I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 706 Master, we need to bring our swimsuits!

Tokyo, Countermeasures Office Building.

Kamiya Kawa has been to this familiar office space countless times.

Today is a little special, he brought both Shikanoya Yukino and Tsurumi Aoi here.

Kamiya Kawa has brought Xiaolu to the Countermeasures Office many times before.

However, this is the first time that he has brought both apprentices at the same time.

Recently, Kamiya has just been promoted to the God of Aragami, and has educated Jin Xiong to be obedient, so there are not too many busy matters to deal with for the time being.

There are not too many things to worry about in the living world for the time being.

In the present world, it is just waiting for the situation of the integration of the shrines by Onitsuka and the preparation of the new show by Wenche Yaofei.

Therefore, it is rare that Kamiya Kawa plans to take the initiative to accept a commissioned task in the Countermeasures Office.

As in the previous situation, the ghost story activities in reality are still tending to become more frequent.

The official exorcists are not very busy.

Kamiya Kawa is also a member of the Countermeasures Office after all. Even if he does not have a job, he will receive the maximum basic salary every month. In addition, with the convenience of the countermeasures room, it is also convenient to accomplish a lot of things in reality.

Now that I have time, I will find some tasks to deal with.

It is also a good opportunity to take Xiaolu and Xiaokui to familiarize themselves with the specific process of exorcism.

In the exorcist industry, it is normal for a master to take an already capable apprentice to practice in order to cultivate the apprentice's experience.

And since the last experience with the painter, Kamiya Kawa also felt that the two apprentices still needed to intensify their experience by his side.

Usually, they can't always let them practice against Xiqi Douji.

Uncle Jiecheng and Nagatomo have not been in the headquarters of the countermeasures room recently. It seems that they are out on the field again.

This does not have any impact on Kamiya.

He does not need acquaintances to introduce him to the countermeasures room.

After all, he is a big shot here, and he can just ask for any needs.

"Mr. Kamiya, so you want to deal with supernatural events in various places?"

The people who are now meeting Kamiya Kawa's needs are a supervisor within the organization and a small clerk.

The clerk looked familiar.

He seemed to be a survivor of the "Kirsukiri Train Disappearance Incident" a long time ago. After leaving the world, he got the opportunity to join the Countermeasures Office to handle paperwork.

"Yes, are there any incidents that cannot be handled in various places recently?"


The supervisor signaled the clerk beside him to fetch two files.

Because the ghost story activities have intensified in recent years, the so-called "temporarily unhandled" supernatural incidents will occur at any time.

Especially in some more remote areas, there are no branches of the Countermeasures Office. When supernatural incidents occur in these places, they have to rely on the headquarters to temporarily dispatch personnel.

"These two reports were just sent from the local area, and we have not yet organized personnel to handle them. One is a supernatural incident in Tottori Prefecture, and the other is a young man missing incident related to the Hokkaido area."

Of the two incidents mentioned by the supervisor, the situation in Tottori Prefecture is relatively clear.

It is already clear that it is the work of evil spirits, and the level of harm is not too high.

It's just that the place where the incident occurred is really remote. The Countermeasures Office just received the report today and has not yet arranged suitable idle personnel to handle it.

As for the one in Hokkaido, the investigation has not been completed.

According to the reports from various places, several young men have gone missing in various parts of Japan this year.

According to the police's investigation, based on the transportation information of the missing persons, the last place they appeared was suspected to be concentrated near the Nemuro Peninsula in Hokkaido.

So far, the police have been investigating this matter.

That is, the disappearances were recently suspected to be related to ghost stories, so they were sent to the countermeasures room.

As for whether the incident was really affected by the power of ghost stories and the level of harm, it is still unclear.

Kamiya Kawa sat in a comfortable office chair, took over the two documents from the supervisor, looked through them for a while, and soon nodded: "I understand, let me handle both of these cases."

As a big boss in the industry, he was completely in control.

The two incidents that Kamiya took over occurred in the west of the main island and the northern Hokkaido.

Geographically, they are far apart.

But for Kamiya Kawa, it was just a matter of passing by.

Anyway, his family has a complete set of ghost-related transportation, so it's "on the way" to go anywhere.


"Xiaolu, Tsurumi, go back and pack up in a while, we are going to go out."

