I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 717 Qingliu Murder Case

The content on the A4 paper also includes the second half——

[Don't kill green willows with their flesh on them. The green willows are afraid of fire, and only by completely burning their remains with fire can they prevent new green willows from being born from their flesh and blood. ]

"I even gave you how to deal with it. The person who gave the information really knew everything..."

Kamiyagawa looked away from the paper.

How can I put it, the person who secretly reported to the countermeasures room was really considerate.

He is so considerate that it is difficult not to suspect that this person himself has some subtle connection with the God of Anyu and Beauty, and even worships him when he is ugly.

The "Aoyagi Murder Case" came to the attention of the Countermeasures Room, and it quickly attracted attention without the need for guidance from the two senior officials, Kensuke Yuki and Kamiyagawa.

After all, behind this series of murders is likely to be related to major events such as "Xiao Binze's former green willow", "the curse of worshiping when you are ugly", "Ping Jiangmen's resurgence" and so on.

And these events are not only known to Kamiyagawa, but also to the countermeasures room who have experienced the Heishangmon incident.

It is impossible not to pay attention to it.

At the same time, Kamiyagawa, who was unable to stay out of this series of events, naturally joined the investigation of the "Aoyagi Murder Case."

Two days later, new news came from Nagoya.

In Nagoya, another murder related to Aoyagi occurred.

It is said to be a homicide, but the current definition of the case is "missing person".

And there are two missing people, one of whom has the surname "Qingliu".

After the Nagoya Countermeasures Room Branch investigated the incident, it quickly followed up the police investigation and reported the situation to the Tokyo Countermeasures Room Headquarters.

Official power investigations have such benefits.

Although ghost stories have occurred frequently in recent years, the ghost-killing power mobilized in the countermeasures room has long been stretched thin. But when official organizations pay close attention to a certain incident, response rooms in various places and even local police stations will be fully mobilized.

The efficiency of obtaining intelligence clues is far better than that of individuals working alone.

On the day Kamiyagawa got this clue, he went to Nagoya to learn more details.

Countermeasures Office branch building in Nagoya.

As Kamiyagawa's current status as a senior member of the countermeasures room, he can certainly move in and out of such a place freely.

And here, it was natural that he was received by the personnel from the Nagoya Countermeasures Room branch.

"That's pretty much it, Mr. Kamiya."

"I understand." Kamiyakawa nodded.

According to the information provided here, the latest situation about the "Qingliu Murder Case" is as follows:

The suspect in this case is named Nagaoka Kazuhiko, and the victim’s name is Aoyagi Junichi.

Both are employees of a real estate company.

The incident happened on the second day after Junichi Aoyagi joined the company.

Nagaoka Kazuhiko was extremely excited after seeing this "Qingliu".

According to the testimony of many witnesses present at the time, Nagaoka's state at the time can be summarized as "madness and loss of reason without warning."

He screamed in full view of everyone, holding scissors, and threw Qingliu to the ground, trying to stab Qingliu through the throat with a ferocious expression.

At the same time, according to the witnesses of the real estate company, they did not know that Nagaoka and Aoyagi had known each other before, nor did they know that they had any disputes. The thing happened so suddenly that no one could react.

What follows is an even more bizarre development in this incident.

Did Nagaoka kill Aoyagi?

No one knows for sure.

Witnesses all said that at the moment Nagaoka knocked Aoyagi down, they all experienced an indescribable confusion.

And according to the confessions of individual witnesses, when they were in a trance, they seemed to see a figure belonging to a young woman entering the office where everyone was.

After everyone regained their awareness of the surrounding situation, both Nagaoka and Aoliu disappeared without a trace.

There is no trace of blood left.

Therefore, the current characterization of this incident is still "missing". Both the perpetrator and the victim have disappeared.

After the incident happened, people from the real estate company quickly called the police.

But after that, the two parties could no longer be contacted.

