I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 698: Waking up from a dream

The filthy and withered giant peach tree collapsed.

The twisted and hard trunk shrank, became soft, and revealed a human shape.

The Great Immortal Peach God began to show the female posture in the dream, but not as holy and noble as in the dream. His body was still affected by the power of the underworld and still filthy.

Due to the attack of Yatagarasu just now, the blade of the long-handled sickle was sinking into the back of Taoxian, and the sharp blade pierced out of his chest. The turbid blood in the form of tree pulp dripped down along the blade.

The eyes of the Great Immortal Peach God were no longer frantic, and a little bit of clarity was restored.

For the last time, the power of fantasy permeated his body.

However, the object of this power was not Yatagarasu and Kamiya River.

That kind of blurred power was washing Taoxian's own body. The black maggots twisting around his body struggled even more fiercely at this moment, but soon fell one after another, turning into rotten peach flowers, blooming and quickly withering.

What the Great Peach God did, which was like a last gasp of light, was certainly not enough to remove the Yellow Springs aura from his body.

And the black maggots that were the embodiment of the Yellow Springs aura would soon reappear in his body.

But doing it this way would at least be more decent.

You have to know that a long, long time ago, when he was first created by Izanagi, the Great Peach God was just a little girl who loved to be beautiful.

He didn't want to leave with the ugly appearance of the Yellow Springs God.

"Lord Peach God?"

Yatadori loosened the sickle in her hand and raised her hand to support the Great Peach God.

She had a feeling that the current Peach God seemed to have turned back into the respectable leader and the reliable big sister she once was.

Although this transformation might not last too long.

Yatadori could keenly sense that the tired soul of the Great Peach God, which was riddled with holes due to pollution and decay, was about to collapse.

"Yatadori, I'm so sorry... I seem to have had a very absurd dream."

"Lord Taoxian..."

"Hehe... Hehe..." The Great Taoxian God tried to make his tone as brisk as before, "Will you give me peace, Yatadori? That's good, you did a good job... We had an agreement before."

Yatadori's lips moved slightly, but she couldn't speak.

Her eyebrows drooped, and her eyes finally became sad.

During the battle, Yatadori could still suppress her emotions and make the most rational judgments and behaviors.

But now...

Now, the indisputable fact is in front of her--

She killed the god she once loved with her own hands.

But Yatadori knew that she should face all this, and this kind of thing should be done by herself, and should not be done by Kamiya River and others.

After all, she had made an agreement with the Great Taoxian God.

"Yatadori, you've worked hard... You've really grown up." Taoxian looked at Yatadori again, his eyes were sad, but seemed to be a little relieved, and then he turned his gaze to Kamiya River not far away:

"You... I feel the breath of Takamagahara on you. I miss it so much... I miss it so much..."

The great immortal Taoshen muttered and withdrew his gaze, but this time he no longer looked at Kamiya or Yatadori.

His eyes gradually lost focus, looking at the sky covered with dark clouds, or maybe he wanted to see the unknown place higher than the sky.

Finally, the outline of his body slowly disappeared, and it turned into rotten peach blossoms, falling to the ground of the wasteland, turning into a dreamy and blurred power, sadly surging around.

In his last moments, Tao Xian raised his hand, as if he wanted to grab some unrealistic existence that only he could see:

"Lord Izanagi... Lord Izanagi, you still haven't come back... Are you okay? Do you no longer need my help? Do I... protect everyone? Lord Izanagi..."


As Tao Xian dissipated, the eternal dream on Apoqi Plain finally gradually disappeared.


The high-pitched cry of the dream-eating tapir sounded above the lonely wasteland.

The Great Immortal Tao Shen was gone, and the little tapir completely controlled the remaining "deep dream".

Those golden dream cornerstones were all wrapped and pulled by the dream rainbow light of the little tapir, slowly flowing towards itself.

This scene was enough to show that the dream-eating tapir was probably going to inherit something from Tao Xian.

And the Great Immortal Tao Shen did not separate out the divine bones.

He was a god without divine bones.

As for the things that Taoxian left behind on the battlefield——

First, there were tens of thousands of soul crystals, which were collected by Kamiyagawa the moment he disappeared.

There was also an A-level heart blood.

And a purple grape-colored wooden black hair comb.

This wooden hair comb had some broken teeth. Although it was made of wood, it had a texture as smooth and lustrous as black jade, and one could feel the obvious divine aura on it.

