I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 544 You are the only one who is not yourself

On weekdays, Kohata Domon, a kabuki performer, is only responsible for performances, while Kohata Himetsuki serves as her husband's agent and assistant.

In addition, Ji Yuelai is naturally responsible for the driver's job. She has to drive her husband to the performance venue.

In addition to the face, kabuki hands are also extremely valuable, so after arriving at the theater, Ji Yue had to carry the luggage.

Before the performance officially starts, Ji Yue has to say hello to her husband's colleagues seriously and communicate with the theater management and the audience who come to watch the performance.

Only when everything is ready will she sit down and watch the live performance.

In order to maintain the image of a famous family, Kohata Jiyue must always sit upright during the whole show and cannot make large and inappropriate movements at will.

For all this, Xiaobata Jiyue is already very familiar with and used to it.


"Mrs. Xiaobata, you are just as dazzling today. I am looking forward to Domen's performance today."

Kobata Jiyue stood at the entrance of the theater and politely exchanged greetings with an old woman wearing a kimono who came to watch the performance.

Both sides bowed to each other.

And the moment he bent down——


Kobata Jiyue heard the old woman's voice.

She raised her head in surprise and saw that the other party was just standing with a kind and meek face.


"She called the police, right? It's such a shame."

"I don't care about the reputation of Kobata's family at all, and I don't care about the reputation of the Kobata family at all."

"Is this considered a famous family?"


Xiaobata Jiyue looked around again.

The well-dressed and well-behaved guests still looked natural, but the sudden, noisy and harsh sounds kept coming out of them, like a tidal wave coming from all directions.

They're talking about "that thing"...

That happened last year.

The reason is actually very simple. Kobata Tamon looks gentle and gentle, but in fact he is fond of drinking and sex, and often hangs out in various bars in Ginza.

Last year, he caused trouble due to drinking and got into a head-on fight with someone in a nightclub.

Kohata Jiyue, who was still at home at the time, learned the news and hurried to the scene and called the police.

The police and reporters arrived, and the scandal was published in the newspapers the next day and made public.

Afterwards, the Obata couple bowed and apologized to the media and the public many times in response to this incident.

As a result, Obata Damon stopped acting for a while before finally finding the opportunity to come back.

Regardless of how the public views this incident, the kabuki industry, as well as Obata Jiyue's husband and mother-in-law, all blame Jiyue for the mistakes in this incident.

They thought this woman was stupid.

How could she call the police?

If she had rushed to the scene and chosen to communicate privately to calm the situation, she would not have been involved in so many troubles in the future.

What? Can't communicate?

That means Kohata Jiyue is not doing things well.

Stupid and incompetent.

It was precisely because of this incident that Kohata Jiyue, who had never given birth to a boy, could not hold her head high in front of her mother-in-law.

After she was burdened with the shackles of guilt such as "smearing the Obata family", she could do nothing else but apologize day after day.

That's all.

"Stupid!" "Incompetent!" "Disqualified!"


The clamor of accusations and ridicule continued.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry...stop talking, stop talking!"

Kobata Jiyue's expression became painful, and she covered her ears without regard for dignity.

The next second, these sounds finally stopped and solidified, and the gray mist once again filled the sight.

The three-color Kumaori puffed out smoke and slowly appeared.

It spoke again: "You regard it as your responsibility to protect the face of your husband's family, because you are a model wife in the eyes of others, and you are a side chapter of your husband's family."

The mist solidified into a strange mirror.

Kobata Jiyue raised her head stiffly, and she saw complex rough lines outlined on her face.

Red, blue, brown.

Paradoxical, mysterious, and mysterious.

The three-colored Kumaori has covered her face...

Even though his vision was still filled with gray mist, it looked like an illusive scene, but Obata Jiyue suddenly heard a loud roar from the stage musician.


This shout is probably similar to a storyteller’s gavel, used to attract the audience’s attention and tell everyone——

The show is about to begin.

Yes, the show is about to begin.

Kobata Jiyue could still see the inexplicable mist, but at the same time, the theater stage and audience seats also appeared in front of her.