In the countermeasures room, in a meeting room without others, Kamiya Kawa took the two documents he had just obtained and arranged the next itinerary for the two little apprentices.

"Let's go to Tottori Prefecture first, where the situation is relatively clear. After the evil spirits in Tottori are eliminated, we will leave for Hokkaido. The specific situation of Nemuro Peninsula cannot be determined yet, and we may stay in Hokkaido for a few days."

This is the first time that Kamiya Kawa has officially led two apprentices to carry out a pre-planned exorcism activity.

So the two girls are a little excited.

Among them, the introverted and calm Tsurumi Aoi is okay, and she didn't show her emotions.

However, as the "human master who controls emotions", Kamiya Kawa can easily see the bright and active orange emotions jumping on the little apprentices.

As for Xiaolu, there is no need to bother to see the changes in her "emotional color".

Her emotions were clearly written on her face.

"Master!" Kanoya raised one hand high, like a student actively speaking in class, "Since we are going to Hokkaido, after the ghost removal is over, do you want to go to Aomori with us? My dad can cook seafood. A feast for everyone.”

Kamiya glanced at the eldest disciple helplessly, but still nodded: "Okay."

The deer hasn’t been home much this year.

I only went back for a few days during the spring break, and now I have stayed in Tokyo to practice throughout the summer vacation.

When this experience is over, it is not too much to ask her to go home and have a meal with her father.

"Then before I go to Aomori after the extermination, can I stay in Hokkaido for one more day?" Xiaolu continued, "Hokkaido is very fun in the summer. We can go to the beach together!"

"We're not hanging out."

"But Master, the summer vacation is almost over now, and none of us have had a good rest. You know, Master, I practice very seriously and hard every day..." Luyeya rubbed his hands pitifully and begged, "Master, please, Please."

"As long as you perform well in this ghost-killing mission."

Looking at the eldest disciple's appearance, Kamiya soon relaxed.

Xiaolu is really serious about practicing this holiday, not to mention Tsurumi who is always hardworking.

And after a business trip, you can use your free time to rest at local public expense...

The "guide" who leads Kamiyagawa into the world of exorcism often becomes Shinken Yu.

Uncle Jiecheng knows how to adjust his mental state after work.

Being tight all the time can easily lead to suffocation.

Therefore, as long as the two apprentices perform well in this actual spiritual elimination practice, it is not impossible to let them relax a little bit afterwards.

"Okay!" Seeing that Kamiya didn't object anymore, Xiaolu cheered triumphantly, "Master must also come with us. You haven't had much rest for a long time. It's been hard for you to have some time in the past two days."

The eldest disciple still knows how to feel sorry for Master.

Living under the same roof, she knew exactly what her master was doing every day.

Moreover, she knew Kamiyagawa very well.

On some debatable and non-principled issues, acting like a baby is quite useful.

After all, Master likes JK the most!

Afterwards, Xiaolu got carried away and approached the junior sister sitting next to him, and conspired loudly: "Xiaokui, remember to bring your swimsuit when you pack your things later!"

And as soon as she finished speaking, Kamiyagawa's sword fell with her -


After receiving physical care from his master, the little deer boy, who was noisy as if preparing for a family trip, finally stopped making noises and lay on the conference table with his head in his hands.

Kamiyagawa straightened his expression and showed some dignity as a parent: "Enough is enough, let me focus on the work of removing spirits this time."

"I'm so excited..." Lu Yewu sat up straight again and vowed, "Master, I promise, I will put 200% of my heart into this work of removing spirits!"

"Remember your promise. Also, act like a senior sister."

"Then don't keep knocking me on the head in front of Xiaokui... I feel so shameless, Master."

"You bring it on yourself most of the time."

"Most of it!?" Xiao Lu was shocked, "Wait a minute, that is to say, sometimes master, you just hit my head for fun?"

Looking at the lively master and senior sister, Tsurumi Aoi, who had been silent for the whole time, wanted to laugh, but in the end she held it back.

After that, the three masters and apprentices left the countermeasure room and went home to pack their things and prepare for the start of this spiritual elimination practice.

Because both apprentices were traveling together on this trip, Kamiyagawa simply took away all the strange stories about his family's fighting ability.

Including Caori, who usually looks after the house.

As for those with no fighting ability, they were temporarily sent to the Live Fish Hotel.

