I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 542 Supernatural Photos

Saturday morning.


Kanoya had already gone to Honganji Temple to study Buddhism, and Ayaori seemed to have taken Anzai Kanniang to Satoru's room to play games.

These usually lively and noisy people either go out or stay calm, so the house is very quiet.

Because it was a rare day off, Kamiyagawa got up relatively late and was currently having breakfast slowly in the restaurant while flipping through the newspaper that had just been delivered.

"I seem to have quite some free time today. I'll go to the basement to practice swordplay later."

Kamiyakawa thought so.

It was dark outside, and the autumn rain pattered against the glass window of the restaurant, flowing down meandering traces of water.

But I don’t have to go out today, it’s quite pleasant to stay at home.

Moreover, Tianshen Valley has been really busy these days.

The GENIE Animation Studio has Bunche Yafei there, so he doesn’t have to worry about it.

The construction situation of the other world has also made preliminary progress.

With Isohime responsible for implementing the plans of each region, and Crabhime responsible for training troops and arranging the guard forces in various places, and some subordinate bosses such as Usagi Maru and Neko Shopkeeper also perform their duties, Kamiya's power is flourishing.

In addition, the recent more important matters of the Whale Shrine are also being actively prepared.

After finishing breakfast, Prajna handed over a cup of coffee.

Kamiyagawa flipped through the newspaper and added milk to the black coffee with a spoon.

Add two spoons of milk, mix well, and put it to your mouth.

Just after taking a sip, Kamiya looked away from the newspaper and fell across the dining table.

Zashiki was babbling and ordered a cup of coffee from Hannya. He climbed onto his chair. First he carefully observed every move of his old father, and then he followed suit and used a small spoon to scoop two spoonfuls of milk into the cup for himself. Stir well.

He held the cup with both hands, brought it to his mouth, and took a sip.

The warm black coffee slides through your mouth, tasting bitter and astringent.

For Fu Bao who likes sweet taste, this is really not a good drink.


Zashiki's soft and beautiful eyebrows wrinkled, and the dull hair on his head drooped.


What is this little girl doing?

Don’t you usually drink milk?

Are you following me?

Although it is true that parents are role models for their children, there is no need to learn this, right?

Just as Kamiya was secretly laughing, Hannya walked up to him without saying a word, took the cup of black coffee from his hand, added two more spoons of sugar without any explanation and handed it to him again.


Seeing this, Zashiki stood up with his hands on the table and added sugar to his cup.

Bring it to your mouth again and take a sip.

This time, the sweet taste diluted the bitter taste, Zashiki's brows no longer furrowed, and his hair stood up in great spirits.


Although the taste of coffee is still not as good as milk.

But today I am just like my father! hey-hey.

Kamiya took the coffee with extra sugar, glanced helplessly at Hannya next to him, and communicated with eyes that only the two of them could understand: "Just pamper her."


Prajna turned around and walked back to the kitchen with Tingting steps.

There was nothing he could do to deal with this "little mother and daughter", so Kamiya could only continue to drink the coffee in his hand.

According to his taste, the current coffee is a bit too sweet.

However, looking at Zashiki across from me smiling cutely as she swayed her legs on a chair...

Occasionally, it seems to be good to drink something sweeter.

The leisurely leisure time passed very quickly. I stayed with my family and had no plans to go out. The low pressure brought by the rainy day made me happy physically and mentally. Just when Kamiya got up and was about to sweat out his sword practice, the doorbell rang at the entrance.


You can feel that the atmosphere outside the door is unfamiliar, not familiar.

"Are there actually strangers visiting?"

Kamiyakawa was a little surprised.

The door opens.

The person who could be seen visiting was a woman who looked to be in her late twenties, carrying a bag in one hand and a folded black long-handled umbrella in the other hand, dripping with rain.

Seeing Kamiya in home clothes open the door, the woman outside bowed first and then asked in a low voice: "Excuse me, is this Mr. Kamiyagawa?"

"it's me."

Kamiya looked at the woman outside with some confusion.

To be fair, the other person is beautiful.

Her silky black hair is neatly coiled on her head. Her neck is fair and smooth, with soft lines and a Yamato Nadeshiko-like gentleness. Even when he was speaking, his eyebrows were always lowered in a gentle manner, and he did not look directly at the person he was talking to.

