I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 552 The New Emperor and Guan Bai

A hotel in Kyoto.

The eye-catching attire on Chou Shi Shen's body had faded away easily after leaving Qingming Xiangshan.

The long hair that was originally hanging in front of her face has also been tied up.

She now looks just like a human being.

She looks like a good-looking woman in her early twenties.

That's not entirely true, because Chou Shishen still retains extraordinary aura fluctuations. But even if a keen exorcist encounters her in human form, he probably won't think much about it and will preconceptionally regard her as a companion.

This past Takiyashime, now the daughter of Choutoki, does have the status of a spiritual slayer in human society.

A Yaden Shinto spirit exterminator who is not under direct official command. This level of identity has even been recorded in the countermeasures room here in Osaka.

In the industry, there are quite a lot of novice spiritualists who possess certain extraordinary powers but are not actually very strong, and they are a mixed bag. This type of person only needs to occasionally deal with the official personnel who contact them.

Therefore, Chou Shishen’s disguised identity is not eye-catching.


Chou Shishen sat on the bed of the hotel, her lips that were so red that they seemed to be bleeding were slightly open.

Another black nail was pushed out of her mouth with her tongue.

The nail landed in her palm.


Chou Shi Shen gently rubbed the black nails with her thin fingertips.

The next moment, the nail was twisting in her hand like a baby snake.


The nails hit the floor, shattering like fragile glass and splitting into several pieces.

"It seems to have been discovered."

Chou Shishen said to himself like this, without much surprise or annoyance in his tone.

It seems to be expected.

King Xingshi is difficult to deal with.

In the early hours of this morning in Xiangshan, Chou Shishen nailed the shadow of King Xingshi with a nail carrying a "curse".

It seemed that he wanted to control the other party and let the two little girls who made a big fuss at the Echo Festival escape. In fact, this was done to secretly brand King Xingshi so that he could be tracked later.

But judging from the results, this little trick was not successful.

King Xingshi obviously saw through the trick.

"Not only is he not dead, he is even more cunning than before."

King Xingshi joined the Demon Time as the new Tatsuki.

The code name in the organization is "Guan Bai".

Guan Bai, the official title brought back to Japan by the envoys sent to Tang Dynasty. It evolved into the first civil servant in ancient Japan, with a high position of power.

Like King Xingshi, Chou Si Shen was also filled with surprise the moment he saw him at the organizational meeting at the time of the demon.

Although their appearance is different from that of thousands of years ago.

But the aura of Kibune Myojin on his body still made them recognize each other's identity immediately.

The two of them had a tacit understanding and didn't reveal anything in front of other members of the organization, but this feeling was unmistakable.

In the early morning of this morning at Xiangshan, it was the first time that Chou Shishen met King Xingshi in an unorganized meeting.

It will probably be difficult to find him again after that.

"It seems that guy woke up much later than me... Judging from his behavior in Xiangshan, it turns out that he is still dreaming about resurrecting his father."

Chou Shi Shen picked up the broken nails on the ground. The broken metal was clenched in her palms, exuding a faint blood and making a clicking metal sound.

That time a thousand years ago.

On the pretext of resurrecting Taira Shomon, King Koise coaxed Ugotoki, who was still called "Takihime" at the time, to perform Uoki worship and seize the cursed power of Kifune Myojin. Then, with the power of this cursed god, he aroused Hyakki Yakou and laid siege to Kyoto.

Trying to use the power of ghosts and gods to overthrow the regime and reestablish a new capital.

That was the Takiyashime Rebellion.

However, that plan failed in the end.

It was suppressed by the onmyoji Abe Seimei of the Heian Kyoto Mikado at that time, and another elusive magician Ashiya Michitoshi, together with the noble warrior Minamoto Boya and others.

The most critical reason for the failure was probably that the awakened "Ghost Emperor" Ping Jiangmen was incomplete.


With the power of Kifune Myojin, King Kouse really awakened Taira Shomon who had become a "ghost among ghosts".

However, his plan was prematurely interfered by Abe Seimei and others, and Taira Shomon, who finally led the group of ghosts, lost his head and right arm.

"This time King Xingshi is completely different from his strength a thousand years ago. What is he going to do?"

Chou Shishen didn't know the specific plan of King Xingshi.

After all, this time, she was no longer his accomplice.

In the ringing mountain.

Kamiya, Onizuka, and Ms. Sugita climbed to the protruding rock halfway up Hibikiyama.

Continuous mountains stretch out at the feet, and the folds of black rocks and green vegetation on the ground continue to connect to the distant peaks.

"Those auras from the valley no longer exist, only a faint remnant remains."

