncertain Miss Mary", the storyboards have not been created yet.

But Kamiyagawa also took the overall story seriously.

The second episode tells the story of Tomo Soba. Under the current social environment in Japan, this story should arouse good resonance.

The theme of the third episode is about "lies and promises", which seems to be based on the weird files in the countermeasures room. This episode is an independent story, but it leads to the main plot. The biggest villain in the entire story, the Dream-Eating Tapir, will make his initial appearance in this episode.

In addition, there are some character drawings that have not yet been finalized in the information.

Kamiyagawa's attention finally fell on the character of the Dream-Eating Tapir, and he looked at it for a long time before moving his eyes away.

This character...

Those legs, those breasts, those eyes that seemed to want to eat people up and wipe them clean.

Tsk tsk tsk.

"Based on the little tapir, this evil lady... is obviously well-dressed, but why does she look so sexy? Especially the pose with her legs folded..."

The dream-eating tapir in the plot is completely different from the little tapir of the Kamiya family, but its ability to control dreams and panic emotions is impressive.

If this character becomes popular and his name matches the authority of the shrine, the little tapir will probably reap a lot of dividends and gain a lot of corresponding beliefs in reality.

As expected, Chiaki Miyake has fulfilled his boss's requirements and orders well, and he must have put a lot of effort into his character design.

After reading the confidential information from GENIE Studio in the conference room, Kamiya actually had only one thought in his heart -

Well, very good!

It feels like it is a finished product. Even if it is reported to TBS through some connections, the little witch who acts as the middleman will not feel troubled!

"As long as it doesn't make things difficult for Hotaru, it should be fine."

Kamiya thought so.

"President, what do you think?"

Seeing that Kamiya had put down the information, Mr. Hexi asked.

This middle-aged man with a high hairline seemed a little nervous and rubbed his hands unconsciously while speaking.

"Ah, very good. From now on, just continue to follow the arrangements of the general affairs lady. What she means is what I mean."

As expected, it was just for a layman to watch the fun.

Although Kamiyagawa is the president and legal representative of GENIE Studio, his understanding of animation creation is far inferior to that of Fumika Yoshie, who has systematically studied the corresponding knowledge and has an outrageous learning ability.

The president doesn't care about things, so he just acts as a hands-off shopkeeper.

Ms. "Shiori Kamiya", the general affairs officer, is the actual executive leader of the studio.

Originally, it was common for Kamiya not to be seen for a month once he got busy. It would be nice to show his face occasionally. The studio could only be managed by Wen Che.

Xiao Wenche and Mr. Miyake are the current pillars of GENIE Studio.

One is in charge of creation and ensuring the quality of the work; the other is in charge of management and ensuring team operation.

How the studio can develop in the future depends entirely on the two of them who have endless energy.

After receiving the president's approval, Mr. Kasai looked at the general affairs lady opposite.

Princess Wenche just nodded to him.

I have already read the storyboard of the first episode. It is very good. It does not hinder the original script. Mr. Hexi, who is eager to achieve a good position in the industry, undoubtedly put in 120% of his energy.

Director Hexi: "That's good. The original painting is already being created based on the storyboards. If you, president, want to see samples, the uncolored footage of the first episode will be available in about a month."

"A month?"

"President, "Miss Mary" is our GENIE's first work after all. In order to build our reputation, the work inevitably needs to be carefully polished. The first episode directly affects the audience's initial perception, so in terms of time... …”

"Oh, no. I mean, it doesn't matter if it takes a little longer. You don't need to rush too much. You should do a good job in quality. Then, just let the general affairs lady take care of it." Kamiya made the first speech in this meeting. Important speech.

After hearing this, Director Hexi breathed a sigh of relief.

He was a little worried that the too young president would come up and give directions blindly with his passion.

Moreover, although the GENIE studio is small, it has invested a lot in "Uncertain Lady Mary". If the president loses his composure and is eager to see results, it will be very difficult for him to handle.

But fortunately, these problems do not exist.

President Kamiya seems to be the type of leader who delegates power.

Having such “irresponsible” leaders is not necessarily a bad thing. If there is a smart and capable subordinate in the company who can support efficient decision-making and operation, it may even be a good thing for the leader to delegate power.

And there happens to be such a person in the GENIE studio——

Ms. Shiori Kamiya, General Manager.

Director Kasai has only worked with Ms. Kamiya for a few days, but he is already completely impressed by her work ability and attitude.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that this Miss Kamiya is the most capable general manager he knows.

Not only the general affairs work, but also the production supervision and even the production work, she was able to take care of it with ease, keeping everything in order, and she couldn't find any faults.

One person can be used as several people.

Director Kasai sometimes wonders if this Miss Kamiya is some kind of intelligent robot specially designed for work.

With Ms. Kamiya here, there is no need to worry about things inside the studio, and the coordination is very smooth.