Moreover, this woman looks a little familiar.

But for a while I can't remember where I saw it.

"Sorry, it's extremely rude to visit without saying hello." The woman apologized repeatedly, "But Mr. Kamiya is the only one who can help me now."

"What do you want me to help you with?"

"Removing...removing spirits, I encountered some strange things. I heard that Mr. Kamiya is a very powerful spirit remover, so I want to entrust you to remove spirits."

"Ah, come in and talk."

Kamiya stepped aside from the door to let the woman enter the house.

At the same time, I thought that my name seemed to be spreading well, and people came to my door to ask for ghost removal.

"excuse me."

The woman bowed again, leaned her umbrella against the door, put on guest slippers at the entrance, and followed Kamiyagawa into the reception room.

"Would you like some tea? It seems we only have black tea at home, is that okay?" Kamiya sat down at the master's seat.

"No, no need to bother, thank you."

"Then tell me about you."

"I...ah, I'm really sorry that I never said my name." The woman began to apologize again. I don't know why, but it gave the impression that she was very used to apologizing, "My name is Kohata Jiyue."

Hearing this name, Kamiya finally remembered why this woman looked familiar.

He had seen her picture in the newspaper before and read some things about her.

The reason why Obata Jiyue's story was published in the newspapers was mainly because of his husband Kobata Tamon.

The Obata family is one of the five famous kabuki families in Japan and is active in Tokyo.

Kamiya had previously participated in the encirclement and suppression of Mitoki when he encountered demons, and later learned that Mitoki's identity was also a kabuki.

However, at that time, Misaki was only slightly famous in the Kabuki industry, playing a small role, which was very different from the Kabuki actors who came from aristocratic families.

Kabuki performances can be regarded as Japan's national art. Kabuki performers' incomes are very generous. Excellent performers are even called national treasures. Generally, those who can watch Kabuki performances are either rich or noble.

Because the family is rich and has contacts with high-ranking officials, the Kabuki family is equivalent to Japan's wealthy aristocracy.

The Obata family is the leader among this special family.

Tsurokuro Obata of the Obata family is a famous actor in the history of Japanese kabuki, and his family has become one of the famous kabuki families. His family has a wide range of performance repertoire, specializing in contemporary dramas, period dramas, and new dramas, and has been passed down from generation to generation for twelve generations.

The current head of the household, Kohata Tamon, is the husband of the current Kohata Himetsuki. He started performing on stage at the age of five and is currently one of the most popular kabuki performers in Japan because of his handsome appearance and noble behavior. As well as superb performances, he is deeply loved by many Japanese audiences. In his acting career, he has won awards such as the Kikuchi Kan Award and the Purple Ribbon Medal, so his popularity has continued to rise.

Since the Obata family is a wealthy family, then this Kohata Jiyue is naturally the wife who married into a wealthy family.

He is also considered a celebrity in his own right.

Kamiya: "I know your husband, um... comes from a well-known Kabuki family."

"Really? Did Mr. Kamiya also watch the kabuki performance?"

Kobata Jiyue smiled habitually, a very skillful and decent smile.

Her face was obviously wearing only light makeup, but it looked like it was covered with thick powder, perfectly covering up all her true emotions.

"That's right." Kamiya nodded and looked at Kohata Jiyue with a weird look, but in the end he didn't say anything superfluous. He just tapped the coffee table with his fingers while thinking, "Madam, what you said about encountering strange things what is this about?"

"it is this."

Kobata Jiyue took out a slightly crumpled photo from her pocket, put it on the coffee table, and quickly retracted her hand, as if the photo was hot enough to burn someone.

It was obvious that she was afraid of this thing.

Kamiya shifted his attention to the photo.

This photo was taken very casually. The camera was probably a little shaken when it was taken. It was probably a casual shot.

The content of the photo is of some people, and everyone on the screen is wearing solemn black clothes.

Most people are either facing away from or sideways to the camera, or their faces are slightly blurred because of the camera shake. These people seem to be talking to each other or doing their own things. You can feel that there is a heavier atmosphere among the characters.

From the black clothes and the behavior of the characters, you can probably tell that the scene is a funeral.

In the center of this photo is Obata Himetsuki.

Of all the people photographed, she was the only one looking directly into the camera, clearly the subject of the photo.

