I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 746 Labor Digestion

In the past few days since Fukuji came to Takamagahara, she has visited many places under the leadership of the administrative staff——

Those buildings that are far more beautiful and elegant than Tanuki Goden, the lively Paradise Market with lots of delicious food and fun, and the extremely convenient Kisaragi train network...

Everything in Gao Tianyuan felt novel to her.

In Fuki's eyes, such a powerful and prosperous Takamagahara force rescued the Iyo Fox, who was not worth mentioning to them, regardless of reward.

Compared with monsters such as Nirudo and Baizu, the monsters living in Takamagahara are simply synonymous with kindness and kindness!

Princess Tanuki is already completely pro-Gao Tianyuan.

In the past few days, Fu Ji had briefly met Ji Ji several times, but it was the first time for him to be called directly to the Haiguo Administration Building for such a formal meeting.

In the office.

Fu Ji glanced at Ji Ji, then lowered her eyebrows submissively, thinking to herself: "Ms. Ji Ji's dragon horns are shiny, and the scales on her tail are golden... so majestic and beautiful."

She had heard someone say it.

This Isohime-sama is the descendant of the legendary Munakata three goddesses. She is the daughter of the sea and a noble dragon girl.

Standing in front of this adult, Fu Ji could indeed feel an indescribable sense of oppression coming towards her.

Fortunately, even though Isohime-sama looks noble and cold, she doesn't seem to be too difficult to get along with.

To a certain extent, she still looks like a friendly big sister.

Princess Tanuki has no consciousness of "having no way to go home".

In fact, from Fu Ji's point of view, Iyo may not be able to go back for a while, but the clan members are still there.

Even if they lose their land but save their people, there is still hope for the raccoon tribe.

Even if the tribe can fully integrate into the Takamagahara forces and become a part of this powerful force, it would not be a bad thing in the eyes of Fuki, who is completely "pro-Takamagahara".

Her father, the Eight Hundred and Eight Hundred Raccoons, seemed to have such a plan.

"Afu, Xiaojiu, I've called you here this time because I have something to tell you." Jiji first chatted with the two girls from the raccoon and fox tribes for a while, then when the atmosphere became more relaxed, she brought up the topic. Get to the point:

"I believe you all already know that Gao Tianyuan plans to arrange for your tribe to participate in the work. I have clear charter documents regarding the salary and benefits of the main positions. As representatives of the interests of your respective tribes, you need to understand it."

"The master is very kind. According to his wishes, the raccoon and fox tribes will enjoy the same working conditions as the residents of Gaotian."

Isohime subtly established the image of Kamiyagawa, and at the same time handed a document to the little girls of the raccoon and fox tribes.


Fu Ji flipped through the documents in her hand, her pink eyes shining slightly.

Listening to this, although the tribe is now accepting the protection of Gao Tianyuan, not only do they not have to pay a price, they can even get benefits!

As for the "master" in Lady Isohime's words, Fukuji knows that it refers to Lord Kamiya, the leader here.


I heard the majestic and beautiful sister Ji Ji say this title naturally, but I don't know why it always feels a bit subtle.

Fuki still retains most of the impressions of the old times when it comes to verbal titles.

In her memory, women call men "しゅじん", especially Isohime-sama's tone...

Basically, it is mostly used by wives and concubines to address their husbands.

After all, the word "しゅじん" originally means "head of the family" or "head of the family".

But it doesn’t matter.

As expected, Lord Kamiya is a benevolent gentleman!

While Fu Ji and Ah Jiu were browsing the file system, Ji Ji added:

"Because the raccoons and foxes are new to the job, and the corresponding work experience and skills still need to be learned and practiced, their remuneration refers to the 'trainee apprentice' and 'trainee apprentice' columns in the system documents."

After hearing this, Fu Ji and Ah Jiu both looked at the "trainee" and "internship" columns broken down by various positions.

It can be clearly seen that no matter what position they are in, compared to "regular employees", the treatment of interns and trainee workers is indeed quite different.

But the girls from the tanuki and fox tribes didn't feel there was anything wrong with this arrangement.

As Sister Isohime said, their tribe is indeed not familiar with those jobs, and they are dependent on others. It would be a bit strange to say that they enjoy the same treatment as the residents of Takamagahara from the beginning.