It stood out slightly from the middle of the stage, and the lights from above illuminated the foggy stage.

The audience in the audience wore formal kimonos and sat dignifiedly in their seats. Among them were gray-haired old men and women, as well as young men and women.

The mist that squirmed like mosquitoes covered their faces, making everyone's faces blurry, but they didn't seem to care about it. Just sipping a drink and watching the actors perform on stage.

Messy drumbeats sounded.

Her husband, Tamon Obata, appeared on the stage and performed a dance with overlapping emphasis and changing flows to the accompaniment of music.

The lights flew across the stage like shooting stars and bloomed like fireworks.

The kabuki actors on stage continued to dance according to strict rhythm and rhythm along with the lyrics and drum beats. Their dances were agile and powerful, like birds circling and fish swaying.

Her empty eyes reflected the dazzling brilliance and powder on the stage, as if she had forgotten the unreasonable foggy environment around her, she was unusually quiet, just sitting decently.


To be honest, Obata Himetsuki doesn't like kabuki performances.

In fact, every time she watched a performance, it was torture for her.

Perhaps because she has been forced to learn related boring knowledge since she was a child, she can even be said to be disgusted with this art.

Because she has studied, she knows everything about Kabuki culture.

She can appreciate it. She will see how perfectly her husband's turning movement on the stage interprets power and beauty, and she will also know how delicate and vivid the next expression will be. Knowing that her husband is showing off every inch of skin and every muscle on the stage.

Yes, she knew it all.

But she just didn't like it.

Just like cilantro, some people love it and some people hate it.

Such likes and dislikes have nothing to do with right or wrong.

However, Obata Jiyue's father is a Kabuki, and her husband is a Kabuki. If she has a son in the future, her son will still be a Kabuki.

Regardless of whether she likes it or not, she will always have a seat in the audience under the stage.

Snap, snap, snap.

As soon as the climax on the stage came to an end, the audience began to applaud.

Kobata Jiyue was sitting, just habitually clapping her hands in harmony with the surrounding atmosphere.

Like her husband who performs on stage, she is also an object to be watched.

She knew that there were also pairs of eyes lurking in the audience, staring at her.

Obata Jiyue is like one of those kabuki characters, strictly following the script of her life trajectory, and consistently interpreting the image of her model wife.

But as long as she suppressed all her emotions, she just had to do this.

The next second——

The applause and music on the stage stopped.

It's not the kind of natural, scattered stop, but like the mute button of a noisy TV that was suddenly pressed, like the color of a painting suddenly peeling off and turning into black and white.

Everything around him seemed to freeze unexpectedly.

Xiaobata Jiyue came back to her senses and looked around.

Her brain seemed to be thinking normally again.

Originally, she thought that since the surrounding situation changed so quickly, the characters in the mist would also dissipate.

But the scene that Kobata Jiyue saw was not like this.

The surrounding audience, the kabuki and musicians on the stage, they still existed, but they just maintained their motionless postures, everyone facing directly towards themselves.

The fog that obscured their faces also dispersed somewhat.

Only then did Obata Himetsu realize that the strange three-color Kumatori was outlined on everyone's faces.

A series of dead gazes hit Xiaobata Jiyue with force, like mud falling from a deep pit, trying to bury her alive, suffocating her and suffocating her.

The crowd was like half-dead fish, opening and closing their mouths numbly, and their voices were layered:

"You are the continuation of your parents, the prequel of your children, and the epilogue of your husband's family in the eyes of others, but you are the only one who is not yourself."

The surrounding three-colored kuma were surrounding him like tombstones.

"You are the only one who is not yourself."

They said so.

Just when Kumaori and the others were about to touch Obata Himetsuki and engulf her——


A flash of roaring thunder split open the fog, tearing out a dazzling and ferocious crack. It spread from the depths of the sky, and the roar was like the roar of a giant beast, majestic and shocking. The night sky was illuminated by electric light as if it were daytime, clearly reflecting the surging clouds.

Wherever the lightning shines, everything is clear and clear.

