I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 730 If you accept my protection, you must work for me


Mercy Hospital.

Outside the main entrance of the hospital, the Kisaragi train roared in and stopped at the platform here.

The train door opened, and Kamiya Kawa stepped out with a blank expression holding Takiyashahime's head.

In addition to him and Takihime, there was also a little old man on this train.

This Kisaragi train was summoned directly from the present world, and first sent Takiyashahime and the little old man to Changshi.

Kamiya Kawa himself used the old method to use the casket and the surrogate paper man to reach Changshi, and then met up with them, and then they came to the Mercy Hospital area together.

After entering the Mercy Hospital area, Kamiya first glanced at the scout: "How is it?"

"Aba Wuji."

The little old man coordinated his body movements and said something.

"Okay, I know." Kamiya understood and simply nodded.

The scout said that he still knew Takiyashahime and remembered things related to Takiyashahime.

It seems that even after entering the eternal world, Takihime was not "hidden in the spirit".

Kamiyagawa came to the eternal world this time to place Takiyashahime, who only had a head left.

According to the princess's self-introduction, the conditions for her to reshape her body are a bit harsh. It seems that she has to grow her body again in a special area covered with flesh and blood.

Originally, Kamishi Town met this environmental condition.

But after the fall of Anyu Kami, the fallen town needed to be cleaned up.

Coincidentally, Kamiyagawa also controls an area covered with flesh and blood in the eternal world-

The emergency hospital in front of him.

The separation of the present world and the eternal world is no secret in the exorcist industry.

Having lived for a long time, the knowledgeable Takiyashahime naturally knows it.

In addition, Kamiya also learned that Takiyashahime's range of activities is not limited to the present world. She can enter the eternal world and will not be "hidden in the spirit".

That is why he would consider bringing Takihime in.

However, according to Takiji's previous self-narration, she could not freely enter and exit the real world and the ordinary world like in "Strange Talks". After entering the ordinary world, she could not break through the "air wall" that blocked the area.

Her previous experience of entering the ordinary world had to rely on certain external forces.

For example, using modern urban legends, the elevator game-

Find a building with at least ten floors and an elevator.

Enter the elevator and press the button for the 4th floor first.

Do not go out after reaching the 4th floor, and then press the button for the 2nd floor.

Then it is the 6th floor, the 2nd floor, the 10th floor, and the 5th floor.

According to the urban legend of the "elevator game", during this series of operations, you may encounter things that do not belong to this world entering the elevator, but no matter what you see or hear, the player cannot leave the elevator.

After tossing around like this, finally press the elevator button for the 1st floor on the 5th floor.

If at this time, the elevator floor does not descend but rises, abnormally reaching the 10th floor. When the elevator door opens, you will arrive at the ordinary world area corresponding to that building.

Takiyasha even said that she has her own base in the real Nagoya and even in the permanent world area corresponding to two buildings in Tokyo.

Of course, since she is now following Kamiya Kawa, it is not so troublesome to enter the permanent world. She can directly use the Kisaragi train or the ghost car and enter in the blink of an eye.

And through practice, it has been confirmed that Taki is really not affected by "Kamikaku".

This is probably because she herself is not a real human.

Takiyasha is also the "Ugly Hour Girl" with many ghost stories circulating.

Her existence is more like a "living ghost story" to some extent.

Now that she has experienced the battle with Yami Kami and resurrected from the dead, it is even more so.

"Takiyasha can prove that a human-like and non-human existence like her will not be hidden by the gods." Kamiya Kawa thought so.

In fact, since Kamiya was promoted to the Aragami, he has thought that he is already an Aragami, so what will happen if he enters the permanent world directly?

Logically speaking, the Aragami is a true ghost and should not be affected by the "hiding" effect of the world.

But Kamiya has never ventured to verify this.

Now, Takiyashahime has helped him directly prove this conjecture.

This princess will not be hidden, so Kamiyakawa, who is a ghost, will not be either.

However, it seems that there is no need to enter the world directly with the flesh.

With the help of the system of the divine casket and the paper man who replaces the dead, Kamiyakawa is an "immortal" in the world, and all kinds of activities are very convenient.

The head of the beautiful woman held in Kamiya's arms looked at the emergency hospital, and then laughed: "It seems that I am not the only one who has a base in the world, ghost disciple~"

Before this trip, Kamiyakawa only told Takiyashahime that he would take her to a place suitable for her to "grow her body".

When she saw that the destination was the world, the princess was not too surprised.

For Takihime, the ghost disciple could even attack the gods head-on and win.

