I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 748 Kimono Kosode

The moment Ibuki's divine skeleton touched the Inugami, it turned into tiny floating white particles, and was immediately engulfed by the raging fire of karma.

After accommodating this skeleton, Inugami returned to the shikigami statue.

After completing the ceremony arrangements, Kamiya glanced at the shikigami statue of Inugami again. The yellow-green light fragments on the divine coffin were flying in all directions, and the silver-plated animal-shaped statue reflected the shimmering light. It was ferocious and ferocious, but also had a sense of sanctity.

Inugami's current condition is very good. Judging from past experience, there will not be much problem in his promotion to god.

"The dog is something you need to keep, so I didn't have to worry too much about it. I just managed to get myself to graduation soon."

Kamiya sighed in his heart.


Inugami is the easiest shikigami to take care of and the least to worry about.

Its promotion process is very different from other shikigami who follow the "farming style" approach and develop step by step.

Starting with a dog, development depends entirely on grabbing.

Just grabbing, grabbing, eating and eating all the way, and now I have the qualifications to become a god.

Inugami has proved by itself that its exclusive "plundering style" is not different from the "farming style" of other shikigami. In the end, they reach the same goal by different paths.

"Gouzi has grown up all the way, and he has not even built the shrine needed in the Aragami period. The faith required for the transition from Aragami to a god is all obtained through plunder... But when Ibuki's bones are completely accommodated, it will be for him. Run it.”

"After Ibuki's skeleton is contained, the real-life Ibuki Daimyojin Shrine can be completely controlled by Gouzi, just to serve as the core of its belief system. Other shrines corresponding to the fallen gods whose beliefs it has plundered can also be used Also enshrine its statue.”

Anyway, the idea of ​​cultivating Inugami after he becomes a god is to inherit the belief system of Ibuki Daimyojin.

As for other gods whose faith was robbed by Inugami, especially those fallen gods whose belief systems were not destined by the remaining shikigami of Kamitigawa...

Although the corresponding shrines cannot be completely controlled by the Inugami like the Ibuki Shrine, it is still feasible to turn the belief in these gods into vassals similar to the Inugami belief and continue to take incense from them.

Building Inugami's shrines into those shrines is equivalent to collecting protection fees.

Such an arrangement is enough for Inugami to receive stable worship after becoming a god.

If it's really not enough...

After that, let’s grab a few more gods’ belief systems.

Anyway, it has been this way all the way, and the style of "plundering flow" has been consistent.

With the arrangements for Inugami completely settled, Kamiya temporarily left the Flower Bell School.

He has a lot of things to be busy with recently, especially the cultivation of shikigami and his subordinate Kaidan. picture--

The required materials for the shrine related to the power of "lust and shape change" prepared for the Hachishaku Girl have been collected.

Sister Jue will start construction in the next few days.

There is also Prajna.

The bones of the God of Darkness and Beauty have been collected by Kamigani River, and Prajna's god-making ceremony should also be put on the agenda.

The power of belief that Prajna currently possesses is mainly derived from operations, and its main focus is to be long-term and sustainable.

It's not like Gouzi, who swallowed Anyu Jiamei whole and immediately grabbed Bo Da's.

But for now, the sources of belief in Hannya are still very extensive. Added up, the volume is actually very large, not inferior to the Inugami in its current state.

Moreover, the bones of the Cursed Dragon God are much stronger than the bones of Ibuki Daimyojin, so it is more difficult to absorb and utilize.

Kamiyakawa intends to continue to run a wave of operations for Prajna, and then promote her to become a god smoothly and risk-free.

As for how to operate it, it depends on Bunche Yaofei and GENIE Animation Studio.

GENIE just released "Katsutengu no Monster Retreat" this year, and it would take too long to create a detailed drama.

However, Fumikari Yahime, who is in charge of the GENIE Studio, has long ago proposed to Kamiyagawa to expand the channels for harvesting shikigami beliefs in the cultural industry, and has been making plans for this.

To put it simply, I want to open up more tracks.

Animated movies, novels, comics, and even cross-industry games...

Anyway, GENIE currently has sufficient funds, and has expanded its manpower and contacts a lot. The ACG industry can be tested. Even if a certain project loses a little money, it doesn't matter.

