I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 733 Eight Hundred and Eight Raccoon Dogs

The cat shopkeeper and his party left Iyo Mountain and planned to return to Oeyama Castle first.

The traveling cat team went on a long journey this time, and because they were accompanied by two kings of the ghost clan, they did not encounter any obstacles on the way to Iyo.

Logically speaking, the return journey should also be smooth.

There are two wild gods traveling around the world, and any wild ghosts with a little wisdom are unwilling to get close to them to cause bad luck.

However, just as the cats and their party were about to leave Iyo Mountain.

"Aba Wuji!"

The body of the little old man suddenly gave a warning.

At about the same time, a strange fog filled the front of the road.

Dongdong! Dongdong!

In the milky white fog, there was a sound like a drum.

The drum beats were dull and distant, and each drum beat was like a heavy hammer falling on a hard stone slab.

Soon, some outlines appeared in the fog and slowly approached. There were many silhouettes looming in the fog, and it seemed that they were also a team acting in coordination. And in the oncoming team, you can see——

The leader is a gorgeous, arrogant big cat, with its head held high and striding in front.

Behind the big cat, there is a female ghost with strange eyes on her head and a small beast with a vague outline.

Further back, there is a huge demon car.

It looks like an ox cart, but there is no animal pulling the cart in the front part of the car, but a big female face with curly hair, angry eyes, and a big mouth, with an expression full of despair.

Several large red paper lanterns are hung on the demon car, swaying in the wind. The swaying red light is refracted and diffused by the tiny mist and water droplets around it, and it is hazy, like countless scarlet pupils peeping in the dark.

The demon car rumbles up and down in the thick fog, and the wooden body makes a jerky "squeak" sound, rolling and crushing the road with great momentum.

On both sides of the car body, burly soldiers wearing heavy armor and holding sophisticated weapons lined up in a row, marching forward in an orderly and powerful manner.

On both sides of the soldiers guarding the demon car, there was a guard who was obviously the leader, one was burly and strong, and the other was charming and enchanting...


After roughly seeing the outlines of the shapes appearing in the fog on the opposite side, the cat shopkeeper sat down on the spot and tilted his head in confusion.

Although each figure in the oncoming team was obscured by the thick fog, so it was impossible to see it clearly, it felt like a complete replica of our team.

Of course, there are obvious differences.

For example, there is no drummer in our team, and there will be no sound similar to that of beating a drum.

Also, in the pirated team that appeared in the fog, it seems that there is no outline corresponding to the little old man's body.

Maybe something is imitating our side?

But because the little old man's body is too hidden, the other party did not sense it?

That was a really poor imitation...

The two ghost kings at the back of the team came to the back of Mao Mao at the first opportunity.

"What are these things blocking the road?"

The heavy iron chains of the Golden Bear boy dragged on the ground, and the heads of the chains were like poisonous snakes spitting out their tongues, swaying close to the ground, ready to move.

"I don't know, it looks quite like us."

Xing Xiong held the red wine bowl in his hand and shrugged lazily.

She thought the things in front of her were quite interesting.

However, it was just interesting.

Xing Xiong did not feel a clear threat from the front. Even if there were any enemies blocking the road, they were definitely not strong enemies.

"Tsk! Playing tricks!"

Unlike the calm and composed Cat Shopkeeper and Xing Xiong at this time, Jin Xiong has always had a hot temper.

It is also possible that the former two are waiting for the latter to take action, so that they can see what happens next.

Jin Xiong spun his right hand violently, and several chains wrapped around his arm, and the chains slammed into the thick fog in front like a long whip.


Several chains were drawn into the mist, whistling through the air, colliding with each other, and making sharp metallic vibrations.

The effect was immediate.

Not only did the thick fog disperse a little, but even the dull drumming sound weakened.

At the same time, the howling of wild beasts in pain could be heard.



The howling and wailing sound was very chaotic, sounding a bit like a dog or a fox.

The next second, the outlines of those who imitated the cat shopkeeper, the golden bear, the star bear, etc. in the mist all changed and became clearer.

They all turned into mysterious creatures with dark brown fur and different sizes.