Kamiyakawa looked away.

After condensing, the dark pupils that were so deep and bright slowly spread to normal.


Onizuka Kirihot nodded and simultaneously took back his Kagura flute.

Their judgment was the same for both of them.

There were indeed strange stories of resentment here, but they have disappeared without a trace now.

"If that masked man really wanted to collect the strong ghost resentment on Yugu Hibiki, those ghost stories would have probably been eliminated by that man in some way." The little witch added.

I just don’t know what the masked man wants to do by collecting resentment.

"Abba whining!"

After watching on the mountainside for a while, the little old man who was sent by Kamiya to explore the surrounding mountains and forests returned with a shakuhachi in his hand.

He raised the brim of the hat on his head a little, started to coordinate his body movements, and told his master something.

Kamiyakawa listened for a while and then nodded: "Take us there."

The scouts have discovered it.

The little old man took his master and his party to a nearby deep forest, pointing to a tall cedar tree.

On the rough tree trunk, a white paper was nailed to a thin black nail.

Kamiya narrowed his pupils and carefully scanned the black-nailed white paper on the tree trunk. He also looked around and made sure that no problems were found before taking the paper off the tree trunk.

I saw it written in deliberately distorted words with indistinguishable handwriting:

[King Xingshi intends to resurrect the ghost emperor Ping Jiangmen. ]

[Using the method taught by Kifune Myojin: Heirashoumon's corpse is used as flesh, resentment is used as spirit, and Kifune Myojin's curse is used as bone. ]

"Meat and spirit bone?"

Kamiya looked at the words on the white paper and was secretly surprised.

He was quite familiar with this process. The "flesh, spirit and bone" process was the ritual process for becoming a god.

Kamiyagawa himself, as well as his shikigami, are all trying to use this method to ascend to the throne of God.

In the past, Yamahiko of Aokigahara also used an evil variant of this ritual to try to create a divine body.

I feel that if I can connect with this ritual, the final thing I get will be extraordinary.

In addition, Kifune Myojin is specifically mentioned on the paper.

Kamiya doesn't think that the "flesh spirit bone" process has any important connection with this god. After all, many gods seem to know this ritual.

However, Kamiyagawa has had quite a lot of indirect contact with Kifune Myojin.

According to the information he currently has -

Kifune Myojin is the Japanese god of dragons and snakes, and the god of Anyu Kamei is a descendant of Kagutsuchi, the god of fire.

Standing on Huangquan's side in the battle between gods.

Kibune Myojin is generally worshiped as the god of water and the god of safe navigation.

But He also has an authority that few people know about.

This god is also the god of curses. It is said that he will come to Mount Kibune on the ugly day of the ugly month of the ugly year.

The famous curse ceremony is held at Ushishi, and the object of worship is none other than Kifune Myojin.

Kamiya and Onizuka had been in contact with each other before, and it was Xiaolu's current Xiangdao teacher, Miss Yunju. Miss Yunju's boyfriend was cursed by his grandmother in front of the Kifune Myojin shrine.

"The Face of the Resentful Party, When the Demon Encounters, Taira Shomon, Kifune Myojin... It doesn't feel good. Isn't there too many things involved?"

Kamiya thought in his heart.

"Who left this note?" Ms. Sugita couldn't quite understand the content of the note. "The masked man the Shinagawa sisters mentioned?"

"I don't think so." Onizuka shook his head, "Based on what's written on the paper, I feel that the 'Xingshi King' is probably the masked man. The note should have been left by someone else, and it seems to have been specially left for us to see. .Achuan, it seems someone wants to help us?"

"Yeah. Although I don't know if the content on the note is true, but we seem to have encountered a lot of trouble."

"Yeah, big trouble."

The little miko echoed.

Of course, the discovery in Xiangshanli was immediately reported to Jiecheng Zhenjianyou, who was still at the countermeasures room headquarters.

Uncle Jieying quickly summoned manpower experts and held a video conference with Kamiya and Onizuka who were still in Kyoto.

"The corpse of Taira Shomon was turned into flesh, the resentment was turned into spirit, and the curse of Kifune Myojin was used to turn bones into resurrecting Taira Shomon from thousands of years ago. This kind of thing is really unheard of."

The figure on the screen was lighting up a cigarette and frowning.

After finally staying in Tokyo for a few days, I originally wanted to rest.

I also planned to take some small pills tonight to replenish Xiao Xi's magic and improve his strength... But suddenly such a difficult thing happened, and it seemed that he couldn't rest any longer.

"I feel like it's probably true."

