I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 689 Yatagarasu

Apogi Plain under the night.

The Apogi River flows quietly around the vast plain. Under the shining of a large moon in the sky, the upper reaches of the river reflect a bright glimmer.

The lower reaches of the river near Chikushi Castle are another scene.

The people of Chikushi Castle gather around the Apogi River to release river lanterns.

This is part of the celebration to commemorate Izanagi.

On the water, river lanterns of various shapes float, made of bamboo strips and colored paper, solid and beautiful.

The orange candlelight on the river lanterns sways, the light is soft and warm, and it floats up and down in the water, like stardust, forming a brilliant light belt, baking a flowing and beautiful dream on the river.

Peaceful and beautiful, no one wants to break it.

On the river bank, far away from the gathering point of people.

A small figure wanders.

This is a little girl, like everyone else who participates in the festival, she is also a people in Chikushi Castle.

The girl was wearing a heavy black hooded cloak, and the bottom of the heavy hem dragged on the muddy ground. Her hood was pulled down so low that others could not see the upper half of her face clearly.

Below the bridge of her nose, you can see her pale lips and some sickly pale skin.

Like some of the human grass, the girl has some divine abilities and some "outside of human" characteristics -

She has two pairs of black wings on her back.

These four back wings are huge, and they can wrap her up completely when folded.

The black clothes and black wings, tightly wrapped, make the girl look even more gloomy.


The human grass in Chikushi Castle all call this girl this.

In the hands of the little Yatagarasu, there is also a river lantern made of bamboo strips and colored paper, which is shaped like a small boat.

She walked to the river bank and folded the wings on her back to block the night wind. Then she carefully lit the river lantern and held it into the river.

The Yatagarasu watched her little river lantern drift away with the water, and then clasped her fingers together and placed them on her chest, which had just begun to develop and was slightly raised.

According to the custom of the festival, the people would make a wish when they released the river lanterns.

It is said that the river lanterns will carry everyone's wishes and drift to the side of Lord Izanagi.

"I hope Lord Taoxian will not have to work so hard anymore."

The great immortal Taoshen has always been the manager of Tsukushi Castle. He is gentle, kind and friendly, and is deeply loved by the people.

There are many people in the city, and the young Yatagarasu has not actually had any direct contact with Taoxian.

But like everyone else, she respects that adult from the bottom of her heart.

"If Lord Izanagi can hear what I say, I hope that everyone will not be trapped in Apogi Plain any longer."

"Also, I hope that other people in the city will stop teasing me and playing pranks on me. Lord Izanagi, I am really a good child and have not done anything bad. I can swear."

Yatadori muttered in a somewhat childish tone.

She made three wishes in one breath, and she didn't know if she was a little too greedy.

But today is the most grand millennium celebration in history. Yatadori thinks that Lord Izanagi should also understand it, right?

The night wind blows over the river.

Perhaps the weight of the three wishes is too heavy. The lonely river lantern released by Yatadori swayed violently in the small wind and waves before it could float far away and gather with other river lanterns.

The candle on it was about to go out.

Yatadori held her breath and felt distressed.

But after three or five seconds, the river lantern boat she released stabilized firmly again.

The candlelight above also tended to be stable.


Yatadori breathed a sigh of relief.

And at this moment, with a "whoosh" sound.

A stone flew from behind, brushing against Yatadori's black cape and smashing into the river.

The stone landed a few centimeters away from the paper boat river lantern, and the ripples began to shake the dim yellow light the size of a grain of rice.

Then came the second stone, the third...

They all fell into the river like raindrops.

Yatadori turned around in panic and saw a group of human grass children of the same age standing behind her.

Those children were residents of Tsukushi Castle.

The leading human grass child was named "Xiang Er", and his head was like a big oak fruit.

Yatadori knew them, but they were not playmates.

Yatadori had no playmates.

"Xiang Er, what are you doing! Stop!" Yatadori was a little angry, and the wings on her back spread out, and her tone was obviously angry.

But the other children ignored her protest and continued to throw stones into the river.

Soon, Yatagarasu heard a "bang" and another stone fell into the water.

