I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 554 Low-end version of Hundred Ghosts Night Parade

Kanda Shrine.

Due to the incident involving King Xingshi and Hepingshoumen, this shrine has been closed to the public recently.

The garrison force headed by Kamiyagawa settled here.

The remains of Taira Shomon's head in Kanda Shrine are still sealed under the Nuo formation here.

The Countermeasures Room has no plans yet to break the seal and try to destroy Shomon's head.

Not to mention whether the remains that have been preserved for thousands of years are likely to be destroyed, Onizuka Kirihota's concerns mentioned before are not unreasonable——

What if once the seal is released, Shomon's head will fly directly out of Tokyo to meet up with his other body parts...

Wouldn't that be helping King Xingshi?

Shomon's head flew from Kyoto to Tokyo a thousand years ago. So, it’s really hard to tell whether this kind of thing will happen again.

However, in order to prevent Taira Shomon from resurrecting, the Countermeasures Room dispatched Master Kamiyagawa and Master Zushi to guard Kanda Shrine and Sanjujugendo Hall respectively.

These two are currently important figures in the spirit world, and they cannot be allowed to stay in the same place indefinitely.

We can only hope that the people from Jiecheng Zhenjianyou and Juqiong Shrine can make some useful progress quickly in investigating King Xingshi.

The third day when Kamiya River entered Kanda Shrine.

That night.

Located in a guest room in the backyard of the shrine.

This room belongs to Kanoya.

No one in the countermeasures room objected to the fact that a ghost disciple wanted to bring his apprentice to stay in Kanda Shrine.

Originally, when going out on a mission, it was a normal arrangement for the master to lead his disciples in the spirit-removing industry.

Xiaolu was sitting in the room, and a small incense burner beside him was sending out curls of smoke.

This group of incense is called "Dingwai", which is a mixture of agarwood, dipterocarp, and dendrobium. It has no special extraordinary power.

Buddhism talks about precepts, concentration, and wisdom. When meditating and meditating, entering concentration is one of the most sacred realms. Sitting quietly is the starting point for entering concentration, and is often accompanied by incense.

In addition to mastering the art of incense, Xiaolu has also been studying Buddhism.

Usually when she is learning several theoretical knowledge of spirit-removing techniques, she likes to light a pot of incense.

It can make the mind calm and the mind clear.

"Heaven, earth, people, gods and ghosts, scales, feathers, feathers... turn Yin into Yang, turn Yang into Yin - ah, the spiritual arts and techniques Master gave me are all in Chinese characters, it seems so difficult to master. Although Master said that my Soul Control skills are all in Chinese characters. I’m starting to get a little started in spiritual arts, but I still feel like I don’t have the key to it.”

After studying for a while, Xiaolu scratched his head. Then he pushed the string of Bodhi beads tied on his left wrist into his palm and gently slid the Bodhi beads one by one.

This rosary was a gift from Teacher Kanazawa after she came back from Matsuzawa.

Wearing it on the body also has a calming effect.

However, the current rosary should be strictly called [Bodhi Rosary·Changed].

Because Kamiya once brought it into the ordinary world, he entrusted Sister Jue to carry out an upgrade.

Specifically, a small statue made of copper is embedded between every three white jade Bodhi beads.

The bronze statue is round in shape, not much bigger than rosary beads, and the carving is exquisite. It looks very beautiful when inlaid among Bodhi beads.

These small statues are for the shikigami of Kanoya to live in.

Although the effect is far inferior to the shikigami statue used by Kamiyagawa, for example, when Kaitan enters this small bronze statue, it does not have any bonus to the state of recovery, nor can it help fully absorb the candlelight of the requiem candle.

It's just a place to stay.

The First Copper is a very powerful spirit-containing metal material, capable of absorbing ghost stories at the level of an Aragami.

However, Xiaolu has not yet fully touched the threshold of the simple version of the spirit-removing technique, and it is still early to contract with the Aragami.

She has not even been able to successfully contract even with the Sending Wolf at the upper level of D level.

Whether it's a wolf or a red deer, they just follow the deer voluntarily.

Moreover, three days ago, Sanglang and Red Deer were also sent to the Eternal Paradise by Kamiya.

Kamiya didn't expect his apprentice's team of immature shikigami to play any role in guarding Kanda Shrine. He took Xiaolu with him purely to protect her.

If there is a problem, let the tengu pull her into the one-horse fight space.

So it is enough to have the eight-foot girl by her side on weekdays.

"Yin and Yang are harmonious, and all things grow. No worries - no, no... I feel like I still need to listen to Master explain it again."