Her face and expression were very clear, the corners of her mouth were raised, her eyes were slightly narrowed with a smile, and she was filled with a very bright smile.

Compared with the social smile she had in front of Kamiya, which looked like thick paint, this smile was obviously from the heart, sincere and natural.

The smile on his face shouldn't seem to be a problem in other scenes, but when compared with the atmosphere of a funeral among the people around him, it seems particularly dazzling and abrupt.

There is an indescribable weirdness about it.

Obviously, it is extremely rude to show such a bright smile no matter whose funeral you are attending.

"this picture……"

Kamiya raised his eyes to look at Kohata Jiyue sitting opposite.

"I know, Mr. Kamiya, you may think that I am very rude in the photo." Kobata Jiyue wiped the cold sweat on her forehead with a handkerchief, her tone trembling slightly, "But please believe me, the person in the photo is definitely not me! I don't Maybe I wasn't even there at the funeral."

"That's right. I believe you, ma'am."

"Thank you, thank you."

Kobata Jiyue was a little at a loss.

She didn't expect that Kamiyachuan would believe her words so quickly.

I was prepared to be questioned.

Maybe, this young spiritual master who is rumored to be very powerful is really well-informed.

Thinking about it this way, Mrs. Obata calmed down a little, and the fear of seeing that photo that made her want to vomit was dissipated.

There should be some other explanations next.

For example, I don’t have twin sisters, nor do I have a split personality or anything like that.

On these two points, Kobata Jiyue can be completely convinced.

Otherwise, she would not go directly to the exorcist, but should go to a private detective or a psychiatrist.

There is really a big problem with this photo. It is a supernatural photo. The "person" in the photo is definitely not herself. Kobata Jiyue even thinks that "she" may not be a person at all.

Obata Jiyue was ready to answer some necessary questions, but the opening on the other side of Kamiya River was beyond her expectation——

"Madam, have you ever heard of doppelgangers?"


Doppelgänger is a widely circulated urban legend.

It's been talked about all over the world.

Suppose someone is wandering on the road one day, suddenly turns around, and sees someone who looks like him.

They have the same face, the same hair color, the same name called by their companions, the same dress, and even the same walking habits.

This is the doppelgänger, another self in the world.

Ryunosuke Akutagawa once wrote in a novel——

[A mysterious feeling beyond human willpower struck me. That me was wearing the same coat, the same culottes, and even had the same posture as me. ]

This is probably what a doppelgänger feels like.

An individual who looks exactly like me appears in reality out of thin air.

It is equivalent to a completely independent clone with independent consciousness.

Having a clone may not be a big deal when it comes to Kaitan. For example, the little old scout of the Kamiya family has many of them. But it's a bit scary when this kind of thing happens to humans.

Moreover, there is a saying about the doppelgänger, saying that if the main body sees the existence of the doppelgänger, then the main body will die soon, and everything that is original will be replaced by the doppelgänger.

Kobata Jiyue: "So, you mean, the person in this photo is my doppelganger?"

Kamiyagawa: "It's possible, it's just a guess. It's not ruled out that it's some kind of weird story that can change your appearance, but judging from your current state, madam, the latter is less likely."

"Mr. Kamiya, the person who looks the same as me in the photo, that doppelganger, behaved in such an inappropriate manner. This photo has caused me a lot of trouble. It will also affect my husband, and The reputation of the Obata family. Or maybe the doppelgänger will do even more incomprehensible things in the future... So I came to ask Mr. Kamiya to remove the spirit."

Kobata Jiyue solemnly bowed again.

"A wife from a famous Kabuki family...does it for the reputation of her husband and family?" Kamiya thought in his mind.

Then I saw Kobata Jiyue put the bag she had been holding on the coffee table and opened it. It was full of cash.

"I can give you a reward of 20 million, please."


Kamiya narrowed his pupils and glanced at the suitcase again. There seemed to be nothing wrong with the money.

But suddenly putting out such a large sum of cash would have really aroused suspicion if it weren't for the fact that Kohata Jiyue was a well-known celebrity.

Anyway, Kamiya has been pretty busy these days.

Twenty million is not a small amount, and it costs money to run the studio. Having more financial reserves is not a bad thing.

As long as the money can be received, then the commission will be accepted.

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