In the light, there was a tall and straight figure, carrying a light indigo sword light.

At that moment, the sword's light was as bright as a meteor in the night sky, sharp and short-lived. The blade cut through the darkness with irresistible momentum, mixing with the dazzling light of thunder and illuminating everything around it. The heroic figure loomed in the sword light, frozen in time and space like a relief.

"You can't take 20 million for nothing. The show is over and that's the end of it!"

The man shouted like this, the majesty of the thunder and the brilliance of the sword were intertwined at this moment, and the ethereal Kumatri figures fell down like wheat stalks blown by the wind.

Then, another purple and white undergarment quickly rolled out from Xiaoban Jiyue's side, pulling her and flying towards the gap torn by the electric light...

"Tsk, is this the end? It's a pity that the three-color Kumaori body doesn't seem to be here."

Kamiya put Ichimonji into the scabbard.

It doesn't take much to deal with Kobata Jiyue's affairs. He and Hannya can handle it.

The only pity is that the three-color Kumatori who influenced Obata Himetsu is not here.

What exactly is that thing and where does it come from will need to be investigated further later.

It feels a little more unusual than previously expected.

"Ma'am, are you okay?"

After squinting his eyes and looking around for a while, he finally looked away with a hint of regret, and finally Kamiya turned his attention to Kohata Himetsu.

In fact, this morning, when Mrs. Kohata came to Kamiya, she was not in the right state.

Even Prajna can see this.

After the lady left, a little old man followed quickly according to the master's instructions.

Afterwards, Kobata Jiyue did not go home. She just held an umbrella and walked into this deserted forest alone in despair.

Talk to yourself here, have a conversation alone, and do strange actions.

During this period, Kamiyagawa stayed nearby and observed.

Until just now, in the supernatural photo left by Kohata Jiyue, her smiling face was completely taken by the three-color Kuma, and the lady herself was involved in layers of fog.

Under this situation, Kamiyagawa could no longer sit on the sidelines and think about fishing out that strange Kuma, but chose to rescue people.

After all, after receiving 20 million from others, it was natural to ensure her safety.

This kind of professional ethics still needs to be maintained.


After Prajna pulled Kobata Jiyue out of the broken mist, he returned to Kamiya's side and allowed the dignified lady to fall into the mud.

"You seem to be awake."

Kamiyakawa nodded towards his employer.

"I just……"

Xiaobata Jiyue reluctantly got up from the ground, trying to remember what happened just now, but she didn't know where to start.

In short, this exorcist saved him?

"It's not just now, it's actually been half a day."

"Then, what about Kumaori?"

Kobata Jiyue didn't have time to think about the current situation and quickly asked the questions she was concerned about.

"I won't bother you anymore, but I still don't know where that thing is actually. But don't worry, I will do a good job in after-sales service." Kamiya said in a tone that the matter was over.

"So, where is my doppelganger in that photo?" Kobata Jiyue asked again.

"Ah, you said this."

Kamiyakawa took out the supernatural photo and shook it.

The Kumatori on Obata Jiyue's face in the photo has disappeared. She stands among the crowd dressed in black and with a heavy atmosphere, with a bright smile, which is particularly abrupt and conspicuous.

Except for her, everyone in the photo is still in a state where their faces cannot be seen clearly.

"Madam, you seem to have recovered a lot. I think I can now ask you some questions that I didn't ask you this morning."

"You didn't ask out loud?"

"Yes. Like, where did you get this photo?"


Kobata Jiyue was about to answer, but she choked.

Yeah, where did this photo come from?

When did it appear next to you, and when did you notice it?

Kohata Jiyue couldn't recall such an important key issue.

It's like it never mattered.

"Well, it seems to be similar to what I guessed." Kamiya observed the change in his employer's expression, "Then, the next question. Madam, you told me this morning that there was absolutely no way you would appear at the funeral in the photo. So do you know whose funeral the photo belongs to?”


Kobata Jiyue's messy black hair was stained with muddy water, and her clothes were stained. She was still stunned and her eyes were dull.

Yes, whose funeral is it?

Who were the other people at the funeral?

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