[Izanagi's hair comb (legendary material): Izanagi's hair ornament. It was used by Izanagi to stop Izumi Uzumaki, one of the Yellow Spring Yin Gods, on Yellow Spring Hirasaka, and was later given to the Great Peach God. The wooden comb was carefully and meticulously kept by the Great Peach God, so that it still carries the aura of Izanagi. ]

Kamiiyagawa leaned over and put away the black wooden comb.

This thing should be the "human master material" he was looking for.

After the Great Peach God disappeared, the loud crow cry sounded again on the wasteland.

Wu Tiangou and Fudui Leigong appeared at the same time.

The Tengu was suspended in the air, with the black wings on his back flapping silently. Scarlet blood and turbid pus stained his Yamabushi clothes, and his own blood and the enemy's blood also blended with his axe, flowing down in a winding way.

Although he was injured, the eyes under the mask of Karasu Tengu's divine pattern were still as bright as torches, looking down at the enemy with neither servility nor arrogance.

As for Fudui Leigong, its situation was not much better than that of the Tengu. In addition to the obvious knife wound cut by Mary on his back, there were many more hideous wounds.

It can be guessed how fierce the single challenge that took place in the "Ikki" space just now was.

"Finish it!"

On the battlefield, thunder roared.

The brilliant Doujikiri and the cold Onikiri cried out and tore through the night.

Kamiya River took the lead and led the shikigami to launch the final charge.

At this point in the battle, both sides were tired.

However, due to the withdrawal of the Earthquake Thunder God and the Great Immortal Peach God, the last Fudui Thunder God could not be the opponent of the Shen Gu Group.

Shen Gu's side has the strength to win against a single A-level god.

The outcome is determined.

In the dream of the millennium celebration of reincarnation.

Due to the battle between Shen Gu Chuan and others in the deep dream, this "surface dream" is turbulent.

However, a considerable number of human grass immersed in the dream did not notice the abnormality.

They are still celebrating the ceremony, repeating the "best day" of Chikushi Castle as they have done countless times before.

A section of the Apoki River, far away from the celebrating crowd.

Xiang Er led a group of human grass children to sink the Yatagarasu river lantern boat with stones.

Afterwards, these naughty children changed the target of throwing stones to the small Yatagarasu.

"You are the one who killed everyone!"

"Go back to hell! You bad thing!"


Another stone was thrown out, and seeing the Eight-foot Crow folding its wings and curling up, Xiang Er felt a little relieved.

Yes, yes.

That's it, why does Taoxian care so much about this annoying Eight-foot Crow?

I have to teach her a lesson.

Xiang Er bent down again to pick up stones on the river bank.

It was at this time that he heard a loud rumbling sound.

The huge and sad sound seemed to come from the ground, and it seemed to fall from the sky, and it was impossible to tell the source.

And with this violent sound, the entire Apoki Plain began to shake.

Xiang Er didn't know what was happening now.

He looked at the other children around him. Some of them were obviously confused and panicked like him. But some children looked normal. In such a terrifying space vibration, they still shouted and cursed excitedly, and kept throwing stones at the Eight-foot Crow.

Xiang Er stopped his hand movements, and his head suddenly became swollen and painful, and some memories that came from nowhere surged in his mind.

Should I hate the Yatagarasu?

Should I treat the Yatagarasu like this?

How many times have I done this?

Many unreasonable questions surged in Xiang Er's mind.

But he couldn't give himself an answer.

He didn't know what was wrong with him.

Fear, panic, helplessness.

Wrapped in such negative emotions, Xiang Er reluctantly raised his head again.

But everything in front of him began to become incomprehensible.

He saw that the originally peaceful and vibrant Apoki River became desolate and dead, and the Apoki River also became hideous, with undercurrents surging, so that the colorful lights on the river were completely dim.

The next second, Xiang Er heard extremely sad and painful wails and cries echoing in his mind.

"It hurts..."

"Save me!"

No, no!

Stop arguing, stop crying!

Xiang Er wanted to shout, wanted to roar hysterically to stop the hallucinations in his head.

But he couldn't do it no matter what.

His throat, his mouth, had been occupied by a certain sound.

It was at this time that Xiang Er realized that those cries, those wails, were not hallucinations in his head, but were uttered from his own mouth.

