I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 559: Visiting when you are ugly

The swords and shadows of Kamiyagawa's men were flying, and thunder and lightning flashed.

There are also Mary's red mist and red spirit, the light of the little tapir's dream, and the skeleton of the whale that constantly staggers towards the ghost emperor's dark skeletal torso.

In the thirty-six halls, the sky and the earth were darkened by their battle.

The Kamiyagawa side originally had a numerical advantage, and those attacking the Ghost Emperor were all elite Aragami, so their attack was a thunderous one.

After several fierce battles, the Ghost Emperor gradually became unsustainable.


Kamiyakawa raised his head and stabbed the Ghost Emperor's chest with a light beam of indigo sword light.

Seeing the Oni Emperor raising his Kotachi to block it, he immediately swept out the Oni Kiri with his Oni hand, chasing after him like a gust of wind. The Ghost King couldn't avoid it, so he could only raise his arms to block it.

There was a loud "clang" sound, and the ghost collided with the black bones, sparks bursting out.

Onikiri struck the target, because the blade had been smeared with King Xingshi's bone powder beforehand, and the blade was only slightly heavy. The radius and ulna of the Oni King's left forearm were neatly broken, and the huge hand bones of his left hand were also chipped away. Down.

The broken hand bones fell to the ground and twisted.

The ribs and left hand were cut off, and the spine was cracked. The Ghost Emperor knew he was invincible.

"We are the emperor, you can't stop us!"

He roared angrily, his hoarse and gloomy voice shook the air, his black bones trembled, and his big cyan blue eyes seemed to be shooting out blue fireworks.

On the Ghost King's broken bones on the ground, the black lines of curse power twisted more violently, turning into a huge pool of shadow, like a group of dark snakes surging around.

It also echoes the bones on the Ghost King's body.

Suddenly, the black bones on the desolate skeleton began to twitch. In the night, the outline of this huge monster looked like a scrawled and terrifying pencil graffiti.

The spreading magic power pierced the bodies of the ghosts and monsters in the mist, becoming thicker, and the pierced ghosts all wailed and turned into ashes and dissipated, blending into part of the black magic power.

In less than a minute, the courtyard of Sanryokugendo was filled with spell power.

It turned into a huge vortex rising from the ground, rolling up like a tornado.

The Ghost King was swallowed up in the center of the vortex.

The spiritual exterminators present who were in acceptable condition, such as Uncle Yui and Onizuka Miko, were completely unable to control the surge of spiritual power in their bodies during such a vision, and could only retreat to avoid the sharp edge and adopt a defensive posture.

Only the Aragami still maintain the strength to fight.

The shikigami under Kamiyagawa began to launch a fierce offensive towards the black vortex.

Mary's blood mist, the dreamy red light of the Dream-eating Tapir, the tidal power of the whale, and the Inugami's karmic fire and rotten air are fighting each other. Each force involved in the black vortex can strip away a large amount of magic power. And dissipated with it.

The originally thick vortex has become a bit thinner with the naked eye, and a gap has been opened.

Kamiya's black eyes were condensed to the extreme, deep and resolute, and the light of the sword and the thunder surrounding him reflected his tall and straight figure.

With a low shout, he pounced towards the gap in the whirlpool of mantra like a vigorous white tiger, his momentum like a rainbow and unstoppable.

Kamiyagawa's state was not greatly affected.

When he calls out Oni Hand and holds Onikiri, he is extremely brave. In addition, he shares the power of Oni and God with Hannya, who is already an Aragami. Among his own combat power, the comprehensive strength of Kamiya in the complete form bound to Hannya is definitely the best. Strong.

Better than Mary and Hua Whale.

Black magic power passed through his body.

It's like burning flames, and like slime that's so slippery that it wants to drown you.

The Prajna attached to the body overflows with its own power of ghosts and gods, softly wrapping Kamiya, giving him protection. The tidal water vapor summoned by Mary's red mist from the whale also forced its way in, filling the space occupied by the gap in the vortex, in order to give the Divine Valley a larger range of activities.

Perform an advance with a sword.

Like walking through a thorn bush.

The black lines of magic power roared and twisted, trying to pierce Kamiya's body, especially his shining black eyes. However, they were blocked by the power of Prajna and other shikigami, and they were guarded tightly. In the end, those black lines just continued to circle around one meter away from Kamiya's body.