Isohime: "However, there is no need to worry that your people will be discriminated against in jobs in Takamagahara. Here, 'traineeship' and 'internship' are originally the first step for beginners to enter the work. After a period of assessment by the corresponding work department, Those who perform well in their positions will be granted the status of 'regular employees' and receive promotions."

"Afu, Xiaojiu, I plan to let you two stay in the administrative department to help. Of course, you will also receive labor compensation for this. Regarding the promotion of your tribe, you have the right and obligation to supervise, and you can work with other people at that time. Administrative staff cooperated and visited the scene to ensure fairness.”

"In addition, there is one more thing I want to explain to you. Trainee workers have the right to leave their jobs more flexibly, but if they become regular employees, they will need to sign a long-term contract."

What Isohime said is very clear——

The tanuki and fox who choose to become full-time employees in their respective positions will receive an increase in salary and benefits, but even if they return to Iyo to live in the future, they still have to commute by the Kisaragi train and come back to work on time.

In addition, all regular employees must hold a "monster identity certificate" issued by Gao Tianyuan's human resources management department and accept the unified jurisdiction of Gao Tianyuan.

The so-called "trainee" and "internship" positions were originally arranged by Gao Tianyuan for foreign monsters.

These demons and monsters who have not yet fully integrated into the forces of Takamagahara have gained status recognition through their own efforts, and thus officially become a member of Takamagahara.

This process can greatly enhance their sense of belonging.

The original old employees will also have a greater sense of honor as a result.

"Administrative trainee position... this is the next job for Ah Jiu and I, right?"

Fu Ji scanned the details of the document and found the content information related to herself.

It seems pretty good.

You will receive a fixed amount of soul crystal remuneration every month, and as long as you pass the assessment, you will not only become a formal administrative specialist, but also have the possibility of becoming the head of the department in charge of the administrative system in the future!

Gao Tian's reason is that he is short of manpower for a long time, and various functional departments have been expanding, and the job bonuses are attractive.

As long as you work hard, the promotion channels are very smooth.

Looking at the documents in his hand, Fu Ji was already thinking about how to spend his first salary next month.

There are a lot of delicious and fun things over there at the Paradise Market!

When shopping yesterday, Fu Ji was so greedy.

Paradise Market is currently the core and most complete business district in Gaotianyuan, and its consumer appeal is great.

According to Princess Tanuki's temperament, Gao Tianyuan will probably make money in the future and Gao Tianyuan will not be able to bring even a soul crystal back to Iyo.

"Lord Isohime, can I take this... charter document back?"

The little vixen Ah Jiu asked timidly as she flipped through the documents in her hand.

Fu Ji also followed: "Lord Ji Ji, I also want to take this back and take a closer look."

It concerns the interests of the tribe, and girls from both tribes dare not just deal with it casually.

"Of course it's possible."

Isohime nodded generously.

After talking about work-related matters, Jiji took out another document from her desk, and this time handed it to Ah Fu.

"Afu, this is the document for permission to expand the army. The master has already approved it. You go and deliver it to Lord Golden Bear. He should be in Dajiangshan City now. You should know how to get there, right?"

"Lord Golden Bear?" The raccoon cat ears on Fu Ji's head trembled, "I know, you can get there by taking the Kisaragi train, I have learned that. Mr. Ji Ji, don't worry, I promise to deliver this document personally In the hands of Lord Golden Bear!”

After accepting the first errand task after taking up the job, Fu Ji happily swung her big tail behind her and walked out the door happily.

Now, only Ji Ji and Ah Jiu were left in the office.

Ah Jiu, who was originally weak, was at a loss as to what to do. He rubbed the hem of his clothes with both hands, and the nine tails behind him hung down uneasily: "Lord Ji Ji... is there anything you need me to do?"

"Yes, come with me to the shipyard later, but you have to wait for Ah Fu to come back. By the way, Xiaojiu - how do you feel during these few days in Takamawahara?"

Ji Ji asked Ah Fu to leave because he actually had something else to say to Ah Jiu.

"The situation of the clan members has stabilized... I feel good here too. Everyone is very grateful to Takamagahara and Lord Kamiya."

"Is it really good?"


Ah Jiu couldn't answer the question at once.

The little vixen is less than a hundred years old and was born directly in the ordinary world. She is still very young when compared to the fox demon.

It is also in the past two years that I have relatively steadily mastered the art of transforming into human form.