Then the leader, Xiang Er, began to cheer: "Hit it! Hit it!"

The other children also shouted happily.

Yatagarasu looked into the river and saw that the river lantern she had released had fallen on the water. The warm yellow light that carried her full of wishes was also extinguished by the river water and no longer existed.

"Why...why did you do this?"

Xiang Er's oak head shook proudly, and he said as a matter of course: "Of course I can't let you release the river lantern. Who knows what terrible wish you made."

"That's right, that's right!"

"Maybe you want to kill everyone in the city!"

"I didn't make a bad wish! You guys are talking nonsense..." The anger in Yata Bird's voice seemed to be extinguished along with the river lanterns, and was replaced by a slapping sound mixed with water vapor.

"Bad people will never admit that they have done bad things!"

"Yes, yes!"

"My grandma said that wherever you appear, nothing good will happen!"

"You're going to kill everyone in this city!"

The children continued to shout, one voice drowning out the other.

Their yells and curses could not reach the distant celebration crowd immersed in the lively atmosphere, but they could clearly penetrate into Yata bird's ears.

The fledgling bird, with its dark wings, stood on the bank of the river at a loss, confronting the group of peers.

The river water behind her soaked the hem of her overly long clothes and stained her feathers. The night wind blew her clothes, making her shiver with cold.

The excited children had not yet stopped criticizing Yata Bird, and their tone became even more intense:

"Wherever you appear, someone will die. The day before Grandma Feng died, I heard you singing beside her house!"

"Before my third uncle fell ill and died, you sang in front of my house."

"Yes, you were the one who killed them!"

"Only the underworld will let people die. You are not a person at all, you are a bad thing who escaped from the underworld!"

"I'm not, I didn't! I just heard that they were in pain, and I just wanted them to..."

Yatagora still wanted to argue, but the children ignored her and didn't care what she said.

Later, I don’t know which child made the move first, maybe it was Oak Er, maybe it was someone else.

The group of children began to pick up stones on the ground and throw them at Yata Bird.

"Go back to hell!"

"You murderer!"

The helpless Yata Bird could only fold the wings on her back and wrap them around her body. Her voice was completely whimpering: "I'm not, no... you... you..."

And those blunt or sharp stones hit her wings and her body with the same pain.

This bullying lasted for about half a minute.

Until a small, emerald-green ferocious thunder shot out from nowhere.


The thunder and lightning exploded in front of the children like Oak 2 and others, stretching out a spider-like thunder net. The terrifying arcs rolled and sputtered, and the hot air heat wave shocked Oak 2 and others to the ground.

Such a noise finally alerted the other people gathering far away on the river bank.

"Although I don't know what happened here. But before I seriously educate you brats, enough is enough."

The array of feathers with a black background and intricate gold patterns swayed in the night wind, standing tall in front of the Yata bird.

"Aba Aba!"

The short monk wearing a dark bamboo hat, following behind Yu Zhi, was pointing at Yu Er and his group, which probably meant——

It is always wrong to work together to bully others.

Of course, it’s another matter when the master is in a team fight.

Kamiyagawa would appear here with the little old man, but he was really just passing by.

He just went to the palace in Zhuzi City and did not find the Great Immortal Peach God.

So I went to the river bank and continued searching.

When I got here, I happened to encounter a group of human grass children throwing stones at a human grass girl with wings on her back. Although I didn't understand the whole story, I still stopped them.

Akiji's kids were really frightened by the "miniature version" of Dragon Thunder thrown by Kamiyagawa.

Immediately the birds and beasts dispersed.

"Are you OK?"

Kamiyakawa looked at the little humanoid girl behind him.

"I'm not, I'm not, I'm not..."

The girl still fell to the ground, wrapping herself in jet-black wings, and her four wings kept shaking, as if the attack from Oak Er and the others had not stopped.

After all, Kamiyagawa was the one who raised a "daughter" at home, and he couldn't bear to see the little girl's pitiful appearance.

So he raised his hand and gently held one of the girl's back wings, trying to pull her up from the ground.


The moment he touched the girl, Kamiyagawa quickly let go of his hand as if he was electrocuted.