It would be strange if he didn't have any secrets.

"Yes, I do have one or two bases in Changshi."

Kamiyagawa answered perfunctorily, and pinched Takihime's cold but elastic cheek, signaling her to be quiet.

Before confirming that Takihime was completely trustworthy, he had no intention of showing her the full picture of his power in Changshi.

Although it didn't seem to matter even if he showed it.

If they have entered my territory, they are my people.

With the strength of Kamiya Kawa's forces, it is not difficult to forcibly control a Takiyashahime.

"Mmm... stop pinching!" Takiyashahime's beautiful face was slightly deformed by Kamiya's fingers, but in the end she could only shake her head violently to protest, "Be more friendly to the wounded!"

"As a wounded person, you talk too much."

Kamiya Kawa ignored Takihime's resistance and called the little old man to walk towards the inside of the emergency hospital.

After protesting in vain, the princess opened her pale lips slightly, took a few breaths, and then changed the subject: "By the way, I haven't asked you yet, Ai her..."

"Miss Saotome has reported to the Countermeasures Office this morning. From today on, she is a formal official exorcist."

"That child has always wanted to become an exorcist in the Countermeasures Office. When I'm not around, it's not a bad thing for her to have an official organization to rely on. But now the ghost story activities are so intense in reality..."

"Don't worry. Even if she enters the Countermeasures Office, she won't do the front-line work. Isn't Miss Saotome's best illusion? Some auxiliary work, as well as interviews and inquiries, are more suitable for her."

"Yeah." Takiyashahime snorted and shook her head slightly. She felt that Kamiya Kawa had arranged Ai well, "Thank you."

This thank you is sincere.

"It should be."

From the Aoyagi incident, Ai Saotome is a folk exorcist with a strong sense of justice.

She also played a significant role in this incident.

With Kamiya Kawa's recommendation, there would be no problem in obtaining the status of a formal exorcist.

Moreover, Kamiya didn't mind putting a few more "own people" who had no power to rely on in the countermeasures room.

Because Takiyashahime was still in his "hands", Saotome Ai was quite suitable.

After the fall of the Dragon God, Saotome and Takiyashahime had met.

When Saotome saw Kamiya "bring" Takiyashahime to her, this apparently strong lady burst into tears with a "wow", and then she couldn't help crying with her head in her hands.

Well... she was holding Takiyashahime's head.

When she entered Kamishikicho, she was still intact, but when she came out, only her head was left.

Which family member could accept this?

Later, Kamiya Kawa and Takiyashahime took turns to comfort her and promised that Takiyashahime would "return to normal", and Saotome slowly calmed down.

Also, Saotome Ai also accepted that Takiyasha-hime would be "taken care of" by Kamiya for a long time in the future.

After all, she really didn't know how to take care of Taki-hime's head.

All she could do was to work in the countermeasures room while waiting for news about Kamiya Kawa's progress in taking care of Taki-hime.


Inside the emergency hospital, there was a disgusting blood red.

The walls, the floor, and the ceiling were covered with a thick layer of flesh and blood tissue, connected to hideous blood vessels and some uncomfortable tumors.

The flesh and blood covering the entire room seemed to have life, moving in a regular rhythm.

The entire hospital looked like the internal structure of some huge creature.

In fact, the flesh and blood in this area of ​​the hospital was also cleaned up when it was conquered two years ago.

However, the flesh and blood in these subsequent scenes slowly grew back.

Considering that one of the craftsmen, the old woman who sells feet, needs a lot of flesh and blood materials for her research and work. In the past two years, the flesh and blood in the hospital area has not been deliberately cleared.

Moreover, the hospital is not the usual activity area for the ghost stories within the power.

Although there is a station for the Kisaragi train at the door, the fixed trains programmed by Wu do not pass by here.

Usually, only the old lady who sells feet occasionally brings people here.

It is very suitable to "plant" Takiyashajime here without being disturbed!


After applying the special targeted oil made by the old lady who sells feet, Kamiya stepped on the scarlet flesh and walked here as if it were flat ground.

In fact, even if the special oil is not used, the scene of the hospital can not restrict Kamiya Chuan's activities now.

After all, his strength has become several levels stronger, and the "trouble" in the past is not a big deal now.

Coming to the "operating room" of the hospital, which is the location of the casket and the shrine complex, Kamiya Chuan put Takiyashajime down: "This is it. It's safe here, you can stay at ease."

Beside all the caskets in Changshi, the range of activities of the shikigami is all available.