"While I was unconscious, I saw the figure of a young woman appearing..." Kamiyakawa took a few more glances at this piece of information that only appeared in the confessions of some witnesses. "That real estate company, can you take me to see it on site?" see?"


Within Nagoya City.

An inconspicuous one-family house with a basement.

In the dark and damp underground space, a man was being tightly tied to a chair.

The man struggled violently, and the chair beneath him squeaked due to his range of movements.

His eyes were red because they were bloodshot, and he was violent and crazy, with no trace of reason in sight. The man's mouth was half open, saliva flowing from the corners of his mouth, no different from a beast:

"Kill! Kill... Qingliu, kill! Kill him!"

In addition to the frantic man, there was a young woman standing in the basement.

Ai Saotome is young and pretty.

"Please be patient, Mr. Nagaoka."

Nagaoka Kazuhiko was tied here by Saotome Ai.

Regarding the current situation of the former, Saotome seemed very troubled and helpless.

As her soothing voice fell, invisible ripples with strange power rippled in the basement, and Nagaoka really became much quieter.

His pupils lost their frenzy and were slowly filled with emptiness.

Then, the fragile wooden chair stopped shaking, and Nagaoka, who was as restless as a trapped beast, became as sluggish as a puppet.

This is the ability of Saotome Ai, some magic techniques that tend to be illusions.

It is very effective for influencing ordinary people, and it is also effective for some less powerful ghost stories.

After controlling Nagaoka, Saotome sighed.

On her right shoulder, the human-shaped doll woven from dry straw was sitting quietly in a dignified posture.

Hearing the sigh, the doll's mouth sewn with thread opened, and a black nail spit out from it, falling to the ground and breaking.

Saotome glanced at the ground and said, "If it's too much trouble, why not deal with this man like we dealt with Aoyagi? Taki, I know you're joking, but it's not funny at all."

"Don't make fun of me. When I dealt with Aoyagi according to your method, I wasn't as calm as you said."


The metal debris moved along the wet ground, changing the shape of its arrangement.

Saotome Ai: "I know, I know it's not a good idea to keep him here - uh, do you want me to send him to the countermeasures room?"

"It's best for those people to handle it. But it's easy to be exposed if we do that? Using illusion to control strangers and sending the information we collected to the countermeasures room through several hands can hide our whereabouts. But a living person, especially a living person who goes crazy from time to time... It's not that easy to operate. There are many people who are better than me in the countermeasures room."

"...Okay, you're right. When I went to that company to take Aoyagi and Nagaoka away, I was already at risk of being exposed. But who knew that Aoyagi would find Nagaoka so soon... Since I already know the situation, I can't just ignore it."

"But if there is really no way, let it be exposed. The people in the countermeasures room are not completely unreasonable, and I haven't done anything bad. Don't worry, if I am caught by the countermeasures room by accident, I will never let them know of your existence."

Saotome Ai and the weird straw doll communicated smoothly back and forth in a weird way.

Things are just as they said.

Saotome went to the real estate company and used her magic to stop Nagaoka from killing Aoyagi in time, and took both of them away.

Aoyagi had been "dealt with" by Saotome according to the method given by the straw doll, that is, Takihime.

Nagaoka was trapped in this basement by her.

She had to confirm whether Nagaoka was infected by "Aoyagi" and whether he had the possibility of becoming the next "Aoyagi".

Through the examination of the straw doll, Nagaoka did not have time to kill Aoyagi, so he was not infected.

But now, how to place Nagaoka, who has been unable to regain his sanity, has become a big problem.

Perhaps, getting rid of him together can really put an end to it.

Or, before, Saotome Ai disguised herself as a psychologist, used magic to contact and collect the information provided by Nagaoka, and should not care about what will happen next at the real estate company.

Many times things are like this. Although it is very unfair, being a good person is more restricted than being a bad person.

This is where the problem lies. Saotome Ai cannot be cruel and be a bad person.

Moreover, when she was about to go to the real estate company, Takijime didn't mean to stop her.