Kamiyagawa also didn't know who the person who left the note was, but most people didn't know about the process of "flesh, spirit and bone". If I wrote this, I didn't feel like I was bluffing. Maybe this method could really wake up the thousand-year-old rice dumpling.

"Then let's treat it as real first. If we want to prevent Hei Shomon from being resurrected, we must also start from the three elements of flesh, spirit, and bone mentioned on the paper. Resentment is spirit, well... from the current situation It seems that Fang Xiang, the resentful spirit, has indeed been collecting resentment, and I don’t know if the amount collected is enough.”

Jiecheng Zhenjianyou entered the state.

"What about the flesh and bones?" Onizuka continued, "I remember that I once saw in the countermeasures room the ancient books and photos related to the Takiyashahime Rebellion a thousand years ago, and the resurrection of Taira Shomon was also mentioned in it."

"Yes, I just asked Changyou to check. It is indeed true that Ping Shomon was resurrected a thousand years ago."

Kamiya had not read this part of the information, so he asked: "Can you tell me in detail?"

"A copy of the relevant information will be sent to the police station where you are currently staying."

Uncle Jiecheng flicked the ashes from his cigarette, and in order to continue the meeting, he roughly described the contents of the information he had just read——

"This matter has something to do with Takiyashahime."

Takiyashahime, the legendary Taira Shomon's daughter, is an enchantress who knows the art of witchcraft.

In the Tianqing Rebellion, Ping Jiangmen was killed in battle, and the whole gang was wiped out. As the remaining descendant of the Taira Shomon family, Takihime was full of resentment. She performed the famous Ushiki worship ceremony and worshiped Kifune Myojin at Ushiji. On the twenty-first night when her wish was fulfilled, she was taught sorcery by the god.

Relying on the divine power, Takihime, who was renamed Takiyashahime, returned to the Lower Kingdom, gathered a group of ghosts in Soma Castle, launched a rebellion to overthrow the imperial court, and invaded Kyoto.

But this rebellion with the power of monsters was finally suppressed by the Onmyoji at that time.

During the turmoil a thousand years ago, Taira Shomon was resurrected by the Ghost Emperor who led all the ghosts.

Jiecheng Zhenjianyou: "Also, the Xingshi King mentioned on the piece of paper you found is also a recorded figure."

King Xingshi is generally considered to be Juntomo Fujiwara.

Fujiwara Juntomo was originally the local commander-in-chief of the Iyo Kingdom. One time, he was ordered to suppress pirates in the Seto Inland Sea. Instead of fighting, the pirates joined the pirates. In a few years, they became the largest pirate group in Western Japan and led the pirates. They rebelled based on Rizhen Island.

Not only did they cause trouble in the Seto Inland Sea, they even came to land from the Settsu Namba area several times and occupied the entire Seto area and part of Kyushu, directly threatening the security of Kyoto.

King Xingshi and the new Emperor Taira were rebel forces at the same time, but they did not directly proclaim themselves emperor like the Taira family.

In addition, there is a folk saying that after Taira Shomon became emperor, he wanted to appoint Fujiwara Juntomo as Kanbai.

However, it only took less than a hundred days for Ping Jiangmen to officially proclaim himself emperor and be defeated and annihilated.

At the same time that the new emperor was suppressed, King Xingshi was also surrounded and suppressed by the imperial court, and the heads of both sides were sent to Kyoto at almost the same time.

So Guan Bai's matter probably won't work.

After listening to Uncle Yusei's explanation, both Kamiyagawa and Onitsuka Kiriho were thoughtful.

"The curse of Kibune Myojin should be related to Takiyashime who paid homage during the ugly time. However, the piece of paper mentioned that the person who wanted to resurrect Heishangmon was King Xingshi..."

Good guy.

A thousand-year-old dead man wants to resurrect another dead man.

Jiecheng Zhenjianyou: "I don't know. There are very few really useful records of what happened a thousand years ago. Many of them were lost when the Yin Yang Lao was abolished, and none of them were recovered after the reorganization of the Countermeasures Room. Many. The existing information does not explain in detail how Taira Shomon was resurrected during the Takiyashahime Rebellion. If the information on the white paper is true, then the person who left the note has far more relevant information. More than the entire countermeasures room.”

The Takiyashahime Rebellion mentioned just now happened more than 20 years after Taira Shomon's death.

According to common sense, Fujiwara Junyu, the King of Xingshi, should be dead by this time.

But it's hard to say.

If the content on the note is regarded as true, then King Heungse may still exist today a thousand years later.

Maybe King Xingshi is just a code name.

It is even possible that King Xingshi directly participated in the Takiyashahime Rebellion that resurrected Taira Shomon in some way.

One more update

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