I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 757: To repay the generosity of Lord Kamiya!

As a weak undead, Chiaki Miyake has not appeared in public before.

But he has been joining the Kamiya Group for a long time. After working for such a long time, he received many requiem candles as salary.

After digesting these candles, Mr. Miyake's strength has improved a lot.

He is no longer a weak wandering soul with no rating.

Thanks to this, Mr. Miyake can move freely within a certain range of reality.

Of course, he doesn’t have the [painted skin] that can completely disguise himself as a human like Princess Bunche, so his actions in reality are still relatively low-key, and he will not appear in front of the media at all. In this world, he will basically only appear in GENIE’s Headquarters, as well as the newly established Night Tour Club.

Even when communicating with human employees inside the club, he always wears a mask.

Chiaki Miyake only takes off his mask when his brother comes to visit him and is alone with him.

Therefore, this ace scriptwriter still has a sense of mystery.

Perhaps Chiaki Miyake is very satisfied with "returning" to human society in this state.

For a person who died in vain——

After becoming an undead, you can be sheltered and have a stable and safe living environment; you can continue the career you loved during your lifetime and be respected for it; you can even meet your loved ones face to face.

So what more could he ask for?

And all of this is the result of Chiaki Miyake’s hard work!

I am sincerely grateful to the great and generous boss, Mr. Kamiya!

Chiaki Miyake took the time to come to the Night Club today to inspect the work.

In order to repay Kamiya-sama for his kindness, the script writer was very dedicated to the operation of "Hakugui Night Walk".

After all, "Hyakuki Night Walk" is a newly launched magazine. If you want to steadily increase the magazine's sales, it is definitely not enough to rely solely on the new manga "Noodles" that Miyake is responsible for.

A large number of outstanding cartoonists and editors must be discovered and cultivated, and other cartoons in the magazine must be of good quality.

So up to now, Mr. Miyake would take great pains to personally read all the comics published in "Hyakuki Night Walk".

He has such energy.

When he came to the night club today, Mr. Miyake noticed Shimokawa and others at a glance.

The short comics submitted by Yoji Shimokawa are somewhat concerning.

The young man's original comics were packed in airtight kraft paper portfolios.

But Chiaki Miyake is not human after all.

He could see the contents of the comic manuscripts through the portfolio.

Although I couldn't pry through all of the pile of manuscripts like this, it was still okay to see part of the contents.

Just a small one.

Anyway, Mr. Miyake saw——

The comic that Yoji Shimokawa brought had Satoru-chan, who appeared in "Miss Mary," as the protagonist.

And in the story he described, he also gave Wu the identity of the virtual anchor.

Chiaki Miyake knows that Satoru-chan is really working as a virtual anchor in reality, and this character setting is not mentioned in "Miss Mary".

Out of curiosity, he asked Editor Mizushima, who had originally arranged to meet Shimokawa Yoji, to wait later.

Then I came to the reception desk on No. 6 and reviewed the manuscript in person.


The original manuscript of the comic was turned over quickly in Mr. Miyake's hands.

Opposite him, Yoji Shimokawa was sitting on pins and needles, his hands unconsciously rubbing his thighs and trouser legs.

He was very afraid that the cartoon he had worked so hard to draw would be deemed worthless by his editor.

But there was nothing I could do. I could only wait, waiting for the editor to speak, just like a suspect waiting for trial in court.

Finally, Mr. Miyake finished reading the last manuscript and spoke slowly: "Shimokawa-kun, would you like something to drink? Tea or coffee?"

Hearing these words, Shimokawa Yoji felt like he was being pardoned, and his tense body leaned back on the chair: "Tea, thank you."

Behind him, Hidaka Tsunayō didn't know what was going on. He approached Takahashi Fumiya and asked in a low voice: "What is going on?"

"Please drink tea, which means there is something going on. The editor wants to continue talking about the comic manuscript. If you are not interested in the manuscript at all, it is time for us to leave now."

Takahashi Fumiya did some homework before coming to Night Travel Club.

For a newcomer who submits a comic manuscript for the first time, if the editor is willing to invite him to tea, it basically means that the manuscript has initially passed the test.

He had previously searched online and asked about the precautions for submitting articles to magazines, and heard that other comic magazines were like this.

"Where are you two? What would you like to drink?"

Miyake Chiaki turned his attention to the two young people sitting in the back.

Hidaka: "Coffee, thank you!"

Hearing this, Takahashi bumped his friend's ribs with his elbow: "You're so rude, idiot!"

