I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 557 Those Ashes

After returning from the mountains, Yusei, Onizuka and others finally arrived outside Sanjujukgendo.

The entire Buddhist temple has been completely shrouded in a mist composed of resentment and ghostly energy.

In the mist, ghostly shadows squirmed.

Jiecheng and others who arrived here were soon attacked by evil spirits.

"Little crack!"

Kisetsuma Kenyu summoned his shikigami.

Because the uncle was busy day and night during this period, the cracked girl seemed to be holding back her anger.

The huge scissors with a terrifying shape clicked and cut, stirring up a stream of fishy wind to attack the enemy.

Everyone at the Juqiong Shrine also used the Platycodon Talisman to cooperate in the battle in tacit understanding.

The little witch summoned the Sunda Talisman, set up the bow, and attached a Li Talisman to the arrow.

The flying arrow shoots out of the air, and with the deft push of the wind, it can accurately hit any target and set off a huge explosion.

The Kaidan who attacked Sanjujukgendo this time was obviously much stronger than the one before.

This is probably the main force gathered with the help of Kifune Myojin's power.

The state of the battle is unusually high.

Fortunately, the investigation team composed of Yusei and Onizuka were well-trained elites in the countermeasures room. It didn't take long for them to wipe out the ghost stories wandering outside the temple.

The investigation team quickly moved inside.

At the same time, the interior of Sanryokugendo Hall.

There are dead and wounded exorcists scattered here and there, as well as various ghostly remains that are slowly turning into ashes.

The scene was extremely tragic.

In the side hall of Sanryokugendo Hall, there is the Nuo formation that suppresses the right hand of Taira Shomon.

The Zen Master Zuxia was still facing off against a huge ghost general with an iron-armored body and shaggy hair.

But the difference has already been made.

The old mage knelt weakly on the ground, his monk's robe stained with blood.

A simple demon-conquering pestle was vibrating and buzzing at him. The smiling, angry, and scolding three Buddha statues on the pestle were vivid and ferocious because they were stained with blood, but they also showed a sense of powerlessness. They just barely emitted a peaceful rainbow light. Shrouded in the ancestral mage's body.

As for the side hall behind the mage, it has been completely destroyed.

The ferocious group of ghosts were jubilant and restless, dragging out the withered remains of an arm from under the Nuo formation that was destroyed by spells and resentment.

"It's really tenacious." The Ghost King's cyan blue eyes looked at the old mage from top to bottom, "But that's the end of it."

The Ghost Emperor's strength is probably above that of Aragami.

But it seems that he cannot be treated as an ordinary Aragami.

Because he has a strong "ghost among ghosts" aura on his body, as well as resentment, curse power, and even the power of Nuo God and Kifune Myojin.

A variety of forces mixed together to create the stitched Ghost Emperor.

Even if the ancestral mage tried his best to resist, the power of the spiritual master present could not even cause effective damage to the Ghost King in a short period of time, let alone defeat him.

It is already rare to be able to delay until now under the opponent's fierce attack.

Gloomy blue resentment and twisted black line-like curses poured out from the Ghost King's huge body. The terrifying aura suppressed all the spiritual masters present so that they could not stand up straight and prostrate themselves to the ground.

The power of the spell rolled up Ping Jiangmen's right hand, and the withered stump became vivid and full at a speed visible to the naked eye. The knotted muscles are like steel sculptures, and the veins and blood vessels are bulging and coiling like snakes.

The strong severed arm was connected to the ghost emperor's torso, and was combined with resentment and curse power.

"We are whole."

The Ghost King clenched his right hand and looked at the jubilant ghosts and the panicked ghost exterminators under his command.

"My ancestors, Zen Master!"

Team up with Shinkensuke, Onizuka Kirihotari and others to break through to the central area of ​​Sanjujugendo.

The sight before them made them feel that something was wrong.

There are dead and wounded soul exterminators everywhere, and the evil spirits walking at night seem to be participating in a feast, robbing all kinds of human organs with ferocity.

Screams, groans, and groans from those who were still resisting came one after another.

In such a tragic situation, Jiecheng and others saw the Ghost Emperor under the pale moonlight.

The limbs are mainly the main body, the head is also complete, and the face is covered with a daunting mask of resentment, just like Shura.

"Is that Pingjiangmon?"

"He took away his right hand? But his head!?"


Facing the complete and terrifying Ghost Emperor, the newly arrived people couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"Is there any more?" The Ghost King turned around, and except for taking another look at the cracked girl beside him, he didn't pay attention to anyone else, "A desolate god? But even an desolate god can't do anything to me now. And the general door."