"According to what Xiao Wenche said, the current focus on layout preparation is comics."

From dramas to comics, the span is not particularly large.

Chiaki Miyake, who can work energetically for 20 hours a day as long as he stays in the Fish Hotel without being disturbed, prepares the script to ensure the quality of the comic plot.

Within GENIE, there are many painters with mature skills.

Taking the prototype of Prajna as the protagonist, launching a comic series is quite promising.

Anyway, Princess Wenche has almost prepared the corresponding matters, so there is no need for Kamiya to worry too much——

In terms of plot, the new comic can be connected and interacted with "The Uncertain Lady Mary" and "Katsutengu's Monster Retreat" to further enrich and improve the framework of the GENIE monster universe.

If the response to the comic is good enough in the future, it can be adapted into a TV series.

Eat two fish out of one.

This world.

Ibaraki Prefecture, Yoshikoji Temple.

Tsurumi Aoi was sitting in the living room of her temple, gently wiping the blade of Ichimonji with a soft cloth.

Weapons are the basis of her fighting power in exorcism, so they naturally need to be well maintained.

The TV in the living room is on, broadcasting a new supernatural program launched by TBS TV. Now it seems to be an interview session, and the host is talking to a specially invited folklorist——

"...So, what do you think of such supernatural events?"

"In short, around our daily lives, there may really be supernatural forces that humans cannot understand..."

Tsurumi, who is doing weapon maintenance, looked up and his eyes paused on the TV screen for a second or two.

Recently, it seems that it started this year, and there have been a lot of supernatural programs on TV.

In the past, such programs were usually broadcast late at night, but now they are also broadcast during the day.

Moreover, it is said that the ratings of such programs are not low.

In short, more and more people in society are discussing supernatural events.

"The frequency of activities of demons and ghosts is getting more and more intense. Is the current public opinion trend instructed by the Countermeasures Office?"

Tsurumi Aoi thought so.

Thanks to a great master like Kamiyagawa, Tsurumi has had a lot of contact with the Countermeasures Office.

It seems that I have heard similar rumors recently.

Perhaps one day in the future, the Countermeasures Office will completely disclose to the public the fact that demons and ghosts exist.

And the current public opinion orientation may be a preparation for this.

Although it is bound to increase people's discussion and fear of ghosts when it is disclosed to the whole society, the generation of "public opinion ghosts" will be further accelerated at that time.

But this may also be a last resort.

Mainly in terms of the frequency of demons and ghosts, it is really difficult to continue to conceal them in the information age.

For example, not long ago, the disappearance of the entire Jinseki Town caused a sensation.

An entire town disappeared overnight. This kind of thing is no small matter anyway. No matter how much public opinion is suppressed, someone will definitely know about it.

Although the official later gave a statement that Jinseki Town in Tokushima Prefecture was destroyed by a strong earthquake.

But people don't buy this statement.

It was called a natural disaster, but apart from some government officials coming out to bow, there was no detailed report on the follow-up situation in the disaster area.

The area around Jinseki Town has been blocked to this day.

No matter whether it is the civilian rescue team, or the disaster relief supplies and a large number of paper cranes prepared by the people, none of them are allowed to enter.

There are even people on the Internet who broke the news that on the night of the so-called Jinseki Town earthquake, a terrifying vision was seen in the sky above Jinseki Town -

Not only lightning and thunder, but also some huge monsters hovering, tumbling, and roaring in the dark clouds, which is very scary.

At the beginning, there were corresponding videos on the Internet.

However, the relevant videos have been deleted and cannot be found.

In addition, in the past two days, the entertainment industry has suddenly revealed some gossip news, which has attracted the attention of the public to a certain extent.

Anyway, the information held by the Countermeasures Office will cause riots whether it is made public or not.

Of course, Tsurumi can't help with this.

All she can do is to seize the time to practice and strengthen herself to deal with all unknown possibilities. If there is a bigger chaos in the future, try not to hold back Teacher Kamiya and Senior Sister.

Tsurumi Aoi sat in the living room and took her time to maintain the three sabers that she currently had the right to use.

After doing all this, she took the "Hotsugaru" in her hand to check.

