I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 724 Dragon God

Chasing the retreating flesh and blood all the way, during this process, Kamiya Kawa could clearly feel that the cursed aura in Kamishi Town had become stronger.

Even vaguely, the cursed aura had already brought a sense of oppression from the level of gods.

According to the report of the little old man, the destination ahead of this trip seemed to be a sewage treatment plant.

"The aura of gods around is getting stronger and stronger. I'm afraid there will be a tough battle ahead."

Just as Kamiya and his party kept moving quickly on their way, his mobile phone suddenly vibrated, and a message popped up in "Kaidan Monogatari"-

[Special event mission, [Ode to the Devil · 9] has been opened! ]

[The core requirements of this mission are as follows: Defeat the members of the "Ode to the Devil Organization", Chou Shi. ]

"Ode to the Devil Event" suddenly opened, which means that Chou Shi has appeared nearby.

In fact, Kamiya Kawa did feel a breath that was somewhat similar to the surrounding environment, appearing behind him.

Obviously something was approaching.

He paused.

Then, there was another rustling sound from Kamiyakawa's right shoulder. It was the black hair rubbing against his clothes.

But this time, the black hair did not gather into a pocket-sized magic doll, but broke away from his body, fell to the ground, and swam towards the back like a thin snake.

"Come out."

Kamiyakawa turned back with a knife.

About half a minute later, a white figure appeared from the shadow of a building behind.

It was a woman.

The other party had long black hair, which almost covered most of her face, giving people an indescribable feeling of darkness. But the figure outlined under the loose white clothes unexpectedly outlined some graceful contours.

She held an iron hammer in her right hand, and wore a cast iron ring on her head. Three blue candles were inserted into the iron ring. A bronze mirror was hung on her chest to reflect the candlelight, and she was wearing single-toothed wooden clogs. Her bright red lips were not covered by her long hair, but she seemed to be holding something in her mouth, and she could vaguely hear her sobbing.

Just by looking at the woman's classic style and dress, you can tell her identity -

The daughter of the Ugly Hour, the Ugly Hour Worship.

Takiyashahime, who had successfully performed the "Ugly Hour Worship".


Takiyashahime opened her mouth slightly, her tongue slid flexibly behind her white teeth, and then pushed out a long black nail covered with saliva.

Her left hand grabbed the nail, held it in her palm, and raised a little arc at the corner of her mouth: "Very sharp, demon disciple."

Kamiya Kawa actually knew that Takiyashahime had arrived in Kamishi Town.

Even the fact that the other party was able to enter the fallen town unimpeded was achieved by the little old man greeting Kensuke Yuki who had already arrived at his post.

In addition, after Takiyashahime appeared, Kamiya Kawa could clearly feel that the gradually thickening aura of the gods around her had a strong resistance and hostility towards her.

However, this "exiled princess" was not the only one who was hostile to the Dragon God.

Kamiya Kawa himself, as well as Hannya who took away the curse power from King Kousei and Nuomen, were also targets of hostility from the Dragon God.

In the once again changing Kamishi Town, they were like "marked" objects.

Then again, Takiyashahime was the "ugly time" in the Omaji organization.

"Kaidan Monogatari" also reacted to her.

In other words, if Kamiya defeated her, he could get a reward from "Kaidan Monogatari".

Takiyashahime had said before that she had not done "bad things".

If what she said was true, then the underlying logic of "Kaidan Monogatari" might be to directly and rudely regard all members of Omaji as enemies?

However, considering that there is a great enemy at hand, Kamiya Chuan feels that it is not the time to consider these things to deal with the Dark and Beautiful God.

The Dragon God hates the Kamiya family, but also hates Takiyashahime who took power from him but did nothing.

As enemies of the Dragon God, the interests of both parties are now the same.

In short, Kamiya Chuan still regards Takiyashahime as a friend for the time being, and maintains the necessary vigilance.

"Takiyashahime, the atmosphere in Kamishi Town has changed a lot compared to when I first came in. You know more about the Dragon God than I do. Can you sense His current state?"

"You seem to have forced Him into a hurry."

"Oh? Is that so?"

"Well, whether it was the time with King Xingshi or this time with Qingliu, the Dragon God was eager to come. You are quite amazing. The Dragon God's hatred for you seems to be much heavier than for this traitor of mine."

