I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 692 Three Promises

While Kamiya River was communicating with Big Yatagarasu, the Big Peach God and the Little Yatagarasu were also having a conversation on the river bank.

These two phantoms had no soul attached to them, and would not react to the "outsiders" like Kamiya River. They would only replay what happened in the "Millennium Celebration" -

Big Peach God: "Sorry, Yatagarasu, I should have come to you earlier. I know everything about you. Don't be sad, good boy, you have never done anything wrong."

Little Yatagarasu: "But everyone in the city doesn't like me."

"It's not like that, they are just... too scared."

"Are you afraid of dying?"

Little Yatagarasu recalled what Grandma Huai said in the afternoon.

"Yes. But for human grass, birth, aging, illness and death are inevitable. That's why what Yatagarasu did is of great significance to the entire Chikushi Castle."


The Great Peach God: "Yatatagarasu, soothing the soul and eliminating the fear of death of the dying is something that even I can't do. I can feel that as a human grass, you have a very strong divinity. You are the strongest one in Apoki Plain in the past thousand years."

"The path you are going to take is different from others. You will be here for a long time, just like me. So in the future, you may say goodbye to many people you once knew. Maybe it's too early to tell you this now, but I hope you can promise me - please always use your own way to protect this place with me."

Protect Chikushi Castle and Apoki Plain.

The young Yatagarasu at that time could not fully understand the mission she had to bear.

Just singing for the people in the city before they die, is this the way to protect?

The Yatagarasu comforted the dying in Tsukushi Castle, partly out of instinct, and partly because she could feel the sadness, fear, and uneasiness of the dying souls at the end of their lives, which made her feel a little bit reluctant.

But the grasses are all afraid of death.

After all, for them, death is linked to the underworld.

Although she didn't quite understand, out of respect for Taoxian, the little Yatagarasu nodded ignorantly.

This is a promise made by the young Yatagarasu to the great Taoxian.

Seeing the Yatagarasu nod, Taoxian seemed a little happy.

She leaned down and rubbed the black hood of Yatagarasu: "You are really amazing, Yatagarasu. Do you know? A thousand years ago, I was not much taller than you are now. But like you, I promised that adult and made a promise to him."

"That adult? Is it Lord Izanagi?"

"Yes. I promised him to protect this place well. Let's work together in the future, Yatagarasu. You must do what you promised - I will give hope to the living, and you will give peace to the dead."

The Great Immortal Peach God smiled and blinked at Yatagarasu.

This peach fairy who has existed for a thousand years is a kind and lovable leader in front of the people.

But at this time, she is just like a playful big sister.


On the bank of the Apoki River.

The child king of Chikushi Castle, Aoji, and the group of children who follow his lead have dispersed.

However, Aoji is not in the mood to enjoy the festive atmosphere now.

The big acorn head on his neck shook unwillingly: "What's so good about that guy who only kills everyone? Even Taoxian-sama..."

Xiang Er hates Yatagarasu.

That guy is dark and weird.

But he knows that Taoxian-sama seems to have been paying attention to Yatagarasu silently.

Xiang Er's father is a general in Chikushi Castle. As the right-hand man of the great Taoshen, he often goes in and out of the palace in the city.

And the fact that Taoxian pays attention to Yatagarasu was also heard by Xiang Er from his father by chance.

To be honest, Xiang Er is very jealous of this.

Shouldn't Taoxian-sama pay more attention to me?

I will definitely become a powerful general like my father in the future.

I will work hard for Taoxian-sama and protect everyone in the city.

You should look at me more.

"So, what's so good about Yatagarasu?"

Xiang Er walked in the crowd, still thinking so.

Suddenly, he was pulled from behind, and a familiar and deep voice sounded:

"Where have you been? You haven't released your river lantern yet, go release the river lantern."

Xiang Er turned around and saw his father.

A man with a majestic appearance, like a giant tree.


Xiang Er nodded.

Today is the grand millennium celebration, and his serious and old-fashioned father is gentler than usual.

Xiang Er turned around and was about to take the river lantern when he heard his father's voice again behind him.

"Yatadori... Thank you..."

It was my father's voice.