Takijime is safe here.

Then, I will say hello to Kanihime and ask her security team to include the hospital in the patrol range and strengthen the area control.

"Not bad."

The curse line under Takihime's neck pierced into the flesh and blood on the ground.

The black hair was shaking, and the princess became like a beautiful flower again.

Afterwards, she looked at the majestic and imposing small shrines, opened her mouth, but finally did not ask anything.

I always feel that if I ask something about those shrines, not only will I not get an answer, but I will also be pinched by Kamiyagawa.

I'll just bear it for now.

Kamiyagawa: "What? You look like you have something to say but don't say it."

Takiyashahime: "I just wonder why you happen to control such a permanent base that is very suitable for me to reshape my body."


Kamiya smiled.

Of course, it's because I control enough areas!

There are all kinds of strange stories, there is always one suitable for you.

During the conversation between the two, the dormant yellow-green light on the casket suddenly flew around like a startled firefly on a summer night.

When the light particles in the sky gathered again, the figure of an old woman in a black robe was outlined in the light.

It was the foot-selling old woman who held the Takamagahara pass token and came over through the teleportation effect of the casket.

"Master Kamiya, I heard that you are looking for me?"

The foot-selling old woman first greeted the leader with flattery.

Then his attention was immediately attracted by Takijime standing on the ground. Her triangular eyes squeezed by wrinkles suddenly sparkled!

The underlying color of her eyes was as greedy as a wolf.

The desire for knowledge and research is growing wildly!

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" The old woman who sold her feet exclaimed three times in a row, and her eyes sparkled as she came close to Takihime, "What a beautiful! How pretty! And what a lively head of a beautiful woman!"

Takiyashahime was forced to lean back a little by the extremely enthusiastic old woman who sold her feet: "Kamiya... who is this?"

"The old woman who sold her feet, she will take care of you from now on."

"Take... take care of?"

Takiyashahime felt that this strange old woman didn't look like she was going to "take care" of her at all. She even had reason to suspect that if Kamiya Kawa hadn't been standing here, this old woman who sold her feet might have cut herself open to observe.

"Don't worry, in the field of flesh and blood materials, the old woman who sold her feet is the most professional."

"You mean materials? Hey, I'm not materials!"

The princess who always teased and joked became visibly panicked.

And Kamiya Kawa looked at Takihime and just thought it was a little funny.

In her impression, she didn't panic like this even when facing the Dragon God.

After all, there is always something that can defeat something else.

But then again, it's normal for the foot-selling old woman to be so interested in Taki.

A living ghost story, plus the ability to regenerate flesh and blood similar to Aoyagi.

For craftsmen who study flesh and blood, this is such a rare and precious research object!

It's enough to make the foot-selling old woman crazy.

Moreover, the foot-selling old woman is also an old employee, and Kamiya Kawa knows her inside out.

This conscientious old craftsman will never disobey the order conveyed by the leader.

To say that she is taking care of her, it must be taking care of her with all her heart and soul. There is no one more suitable to take care of Taki than her.

With the assistance of the foot-selling old woman, the possibility of Taki's body reconstruction will definitely be greatly improved!

However, in the process of taking care of her, it is acceptable to do some safety research that does not harm Taki.

Even if it is the princess, since she has accepted my protection, she must work for me.

Is this reasonable?

Being studied as research material is also a way of working.

If the old lady who sells her feet really understands her unique abilities, she might be able to bring some unique "technology" to her own forces.

Kamiya Kawa: "Be polite to Taki-hime. She is our guest. We should try our best to meet her reasonable requests. Then, do your best to help her reshape her body."

"Can you still... reshape your body? Hey, don't worry, don't worry, Lord Kamiya." The light in the old lady's eyes became brighter, and she excitedly fiddled with the bottles and jars filled with strange oils.

"Anyway, get along well with each other. I will come back to see you. Don't worry, the old lady who sells her feet won't hurt you."

After explaining everything here, Kamiya Kawa waved his hand and turned to leave, completely ignoring the princess's not very decent wailing in the operating room.

"Even if you say so, but I... Hey! Hey! Kamiya Kawa, don't leave yet, come back! Stay with me for a while, don't leave me! Ah——Kamiya Kawa, you bastard!"

Kamiya, who thought he had just done a good thing, was just a little helpless about this.

Why are you still angry and scolding people?

I think the princess doesn't understand at all.

Good medicine tastes bitter.

A good doctor just looks a little scary.

I guess after getting used to it, Takiyasha will definitely get along well with the old lady who sells feet.

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