"Little crack!"

Jiecheng reacted quickly and directed the cracked girl to attack.

He also quickly raised his gun and knocked down a monster that rushed out of the mist. It was as big as a calf and looked like a frog.


The mask on the slit girl's face fell off, revealing a bloody mouth that reached to her ears, and her long, slippery scarlet tongue flicked, making a deafening roar. She charged forward, her blood-red windbreaker opened, the hem of her clothes flying, and the scissors with blades on both sides, carrying a strong smell of blood, slashed at the Ghost Emperor.

"You don't know what you can do!"

In the right hand that the Ghost King had already connected, a large sword composed of sneaky resentment and black curse power suddenly condensed.

Go up one space.

The sword and scissors collided together, causing sparks to fly.

The Kitachi lightly resisted the blow from the Ribbon girl, and with just one lift, it knocked the Ribbon girl, who was good at close combat, a long way away.


The cracked girl stabilized her body again a few meters away.

She looked at Ghost New Emperor again.

Very bad.

She didn't know why, but facing this enemy, she felt a little timid in her heart.

A feeling of wanting to surrender to the other person.

"You should obey your emperor!"

The Ghost King turned from defense to offense and raised his sword to slash at the slightly stunned Rift Girl.

"Little crack!"

Jie Chengzhong raised the muzzle of his gun and fired several shots in the direction of the Ghost Emperor.

Onizuka also drew his bow at the same time, but this time there was no Lihuo talisman attached to the arrow, but he used another Sunda talisman to control the wind.

Face attacks from revolvers and bows.

The Ghost King was dismissive of this and didn't even try to hide. He only had eyes for the Slit Girl.

The attacks of these Onmyoji were too weak, and there was no way they could hurt Jiangmen's body.

As long as the female Aragami holding the strange weapon is dealt with, the battle here will be over.

Of course, it would be a pity to kill an Aragami like this.

It would be best to defeat her first, then turn around and kill her onmyoji, and finally use the power of the Oni Emperor to bring the Aragami to his knees.

Bang bang!

Several silver bullets hit the Ghost Emperor's body, causing sparks to fly out.

This kind of attack is not worth mentioning at all.

However, the Ghost King's body suddenly stagnated, and even tilted to the side for a few moments. He inserted the dark sword in his hand into the ground to stabilize his huge body.

At the same time, the arrow fired by Onizuka dexterously circled in the air, making a sharp whistle, bypassing the front of Taira Shomon, and shot hard into his vest.

It was like the skin made of steel was pierced by arrows.


The Ghost Emperor lowered his head in astonishment and looked at Yui Cheng and Onizuka in the distance.

The silver bullets scratched his skin, and the flowing arrows only pierced his skin, which were nothing worth mentioning.

But that's not the point.

The weak attack launched by these two humans actually injured his body.


The little witch's eyes flashed with light, and she was a little excited.

Fortunately, her previous judgment in that deep mountain cave was correct.

Jie Chengzhen Jianyou saw ingredients similar to ashes in the ashes of the campfire.

At the time they didn't know who the ashes belonged to.

But Onizuka guessed that this might be related to King Xingshi, so he collected all the ashes around the bonfire.

And on the way to Sanryokugendo.

The little old man who monitors everywhere at the same time is communicating frequently with everyone——

Over in Tokyo, there were no problems at the Kanda Shrine guarded by Kamiya.

Ping Jiangmen's head was still suppressed under the Nuo formation.

However, Sanjujukgendo suffered a fierce attack.

Oni Huanghei Shomon, whose head is intact but missing his right arm, appears wearing a mask of resentment!

Then the problem arises.

The head of Taira Shomon is clearly still under Kamiya's guard.

Then whose head is on the neck of Heishangmon here at Sanjurokgendo?

On the way here, Onizuka made a rough guess.

Although it is just a conjecture, it is quite different from the facts.

Heishangmon who appears here at Sanjujukgendo, the head on his neck is probably that of King Xingshi!

Although I don’t know what method was used to put the bodies of the two together. But the fact that the head is wearing a mask of resentment can somewhat confirm this guess.

If this idea is correct, then the ashes in the cave in the mountains of Osaka should belong to King Xingse.

King Xingshi cut off his own head, attached it to Ping Jiangmen's body, and burned his original body.