He even jumped back nimbly and pulled out the boy Che Anzuna with a "clang" sound.

Something is wrong.

Something just felt wrong.

"I'm not...no!"

The girl was still sobbing.

Kamiyakawa narrowed his eyes and looked at her, but saw that the outline of the girl's body quickly became blurred in the night.

Centered around her location, a darkness thicker than night squirmed out like tentacles.

This smell is so familiar.

Extremely filthy, extremely depraved.

It is the breath of Huangquan.

"What happened to her?"

Even Kamiyagawa could not understand the situation in front of him for the time being.

Before he touched the girl, there was clearly no trace of underworld-related aura left on her body.

A few more seconds passed.

At this time, not only was the outline of the human grass girl blurred, but her body was completely engulfed in the thick and flowing darkness like oil, and only her muffled whimpering could be heard continuing to echo.

And the darkness with the aura of underworld has torn a hole in the space on the river bank, pouring out and crowding out.


Several short humanoid bodies, with rotting flesh and unclear outlines, began to emerge from the darkness, accompanied by heavy gasps.

On the bodies of those humanoids, wriggling black maggots could be seen.

"These things look far from being Yin gods. At most, they are just Yin soldiers of Huangquan. Or... something contaminated by Huangquan."

An enemy of this level is no match for Shen Gu at all.

He pulled his left hand into the air, and the dazzling, hideous, huge Dragon Thunder Spear was held in his palm.

The dazzling lightning tore through the night, illuminating the river surface, and piercing the golden patterned feathers swaying wildly in the heat wave. The arcs of electricity splashed, and the outer edges whipped towards the muddy ground like whips.


The emerald green dragon thunder swept, and the decayed and festering humanoids collapsed like a rotten tree.

The disgusting Huangquan maggots were also blown apart, and the arcs chasing each other were burned.

The darkness with the breath of the underworld retracted into the crack of space like a tentacle.

"Just like that?"

Kamiya was quite surprised, because he couldn't even warm up now.

But then, he felt something was wrong.

His condensed pupils scanned the surroundings, and Kamiya noticed that the colors of the surrounding environment were fading rapidly, especially the river lanterns on the Apogi River, which were strangely dim and pale.

The space was turning.

The Apogi River seemed to flow above his head.

Kamiya's senses seemed to be pulled out of his body, rising lightly.

He heard cries, fighting, and smelled the smell of blood and fire.

The Apogi River, which was not sure whether it was under him or above his head, the river lanterns on the river were completely invisible, replaced by filth and blood, soaking the river surface.

In addition, Kamiya also saw Chikushi Castle.

The magnificent and solid city became dilapidated for some reason.

On the streets of the city, corpses of sluts can be seen everywhere. Half of the red and white paper lanterns are soaked in blood, and the other half are burning.

In the dilapidated and silent Tsukushi Castle, there are still sluts alive.

Kamiya Kawa saw a familiar figure.

The plain white silk dress without any pattern decoration was now stained with blood.

The slut girl named "Sakura" was crying on the two corpses.

"Father... Mother..."

However, no one could respond to her.


The strange sense of sensory withdrawal did not last too long.

Before Kamiya Kawa wanted to make some attempts to resist, his consciousness seemed to fall back into his body.

He found that he was now standing at the gate of Tsukushi Castle with the little old man's body.

This big city is still the same as normal, with strong walls and magnificent city.

The surrounding environment is a little dark and the air is a little cold.

But it is not night at this time, because Kamiya Kawa can see the sun rising on the eastern horizon.

It is sunrise now.

Kamiya looked at the little old man.

The scout also looked confused. It was obvious that even he, who had a superb perception ability, didn't know what was happening.

Then, before Kamiya could analyze and think about the situation, a figure walked slowly towards the city gate from the streets of Chikushi Castle.


Her white, simple silk dress was not stained with blood, and her steps were very brisk.

When approaching the city gate, the girl quietly looked at the strange and handsome boy outside while continuing to walk forward. Just as the two were about to pass by each other, Kamiya called her: "Sakura."

The girl turned around immediately, with a slightly puzzled expression on her face:

"You... recognize me?"

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