Tsurumi had just acquired this very strange sword not long ago.

The specific method of use has not yet been fully developed and mastered.

I have to work harder.

"I will practice again later."

Putting down Hotsugaru, Tsurumi Aoi got up from the living room and walked out the door.

Today is the anniversary of Tsurumi's mother's death. She came back to Ibaraki to pay tribute to her mother and visit her father.

She will return to Tokyo tomorrow.

Anyway, the distance between Ibaraki Prefecture and Tokyo is not far.

As for Tokyo...

These days, Teacher Kamiya has been very busy and is often not seen.

It seems that he often goes to GENIE Studio.

Speaking of which, Yoshikoji Temple of the Tsurumi family has also invested a lot of money in this animation studio that has made a lot of headlines in the past two years.

It is somewhat related to Tsurumi.

She knows that Miss Kamiya Shiori, who runs the studio, is also the ghost story bunsha yōhime under the teacher, and is preparing to make a big splash in the field of serialized comics recently.

Teacher Kamiya seems to be paying close attention to this matter.

In addition, the teacher has recently often visited Miss Onizuka, the child of the Giant Qiong Shrine.

The two often go to various places together to meet with different shrines and temples.

Tsurumi is Kamiya's beloved little apprentice after all, and he already knows the inside story and actual purpose of these things: "In short, they are all preparing for the Shikigami faith under Teacher Kamiya."

Teacher Kamiya, it seems that he is really working hard.

No wonder Senior Sister Kanoya always says "I must honor my master today."


Tsurumi Aoi walked to the main hall of Yoshikoji Temple.

Here she found her father.


"Aoi, have you paid respect to your mother?"

Tsurumi, wearing the robes of the chief monk, stood in front of the Buddha statue in the main hall.

In front of him was a neatly folded women's kimono.

The background was moon-white with floral patterns.

Although it is layered, you can feel that the kimono itself is beautiful and gorgeous.

"I've been to the cemetery." Tsurumi nodded and turned his attention to the white kimono, "Dad, this is..."

In this kimono, Tsurumi could feel a trace of kaidan lingering.

The smell is very fresh, not very strong.

But when I looked carefully, I couldn't see the ghost story, so it was probably just a spiritual object that had been attached to some kind of ghost story before.

"A small sleeve kimono with an ancient style was sent by a lady named Fujino just now. She wants to enshrine this kimono in the temple and entrust us to purify and dispose of it."

Mr. Tsurumi replied, and slowly unfolded the moon-white women's kimono.

The fabric hangs softly, revealing the entire kimono. It is indeed a relatively ancient style, with a crossed collar, slanted lapels, tucked-in cuffs, and openings under the arms.

very beautiful.

In Japan, many shrines and temples have the business of accepting evil objects.

Yoshikoji Temple is naturally no exception.

Moreover, the current Yoshikoji Temple is protected by Miss Mary herself.

Placing some supernatural objects within the temple will not cause any problems at all, not to mention that it is just a spiritual object that has been attached to ghost stories.

"What kind of weird story is it?"

Tsurumi looked away from Kosode's kimono and asked casually.

"According to Ms. Fujino, last night, when this kimono was being placed on a hanger, she saw several fair and delicate arms rustling out of the cuffs of the kimono. Those arms appeared briefly, pulling on the kimono. The cuffs and hem quickly disappeared."

"Ms. Fujino was shocked and quickly sent this dress to us. However, the monster that appeared in this kimono is no longer here."

Mr. Tsurumi told his daughter about the kimono.

It doesn't sound like it was a particularly serious supernatural experience.

Ms. Fujino was not seriously injured except for being frightened.

After listening to these words, Tsurumi Aoi thought of something that should fit the description of the ghost that was clinging to this kimono last night -

Kosode's hand.

Youkai such as Kosode's Hands have been recorded and rumored since the Edo period, and they have a lot to do with kimonos.

And generally only appears on women's kimonos.

The form that people usually see and hear is the same as what happened to Ms. Fujino, which is an arm sticking out of a narrow-sleeved kimono.

Relatively harmless.

It is said that this kind of monster is born from women's nostalgia for beautiful clothes.


Is it a kind of monster that is born with a longing for beauty? (End of chapter)

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