"Ah? Mr. Editor asked us."

"Really-" Takahashi was helpless, but he could only agree, "Tea, please excuse me."

Seeing the active look of the young people, Chiaki Miyake just laughed, although his gentle smile was hidden under the mask and could not be captured well.

He called the receptionist, ordered three drinks, and then started reading "Satoru-chan's Fall" again.

While watching, he asked again casually: "Shimokawa-kun, are you still a student?"

"Well, I just went to college this year."

"Is this your first time drawing comics?"

"It's officially the first time."

"That's it."

Mr. Miyake turned his attention back to the manuscript.

In fact, the more I read this manuscript, the more I feel that it is not good enough.

But after all, it was drawn by a rookie who was drawing comics for the first time.

A freshman...

Although Chiaki Miyake made his official debut in high school, he is a gentle person and does not look down on any rookie cartoonist.

Moreover, this Shimokawa is still young after all.

Mr. Miyake's own creations are known for suspenseful and profound plots and gorgeous fighting scenes.

Comics with cute daily life as the selling point are not his forte.

But if it is just appreciation, there is no problem at all.

Although the short comic "Go-chan's Degeneracy" has obvious flaws, it also has unique highlights, and the story is quite interesting, and the flaws do not outweigh the merits.

This Shimokawa can draw like this in his first official drawing. As long as he is well trained, there is hope that he can be carved from a flawed rough jade into a beautiful jade in the future.

Since he is here to review the manuscript, Miyake will of course start from the perspective of an editor.

The so-called editor must have a discerning eye for pearls.

It is not only about finding outstanding talents who can be put to good use, but also about discovering new talents who have potential and are worth cultivating.

There is no doubt that Shimokawa Yoji belongs to the latter.

"In short, let's first affirm him, and then talk about the shortcomings in the comics."

The experienced Mr. Miyake thought so.

Three drinks were quickly delivered to the reception desk. Miyake would not take off his mask, so he naturally did not drink them. He put down the manuscript in his hand and said, "The story of "The Fall of Wu-chan" is very interesting. The most important thing about comics is that they are interesting. Shimokawa-kun, you have a very good talent in this regard."

"Thank you."

"Then, let me talk about some of my own opinions. First of all, the story part. Judging from the original work you presented, it is more like a light novel than a comic. There are too many text descriptions and explanations. If you don't use comic characters to promote the development of the plot, then there is no need to use the form of comics."

Mr. Miyake continued to persuade: "As for the drawings, your sketching ability is very strong. However, comics must have a certain style, and you use too many lines. The characters and background are not well distinguished. I personally think that your drawings should consciously add more deformations, which will help to form your own style."

Miyake Chiaki said a lot slowly.

There was affirmation of Shimokawa, and there were also continued pointing out of shortcomings.

But for the evaluated, criticism is always more harsh and sharp than praise.

"Um, uh, sorry."

Yoji Shimokawa listened and lowered his head a little awkwardly.

Takahashi Fumiya behind him suddenly realized something.

He had read "The Fall of Go-chan" a long time ago and found it very interesting.

But I always felt that there was something I couldn't say.

And the editor in front of him pointed out the problem right away.


Chiaki Miyake glanced at Yoji Shimokawa.

After hearing a lot of criticism, the young man was a little frustrated.

But he obviously listened to what he said.

Being able to accept opinions is a very good quality, and Miyake likes such a junior very much.

He continued: "Shimokawa-kun, I have a feeling that you are good at planning, knowing what readers want to see, and knowing what to use to attract readers, right?"

Yoji Shimokawa, who was lowering his head, raised his head in confusion: "Yes...right."

That's right.

From the plot to the arrangement of the storyboards of "The Fall of Go-chan", he carefully conceived every detail for a long time.

All he thought about was how to show the cute and lovable side of the character as much as possible, and how to further attract readers who read this comic.

Miyake: "I think that there are two types of cartoonists, one is inspirational and the other is layout-based. Painters who focus on inspiration may not worry too much and simply rely on intuition, passion and innate sense of smell to paint. Layout-based painters will focus on analyzing market intelligence and paint their works after some rational calculations."

"Generally speaking, most of the writers who can draw top-selling and popular comics are inspirational geniuses."

Hearing this, Shimokawa Yoji became even more frustrated, but then he heard——

"Don't be too frustrated, I'm not saying that layout-based painters are bad. In fact, there is nothing wrong with analyzing market trends and controlling readers' needs. Comics are drawn for readers after all."