"Taki, didn't you say that if the Aoyagi is not handled in the right way, then the person who kills the Aoyagi and gets its blood or body fluids is likely to be infected and become the next 'Aoyagi'. And if the corpse of the Aoyagi is not handled, it is possible that a new 'Aoyagi' will grow. Such troublesome and terrifying things, how can we watch them reproduce."

According to the experience of Saotome Ai dealing with "Aoyagi Junichi".

"Aoyagi" does not have any extraordinary combat ability, and in this respect it can even be said to be no different from ordinary humans.

But the Aoyagi are an extremely strange existence.

The earliest Aoyagi should be the one in Kobinsawa who successfully performed the Ushi pilgrimage like Takijime.

After the pilgrimage, the original Aoyagi probably can't be called a "human".

The dark silt god gave him some kind of blessing, some kind of curse.

Today's Aoyagi are the carriers of that curse.

As long as the power of the cursed dragon god is still there, as long as there is a "green willow" in this world that has not been properly dealt with, they will be reborn and multiplied with past memories in the repeated deaths.

Even if they do not have extraordinary combat power at this stage, this ability can be called terrifying.

Moreover, according to Taki, the cursed god Anyu Kami has been looking for a suitable "body" and is ready to break through the shackles and descend to the world at any time.

So, the immortal green willows may be the bodies that Anyu Kami prepared for himself?

Saotome Ai: "Taki, your investigation can confirm that the rebirth and proliferation of green willows have intensified and become extremely fast, right?"

"Well, maybe it was because King Kozei awakened Anyu Kami last time that things turned out like this... Come to think of it, is it really possible for that dragon god to revive? If He descends, will you be in trouble?"


The iron filings on the ground changed their positions again. Although they were still arranged in a disorderly manner, Saotome could see the message conveyed by Taki from them.

She could even imagine how Taki would say this in a joking tone if she were to face him now--

"Anyu Kami will certainly cause trouble for me. After all, I was the first person to complete the Ugly Hour Worship, and I was the first suitable body that the dragon god wanted to descend into. However, King Kozei accidentally intervened at that time, and half of the curse power in my body was gone, so I was able to barely get rid of the control of the dragon god. So for the dragon god, I am a traitor who stole His power in vain and must be liquidated."

However, according to the subsequent development of events, King Kozei wanted to use the power of Anyu Kami to "revive" Taira Masakado and turn Taira Masakado into the ghost emperor of the world.

In a sense, it can be regarded as sacrificing Taira Masakado's body to the Dragon God.

I don't know if the Dragon God will forgive King Kozei who teased him.

Anyway, Taki Yashahime, who stood on the opposite side of Anyu Kami and King Kozei, will definitely not be forgiven.

"Is that so..."

Saotome Ai sighed again.

Ever since she knew the long-standing stories behind Takihime, Saotome has been worried.

After all, these things are not something she can handle at all.

And now, Saotome has given the information about Aoyagi to the Countermeasures Office, and she has explained everything that should be explained, so they should pay attention to it.

I hope those people can handle this...

The Countermeasures Office also successfully solved the problem of Taira Masakado last time, so it is not impossible for them to deal with the hidden dangers of Aoyagi.

Just thinking about this, the iron filings on the ground suddenly stood up one by one, and shook at a very fast frequency!

This is Takihime warning Saotome.

Some people are approaching this single-family building!

The leader was completely out of touch with the people behind him, and he approached at an unreasonable speed without anyone noticing.

Takiji even noticed the people behind him before she finally sensed the presence of the leader.

At this time, the man was probably about to break in.

"What did you say, a scary person came?" Saotome understood, her heart tightened, but she soon relaxed a little, "Ah, it's a group of people."

Since it was a group of people doing things openly, they must be people from the official countermeasures room.

So Saotome no longer cared about Nagaoka Kazuhiko in the basement, pulled the straw doll off her shoulder, and tried to escape from here.

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