The ghost hand waved the ghost sword and slashed horizontally again. Wherever the blade passed, the howling wind was like the wail of a resentful spirit, and the black line like a twisted jungle in front of him was cut open and dissipated.

The large black area faded away, and Kamiyagawa stared, finally catching a glimpse of the scene deep in the vortex from the twisted and wriggling gaps——

I saw the ghost emperor's broken and huge body, slightly suspended in the air.

Lines of curse power, as thick as a python, were circling around him, wrapping him like amniotic fluid.

As for the Xingshi King's head on the top of the Ghost King's black skeletal torso, the mask of resentment on the face became dull, and the three original strong colors turned into gray at this time. The original cyan blue light at the position of his eyes also disappeared.

"What's going on? The Ghost King is asleep? What on earth is he going to do?"

Although he was confused, no matter what the stitched ghost emperor wanted to do, Kamiya planned to stop him.

Onikiri continued to move forward arrogantly.

As shikigami, Mari and Kagami share the same mind with Kamiya, and they cooperate very well. They will immediately use their own strength to hold up the space that was cut open, preventing the curse from filling it up again.

Not long after, Kamiya squeezed into the center of the vortex.

The messy black curse lines danced wildly here. As he advanced here, he felt an indescribable abnormality.

A sense of crisis filled my heart.

This is the first time Kamiya has felt danger since he arrived at Sanryokugendo tonight to start a battle with the Ghost Emperor. In previous battles, he had always been in a state of ease due to the suppression of hard power.

Subconsciously raised his head.

In the vortex of the curse, the sky and the earth hung upside down.

Because he mastered the skill of "Yunyao", Kamiyakawa's eyesight was extremely sharp. He raised his head and stared for a few seconds, and could barely see the situation above.

There was only a dim light in the clouds in the sky. I wonder if it was the light from the moon buried in the dark clouds.

In addition to the constant rotation of the magic power below, there is also another vortex in the air.

The dark clouds were churning and swirling.

The upper and lower forces echo each other, like two giant funnels upside down.

While Kamiya was staring at the vortex in the sky, his back suddenly shone, and a feeling of coldness slid across his limbs like maggots.

There's no mistaking this feeling.

As he stared above, something was staring back at him!

The clouds in the sky rolled more violently, and the little light buried in them shone a little.

Then, the bright and huge full moon suddenly pressed out from the dark clouds.


That's not the moon.

Although it is perfect, bright and shining.

But Kamiyagawa could tell that in the center of the white outline of the luminous object above, there was a black eye that was twitching crazily!

That thing in the sky is a huge eye!

And all the black curse lines wrapped around the ghost emperor's body, spinning and extending upward, and connected with the black pupil of the giant eye in the sky.

This makes the Ghost Emperor look like a giant marionette.

"That thing is looking at me!"

Kamiyagawa's heart was ringing with alarm bells.

Regarding the eye in the sky, he immediately made a guess, or perhaps an intuition.

That should belong to Kifune Myojin.

That is to say, the dragon god is also the god of curses.

The ritual of King Xingshi's resurrection of Taira Shomon came from this god. The Takiyashahime Rebellion a thousand years ago was also inseparable from him, so he must be right.

During the God War, Kifune Myojin, who stood on Huangquan's side, and Kamiyagawa, the current master of Takamagahara, were hostile forces.

However, this eye in the sky gave Kamiyagawa a sense of crisis.

But how to put it...

It doesn't feel like there is a crisis of death in the next second.

Anyu Kami is a descendant of the God of Fire, the grandson of Izanagi and Izanami, and is also the main fighting force in Huangquan, except for Susanoo, and his status and strength are not low.

With Kamiya's current strength, looking directly into the eyes of such a god would probably cause no less harm and burden to the body than summoning fellow Eastwarders.

But he doesn't feel that level of discomfort now, and his brain is very clear.

The Kifune Myojin in the sky must not be a complete body. Maybe it is some kind of power in this god?

As for why He appears here.

Perhaps Kifune Myojin had already planned something.

When you are ugly, you pay homage and you are resurrected...

Mortals who pray to Kibune Myojin may gain power from this cursed god.

Kamiya had previously felt that this method of obtaining the power of the gods was too cheap and convenient.