In Miyake's view, this is unavoidable.

Step-by-step calculations are indeed not as good as those that are naturally created by a master's hand.

But this does not mean that there is a difference between the two types of painters.

Whether it is good at layout or relying on inspiration, it is a manifestation of talent as a cartoonist.

In fact, even he himself is a layout-type creator.

"It is more difficult for layout-type artists to succeed than inspiration-type artists, but once they succeed, it means that they can understand the market and fully control the needs of readers, which means that they can continuously output high-quality content. On the other hand, once inspiration-type artists run out of inspiration, they may face the situation where their serialized works are cut off or unfinished, or one work is a big hit, while the next work is unknown."

"So, Shimokawa-kun, I think you have great potential. If possible, I hope to continue to pay attention to your subsequent development."

"Well, I..." Shimokawa Yoji didn't know what to say for a while.

After only about twenty minutes of conversation, he was so impressed by the editor in front of him.

There is a feeling of "I am committed to you from now on".

Fumiya Takahashi, who was watching the whole process from behind, was also amazed.

From his calm onlooker's perspective, Yoji definitely benefited a lot from what Mr. Editor said. At this moment, even if his friend kowtows to Mr. Editor twice, he must be willing to do it. of.

It seems that the editors of Night Travel Club are very professional.

But speaking of it, is this reasonable?

It was just the first time we met, the first time I saw Yoji's drawings.

Why does this editor seem to see everything about Yoji at a glance?

Whether it's ability or quality, all aspects.

He is not so much an editor as he is a person with super powers.

But thinking about it this way, it's a bit of a pity.

"Mr. Mizushima" has such a terrifying talent, but he is just an editor in the night club who welcomes new cartoonists.

If his position was higher, if he was a senior member of the Night Travel Club...

Takahashi was still thinking when he heard "Mr. Mizushima" speak again: "Shimokawa-kun, I hope you can take "Satoru-chan's Fall of Sloth" back and revise it carefully, and then you can try Tou Toishan prize."

Toriyama Prize.

This is an award for new cartoonists created under the instruction of Ms. Shiori Kamiya after the establishment of Yoyo Club.

It is named after Toriyama Seishen, a famous yokai painter from the Edo period.

New cartoonists who can be selected for this award can receive a bonus of 200,000 yen and a commemorative shield medal issued by Yakusha. Qualified candidates are awarded 500,000 yen and a medal, and the new cartoonist who finally wins the crown will receive 1 million yen and the Toriyama trophy.

After the establishment of the Night Club, it established more than just the Toriyama Award, and it obviously spared no effort in attracting and cultivating cartoonists.

Just from this point of view, we can also know that their plans are very broad.

After all, there is financial support from religious forces such as Juqiong Shrine and Yoshikoji Temple, so money is not an issue.

Chiaki Miyake: "As long as the performance of "Gatoro-chan's Fall" can be improved to a higher level, there should be no problem in winning the Toriyama Prize. By then, this manga can also be published in "Hyakuki Night Walk". If it can be published, There will also be a salary of about 12,000 yen for one page. Of course, because the characters from "Uncertain Lady Mary" are used, the copyright of the comic belongs to Yoyosha, which you should have known beforehand."

"Last issue, can Yoji's works be serialized in "Hyakuki Night Journey"?" Hidaka Tsunryo interjected from behind.

"It's just a short story, and it's still early for serialization." Mr. Miyake smiled, "Of course, I personally hope that this comic will appear in serial form in "Hyakuki Night Walk" in the future. Hmm. ...Well, Shimokawa-kun, Yeyou Club has signed contracts with many mature cartoonists. If you are willing, I can arrange for you to be an assistant. You should learn a lot from this process. "

Chiaki Miyake really hopes to see "Satoro-chan's Fall" published in a serial form in "Hyakuki Night Walk" in the future.

This comic has good potential.

And if this is the case, Wu-chan won't need to worry too much about the spread of his faith in the cultural field in the future.

Of course, before that, Shimokawa Yoji's abilities must be greatly improved and improved.

Isn't this the purpose of establishing the Night Tour Club?

No matter how powerful Mr. Su Liu is, no matter how powerful he is, there are only 24 hours in a day.

Only by absorbing and cultivating a group of outstanding cartoonists who belong to the Night Club can we export cultural works and provide better support for the propagation of various ghost stories and beliefs within Takamagahara's influence.

Everything is for the great Lord Kamiya!

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