But there was no sense of majesty at all, it was weak and vague, as if every byte was squeezed out of the throat with great difficulty. Like a dying person with a faint breath, but with a sense of relief and peace that could not be described.


Xiang Er looked back in surprise, but saw that his father was just standing there as usual.

He nodded: "Well, the river lanterns are well made this year. Go make a wish to Lord Izanagi, and may he bless you to become a man."

Xiang Er lowered his head and looked at his hands.

But he hasn't brought the river lantern over yet.

Yu Er felt a little dazed, and in his sight, his father's familiar face seemed a little blurry.

Some strange images came to his mind.

He saw his father, who was always majestic, lying on the bed at home with injuries all over his body, his face distorted and he groaned in pain.

Then he saw Yata Bird holding a dim lantern and standing quietly in front of his father's bed. There was no wind in the room, but the thick black robe on her body was swaying.

So, what’s so good about Yata bird?

No...she seems...she seems to be a very, very good person...

She gave her father the final peace.


Why do I think Yatadori is good?

What are those things that I just remembered?

Has anything like this ever happened?

When did it happen?

Oak Er's brain became chaotic, as if a sharp knife had been stabbed into his head, stirring continuously.

Everything he could see began to distort.

The bustling crowd and the brilliant river lantern strips on the Apoqi River.

He didn't know why, but he felt like he had seen this scene countless times.

My head felt heavy and my body ached, like a knife being twisted, and it felt like there were countless disgusting maggots crawling inside my body.

So painful...

The severe physical and mental pain, I don’t know how long it lasted, but it was extremely long. To be more precise, it should be endless.

When Oak Er finally looked around again.

Those bright, lively, and joyful colors and atmosphere have all disappeared.

Oak Er found himself standing in the ruins.

Desolate, dilapidated, and devastated.

The once glorious and solid Chikushi Castle has almost lost all its outlines. It has been torn, crushed, and shattered. Only some broken walls and ruins are left, scattered lonely in the endless wilderness.

The shapeless outline of the ruins cast long shadows under the pale moonlight.

Oak Er saw countless filthy figures wandering among the ruins.

In this moment, he remembered everything, everything.

Including the endless cycle of thousand-year celebrations, and the destruction of Tsukushi Castle——

After the Millennium Celebration, the peaceful life of Tsukushi City lasted for five years.

Then one day, such days ended without any warning.

Huangquan's Yin Shen Yin soldiers appeared on Apoqiyuan.

Master Da Taoxian and his father led the people to resist the enemy, but to no avail.

His father was soon eroded by the filthy atmosphere of the underworld, and when he was about to die in pain, the Yata Bird came to his home and practiced it for his father, giving him the final peace.

After that...

There was no more, and not long after, Zhuzi City was captured and fell.

Zhuzi City is no longer here...

Yu Er lowered his head and saw countless black maggots wrapping around his rotting body.

But why hasn't he died yet?

Then, he heard the cries of the filthy humanoids around him, hysterical and in agony.

"It hurts……"

"Help me, let me die, let me die..."

"Go back to the dream...I want to go back to the dream!"


Although he recalled everything and saw the bleak reality, Oakji's dying consciousness was unable to process such a massive amount of information.

He just wailed and wailed along with the other dying people.

Then, he felt like he was being pulled by some dreamy and gentle force, like a baby entering his mother's arms, or like a lone boat being sucked into a never-ending, inescapable whirlpool.

Falling, just falling.

The next second——


Kakuji exclaimed and sat up from the bed.

It seems to be still early now, the sky is just getting dark.

The light of morning light, accompanied by the chirping of birds, bursts in from the window with vitality and vitality.

Oak Er felt as if he had had a very terrifying nightmare, but he couldn't recall the details of the dream.

After a while, his mother walked into his room: "Oak Er, get up quickly. Today is the Millennium Celebration. You have to make a river lantern for yourself. Only if you make it yourself, will your wish come true."

So, Oak Er put aside the nightmare for the time being.


Compared with terrifying dreams, real and beautiful reality is worthy of nostalgia.

Who would want to live in a nightmare?

Get moving.

Today is the most lively millennium celebration.

Build a purple city at the gate.

Kamiyagawa and the little old man's body appeared here again.

"It's the third day and hopefully it's the last day here."