And just now, whether it was the formed bullet, Onizuka's arrowhead, or even the blade of the scissors of the Rift Girl, they were all smeared with the ashes of King Xingshi in advance.

The attack just now worked, indicating that all Onizuka's conjectures were correct.

Since Pingjiangmon's body can accept the head of King Xingshi, then his head is regarded as a part of the body, and the ashes of King Xingshi should be accepted by Pingjiangmon's body.

Even if the resemblance is not as good as the head, there is still a possibility that it can be accepted.

With this compatibility, the weapons of Yui Cheng, Onizuka and others can break through the Ghost Emperor's absolute defense!

"Those ashes." The Ghost Emperor's blue eyes turned, and his eyes were filled with anger. He looked back and forth at the newly appeared enemies, and finally realized what happened. "No. Those ashes have obviously been destroyed by me... ah, princess? Only Maybe it’s you?”

The ashes of King Xingshi's body had been dissipated before the Ghost King left the cave.

will appear in the hands of these onmyojis again, only Takiyashime, who also holds the power of Kifune Myojin's spell, may be causing trouble in secret.

It seemed that the former princess was really determined to be her enemy.

But how did she find herself in time?

Ah, those three cursed nails in Xiangshan.

Those three nails had a faint imprint of magic power on them, but they were discovered and removed by King Xingshi in time.

Now think about it, maybe that brand with a little flaw is just a cover?

Is it the same trick as when he pretended to attack Sanjujukgendo Hall and Kanda Shrine?

It's just a way to test and paralyze the opponent.

The real key is cleverly hidden behind the flaw.

"Jiangmen, your daughter has really... grown up."

He still habitually regards her as the helpless little girl who lost her father a thousand years ago, which is really a miscalculation.

No wonder she made a special appearance in Xiangshan.

"Little crack!"

Jie Chengzhen Jianyou quickly refilled the revolver with a round of bullets.

Hearing the cry of her beloved, the Rift Girl cheered up a little, and once again swung her scissors and attacked the Ghost King.

"Don't think that this is the end. Jiangmen and I will not lose to you. We will all become sacrifices for the new emperor's enthronement!"

The stitched ghost emperor screamed angrily.


Kanda Shrine.

"Master, martial arts are prosperous! I'm waiting for you and Sister Ying to come back."

Kanoya got into the ghost car.

"Stay well in Honganji Temple. Oishi will bring Sanglang, Red Deer, Ayaori, Isohime, and the small can in a while. Don't leave their side."

Kamiyagawa ordered.

Oishi will send his young apprentice to Honganji Temple, where Kanazawa and the others will take care of him.

"Heijiangmon" wearing a mask of resentment appeared in Sanjukgendo, and Kamiyagawa saw through the opponent's tricks almost like Onizuka.

Kanda Shrine has never been that guy's goal.

Kamiya planned to leave this place under the care of other exorcists, take Obara's motorcycle, and rush to Osaka as quickly as possible.

Naturally, there are certain risks in doing so.

For example, everything was just a ploy by King Xingshi to lure the tiger away from the mountain. His real target was actually the Kanda Shrine.

But this possibility is very small.

Judging from the feedback from the little old man on the front line, Ping Jiangmen, who has the head of King Xingshi on his head, has extremely high combat effectiveness.

The head and body fit perfectly.

Taira Shomon's original head is probably no longer needed.

At the moment, it is actually just a game. If King Xingshi really only plans to reach the third level, and Kamiya is stagnant in Tokyo because he is worried about the fifth level, it is also a fool's errand.

Moreover, the Sewing Ghost King is obviously the strongest combat power that Xingshi King can produce. Kamiyagawa, who is also the strongest combat power of his own side, has to go and compete with the opponent.

As long as the Ghost King is dealt with, the matter can be settled this time.

More importantly, Onizuka went to Sanjujukgendo.

"I was put in a position. I hope they can delay me until I arrive."

Judging from past experience, in non-special encounters with demons, being able to create something like the Suture Ghost King is already overwhelming, and it is estimated that there will be no spare power to attack Kanda Shrine.

But for the sake of safety, Kamiya still let the eight-foot girl stay here and gave the [Ungai Mirror] to her for safekeeping.

"Ohara, don't worry about anything. Use your fastest speed to take me to Sansokugendo."

After quickly making personnel arrangements, Kamiya got on the family's fastest ghost vehicle, Sister Obara's motorcycle, and gave the order.

"I know, boss."

Obara had not even pulled his helmet, but the motorcycle was roaring and his fighting spirit was high.

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