Some looked like foxes and some looked like raccoons, but their bodies were rounder and furrier, and their limbs were relatively short.

These strange beasts all had big heads, broad foreheads and round cheeks. The muzzle was white, and the cheeks and eyes were covered with black fluff, with light color on the top and dark color on the bottom, making the color of their faces look like pirate masks.


If we judge these beasts by their appearance from a biological perspective, they should be considered raccoon dogs of the Canidae family.

However, those that can move in the ordinary world are definitely not normal animals.

They are monsters, and a strange story.

The group of raccoon dogs in front of us, roughly speaking, has 30 or 40 of them, and they look like humans. Some wear straw hats, and some have leaves on their heads. They hold wine bottles, pipes, umbrellas, and other messy things in their hands.

Among them, there are about a dozen people who were whipped by the golden bear and rolled on the ground screaming.

The rest may not have reacted for a while, and some were even slapping their paws on their swollen abdomens, and finally stopped when they heard the screams of their companions.

On the abdomens of these raccoon dogs, there are black lines that look like magatama.

When they raise their paws and tap, they will make a drumming sound.

This is how the sound of the taiko drum was made, and the sound of the drum seemed to be used to create illusions.

To call such a group of animals "raccoon dogs" is obviously to look down upon them too much.

In traditional Japanese ghost stories, raccoon dogs that become spirits and have spiritual power are generally called "raccoons", or simply "raccoons".

Tanuki is widely popular among Japanese monsters, and its status is similar to that of fox monsters.

It is said that raccoons generally have the ability to transform into the image they need by placing leaves on their heads.

In addition, fox demons also have the ability to transform.

And in Japanese perception, the level of transformation of raccoon dogs is even better than that of foxes, so there is a saying that "the fox changes seven times and the raccoon eight times".

In addition, in Japanese folk monster culture, generally speaking, the image of the fox is relatively cold, while the image of the raccoon is relatively simple and honest. In many traditional ghost stories, foxes change to harm people, while raccoons change to tease people.

Tanuki likes to see humans being fooled around.

Of course, these are just human beings' impressions of these two benevolent phantom beasts.

The transformed raccoons blocking the road ahead were pulled out of their prototypes by the Golden Bear with a simple wave of their chains.

It collapsed with one blow.

The golden bear seemed to look down upon these monsters.

He smacked his lips: "Tsk, raccoon?"

Before the separation of the eternal world and the present world, Golden Bear also had dealings with individual raccoon demons or fox demons.

In his opinion, although they are both spirits who are good at changing, the fox demon is an insidious person who thinks he is noble and is very annoying with histrionics.

And the raccoon demon is a very nasty and nasty guy.

When the Golden Bear was young, before he became the king of the country, he once competed with a male raccoon dog.

Under the bulging belly of the raccoon demon, two huge balls hung nakedly between its feet.

It calls the two fleshy ball bags under its crotch the "Light of the Moon". They can stretch and deform, such as turning into a large net for fishing, or turning into a balloon to fly into the sky, or even turning into various weapons. fighting.

In short, the male golden bear felt that Tanuki's behavior of showing off and using the "Light of the Moon" was not worthy of publicity.

Because of his childhood fighting experience, he didn't really want to fight the male raccoon demon again if it wasn't necessary.

It's just an insult to ghosts!

And among the group of raccoons in front of them, there are obviously several with the "light of the bright moon" hanging down.

"Get out of the way and get out of the way!"

The golden bear roared loudly.

Those raccoons seemed to realize at this time that they had offended someone they shouldn't, and they howled and scattered like birds and beasts.


Seeing that the raccoons dispersed, the golden bear took back the chain.

What a bunch of reckless people, they dare to attack our Gao Tianyuan!

Ah, no, you actually dare to attack the ghost clan of our country!


Seeing that the road ahead was clear, the cat showcase swung its tail, barked softly to greet the team members, and set off again with high head.

If those guys were just playing pranks, the proud cat wouldn't want to waste time arguing about anything.

It’s business to quickly deliver [Ni’s relics] to the hands of the divine craftsmen.

As long as you complete this task, you will definitely be praised by the master.


I am the most useful cat!