When I encountered certain difficulties in my self-study, Xiaolu wanted to find his master.

I want to see Master demonstrate again how to coordinate with the mind method and mobilize the spirit-controlling Qi in the body.

Kamiya's room is next door.

The distance between the two masters and apprentices is only a thin wall, and they can hear each other's movements as long as the sound is slightly louder.


The wooden door of the guest room was pushed open.

The deer crossed the threshold and came to the corridor outside.

The time now is actually just after 8pm, but the yard is very dark. The moonlight was like a cold dagger, only cutting through a corner of the night, and the courtyard was looming under this pale light. The night wind blew quietly, bringing with it a hint of coldness.

The grass and trees in the courtyard trembled slightly as if they couldn't bear the oppression of silence. They look beautiful during the day, but when they are shrouded in night, the shadows of the grass and trees sway in the moonlight, and the fallen leaves on the ground are disturbed by the night wind and begin to tumble and squirm, like headless flies, blindly in the darkness. struggling.

"Is there something wrong?"

The little deer who just walked out of the door thought so.

She took a deep breath, her small nose twitching slightly.

Something is definitely wrong.

Luyewu has learned the art of incense from Miss Yunju. Just like Kamiya can see things that ordinary people can't see by condensing his pupils, Xiaolu can smell some smells that ordinary people can't smell. Some objects or even concepts that originally have no smell can smell the corresponding "smell" as long as the deer calms down.

Although it is not as sharp as the master's skills, it is enough for her at this stage.

The "smell" of the night was supposed to smell like a light clove scent.

But among the scent of cloves tonight, Lu Yewu also smelled a rotten smell.

The stench became stronger almost instantly.

It’s not just the smell, Kanoya can already see sudden strange phenomena with the naked eye——

There was a blue-black mist, hazily sweeping in from the air outside the shrine, rolling on the ground like clouds.

The clouds quickly approached before our eyes, covering the Kanda Shrine, with a little hazy light in them. There seemed to be something moving inside, and the outline gradually became clearer.

"That's...well! Master!"

Lu Yewu saw it, and there were many strange stories in the blue-black mist!

The "big bald" with one eye and a huge head, the "left and right" with two heads of a man and a woman on its neck, the "horse head" with a slender neck and head floating back and forth in the air, and the "long breast" with strange and unspeakable organs hanging all over its body Po"...

Some of the strange stories that appeared in the mist can roughly guess their identities and names.

There are also some that she doesn't recognize at all based on her current knowledge base.

Like a big snake with long legs, a strange ghost with only a cloud of smoke and a big mouth, a humanoid body covered in mucus, a woman with a body as thin as paper, an evil ghost with four arms and horns on top of his head, and hands full of eyes A monster with an eyeless face...

Fluttering and swaying, hundreds of ghosts walk at night.

Those ghosts are holding something in their hands or in their mouths. This ghost is holding a human arm, that one is holding a human leg, and another is holding a human head, and then there are eyeballs, ears, lips, heart, and liver. , lungs, intestines...


Kanoya's right hand shook, and the body of the [Shōtoku Royal Incense Burner] fell to the ground, while the copper chain was held in her hand.

She didn't seem to be afraid when faced with the sudden attack of hundreds of ghosts on the night.

In fact... for Xiaolu, except for the disgustingness of holding bloody human organs in these strange stories, that's all.

After all, Kanoya had practiced once in Matsuzawa.

Moreover, the pressure given to her by the group of ghosts in front of her was not strong, not even comparable to the usual team building at home.

There are so many wild gods under the master, doesn't Xiaolu still chat and laugh with everyone?

Because he has seen what the aura of a strong man should look like, Kanoya's judgment on Kaitan's strength is relatively accurate.

These monsters and ghosts in front of me are far different from "family members". Not to mention the mistresses and the big dog, it feels like even the little crayon Cai Zhi here can rush in and out of the mist.


A piece of "Autumn Leaf Incense" was sprinkled on the imperial incense burner by Lu Yewu, and the chilling atmosphere spread from the copper burner.

Then quickly pinch an "outer lion seal" to strengthen your physical fitness.

The little deer's figure flashed, and the delicate but heavy incense burner drew a huge arc in the air. It accelerated and flew out instantly, cutting through the air like lightning, making a sharp sound of breaking through the air, and hitting the long breast closest to her. Po.

The chilling aura of "Autumn Leaves Fragrance" is like a golden sword, which can unexpectedly reduce the enemy's mobility and judgment.

There was a muffled sound of metal colliding with flesh.