"It hurts so much..."

"Save me!"

Xiang Er twitched and curled up his body. He saw that his body was rotting and emitting a foul smell, and disgusting black maggots were wriggling in his flesh and blood.

He remembered it again, remembered everything.

Remembered what happened in the five years after the Millennium Celebration.

Remembered this endless reincarnation dream.

How long had he been trapped in this dream?

Unfortunately, Xiang Er couldn't think about so many questions.

It hurts, it really hurts.

He was still crying and asking for help, whether he fell into the dream again or ushered in the real end, it didn't matter.

And Xiang Er's request for help was responded to.

He heard a vague singing voice, coming from somewhere in the desolate wilderness.

The singing voice was like a sigh in the wilderness, low and distant, penetrating countless wandering souls, bringing only a resonance of despair and peace.

It was a dirge, a requiem, flowing slowly, and each note was like a broken teardrop, dripping on the river of souls, stirring up circles of ripples.

The pain in Xiang Er's body was soothed, and the helplessness and fear were also calmed under the guidance of the song, replaced by a strange sense of peace.

He suddenly realized that he had heard this song before.

On the day my father died.

This is the song of the Yata bird as it bids farewell to the souls of the dead.

"Yatadiao...Yatadiao...are you practicing for us?"

Oak Er's eyes swept across the lonely river beach, and the small silhouette of the fledgling bird wearing a black cloak had now disappeared without a trace.

Akatsuki wanted to cry again.

But instead of howling at the top of his lungs, tears just poured out of his eyes calmly.

He felt that his consciousness was withdrawing from the filthy and rotten body and rising lightly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry...Yatadori."

While his consciousness was still able to control his body, Oak Er fell to his knees on the bank of the river.

A long time ago, on the day his father passed away, he should have said these words.

Afterwards, Yuuji finally couldn't feel the weight of his body, only the sense of relief.

He heard the elegy, mixed with the sound of wings flapping in the wind, and saw a dim lantern swaying in front of his eyes.

His soul drifted, as if drifting in gentle waves.

The bright and dark lights around him flickered, and the souls who had also been soothed were drifting forward with him.

And the front pointed by the dim lantern is a sea of ​​gorgeous red flowers that has never been seen before...

"This time should be the last, right?"

On Apoqiyuan.

Tonight's full moon has gotten rid of the dark clouds, and the moonlight seems to be much brighter.

At this time, Kamiyagawa and the others had already escaped from the dream.

The last Fudui Lei Gong was naturally defeated by them and became a trophy and the ration chosen by the Inugami.

In reality, Apoqihara is desolate and silent, and the ruins of Tsukushi Castle stand in the darkness like a tomb.

And look back.

The "peach forest" leading to Awakihara did not exist before. You can see the direction of Hirazaka and the thousand-stone stone wall that traverses the sky and the earth.

Here is the sober and cruel reality.

After the battle, most of the accompanying Shikigami Kaidan dispersed, and only Yatatori and Xiangzuki Kaoru remained here.

The Yata Bird is now disappearing high in the sky, but the dim light of the lantern can be seen falling from high in the sky. The dim and swaying blue light complements the white moonlight.

Her ethereal and ethereal singing voice can be heard.

As the messenger of death, the Yata bird extradites the souls of the dead who have just escaped from the dreamland in the wasteland.

The helpless soul was given final peace in her singing, and transformed into illusory river lanterns that appeared on the Apoqi River.

Thousands of streams of light, dots of stars, are pushed forward by the flowing water of the river, sometimes bright and sometimes dark, as if another fantasy dream is being woven on this wasteland.

And further away in the river, a huge skeleton was standing.

Under the dilapidated red armor, there was a swaying dark red.

The flower bulbs of Bianhua flower are blooming on the ground, the thin stamens are trembling, and the slender petals are floating around, fluttering in the light and dark light projected by the "river lanterns".

The Enma girl wearing a modern uniform is sitting upright on the red shoulder armor of the wild skeleton.

Xiang Yuexun just sat, looking quietly at the souls flowing above the river. Her shapely legs wrapped in black stockings were crossed, and the hand holding the folding fan naturally drooped, letting the night wind blow from high above. He moved the ends of her hair and the hem of her skirt without saying a word.

Xiangyue is joining forces with Yata Bird to send the human grass soul here to Santu River.

As agreed before.

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