To put it inappropriately, in this case...it's okay to keep a dog in the position of president.

In other words, because the subordinate is so capable, it would be better to tie the dog?

Just as he was thinking this, Director Hexi suddenly felt a chill running down his spine.

He looked up in panic.

In the conference room, the young president was still leaning on his chair and leisurely, as if he didn't care much about anything.

On the contrary, the general affairs lady sitting opposite was looking at him with a cold look that was hard to describe.

Director Hexi became uneasy again for no reason. After the offensive thoughts in his mind were driven away, the chill in his body finally dissipated.

"I don't know why, but I feel like my inner thoughts have been completely seen through. I...it seems that it's better to respect this president who is willing to give us the greatest freedom of work, otherwise we might be punished by God?"

In this world, the country of the sea.

Tonight is the night of the hidden moon. It was supposed to be the day when the red tide came and Munakata Taisha Shrine rose.

But because of Kamiya River, neither of these things will probably happen.

On the coast of Otsushima, on a low cliff, a small red figure sat quietly facing the sea.

It is dusk now in the sea country, and a magnificent scene appears between the sea and the sky.

The sky was dyed golden red by the red-hot sunset, which was in sharp contrast with the deep blue color of the sea water. Under the reflection of the setting sun, the ripples on the sea surface glow with golden light, as if they are beating like ignited flames. The sea breeze blows gently, bringing the cool and salty smell of the sea.

"The sea has turned blue. It turns out... I haven't seen anything like this for a long time."

Crab Ji looked at the scene in front of her in a trance, and the soft yellow hair under the heavy star pocket was ruffled by the sea breeze.

The red tide has not yet arrived, but the dark red color of the ocean has receded early.

This means that he really did it, right?

He really didn't just talk about saving the sea country and the sea people.

"The god on Gaotianyuan...it turns out he is really that powerful."

Crab Ji thought this way, and for some reason suddenly felt a little lonely. She raised her hand in confusion and touched the slightly crooked Crab Shell Star Pocket on top of her head.

After sitting there for who knows how long, Xie Ji suddenly heard a familiar voice coming from behind her: "Little Can, are you looking at the scenery?"

She turned around and saw Kamiyakawa standing not far away. The black wavy fabric on his body was swaying in the wind. The gorgeous lines of his clothes were dimmed in the afterglow of the setting sun, giving his tall and clear figure a golden ring. Aura.

"You, you're here?"

Crab Ji Baba stood up from the ground.

"Yes. Today is the night of the hidden moon, right? Of course I have to come. Didn't I ask the little old man to greet you in advance? Isohime and the others are also coming to Otsushima tonight."

"I got it……"

Kamiya walked to the little Crab Lady, looked at the sparkling sea, and took a deep breath of the salty but refreshing air: "The sea is very beautiful."

"Really? I told you, the sea is very beautiful when it's not red. When I was a kid, I could sit on the beach and be in a daze all day long, doing nothing."

"Told me?" In Kamiyagawa's impression, he did hear Crab Princess say something similar, but it was a week-long matter. "Little Can, do you remember what happened before?"

As he spoke, he tapped Crab Girl's star pocket very skillfully and smoothly.

Boom boom.

"Well..." Crab Girl quickly held her head and bared her teeth in protest, "Don't knock my helmet! This is obviously the symbol of my warrior, not your toy! Also, don't call me Little Can! You, you, you, You are so bad! I have already remembered that I have never taken the initiative to stick my head out to knock you! You lied to me!"


Kamiya smiled and said nothing.

Looking at the little can, it seems that he really remembered what happened before.

This should be considered a good thing, right?

Maybe it means that Haiguo is really slowly returning to normal?

"Stop laughing, you're so annoying!"

"How much of what happened before do you remember?"

"Some, most of them are confused, but the ones related to you are relatively clear, maybe because you have that piece of Yuzhang on your body."

"So it seems you remembered that we are good friends?"

"I also remember that you were bullying me the second time you saw me!" Crab Girl argued with a blushing face.

"That's also a sign of a good relationship."

"Really?" Xie Ji's aura weakened a little, "You... don't lie to me because I'm so talkative. I'm smarter this time."

"of course it's true."

"Hmm..." Crab Girl stared at Kamiya for a while, "Anyway, you are the great benefactor of Haiguo, so just say so. Then - hey!"

As she spoke, she suddenly stepped back without warning, jumped up, and pushed her hard head against Kamiya's chest. Then she stuffed something into Kamiyachuan's arms, and hurriedly dragged the conch hammer. He ran away, leaving only one sentence: "I'm going back to my clan, see you later!"

The small can disappeared quickly.

"This guy."

Kamiyakawa, who stayed in place, rubbed his chest and lowered his head.

I saw two beautiful conches rolling by my feet.

A handful of smooth pebbles fell from his body. The pebbles scattered on the ground and bounced slightly, sparkling under the last ray of sunlight in the sky.

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