Star Bear Boy took down the Star Bear Cup with his backhand and thought for a moment.

She also had no intention of chasing those transformed raccoons.

However, Xingxiong was a little surprised that Golden Bear didn't waste time on those raccoons.

She didn't know about the "special experience" of the golden bear in its early childhood.

Just thought maybe the golden bear has started to grow a brain?

Although the raccoon looks a bit simple in appearance, its cunning is not inferior to that of the fox.

Judging from the current situation, there seems to be a group of raccoons around Iyo Matsuyama.

I don’t know how many raccoons there are here, and I don’t know if there is a more powerful leader among them.

If you delay here, you might be plotted against.

Xingxiong is not afraid of these raccoons, but just like Shopkeeper Cat, the most important thing now is to send the [Ninadao's relics] back to his own forces smoothly.

Obtaining this thing means that the construction of Hachishanu's shrine can start soon.

It’s better to settle for safety.


The round and round raccoons, although their bodies are short and thick, are extremely agile in their escape speed.

Moreover, they also know the terrain here in Songshan very well.

"I'm not chasing you!" "I'm not chasing you!"

After running far away and confirming that there were no pursuers behind them, the raccoon demons stopped and gathered together.

Among these dozens of civets, one was as big as an adult wild boar, and he was their leader.

It was also the "big raccoon dog" just now, with leaves on its head, transformed into the most difficult to imitate the shape of a car.

"It seems they have no intention of taking care of us." The big raccoon scratched a leaf above his head. "The team of ghosts... and some other monsters is really a strange combination."

I don't know whether it sounded happy or regretful.

Probably both.

"Strange combination." "Did they kill Nirudao?" "Did they really kill him?"

The small raccoons gathered together, talking at the same time, as if boiling water was boiling.

"I think so, Nirudao is gone."

"Good thing?" "Bad thing?"

"It's hard to say now."

The disappearance of Nirudao is not necessarily a bad thing for the raccoons in Songshan.

After all, that Nirudao is not in the same group with them.

Nirudao was formed by the souls of the raccoons and foxes who died in the Songshan area a long time ago.

But raccoons and foxes don't get along, it's not an exaggeration to say that they are mortal enemies.

For example, the raccoons who occupied the hilltop in Songshan are strictly guarding and not allowing any fox to enter the territory.

Therefore, that Nirudao has the characteristics of both raccoons and foxes, and does not belong to either side of the two tribes.

However, Nirudao is not weak. Whether it was the raccoons guarding Songshan or the foxes wandering outside Songshan, both sides seemed to have the idea of ​​using it, and they had also worshipped Ni Rudao in private.

The occasional worship of the monsters was also the only source of Ni Rudao's belief.

With this back and forth, the three parties reached a very strange balance.

And now this balance has been broken.

"Where did those ghosts come from?" "Helpers found by the fox?" "Helping the fox to steal our 'Big Mingyue'?"

The small raccoons were still chattering.

The big raccoon had a headache.

"In the end, even we don't know where the 'Big Mingyue' is now. And I don't think they were found by the fox."

"It's hard to say." "What should we do now?"

"Anyway, go back and tell the situation here to Master Babaiba."

The raccoons were arguing like this, heading deeper into the forest.

And a few minutes after they left.

"Aba Wuji."

The little old man dressed as a monk with a shakuhachi in his hand jumped down from a pine branch here, fell to the ground, rolled twice, and patted his monk's robe to get up again.

It seems that he heard some very interesting information.

Eight hundred and eight raccoons.

This should be the leader of the raccoons in Iyo Songshan.

Or just now, the scout heard a raccoon mention something "big bright moon".

I don't know what it means.

But it seems to be something that the raccoon monsters and fox monsters here are fighting for.

The little old man, who has a rich knowledge of ghost stories, naturally knows what the "bright moon light" of some male raccoons refers to.

Their offspring bags.

So, the so-called "big bright moon" could not be a pair of larger "bright moon lights"?

That's a bit funny.


The little old man pushed the dark deep bamboo hat on his head.

The things here in Iyo Songshan seem to be quite interesting.

Anyway, report the things here to the master first.

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