It was rare that Little Crayon was not at home, so Guchi had the opportunity to have a good rest.

I went to the Live Fish Hotel. The chaotic and complicated space there may be difficult for Shushu, who loves neatness and cleanliness.

Maybe it will take the initiative to work overtime in the field...

Also, according to this spirit-removing experience plan, I should stay a few more days when investigating incidents in Hokkaido.

So definitely bring luggage.

Kamiya didn't have many things to bring, so he packed them quickly.

When he went downstairs, Xiaolu happily walked out of the bedroom on the first floor pushing his suitcase.

A while later, Tsurumi, who had gone back to Chiyoda's apartment, also came back on Obara Hayami's ghost motorcycle to meet his master and senior sister.

"Let's go, let's go."

Kamiyagawa called his apprentices to the garage.

As for the swimsuit.

Xiaolu, who was full of enthusiasm and expectations for the "family day trip to the beach", probably took it with her, and most likely instigated her junior sister to take it too.

"If Xiaolu and Tsurumi are interested in the upcoming spirit-killing experience, then let them do whatever they want from now on."

Kamiyakawa thought so.

Tottori Prefecture, Batou County.

Tottori is located at the western end of the main island of Japan. It is not a developed area. It has the smallest population among all prefectures in Japan, and 90% of its territory is mountainous.

Batou County is in the countryside, with some villages scattered around.

The first place I went to when I received the request this time was around Chizu Town.

Oishi drove the ghost car at a fast speed, and it was only a little after one in the afternoon when he arrived in Tottori. Arriving near the target location, the speed of the ghost car decreases.

Compared with metropolitan areas like Tokyo, the living atmosphere in mountain villages is much more relaxed.

The paths of the mountain village, the scattered low-rise houses, and the persimmon trees with branches protruding from the farmyards are all dozing in the dazzling sunlight. The time in the summer afternoon seems to be stretched here, making it appear a bit lazy.

Kamiya turned his head silently and glanced at the two apprentices sitting side by side in the back seat.

Tsurumi held his chin with one hand and propped his elbow on the car window. Ichimonji and the smiling Qingjiang, who were both in the scabbard, were leaning quietly at her feet.

She quietly stared at the moving scene outside the car window, paying attention to all noteworthy situations. Her gloomy eyes had already become deep and sharp due to condensation.

As for Kanoya.

The bulging satchel was placed on her knees and she was holding it gently with both hands.

The car window on Xiaolu's side was half open, letting in the warm summer air from the mountain village.

Her small nose twitched slightly as she carefully discerned the scent floating in the wind.

Unlike Tsurumi's extraordinary visual ability, which he inherited from Kamiya, Xiaolu's perception ability is completely reflected in her sense of smell that has been enhanced by the incense magic.

very good.

It seemed that both apprentices had entered a state of exorcism.

Especially the deer.

It doesn't matter if she makes a little noise before departure, but now that the experience of expelling spirits has begun, if she is still thinking about how to have fun, then Kamiyagawa will really have to give this girl a strict family education.

Fortunately, the deer knows how to prioritize and when to do what.

It's not in vain that Master loves her every day.

After confirming the status of the two apprentices, Kamiyakawa motioned the little old man to work.

It's time to get to work.

Regarding the evil incident in Tottori, the countermeasure room report only mentioned that a hunter in Chizu Town was killed mysteriously in the mountains and forests. The death was tragic, and it looked like it was caused by wild animals.

There is an old mage in Batou County who has some sense of perception but cannot remove spirits.

When the mage was chanting sutras for the deceased, he felt the strange evil energy on the corpse, so he reported the matter to Tottori.

On this trip, Kamiyachuan first planned to find the old mage.

However, Chizu Town is not very large, so the little old man spread out his bodyguards and can quickly search the place inside and out, and should be able to quickly find the location where the target evil spirit usually hides.

Sure enough, before the slow-moving ghost car arrived at the door of the old mage's house.

The little old man reported to his master a discovery he had made outside his body.

The scouts found a vicious and strange atmosphere in a cemetery in the mountains and forests of Chizu Town.

Even, he usually works hard to read, so the little old man, who has a certain knowledge reserve of ghost stories, directly gave the identity of the ghost stories he discovered——

Zhu basin.

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