Before the long-nanny had time to react, she fell straight to the ground, and the copper stove smashed her head.

"It seems that Asaki-sama and I learned the Ogusa-ryu Scythe Technique quite well, too?"

Kanoya's right hand flicked flexibly, and the incense burner that hit the target was quickly pulled back.

At the same time, a Glock pistol had been pulled out of her left hand.

A compact black firearm with pink paint embellishments.

Relying on the touch of target practice, Kanoya aimed at a strange figure in the blue-gray mist.

"Om Panzal Sa Duo Hum..."

The mantra slipped out from the little deer's teeth one byte at a time, clearly and calmly.

After reciting the last byte of the mantra, the Glock pistol case in her hand sensed something, and the golden light flashed slightly...

It's a pity that Xiaolu didn't have time to fire the shot.

Because in the flash of lightning, a tall figure stood in front of her.

The white skirt swayed, looking plump and graceful under the moonlight.

Puff puff puff.

Behind the eight-foot girl and under her skirt, white tentacles wrapped in transparent mucosa wriggled to the ground.

At about the same time, the door of Kamiya's guest room, which was only five or six meters away from Luye House, was blown open by a strong wind with a "clang".

A ray of emerald green color and a dazzling thunder gun bursting with lightning swept out from it!

The moment the thunder exploded, the deer saw the Karasutengu flying towards him, flapping its back wings...


Because the thunder was dazzling just now, there was only a white light left in Xiaolu's field of vision.

Wait until you finally recover.

She looked around and saw that it was still the backyard of the guest room of Kanda Shrine.

However, the night-walking Hundred Demons, Master Bachiku, and Master are not here.

Only the Karasu Tengu folded the wings on its back and stood silently beside the banner embroidered with the word "source".

The cool moonlight fell on the wild divine pattern mask on his face, glowing slightly.

All right.

It seems that he has entered the special space of Karatengu.

"If you give me one more second, just one second, the shot I just made will definitely hit." Xiaolu flattened his mouth and packed up his props.

"I'm sorry. Miss Kanoya, but this is the master's order."

"I got it."

Master's arrangement is the greatest.

Xiaolu knew that Master took her with him mainly to protect her at all times.

If you overestimate your capabilities and want to cause trouble willfully, you would be very sorry to Master.

"However, those weird stories just now don't feel strong. Didn't you say that this time is likely to be a big event? It's strange."

Kanoya is not worried at all about the situation in Kamiya outside.

That kind of low-profile Hyakki Yakou, Master and Hachisha-sama can definitely handle it with their eyes closed.

After packing her belongings, she sat down in the corridor and began to think about her performance in the unexpected situation.

It seems, not bad!

"Hehe. It seems that I am growing well, and the hard work of studying is not in vain."

But, when can I try to truly get rid of the spirit?

"It feels like Master's excessive protectiveness... that day may still be far away."

Outside the side hall of the shrine where the Nuo formation is sealed.

The last four-armed demon was easily chopped down by Kamiya with Ichimonji, which contained lightning.

"Looking good."

The bluish-gray mist began to dissipate as the strange talk was cured.

Inugami was already picking at the corpse of Kaidan that had not dissipated in the shrine and started to eat it.

However, this level of weird stories is not even enough for today's dogs to stuff between their teeth, that is, it is just a snack to eat for entertainment.


After the matter was resolved, Kanoya and Karasutengu also left the Ikkidaka space.

The young apprentice rushed back to his master and saw him wiping the blood on the blade of Ichimonji and turning over a beautiful wrist flower with one hand.

Then he held the knife in one hand and the scabbard in the other, both of them raised to his back shoulder, with the back of the knife close to his neck.

One push.

With a clang, the words were put into the scabbard.

The handsome man put the knife behind his back.


Hannya on the side looked helplessly at Kamiyakawa's gorgeous but unnecessary "settlement action" and snorted slightly.

Isn’t it because tonight’s enemy is vulnerable?

It was installed for him.

But the smiling Hachisuke girl and the starry-eyed Kanoya seem to like this.

And not only them, but the other spirit slayers who had just been fighting Kaitan together also began to gather around Kamiya.

It looks like they are going to talk about something.

Speaking of which, Prajna also found it strange.

For an attack of this magnitude tonight, even if Kamiyagawa is not here and some elite spiritualists are guarding here, there will be no problem with the Nuo formation that suppresses Ping Shomon's head.

Is that what King Xingshi is only at this level?

Two friends got married on National Day and were traveling everywhere, but the road was still jammed. Will add another chapter later.

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