It is now unknown how long the Dark and Beautiful God has been trapped.

But what is certain is that a thousand years ago, before Takiyashahime first performed the "Ugly Hour Worship", the Cursed Dragon God was already in a state of shackles.

Perhaps, He was sealed by the Takama-ga-hara forces in a certain war of gods long ago?

So far, among the known situations, the Dragon God has had three chances to escape.

The first was after Takiyashahime successfully performed the "Ugly Hour Worship".

The result of that time was undoubtedly a failure, and it also led to Takiyashahime's defection with the power of the Dragon God.

The second time was when King Koze tried to revive Taira Masakado.

Because of Kamiya River's obstruction, it also ended in failure.

As for the third time, it is the chaos created by Qingliu now.

Maybe, Qingliu now is the last trump card in the hands of the Dragon God?

After all, people who can successfully perform "Ugly Hour Worship" are very rare and rare.

If this is true, then Anyu Kami, who has been relatively passive for a long time, can't get a very good card.

This time, Qingliu may be a rare opportunity for Him to break free from the shackles.

"It's very interesting, isn't it? The gods who should have been high above are forced to this point. Here in Jinshi Town, all the curse power is gathering forward. The Dragon God probably wants to forcefully descend there and confront you head-on."

Taki Yasha said this, and she seemed to be gloating over Anyu Kami's situation.

Just like Kamiya Kawa didn't want to see Qingliu slowly forming a climate, which eventually led to the smooth descent of the Dragon God.

Anyu Kami also didn't want to see Qingliu being surrounded and eliminated by Kamiya and others.

The existence of those "Aoyagi" hiding in the crowd has been noticed, and after a carpet search by the Countermeasures Office during this period, many of them have been cleared.

Even if it is completely under control of Jinseki Town, it is not a place where you can develop in peace.

As soon as Kamiyagawa came in, he broke through the residential building that gave birth to a large number of Aoyagi.

No wonder Anyu Jiamei was forced into a corner, gave up further development, and planned to go all-in to fight head-on.

Because there was not much time left for him either.

Kamiya Kawa: "You mean... although we plan to fight head-on, the Dragon God is not fully prepared?"

"From what I feel now, it is true." Takiyashahime gently stroked the black nail with her thin fingers, and looked up at the distant where flesh and blood gathered. "Here I can feel Him more. He seems to have been trapped for too long. If he can't seize the opportunity to escape, he will slowly die in the void."

"Then I have a bottom line in my heart."

"It's really an understatement. I have to remind you, Kamiya Kawa... Even if the situation of the Dragon God is not good, we are facing a real god now, okay?"

Although she said this, Takiyashahime herself did not seem to have much awareness of being in danger.

Maybe because she has lived too long, she has already become indifferent to life and death.

Maybe for Takiyashahime, the Dragon God is someone she will have to face sooner or later, and now there is Kamiya Kawa who attracts more hatred.

"From my experience, gods will die if they are killed."

Kamiya didn't spend more time talking to his temporary teammates, and when he said this, Takiyashahime, who was originally teasing, seemed to be a little dazed.

Kamiya didn't care about her anymore, and dragged his sword to chase in the direction of the wastewater treatment plant in front.

Anyway, he and Anyu Kamei are already in a life-and-death relationship, and since the battle is inevitable, let's fight!

Defeat the dragon god, and you will make a lot of money!


When Kamiya Chuan went to the wastewater treatment plant in Jinseki Town, Takiyashahime, who appeared halfway, also followed him.

In terms of paper strength, Kamiya couldn't see what was special about this "exiled princess".

Takiyashahime, who was born thousands of years ago and has obtained the power of ghosts and gods, cannot be completely defined in the category of "human beings".

But at the same time, she is not a ghost or god.

In the final analysis, Takiyashahime gave Kamiya Chuan the feeling that she was weaker than any of his gods.

However, this princess is the one who completed the "Ugly Hour Worship" after all, and she carries the power of the Dark and Beautiful God, so she may play an unexpected role.

Since she is willing to follow, Kamiya River will naturally not stop her.

When Kamiya and his party arrived at the wastewater treatment plant, the outline of the plant area could no longer be seen here.