And as she was now so nervous that she was about to cry, she felt like she would lose control of her appearance and turn back into a fox in the next second.

"It's okay. You can tell your true thoughts in front of me. I know that the killing of the pillar is not so easy for you to accept. I'm afraid there are still many people in your tribe who don't want to believe what Iyo said. The truth of what happened.”

The situation of the two tribes of foxes and foxes is different.

The tanuki doesn't need to worry about Ishime much, but the fox still needs to focus on it.

Upon hearing this, Ah Jiu raised his head hard and said hurriedly: "Lord Ji Ji, everyone is just... just too frustrated. Give me some time, and I will definitely let everyone..."

The truth about Iyo is not easy for the Fox clan to accept.

However, Gao Tianyuan has released relevant evidence.

For example, the Killing Stone, the Sky Fox Color Tail, and the furniture and utensils that contain the power of the Killing Stone and are regarded as wedding gifts.

With such evidence, Ah Jiu was willing to believe that what Gao Tianyuan said was true.

Especially the furniture and utensils, Ah Jiu knew that these were personally prepared by his uncle "Fox Shiliu Lang" to be sent to the raccoon tribe.

However, the uncle she has always admired turned out to be a fake, turned into a bad fox who wanted all of their lives. This kind of thing...

"Let your tribe know and believe the facts. This is what you should do, Xiaojiu. This is a responsibility you cannot shirk. Even if you are not willing to bear it, it is already on your shoulders." Ji Ji's The tone became slightly more serious, "The Fox Clan has nowhere to go now. If your tribe cannot settle down in Gaotianyuan, Gaotianyuan will not continue to accept them... Xiaojiu, the world outside Changshi is very difficult. Cruel."

"Lord Isohime, please don't drive us away..."

"This depends on what the fox tribe does next. To a large extent, it depends on how far you can go."

Isohime did not return to her gentle attitude. It was time to be stricter.

Because Jiu is the granddaughter of Xuanhu Jun, she has a more orthodox leadership over the Iyo fox tribe. But she is too young to have much say in the tribe.

She has to have a sense of crisis and grow up.

The little female fox sobbed and whimpered, saying, "I will try my best... As long as everyone can live well, no matter what Isohime says, Jiu will do it. So, please..."

"I won't let you do anything bad." Isohime's attitude finally softened. She raised her hand and patted Jiu's head gently. "As long as you do what you should do, your fox tribe will live well. I promise."

Isohime can see her own shadow in Jiu.

When the mermaids joined Takamagahara, their situation was not too good compared to the crab tribe led by Kanihime.

But now, whether it is Isohime or Mermaid, everyone can live and work in Takamagahara.

Isohime feels that she has an obligation to guide this child, just as her master once guided herself.

It is not difficult to make the depressed and restless foxes settle down.

As long as Jiu can stand on the stage, Isohime will help her to the best of her ability.

Moreover, the various perfect systems of Takamagahara are here.

"Xiaojiu, you will lead the foxes well."

The core of the foxes, a part of Takamagahara.

Work hard for the interests of the foxes and Takamagahara.

Isohime will make Jiu such an existence.

Isohime is digesting the raccoon fox labor in an orderly manner, so that Kamiya River can not be distracted by these things.

However, as the leader of the power, he has not been idle these days.

There are important things that need him to study and deal with.

Changsheng, Iyo.

Kamiya led people back to this abnormal area.

This time, he brought the general general of the raccoons, Yaoba Tanuki.

In order to further investigate and understand the information related to the abnormality of the Great Bright Moon.

The previous Yuli Hall was the place where the most furniture and utensils were piled up by the Killing Pillar.

Once the fox started the trouble, Yuli Hall became a disaster area where the poisonous miasma spread.

However, Kamiya River rescued Yaoba Tanuki in time, and the old raccoon cat still had some strength.

After being taken to Inunaki Pass for a few days of recuperation, it finally recovered.

It was daytime in Iyo, but the huge moon in the sky still existed, and its brilliance even overshadowed the sunlight.

After arriving in Iyo, Kamiya looked back at Yaoba Tanuki: "Are you okay?"

"I... I'm fine." The fat old raccoon took a deep breath. The huge moon in the sky still had some effect on it, but there was no poisonous miasma of the Killing Stone around it, so it could hold on for a long time. "Let's go to the ruins of Matsuyama Castle, Lord Kamiya."

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