And according to the information previously obtained, it seems that Kifune Myojin will respond as long as you worship during the ugly time.

However, most of the worshipers' bodies cannot bear the power of the gods, so they will die suddenly within a few days of the ceremony.

Therefore, worshiping during the ugly time is listed as an absolute forbidden technique in the countermeasures room.

Isn't it strange that an ancient god is so high above us that he responds to people's requests?

The last "god" Kamiya came into contact with who would definitely respond to him whenever he asked for help was his fellow eastwarder.

According to the medicine seller, the current state of the East Crosser is very bad, even weird.

It was probably sealed somewhere by some kind of power.

So, the current situation of Kifune Myojin may be similar?

Thinking of this, Kamiya seemed to have guessed what the real purpose behind that strange Choutoki visit was——

Perhaps it was a method used by Kifune Myojin to break through the seal.

"Takiyashahime is one of the few people who has recorded success in paying homage during the ugly time. And King Xingshi is inextricably linked to his father, Taira Shomon, and may even have directly participated in the youkai rebellion at that time... Taira Shomon's death The last one is a ghost among ghosts. How to resurrect him is also the instruction given by Kifune Myojin..."

Not good.

If there is really a suitable candidate in the world who can achieve the goal of Kifune Myojin breaking through the seal.

That's definitely Pingjangmon.

Although there were a lot of thoughts in his mind, in fact, these thoughts were all completed in an instant. Even the moment he saw the huge eye in the whirlpool of black clouds in the sky, Kamiya made a move.

He flipped his left hand, and the sandalwood-red musket [Banshee Kai] appeared in his hand.

A gunshot sounded as shrill as a banshee's cry.

The Banshee's gun spit out fire mixed with thunder.

The phantom of the armored Demon King of the Sixth Heaven slowly stood up from behind Kamiya. The gorgeous armor trembled like a ball of flames squeezed into the space filled with curse power, and continued to stretch upwards.


The Ichimonji blade was raised, and the blade trembled slightly.

The shadow of Oda Nobunaga also raised his hand simultaneously and pointed toward the center of the whirlpool ahead.

Countless illusory firecrackers were outlined in the air behind Kamiya.

The artillery fire roared and poured out towards the Skeleton Ghost King.

No matter what, let’s break the link between the Ghost Emperor and the giant eye in the sky first!

The artillery fire stirred up thick smoke and heat waves.

Countless projectiles are like a group of invisible ghosts, flying freely in the black line of the curse and exploding violently.

Each explosion shook the air.

The fire flickered in the darkness, illuminating small gaps, burning like the flames of hell. Dust and ghost emperor's bone fragments were thrown high in the explosion, forming thick plumes of smoke.

Continuous explosions exploded a large number of black lines of magic power.


These black lines can be destroyed by either the power of the shikigami or the power of Kamiya, and they are not so strong that it is unacceptable.

[Three Thousand Worlds] blasted away a large amount of spell power, once again effectively weakening the thickness of the black vortex. Kamiya's Aragami also seized the opportunity to attack from all directions.

Mary has the blood mist; the dog has the aura of corruption and karmic fire; the little tapir has the rainbow light of dreams; the transformed whale has the aura of ocean waves as the Lord of the Ocean.

Each of the Aragami has the ability to protect itself from the power of the curse.

And after several internal and external attacks, this huge whirlpool is no longer as scary as it was at the beginning.

"Be able to fight and stop the Ghost Emperor's behavior!"

Kamiya gave an order and led the shikigami to charge towards the Skeleton Ghost Emperor again.

The giant eye in the sky seemed to be aware of the threat that Kamiya and others could bring.

He really could have prevented everything that happened here.

As a result, the eyes of the giant eye in the clouds twitched more violently.

The black threads of magic power that were still barely connected to the eye surged, and the ghost emperor who was surrounded by magic power was pulled up like a puppet.

The ribs and left hand that had been chopped off by Kamiya were also squeezed out by the cluster of magic power and rejoined back to the Ghost King's body.

His body became taller, his bones seemed to have been tempered thousands of times, strange light flickered, and the power of the gods became stronger and stronger, but there was only one thing that could not keep up with this change——

his head.

The head of King Xingshi, wearing the mask of resentment, became even darker, and his head even showed signs of melting under the pull of the spell.

It's like steel being thrown into a furnace, and thick molten iron flows down from it.

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