Sticky, tidal-like flesh and blood limbs surged here from all directions, forming a wall of flesh, which kept surging and pressing against each other. Looking around, everything was a scarlet flesh color, forming a horrible scene that should not exist in the world.

And at the top of the surging flesh wall, there was a special figure that was particularly eye-catching.

It was a man with a somewhat thin figure, half of his body embedded in the squirming flesh, swaying and shaking constantly.

The man also held an iron hammer in his hand and wore a cast iron ring with three candles on his head.

He stood there, eyes half closed, looking down at Kamiya River and Takiyashahime, his eyes were gentle and kind.


Not the "Qingliu" derived later.

This man should be the source of Qingliu who successfully performed the "Ugly Hour Worship" in the original Kobinza.

The moment their eyes met, Qingliu on the high ground suddenly opened his mouth, screamed, and several sharp black nails spit out of his mouth.

For a moment, the flesh and blood under him rolled more violently, surging upwards, carrying him to a high place. And in the flesh and blood below, heads, and messy hands and feet organs kept pouring out.

This made the pieces of meat that were originally piled together irregularly become like a large meat cocoon, and it was still stretching and growing rapidly.

At the top was the green willow, and below were various green willow heads and limbs, connected by cursed lines, intertwined and intertwined, like a giant tree pulled out of the ground, or like a coiled snake with countless limbs.

"If I hadn't gotten away quickly enough, I would be the one who has become like this now."

Seeing this scene, Takiyashahime, who had just arrived here, muttered.

Compared with the powerful Kamiyagawa, Takiyashahime, who had just arrived at the wastewater treatment plant, stood much further back.

At this time, the flesh-and-blood snake headed by Qingliu kept twisting its huge body, and the curse lines inside and outside its body expanded and contracted. From under its flesh and blood skin, a large number of dark and smooth scales grew out.

And those randomly swinging hands and feet also grew sharp claws, turning into sharp deformed long claws.

The already dark sky became even darker, and the long dragon made of flesh and blood limbs twisted in the air, like a coiled dragon, blocking a large area of ​​the sky.

"Is this thing... a dragon god?"

Kamiyagawa looked up, his eyes condensed to the extreme.

Qingliu's transformation was completed in an instant, and the rich aura of gods around him was enough to prove that this strange monster in front of him had the power of gods.

This thing is probably Anyu Jiamei, even if it is not completely, it is almost the same.

And the Cursed Dragon God probably didn't originally look so ugly.

But in order to descend on Qingliu and confront the annoying enemy head-on, He had to choose such a body.

All along, Shen Guchuan has a good habit -

never watching the enemy "transform".

So when he arrived at the sewage treatment plant and saw Qingliu's transformation, he took action.

Quickly swallowed [Longevity Purple Gold Frost].

Prajna also condensed into a Nuo mask in tacit understanding, covering his face.

Tongziqi and Oniqi hummed in symphony, and the brilliant Yang thunder leaped and roared between the blades. In the dim sky, the natural thunder responded to Shen Gu's call, brewed quickly, and turned into several hideous golden spears, twisting and slashing down!


The terrifying sound of thunder exploded.

The Yang Lei splashed out from the boy's cut, blending with the thunder in the sky, and violently hit the scales of the dragon god, but the dazzling lightning that caused the change of heaven and earth dimmed at this moment.

On the contrary, the strange dragon god's body roared and soared a little higher.


This thing is not easy to deal with.

As soon as he made a move, Shen Gu could judge that the Yang Lei was not completely ineffective against the dragon god, but it seemed to have little effect when it simply hit him.

Then, a long dragon roared.

The dragon god in the air rushed down towards Shen Guchuan, with deformed and dense sharp claws, and lines of curses that wriggled like long whips, coming at him head and face!

Shen Gu reacted in time and quickly used [Wu Xiang Yue Shen] to avoid it.

The earth trembled, and dust and minced meat flew.

The coiled dragon that hit the ground raised its head again, and its long body was wriggling with blood and flesh.

As for Qingliu, who was at the head of the dragon, the cast iron ring on his head had a faint blue flame leaping. His eyes were still gentle and kind, but the rest of his face was completely covered with dark dragon scales.

He was hanging upside down, perched high above Kamiya River, staring from top to bottom, and grinning to his ears, with black nails dancing in his mouth like fangs, speaking cold and angry words:


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