Kamiya thought so.

"Last night" his Yama Lord Kaoru Kaoru showed up and met with the real Yatatori.

The two people, each holding a certain amount of death authority, after a long conversation, finally decided on one thing——

The painful souls trapped in dreams in Apoqiyuan, neither alive nor dead, should be able to be sent to the River Styx through the cooperation of Xiang Yuexun, who is in charge of the Santu River, and Yata Bird, who is extraditing the dead.

The underworld controlled by Xiangyue is different from the underworld. It is the place where the dead should go after appearing later.

Maybe it will be a good destination for the dead souls of those humans.

However, Xiangyue also made it clear that her power as Lord Yama is not complete now, and Santuchuan is still being rebuilt.

Therefore, it is not possible to send the dead souls of human grass to reincarnation.

Even if all those souls can be sent to Santuchuan, they can only be placed in the flower field on the other side first.

Moreover, the souls here have been trapped for an infinite time. Even if they go to Santu River, they can no longer appear normally. At most, they sleep unconsciously, waiting for the day when the authority of Styx is perfected.

But being able to do this, Yatabirdi is already very satisfied.

As a result, this A-level extradition god of death temporarily formed an offensive and defensive alliance with Kamiyagawa.

She will help Kamiya leave the dreamland.

As for how to do it specifically, there is only one way -

Defeat the Great Immortal Peach God who controls this endless dream.

Yata Bird knows where the real Great Immortal Peach God is.

In fact, Yatatori has made many attempts in order to end this endless nightmare and to give the deceased in Tsukushi City the final peace as promised.

At first, she just prayed to Tao Xian to stop such things.

But got no reply.

After probably being trapped in the dream for hundreds of years, Yata Bird finally used force to challenge the most beloved Great Immortal Peach God in the past.

In a long time, she has challenged Taoxian countless times.

However, they all ended in failure.

From another perspective, Yatatori also needs the assistance of Kamiyagawa's power.

"Let's go, let's go find the Yata Bird and make preparations for the final battle. I hope the Great Immortal Peach God will have what we want."

Kamiyakawa greeted the little old man next to him like this.

And just when the two were about to leave the city gate, the familiar figure in white silk from Zhushi City slowly walked out.

Sakura, a human grass girl who met Kamiyagawa twice.

Yatatori said "yesterday" that as an outsider who does not belong to the dream, Kamiya's contact with the phantom body in the dream where the soul is attached may make them wake up.

And after seeing the extremely tragic reality clearly, these poor souls will only suffer even more.

So this time, Kamiyagawa didn't plan to talk to Sakura again.

But just when he was about to turn around and leave, the human grass girl took the initiative to speak and stopped him: "Well, please wait a moment."

"Is that me?"

Kamiyakawa stopped.

It seems that Sakura has indeed become different from before.

"Well, that's it... well, have we met somewhere?" Sakura asked, staring straight at Kamiyakawa's face.

"No, I've never seen you."

"Really? But I always feel..." Sakura hesitated, her bright eyes turned a little sad for some reason, "I feel like I have wanted to ask you to watch tonight's River Lantern Festival together more than once. "


"Sorry, I said something strange." The human grass girl's expression became tangled, and then she took a deep breath, "I don't know what happened to me. But, um... Excuse me, can we watch the river lanterns together tonight? ?"


"I just feel that if I don't ask, I may never have a chance again. I'm not usually such a strange person, really!" Seeing that Kamiyakawa didn't speak, the girl hurriedly explained her impulsive and strange behavior. .

But then, she heard——

"Okay, let's go see the river lanterns together tonight."

Kamiya felt that Sakura's change was related to him.

Maybe we should take some responsibility.

Moreover, as long as you defeat the Great Immortal Peach God, today will be the last day of the celebration cycle.

The girl in front of her has provided her with a lot of information, so she can feel a little happier now.

"Did you agree?" Sakura was visibly happy. She pointed to a bank of the Apoqi River, "I will be waiting for you there that night. I can't go back on what I promised!"

Afterwards, perhaps fearing that Kamiyagawa might change her mind again, Sakura quickly ran away with brisk steps.

"I, I made an appointment to help Aunt Can. See you tonight!"

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